HomeMy WebLinkAbout01.19.95 Minutes MINUTES SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO PLANNING COMMISSION Regular Meeting of January 19, 1995 CALL TO ORDER: 7:30 P.M. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Mantegani, Vice-Chairman Lucchesi, Commissioners DeZordo, Padreddii, Warren. MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioner Romero ALSO PRESENT: Planning Division Steve Solomon Steve Padovan Steve Mattas Richard Harmon "T. C." Cayssials Ron Petrocchi F. Lagomarsino City Attorney Engineering Division Building Division Police Department Fire Department CHAIRMAN COMMENTS APPROVAL OF MINUTES of October 6, 1994 and October 20, 1994 Motion-Lucchesi/Second-Warren: To approve the minutes of October 6, 1994 as presented. They were unanimously approved by voice vote. ABSTAINED: Commissioners DeZordo and Padreddii. Motion-DeZordo/Second-Padreddii: To approve the minutes of October 20, 1994 as presented. They were unanimously approved by voice vote. ABSTAINED: Commissioner Warren. PUBLIC HEARING - AGENDA ITEMS 270 E. Grand Avenue. Tularik. Inc.. PUD-94-38. Negative Declaration No. 781 Planned Unit Development for the construction of a two-story 51,382 sq. ft. research and development building on a 2.88 acre parcel at the Pointe Grand Business Park with related parking and landscaping improvements in the P- I Planned Industrial Zone District in accordance with the provisions of SSFMC Chapter 20.84. Page 1 of 7 Pages PC Meeting of 1/19/95 Assistant Planner Steve Padovan presented the staff report. Representing the applicant: Douglas White WHL Architects 226 Airport Parkway, Ste. 595 San Jose, CA 95110 Mr. White explained that the building will house a biotech research and development facility and that he was available to answer any questions the Commission might have. Commissioner DeZordo asked what type of research will occur at this site. Mr. White stated that it related to the production of therapeutic pharmaceuticals through the application of biotechnology. Mr. White answered questions regarding the storage of hazardous materials, including their location and how they are regulated. It was the Commission's consensus that this was a good project and a good design. Motion-DeZordo/Second-Warren: To approve Negative Declaration No. 781. It was unanimously approved by voice vote. Motion-DeZordo/Second- Warren: To approve PUD-94-38 based on the findings and subject to the conditions of approval. It was unanimously approved by voice vote. 6 Viewmont Terrace. Jean Tony Velazco. PUD-94-39 Planned Unit Development permit to allow for a 284 sq. ft. bedroom addition onto an existing three bedroom residence in the Viewmont Terrace Planned Unit Development according to the provisions of SSFMC Section 20.84.030. Assistant Planner Steve Padovan presented the staff report. Representing the applicant: Fred Prendergast Architect 1124 Summer Avenue Burlingame Mr. Prendergast stated that the applicant had submitted signed letters from several property owners in the subdivision. Planner Padovan stated that he had not included them in the packet because they were received late. Copies were handed to the Commission. Page 2 of 7 Pages PC Meeting of 1/19/95 Speaking against the proj~ct: Joshua Wong 9 Viewmont Terrace South San Francisco Mr. Wong explained his house is directly across from the proposed addition. He believed this addition would destroy the character and harmony of the neighborhood since it is quite sizeable. In addition, his views would be blocked. Speaking against the project: Roger Chan 17 Viewmont Terrace South San Francisco Mr. Chan was concerned that a homeowner's meeting was not held to explain the project and give them an opportunity to review the blueprints. He said he did receive a notice from the City but not from the homeowner's association. Commissioner Warren asked Mr. Velazco, the current homeowner's president, if there was a formal action taken by the Board of Directors approving the addition. The applicant said, "Yes." Commissioner Warren further explained that the Planning Commission's actions are separate from any association's CC&R's and even though the Commission may approve