HomeMy WebLinkAbout01.04.96 Minutes MINUTES SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO PLANNING COMMISSION January 4, 1996 CALL TO ORDER: 7:35 P.M. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE MEMBERS PRESENT: Chainnan Lucchesi and Vice-Chairman Warren, COlnlnissioners Barnett, DeZordo, Masuda, and ROlnero MEMBERS ABSENT: COlnlnissioner Padreddii ALSO PRESENT: Planning Division: Chief Planner Senior Planner InteriIn Planner Act. Secretary II E. & C. D. Director: Assist. City Attorney: City Engineer: Senior Eng. Tech. CHAIRMAN COMMENTS APPROVAL OF MINUTES Steve Sololnon Steve Carlson Lawrence Kasparowitz Rosa Perez Marty Van Duyn Larissa Seto Arthur Wong Richard Hannon Motion-Warren/Second-Rolnero: To approved the July 20, 1995 Ininutes as presented. Correction made to reflect that Chainnan Lucchesi was absent at that meeting. The corrected minutes were unaniInously approved, by the majority of those present at the July 20th meeting, by voice vote with Chairman Lucchesi, COlnlnissioners Barnett and DeZordo abstaining. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS CONSENT CALENDAR - AGENDA ITEMS 740 Del Monte Ave., Alta Lorna Pre-School (Grace Covenant Church, owner) UP-95-996 Use Permit to allow a pre-school accolnlnodating up to 36 children in accordance to the provisions of SSFMC Section 20. 16.030(b). (Continuance requested to February 1, 1996) Motion-Warren/Second-Rolnero: To continue Consent Calendar iteln to February 1, 1996 meeting. It was unaniInously approved by voice vote. PUBLIC HEARING - AGENDA ITEMS 345 Shaw Road, Karpa Storage (L.& V. Calvi, owner) UP-95-1000 and Negative Declaration No. 800 Use Penn it to allow construction of a personal storage and RV facility in accordance with the provisions of SSFMC Section 20.30.040 (a) and (b). Senior Planner Carlson presented staff report noted the revisions made as discussed at the Planning Commission Study Session in Decelnber. Applicant: Paul Karakashian Karpa Group Mr. Karakashian noted the revisions to cOlnply with the COlnmission's concerns discussed at the previous Study Session and presented photos of the view froln the freeway. He asked for clarification of Engineering's Condition B.1.b overlay, they are willing to patch any dmnaged areas, or was the whole area of the street expected to be overlay. Mr. Karakashian noted his concerns of the Police Departlnent's requirelnents: #C.3.a.6), #C.3.a.9), #C.3.d.l) an alternatives would be 24-hr. motion detectors, #C.3.d.2) too many lights on building, doors and parking lot, #C.3.i.5). Senior Eng. Technician Hannon said that the overlay, curb and gutter along the property frontage should be relnoved and reconstructed; street pavelnent to align with the new curb and gutter; but if there are areas that do not need this, it will not be necessary. Applicant acknowledged that he understood that the overlay was required. The COlnlnission Inentioned that Sgt. Petrocchi needs to clarify the required lighting and that the Commission did not wish to Inake changes to standard parking lots requirements. Discussion continued on types of barbed-wire fences. Chief Planner Solomon noted that the City Council had discussed barbed-wire use but no policy was set. The Commission asked that the barbed-wire or razor ribbon to be struck out and to make it an 8 foot fence. Applicant acknowledge he would have no probleln with the 8 foot fence around the site. Discussion followed on color schelne to break off the large portion of the building, material of building, and how landscaping can help to cover the blankness of the long stretch of building. Representing Applicant: Greg Louis Landscape Architect In response to the COlnlnission' s questions, Mr. Louis noted that they proposed eucalyptus trees due to the harsh environment of the ocean and winds of South San Francisco. He explained they propose 15 trees on the north end of the project, and a few on the east and west sides of building D, but if the COlnmission desires, they would use a substitute. Discussion continued on landscaping variations, applicant agreed with vines every 25 feet with shrubs between buildings. Page 2 of 6 PC Meeting of 1/4/96 Representing Applicant: Mike Lindstrom 603 Montevista, Healdsberg, CA Mr. Lindstroln cOlnlnented on the access road at the rear of the site. Discussion continued on control gate at the entry way, access to the 2nd story units and their use. Chainnan Lucchesi concerned with the design of the 8' fence, Mr. Lindstrom noted they would work with Planning staff on the design as discussed. H~I:gn~:ggj:jgf:jocipi:!:I: