HomeMy WebLinkAbout01.18.96 Minutes MINUTES SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO PLANNING COMMISSION January 18, 1996 CALL TO ORDER: 7:35 P.M. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE MEMBERS PRESENT: Chainnan Warren, Commissioners Barnett, DeZordo, Lucchesi, Masuda, and Padreddii. MEMBERS ABSENT: Vice-Chainnan Romero ALSO PRESENT: Planning Division: Chief Planner Act. Secretary II Dir. of E&CD Assistant City Attorney Police Departlnent Steve Sololnon Rosa Perez Marty Van Duyn Larissa Seto Ron Petrocchi CHAIRMAN COMMENTS ORAL COMMUNICATIONS CONSENT CALENDAR - AGENDA ITEMS ZA-96-001 Development Agreement. Subdivision Ordinance Alnendlnent to SSFMC section 19.60.180 to allow the City Council to establish the tenn of a developlnent agreelnent at time of project approval. Motion-DeZordo/Second-Masuda: To approve a resolution recolnlnending that the City Council approve Subdivision Ordinance aInendlnent to SSFMC Section 19.60.180 to allow the City Council to establish the term of a Development Agreelnent at tilne of project approval. It was unanimously approved by voice vote. PUBLIC HEARING - AGENDA ITEMS ZA-96-002 Sign Ordinance Amendment. A Zoning Amenchnent to SSFMC section 20.76.090(h) regarding the placement of political caInpaign signs on private property, in accordance with SSFMC section 20.87. Chainnan Warren open the public hearing. Chief Planner Sololnon presented staff report. COlnmissioner Lucchesi asked where this request originated froln. Sololnon noted it was at Council's request. Discussion continued on the pros and cons of the separation between signs and observed that the ordinance's intent was to not have large signs. The COlnlnission concurred with a distance of two feet. Commissioner Masuda asked if the city relnoves signs because they are not relnoved promptly, and are candidates charged by the City for their services? Assistant City Attorney Seto advised that there are provisions in the Sign Ordinance for actions of violations and are enforced by the Code Enforcelnent Officer. Seto noted that 6 inches was just a lninilnuln recolnlnended by their office. She continued to say that the maxiInum 16 square feet per sign, was selected as a pennissible regulation size because it had been upheld in a Redwood City case. Discussion continued that 16 square feet could be too large. Sololnon advised this iteln was not noticed to change minimum sign size. No further comlnents froln the public. Chairman Warren closed the public hearing. Motion-DeZordo/Second-Barnett: To approve a resolution recolnlnending City Council approval of ZA-96-002, sign ordinance aInendlnent with the two foot separation. It was unaniInously approved by voice vote. 162 & 164 W. Harris Ave., Troyer Door Control (Doug Troyer, owner) V -95-325 and Negative Declaration No. 806 Variance to allow tandeln parking and parking in front setback in accordance with the provisions of SSFMC Section 20.82.080. Chairman Warren open the public hearing. Chief Planner Sololnon presented staff report. Me. Doug Troyer spoke briefly on the application. Me. James Milward, Architect, noted correction on staff report "five existing parking spaces, there are seven". The cOlnpany has been here for 19 years and has not increased its elnployees. He lnentioned that with the new handicap stall, two regular parking stalls were lost; and should they hire a handicap person, they would then install handicap parking, restroolns and provide other access within the building. The applicant asked that the variance be approve since the site is surrounded by easelnents, is located at the end of a cul-de-sac and with no thru traffic. The Commission discussed the possibilities of abandoning the easement and the area being used for additional parking or obtaining pennission from railroad cOlnpany for the use of the area as parking. Chairman Warren closed the public hearing. Page 2 of 8 PC Meeting of 1/18/96 In response to COlnlnissioner DeZordo's question, the architect noted the business next door is a furniture company and has two or three employees; Troyer's has seven elnployees. There are two docks, one for each business. Commissioner Luchessi asked if applicant had asked the railroad to use the property? The architect said no. The Commission discussed the reasons for the additional square footage which resulted in requiring handicap access and additional parking. Sololnon stated there was increased office space, which resulted in the additional parking requirelnents. Discussion continued on the amount of the increase and how it affected the parking requirelnents. Discussion continued on the area between the building and railroad tracks, and possible parallel or angled parking within the railroad easelnent using the railroad right-of-way to access the area. The Comlnission noted a new business could have more employees and would not necessarily COlne back for review. Commissioner Lucchesi explained the required variance findings. Chainnan Warren recolnlnended that the applicant arrange an agreelnent with the Railroad COlnpany for the use of the easelnent for parking. Assistant City Attorney Seto noted that Sololnon had stated that the applicant needed an easelnent or a covenant to use the right-of-way. COlnmissioner DeZordo presented an idea to applicant of possible parking arrangelnents. Motion-Barnett/Second-Masuda: To continue this case to February 1, 1996 Planning Commission Meeting to provide the applicant tiIne to arrange pennission to use adjoining right-of-way. It was