the project, the association has the final authority in that area. It was the consensus of the Commission to continue this application until the application received approval or denial from the homeowner's association. Motion- Warren/Second-DeZordo: To continue PUD-94-39 to the February 16th Planning Commission meeting. It was unanimously approved by voice vote. 344 Commercial Avenue. Navarro Residence (R. I & June Navarro). V-94-323 Variance from SSFMC Section 20.74.120(c) to allow 2 parking spaces in the required frontyard setback in the R-3 Zone District. Assistant Planner presented the staff report. Applicant: Reynaldo Navarro 344 Commercial Avenue Sou th San Francisco Mr. Navarro explained his need for the parking space. He further explained that he cannot park in the accessory building because he uses it for a tool shed and storage. Page 3 of 7 Pages PC Meeting of 1/19/95 The Commission asked if there was a way this variance could be approved without opening the door to city-wide requests. Chief Planner Solomon asked for a continuance to the February 2nd meeting in order for staff to look at the physical characteristics of the site to determine if findings for approval can be developed. Motion- Warren/Second-Padreddii: To continue V-94-323 to February 2, 1995. It was unanimously approved by voice vote. Chairman Mantegani called for a 10-minute recess at 8:25 P.M. The meeting was readjourned at 8:35 P.M. 460 Pt. San Bruno Blvd..Genentech Campus. ZA-94-89 and RZ-94-87. Negative Declaration No. 783 ZA 94-89 a Zoning Amendment adding the Research and Development Overlay District to the South San Francisco Municipal Code facilitating the coordinated development of corporate facilities, RZ 94-87 a Reclassification of the Genentech campus to the Research and Development Overlay District and Negative Declaration No. 783 assessing the potential environmentaL impacts, in accordance with provisions of SSFMC Chapter 20.87. The Genentech Campus Reclassification affects only the Genentech sites situated near the intersection of Point San Bruno and Forbes Boulevards and includes the following parcels: APN's 015-092-250, 015-092-260, 015-092-280, 015-093-080, 015-231-410, 015-232-160, 015-232- 180, 015-232-190, 015-232-270, 015-232-400, 015-232-420, 015-232-430, 015-240-250, 015-250- 300, 015-250-310, 015-260-020, 015-260-030 and 015-260-040. These parcels are situated in the vicinity of the intersection of Point San Bruno Boulevard and Forbes Boulevard. Chief Planner Solomon presented the staff report. City Attorney Mattas stated that changes are as follows: Section 20.39.060, Subsection (b )(5) second line - .......small at-grade open parking lots of less than 50 changed to read: .......small at-grade open parking lots not exceeding 50 Also, a map will be added to Chapter 20.40 as part of the ordinance. Page 4 of 7 Pages PC Meeting of 1/19/95 Peter Yee, Genentech, Inc., said he worked closely with staff developing procedure and permit review process. He stated he was available for any questions the Commission might have. Commissioner Warren questioned Section 20.39.060 (c)(3)(A). A discussion ensued regarding the wording of this section. Motion-Warren/Second-Lucchesi: To recommend that City Council 1) approve Negative Declaration No. #783, and 2) adopt resolutions recommending that the City Council a) adopt Chapter 20.39 R&D Overlay District Regulations, and b) adopt Chapter 20.40 Genentech R&D Overlay District Regulations, and c) reclassify the Genentech properties from Planned Industrial to Planned IndustriallGenentech R&D Overlay District. It was unanimously approved by voice vote. 1520 Grandview Drive. Genentech. Inc. (Bldg. 25). UP-94-981. Negative Declaration No. 785 Use Permit and Design Review to allow a new 3-story office building containing approximately 65,000 sq. ft. of floor area with related parking and landscaping situated in the Planned Industrial Zone District in accordance with SSFMC 20.32.060. Chief Planner Solomon presented the staff report. He then read the Engineering Division conditions into the record which were inadvertently omitted from the staff report. Representing the Applicant: Peter Yee Genentech, Inc. 