The Commission was concerned with the grading of the site and staff referred to the conditions of approval as mitigated measures. COlnlnissioner DeZordo asked that the City Engineer review the profile of elevations in conjuction with the grading. In response to the COlnmission' s concerns, Mr. Lindstroln noted that the residential unit was for the security manager and the entrance was separate froln the rental storage units. Discussion continued and the Commission concurred to add a condition that the unit would be rented only to the security manager. Chairman Lucchesi asked on the signage. The applicant noted there were only entrance and exit signs and he showed the COlnlnission photos. Discussion continued on the signs on the buildings. Mr. Lindstroln noted there would only be one sign facing the freeway. Motion-Masuda/Second-Warren: To approve Negative Declaration No. 800. It was unanimously approved by voice vote. Motion-Warren/Second-Masuda: To approve UP-95-1000 subject to the findings contained in the staff report and amended conditions of approval. It was unanimously approved by voice vote. 128 Harbor Way, Bay Area/Diablo Petroleum Company, SC-95-31 Type "C" Sign Penn it to allow a sign progratn including a pole sign 26 feet in height and a total sign area of 262 square feet, in accordance with SSFMC Section 20.76. (Continuance requested to February 1, 1996) Motion-Warren/Second-Barnett: To continue SC-95-31 to Planning COlnlnission Ineeting of February 1, 1996. It was unanitnously approved by voice vote. Chainnan Lucchesi called for a five minute recess at 8:55 PM, meeting called back to order at 9:00 PM. Page 3 of 6 PC Meeting of 1/4/96 ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS East of 101 Area Plan policy DE49 Interpretation of East of 101 Area Plan policy DE49 regarding the height of signs. InteriIn Planner Kasparowitz presented staff report recolnlnending that the Planning Commission re-exalnine the interpretation of the East of 101 Policy DE-49 prohibiting Inonument signs over twelve feet in height. Chairman Lucchesi asked if staff did a research of any other signs in the past few years. Interim Planner Kasparowitz noted one on So. Airport Blvd. the gas station has a 12' sign (but came in as 26') and one on Produce Ave. west of 101. Vice-Chairman Warren and COlnlnissioner Masuda agreed with Alt. No.2, because it explains to the applicant what is expected. COlnlnissioner ROlnero and Barnett cOlnlnented that there needs to be a liInit, the 12' liInitation is reasonable, and any other height should COlne for review. The COlnmission discussed height lilnits of 12' to 20' within a specifically defined area. Discussion continued on the types of signage for exmnple only traveler oriented signs, no pole signs, and other alternatives such as La Quinta' s sign, "the bell and sign are part of the building". Vice-Chainnan Warren noted that the subcolnlnittee for the East of 101 study had agreed with the 12' liInit. Interiln Planner Kasparowitz clarified the three corridors; The El Camino, Airport Blvd. and E. of 101. Staff to return with more infonnation for further discussion at a future date. Reappointment of Design Review Board Members Kornfield, Shen and Williams. InteriIn Planner Kasparowitz reported expiration dates of the members: Mr. Shen in Nov. '95 and Ms. Kornfield and Mr. Willialns on Jan. '96. Mr. Shen has cOlnlnitlnents out of the country and did make a few Ineetings in '95, and prolnises to be available to half of the meetings for '96. Discussion continued on the iInportance of having a good balance of professionals on the Board, but that attendance is also iInportant. Commissioner DeZordo asked that the Planning Comlnission Ineet with the three members of the DRB and asked that they sublnit a written request which explains why they would like to be reappointed. Assist. City Attorney Seto advised this would need to be an open meeting. Commissioner DeZordo recolnlnended that a non-professionallnelnber, who is also a resident of South San Francisco, be considered as part of the Board. The COlnlnission agreed. The COlnmission agreed to meet with the three DRB Inelnbers individually and followed by a group Ineeting. The COlnlnission requested a special separate Ineeting to be scheduled for January 25, 1996 at City Hall Conference room. Page 4 of 6 PC Meeting of 1/4/96 Additional Administrative Item from Staff: Senior Planner Carlson asked for clarification on the COInInission's intent for the East of 101 Area Plan Geotechnical Policies. The policies in question