HomeMy WebLinkAbout12.07.95 Minutes MINUTES SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO PLANNING COMMISSION Decem her 7, 1995 CALL TO ORDER: 7:30 P.M. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Lucchesi, Commissioners Masuda, Barnett, DeZordo, Romero and Padreddii MEMBERS ABSENT: Vice-Chairman Warren ALSO PRESENT: Planning Division: Chief Planner Senior Planner Senior Planner Interim Planner Act. Secretary II City Attorney, Assist. City Engineer Sr. Engineering Tech. Police Department CHAIRMAN COMMENTS Steve Solomon Steve Carlson Susy Kalkin Larry Kasparowitz Rosa Perez Larrisa Seto Arthur Wong Richard Harmon Sgt. Ron Petrocchi APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion-Romero/Second-Masuda: To approve the July 6, 1995 minutes as presented. They were unanimously approved by voice vote. CONSENT CALENDAR 740 Del Monte Ave., AHa Lorna Pre-School (Grace Covenant Church) UP-95-996 Use Permit to allow a pre-school accommodating.up to 36 children in accordance to the provisions of SSFMC Section 20. 16.030(b). Continuance requested to JanualY 4, 1996 nleeting. Kaufmann Court, Abandonment of Public Street and Adjacent five foot wide Public Utility Easement, Genentech, Inc. Abandonment of Kaufmann Court, a public street, in the vicinity of the intersection of Forbes and Point San Bruno Blvds., in accordance with the SSFMC and the California Streets and Highway Code Title 8300, and California Environmental Quality Act Section 15061(b)(3). Commissioner DeZordo about the status of the acoustical study for the Alta Loma Pre-School Center? Chief Planner Solomon noted it was underway. Motion-PadreddiilSecond-Romero: To approve Consent Calendar and continue UP-95-996 to the January 4th, 1996 Planning Commission Meeting. It was unanimously approved by voice vote. PUBLIC HEARING - AGENDA ITEMS 3963 Callan Blvd., Callan Food To Go, (Chung-Lang Yang & Regina Yang, owners) UP- 88-842/Mod 1 Use Permit Modification to amend a prior permit condition (Planning Division condition No.9) to allow a 3,000 sq. ft. full-service sit down restaurant and bakery within an existing 6,000 sq. ft. retail building and, due to the resultant parking supply, preclude usage of the remaining 3,000 sq. ft. of building area, in accordance with the provisions of S SFMC Chapter 20.91. Chairman Lucchesi opened the public hearing. Senior Planner Kalkin presented staff report. Aoolicant's reoresentative: Alex Tse 975 Lurline Drive Foster City, CA Mr. Tse noted the applicant plans to improve the building frontage and introduced landscape architect, Ms. Rosalyn Wheeler, who will be working to improve the landscaping surrounding the building. Chairman Lucchesi closed the public hearing. The Commission agreed with proposed improvements to the area, and the applicant agreed not to use a portion of the building, due to lack of parking availability. Staff noted the Fire Department has an annual check on building. Chairman Lucchesi asked for classification on the design of the store front windows. Motion-Romero/Second-Barnett: To approve UP-88-842/Mod 1 based on the findings contained in the staff report and subject to the conditions of approval. It was unanimously approved by voice vote. 599 Railroad Avenue, Basque Cultural Center, UP-91-901/Mod 2 Use Permit Modification to allow a 1,787 sq. ft. building expansion to an existing restaurant to provide additional dining area and handicap accessible restrooms stalls at the cultural center in accordance with the provisions ofSSFMC Chapter 20.91. Chairman Lucchesi opened the public hearing. Senior Planner Kalkin presented the staff report. Aoolicant: Mr. Gorostiague explained the proposed improvements to the Mr. Gorostiague restrooms, enlargement of the restaurant, and adding 90 parking spaces. 599 Railroad Ave., He presented the architect, Robert Williams to answer additional SSF questions. Page 2 of6 Pages PC Meeting of 12/7/95 The Commission complimented the Basque Center for its current efforts. Discussion continued regarding the improvements, and overflow parking available at KLIX as permitted by owners. Motion-DeZordo/Second-Padreddii: To approve UP-91-9011M0d 2 based on the findings contained in the staff report and subject to the conditions of approval. It was unanimously approved by voice vote. 176-180 Gateway Blvd., Olympian Oil Company, UP-95-997/Mod 1 Use Permit Modification to allow phased construction ofUP-95-997 in accordance with the provisions ofSSFMC Chapter 20.91. Chairman Lucchesi opened the public hearing. Interim Planner Kasparowitz presented staff report, and noted modification of Police Department's Condition No.5 which requires close circuit cameras on the entire site. It is intended that close circuit cameras are not required on this lot at this time, but will be required should the full project be built. Auolicant: George Firenze, VP Olympian Oil Co. 260 Mitchelle Ct., SSF Mr. Firenze noted that the parking lot is only for the use of customers from Lot 1. He asked that the Oyster Point Overpass Fee be applied when the third parcel is developed, and agrees with all other conditions of staff report. He noted that because of the transmission lines PG&E requires that they only use this lot for parking, and request that they be allowed to phase the project. Discussion continued on the Oyster Point Overpass fee. Chief Planner advised the applicant that only the City Council could waive and change the fee reqruirements. Discussion continued on the pending appeal by Olympian Oil to City Council which is scheduled