460 Pt. San Bruno Blvd. South San Francisco Mr. Yee introduced the Genentech staff who have worked on this project and then gave a brief background as to why Genentech made a decision to do this project. He explained that a subcommittee composed of Commissioners Lucchesi and Romero and the Design Review Board had worked closely to come up with the presented project. Mr. Quezada, the architect, explained the design of the building and he gave a conceptual ovelView. He said he was available for any questions the Commission might have. Commissioner Lucchesi asked the explanation of the link between buildings 24 and 25. Senior Inspector "T.C." Cayssials stated that she could not make an assessment with the drawings dated November 15, 1994 but that she had received further information from Genentech. Page 5 of 7 Pages PC Meeting of 1/19/95 It was the Commission's consensus that it was a very good project. Motion-Warren/Second-Lucchesi: To approve Negative Declaration No. 785. It was unanimously approved by voice vote. Motion-Warren/Second-Lucchesi: To approve UP-94-981 based on the findings and modified conditions of approval. Building Condition #2 was deleted. It was unanimously approved by voice vote. 1600 Grandview Drive. Genentech. Inc.. Genentech. Inc. (Bldg. 24). UP-91-903/Mod 1. Negative Declaration No. 785 Modification of Use Permit and Design Review to allow increased landscaping and off-site parking for vehicles, situated in the Planned Industrial Zone District in accordance with SSFMC 20.32.060 and 20.74.120(b). Chief Planner Solomon presented the staff report. He stated that all the related information was the same as for UP-91-981. Negative Declaration No. 785 was approved with UP-94-981. Motion-DeZordo/Second-Warren: To approve UP-91-903jMod 1 based on the findings and subject to the conditions of approval. It was unanimously approved by voice vote. 1200-1400 Grandview Drive. Genentech. Inc. (Bldg. 20). UP-85-734/Mod 4 Use Permit to allow building modifications and the operation of a portion of an existing warehouse area for interim storage of lab waste, located at 1200-1400 Grandview Drive in the Planned Industrial Zone District in accordance with the provisions of SSFMC 20.81. Motion- Warren/Second-Lucchesi: To continue UP-85-734jMod 4 for sixty (60) days. It was unanimously approved by voice vote. Reorganization of the Planning Commission Chairman Mantegani nominated Commissioner Lucchesi for Chairman. Motion- Warren/Second-DeZordo: To approve the nomination of Commissioner Lucchesi for Chairman. It was unanimously approved by voice vote. Commissioner Padreddii nominated Commissioner DeZordo for Vice-Chairman. Commissioner DeZordo declined the nomination. Page 6 of 7 Pages PC Meeting of 1/19/95 Commissioner DeZordo nominated Commissioner Warren for Vice-Chairman. Motion-Padreddii/Second-Lucchesi: To approve the nomination of Commissioner Warren for Vice-Chairman. It was unanimously approved by voice vote. Items from Staff - Chief Planner Solomon stated that there had been two Council study sessions on two projects; Shearwater and Terrabay. He briefly described the discussions. Items from Commission - Commissioner DeZordo stated that he had received a letter from Tony Shen, Design Review Board Member. The Commission advised him that a letter had been sent to him offering him a leave of absence. In response to Commissioner DeZordo's comment regarding receiving a card from the Syufy Theaters, City Attorney Mattas discussed the limitations on the use of such items. Commissioner DeZordo also advised that he had attended a Kaiser meeting which he found very interesting. Chairman Lucchesi presented outgoing Chairman Mantegani with a plaque. He told him that it had been an education to serve as Vice-Chair under him and that the whole Commission extended their thanks to him. Commissioner Mantegani said that he would stay on until someone else came on board. Motion-Warren/Second-Padreddii: To adjourn the meeting to February 2, 1995. Chairman Lucchesi adjourned the meeting at 9:55 P.M. k~~~J Steve Solomon, Secretary Planning Commission City of South San Francisco JL:SS:ab Page 7 of 7 Pages PC Meeting of 1/19/95