unaniInously approved by voice vote. 920 Stonegate Drive, NEXTEL, (BPO Elks, No. 2091, owner) UP-90-878/Mod 2; Cat. Ex.: Class 1, Section 15301 Use Permit Modification to allow installation of an unlnanned telecolnlnunication facility consisting of (12) 8 ft. high roof lnounted antenna and a 715 sq. ft. ground based equipment storage building in an R-2-H-P Residential District in accordance with the provisions of SSFMC Section 20.20.030(b) and 20.91 Chainnan Warren opened the public hearing. Chief Planner Sololnon presented staff report; noted this is the third antenna request for this property in the past five years. Page 3 of 8 PC Meeting of 1/18/96 Applicant's Representative: Ms. Josam Ozyp Nextel Corp. 475 14th Street Oakland, CA Independent Consultant: Willialn F. Hammet, P.E. Hammet & Edison, Inc. Consul ting Engineers 470 3rd Street W. Sonora, CA 95476 Speaking Against Application: Rodney Hamblin 61 Lake Forest Drive Daly City, CA Attorney for Ms. Annas 963 Ridgeview Ct. Mr. David Diller 964 C Ridgeview Ct. SSF Joan Grant 862 Stonegate Dr. SSF Liane Novak 836 Ridge Court South San Francisco Ms. JosaIn explained that this is an unlnanned station, with only eight panel antenna, the overall height would be eight feet. The array could be "u" or "v" shape. With front and back screening, these would appear similar to an air conditioner on the roof. She noted that Inost of the City staff's concerns are visual and Conditions 6, 7 & 8 refer to existing enclosure, the curbing, and hydro seeding. Mr. Bill HaInlnet & Richard Ruff are here to answer questions. Me. Halnlnet's finn Ineasures and Initigates RF exposure. They have done work for the City of Atherton, Marin and Sacramento. He had reviewed the conditions at 920 Stonegate Drive and finds that the RF exposure conditions in accessible areas will easily meet the prevailing guidelines for hUlnan exposure to RF energy. Discussion continued on the distance of hOlnes and differences between EMF and RF radiation. Mr. HaInlnet noted that a Decelnber 1995 report froln San Diego is available for the COlnlnission's review. The Stonegate Terrace Association, the units are above the Elks Club, are concerned with the cUlnulative effects. Mr. HaInblin noted that there Inay be 20 to 25 antennas with sheds to keep their equiplnent and there would be several repair trucks at least once a week. He felt this cOlnpany may need to look for another site since this one is overused. .................................................... J.i~g!inlig:::nj::rn~pi::::1 Mr. Diller, representing the Board of Directors for Stonegate Terrace Assoc. He noted this is residential area and is concerned that these antennas this will change the architecture of the building and will becolne an eye sore. Ms. Grant, representing the Stonegate HOlneowners Assoc. and noted that in the CC&R do not allowed residents to put up antennas. Ms. Novak wants the neighborhood to relnain a residential area. Page 4 of 8 PC Meeting of 1/18/96 Speaking Against Application: Laura Smith 951 A Ridgeview South San Francisco Ms. Slnith was concerned with long tenn effect of what this will look like, their property needs to be Inaintained. She has not seen a picture of these antennas. Chairman Warren suggested that an EMF and RF studies be conducted. The Chief Planner recommended that photos showing visual ilnpacts of the building be prepared and need to request report about the EMS and RF radiation be prepared by an independent company. Discussion continued on the scope of the report and that the cUlnulative effects of both EMS and RF shall be included. Applicant's Engineer: Rick Ruff 2160 Sol Street San Leandro, CA 94578 Me. Ruff, the RF Engineer with Nextel, explained that they use a maxilnum of ten repeaters in a shelter with cables going to the antennas. COlnlnissioner Luchessi asked that the hOlneowner's associations lneet with applicant before the next Commission lneeting. Motion-Masuda/Second-Lucchesi: To continue this iteln off calendar based on: 1) That EMS and RF radiation studies on cUlnulative ilnpact of the proposed antennas situated at the Elk's building be prepared by an independent consultant to be retained by the City at the applicant's expense. 2) A report froln the Building Division showing structures to support antennas, and 3) A study of the visual impact of the cumulative collection of antennas and other structures on the site. The Motion was approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: Chainnan Warren, COlnlnissioners Lucchesi, Masuda, and Barnett. NOES: COlnlnissioner DeZordo. ABSTAINED: COlnlnissioner Padreddii. ABSENT: Vice-Chairman ROlnero. Chairman Warren called for a 5 lninute recess at 9:25 PM and the meeting was called back to order at 9:30 PM. 713 Linden Avenue, K. Ergur, Applicant (L. F. Ercoli, Owner) Extension of Period of Abandonment Extension of period of abandonlnent for an existing full service restaurant (fonnerly Leaning Tower) and adjacent supporting parking facilities, in accordance with the provisions of SSFMC Section 20.97.070. Chief Planner Sololnon presented staff report and noted that staff does propose Categorical Exelnption on this project. This extension application is the first of its kind and a site plan was not sublnitted. Staff has copied plans of the site froln Planning files and recolnlnendation of approval of extension is with conditions concerning health and safety issues only. Page 5 of 8 PC Meeting of 1/18/96 Applicant: Mr. Kory Ergur 938 Linden Ave. SSP Mr. Ergur noted he proposes