are Policies 3, 4 and 5 regarding studies or extensive review of possible hazardous Inaterials; when does the policy apply. Mr. Carlson read Policy 3 and noted that "project developers" are required to do extensive studies and review of possible toxic Inaterials. The applicant is asking that the minor tenant improvements not require such extensive review or studies since he is only expanding parking with the consideration of an above ground oxygen tank. Staff asked if the COInInission felt the policy is specific enough or should applicant COIne back for review. The COInInission noted that the East of 101 policy would not expect an existing building to perfonn such an extensive review, on the other hand, if disruption occurs there are County and State regulations that they must meet. The San Mateo County Health Departlnent said they look at evidence that would warrant a hazardous waste investigation. Staff had suggest to the applicant to do some testing to protect their interest. Reorganization of the Planning Commission. ..................................................... H@g!Vpi!pg:::tili:W!pi:i:il: Motion-Lucchesi/Second-Rolnero: To appoint Margaret Warren as new Chainnan of the Planning COInInission. It was unanilnously approved. Chairman Warren presented a gavel to fonner Chainnan Lucchesi and thanked hiln for all his services. Motion-DeZordo/Second-Lucchesi: To appoint COInInissioner ROInero as the new Vice- Chainnan of the Planning COInInission. It was unanilnously approved. Items from Staff Senior Planner Carlson infonned that Genentech is up for an annual review in February or March does the COInInission have any particular iteIn of concern please let staff know. The Genentech Central Spine project is also cOIning in February with a Negative Declaration, a garage structure with 400 parking spaces across froln UPS, and they are still working on the Trailer offices. Furthennore, there is a possibility that sign hill land owners of 25 acres are considering creating a habitat. Mr. Carlson said Super Shell Station at Hickey and El Camino is requesting a speciallneeting for Feb. 8 to review problelns with difficult circulation on-site, and the environmental doculnent still needs to be reviewed by Caltrans. Chainnan Warren agreed that it should be cOInbined with the DRB review meeting. Page 5 of 6 PC Meeting of 1/4/96 Items from Commission The Commission discussed procedures when consultants and contractor requests meeting with individual Commissioners. Assistant City Attorney Seto noted that if a Commissioner is contact individually, you should contact other Comlnissioners and share what was discussed. The Commission concurred that applicants would be referred to a Study Session to discuss items. The Commission reminded staff that Planning Comlnissioner's hOlne phone numbers are confidential and should not be given out. Commissioner Lucchesi concerned with the mnount and type of trees being planted on Miller Ave. and other streets around town. City Engineer noted that the Streets, Public Works and Parks Department work on damaged sidewalks and street trees on an on-going basis. The COlnmission agreed to have Parks come to one of the Planning COlnlnission meetings to report on their current project. Comlnissioner Lucchesi discussed his visit to the Palo Alto Planning Commission. They reviewed their General Plan and created a list of cOlnlnunity goals and visions, which relninded hiln of COlnlnissioner Barnett's idea for our Planning COlnlnission to create a "Vision of the Planning COlnmission". Comlnissioner Masuda concerned with what is happening at the elnpty lot on Linden and Grand need to be kept clean. Assistant City Attorney Seto advised the use penn it required that the area be hydro seeded, fenced and eventually paved. Also, across Kaiser Hospital there was a big pile of lumber which needs to be picked up. A.C.A. Seto noted that code enforcelnent would be notified on these issues. Commissioner Barnett asked about unreinforced masonry building. Staff responded that when buildings change ownership the City requires theln to bring the building up to code. Chairman Warren noted that only unreinforced Inasonry buildings. Vice-Chainnan ROlnero notified that he would not be available for the 18th, meeting. Items from the Public None Adjournment: Motion-Warren/Second-Masuda: To adjourn Ineeting at 10: 15 PM. Meeting adjourned to January 18, 1996 Regular Planning COlnlnission Meeting. Steve Solomon, Secretary Planning COlnlnission City of South San Francisco SS : rp Page 6 of 6 PC Meeting of 1/4/96