to keep it as restaurant with cOlnedians, and Inusic. He wants to open on Sundays as a coffee shop. He is aware of safety issues and concerns of the Police Departlnent. Chief Planner Sololnon noted to the applicant that if he wants entertainment he will need a modification to the use permit which is another application. Sgt. Petrocchi explained that this use is a restaurant and bar only and if entertainment is considered the application will have additional conditions of approval equal to El Meson Del Mariachi. Chairman Warren closed the public hearing. The Commission reviewed the Conditions of Approval and enforcement capabilities by City which are covered in the existing use pennit, except for Condition No.5 which is a Police Department condition for business license. Chief Planner Sololnon explained that these conditions are life safety issues and are reenforced by Inaking theln conditions. Director of E&CD Van Duyn noted it is beneficial to bring these requirelnents together as a sUlnmary for your information. Comlnissioner Padreddii agrees with Option B. COlnlnissioner DeZordo agrees with Option A with changes of hours of operation froln 11 :00 AM to 2:00 AM changed to 9:00 AM to 11 :00 PM. Director Van Duyn noted the change of hours is not possible at this titne, applicant would need to apply for a Inodification of the use pennit. Discussion of the Comlnission's and applicant's concerns followed with stonn water drainage and to have the applicant Inaintain existing landscaping. The applicant acknowledge they are willing to do all of these conditions except for one. Motion-Masuda/Second-Barnett: To approve PCA-96-009 based on the findings and subject to the revised conditions of approval: 3. Prior to issuance of the certificate of occupancy, roof and site drainage shall be conveyed to the curb in a pipe or other device in such a manner as to not allow said drainage to flow over the sidewalk. a stonn watcr conveyancc systCln shall be installed t-o c1itninate stonn ~atcr froin flowing over the public sidcwalks. The plans shall be subject to the review and approval of the City Engineer. 4. The stonn drainage facilities of all parking lots should also be upgraded utilizing best managClnent practices to litnit pollutants froln entering the City drainage systCln. The plan shall be subject to the review and approval of the City's Stonn \Vater Coordinator and thc City Engineer. The applicant shall convey stonn watcr to thc City's storm drainage systCln. The conveyance systcm shall be designed to the City's standards and shall be subject to the rcv iew and approval by the City Engineer. Page 6 of 8 PC Meeting of 1/18/96 5. Prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy and prior to opening the restaurant, the parking lots shall be restriped in accordance with DP 75-9 and the City standards contained in the SSFMC Chapter 20.74. The three parking spaces at 707 Linden Avenue adjacent to the public right-of way shall be eliIninated and replaced with landscaping. or handicap acccss in accordance with Dr 75-9. All parking spaces not adjacent to a six inch tall curb shall havc wheel stops installed. The restriping plans shall be subject to the review and approval of the City's Chief Planner. 7. Prior to issuance of the certificate of occupancy and opening the restaurant, the parking lots' landscaped areas shall be upgraded and maintained in a healthy condition in perpetuity. relandscaped in accordance with Dr 75-9 and the City standards. The final landscape plans including irrigation plans shall be subject to the review and approval of the City's Landscape Architect. ~~g~!pi~!g::[gi:[I~p~j[i~. It was approved by the following roll call vote. AYES: Chainnan Warren, COlnlnissioner Masuda, Barnett, DeZordo and Lucchesi. NOES: COlnlnissioner Padreddii is in favor of extension but preferred Option B. ABSENT: Vice-Chainnan ROlnero. ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS Interpretation of East of 101 Area Plan policy DE-49 regarding the height of signs. Staff recommended that this iteln be continued to February 1, 1996 lneeting. Continuance approved. Items from Staff Chief Planner Sololnon reviewed the agenda for the Special Planning COlnlnission meeting with the Design Review Board for January 25, 1996. Chief Planner Sololnon infonned of the new case numbering systeln. Updates on Genentech 18,000 sq ft addition and also looking for day care center off-site possibly Terrabay Phase III. The Oliver restaurant bought by So. City Ford. Items from Commission Comlnissioner DeZordo wanted copy of Specific Plan, Chief Planner advised that copies of Specific Plans are COIning to the COlnlnission. Page 7 of 8 PC Meeting of 1/18/96 Discussion on the need for a cOlnlnittee to recognize persons as "Top Gun" at the end of the year. Assistant City Attorney Seto advised they lnay need a public notice to establish a subcolnlnittee. Commission agreed to have this noticed and discussed at the special meeting. Chairman Warren asked that the Street Division look in the Hillside Blvd. and Sister City Blvd. the launching pad is beginning to dip, going westbound near traffic signal Items from the Public - None Adjournment: Motion-Masuda/Second-Barnett: To adjourn meeting at 10:45 PM. Meeting adjourned to January 25, 1996 Special Planning COlnlnission Meeting. t/~ Steve Solomon, Secretary Planning COlnlnission City of South San Francisco "' 1J{~m W~ Margaret Warren, Chainnan Planning COlnlnission City of South San Francisco SS:rp Page 8 of 8 PC Meeting of 1/18/96