for December 13, 1995. Commissioner Padreddii noted that if they approved this item, it would eliminate 2 of the items being appealed to City Council on December 13 tho Commissioner Romero discussed with the applicant the overnight truck parking and how these will be reserved parking only, when the second phase is developed the original use for parking will be for the retail customers. Chairman Lucchesi preferred that a restriction be placed that this be as an interim use while they develop the second phase. Chairman Lucchesi closed the public hearing. The Commission agreed with the applicant regarding the temporary overnight long term truck parking and improving the landscaping. Discussion continued on a 2 to 5 year limit restricting parking on this parcel while the construction is going on. Applicant explained that it is their intent to improve the lot. Motion-Masuda/Second-none: To approve the restricted parking and put a 2 year limit. Motion died. Page 3 of 6 Pages PC Meeting of 12/7/95 Chairman Lucchesi was concerned with trucks parking on this lot for 24 hours. Discussion continued about this lot becoming a long term overnight truck parking problem andlor a storage yard for large trucks. Chief Planner Solomon clarified amended Conditions as follows: A. Planning Division requirements shall be as follows: 5. Closed circuit television cameras are not required at tltis specific tinle for Pltase I only, but will be required at tltis lot sltould Pltase II be conlpleted 6. Tlte use of Parcel Two for 24-Itour truck parking is tenlporarily allowed and will be void in two years fronl tlte date of tltis action or wlten tlte convenience nlart and station begin operation, wlticlt ever occurs first. Motion-MasudalSecond-Romero: To approve UP-95-997/Mod 1 based on the findings contained in the staff report and subject to the amended conditions of approval. It was approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: Chairman Lucchesi, Commissioners Barnett, DeZordo, Masuda, and Romero. NOES: Commissioner Padreddii. ABSENT: Vice-Chairman Warren. Chairman Lucchesi called for a 5 minute break at 8: 35 PM. Meeting called back to order at 8: 40 PM. STUDY SESSION 345 Shaw Road, Karpa Stora~e (L. & V. Calvi, owner), UP-95-1000 Study Session of a proposed personal storage and R V facility. Senior Planner Carlson presented staff report. ai~glnn!ngii:Q~:mipgi:g Applicant, Mr. Karkashian, explained the proposed project to build 5 buildings, a manager's apartment, and office with 500 storage units and 95 RV spaces. Commissioner DeZordo wanted to see dimensions and noted that the 3-bedroom care taker unit should not be a family unit since the transmission towers were there. Chairman Lucchesi concerned with turnaround space, concurred with staff's concerns and wanted to see elevation plans showing views from freeway. Commissioner Romero asked about the DRB's comments. Senior Planner Carlson explained the landscaping proposed and that the living quarters are not under the power lines but near an easement. Commissioner Padreddii concurred with staff's recommendation to work out circulation problems be corrected and the project looks good. Mike Lindstrom spoke on the on-site circulation and noted that the manager's unit is now a one- bedroom unit and they have reduced the total square footage. The Commission discussed their concern with Building E being blocked by a truck and asked applicant it he could work with geography of the site? Mr. Lindstrom noted that the rear area of the site will be very low usage and therefore was not of concern, but will work with staff Page 4 of 6 Pages PC Meeting of 12/7/95 Discussion continued on the signage plan, location, height; landscaping along Highway 101, and Police Department's concern with the deep pockets of landscaping. The applicant noted the 24 hour security service. Commissioner DeZordo recommended the fence along Shaw Road to be comparable to the one along Gateway Blvd. at South Airport Blvd. instead of the chain link fence. 110 Hickey Blvd., Shell Super Station (Simas, owner), PUD-95-49 and GP-95-53 Study Session of a general plan amendment to allow a Shell Super Station situated at Hickey Boulevard and El Camino Real in the Retail Commercial Zone District (C-I). Senior Planner Carlson present the staff report and noted that the applicant does want to have counter service in the mini-mart, therefore, wording should be added that allows for fast-food service may be limited to drive-thru andlor counter service in Policy 29. He noted applicant was available for any questions from the Commission. The applicant noted they plan to have a Baskin Robins, Baked chicken or the hamburger sales and the mini-mart. Commissioner Romero was concerned with food odors to the near by residences, he recommends ice-cream and sandwich shops. The applicant explained the methods of odorless ovens. Discussion continued on existing similar uses on El Camino Real and their pros and cons. Chief Planner advised that the general policy needs to be defined and then consider the uses permitted. He noted that should the Commission wish not to allow sit-down areas Policy 29 would read: "limited to drive-thru windows and counter use, with no sit down service". Discussion continued on the fact that this intersection is a gateway to South San Francisco and limiting the area in which future fast-food businesses could locate on El Camino Real. Staff clarified the uses as being principle uses or accessory uses. Commissioner Masuda expressed concern with trucks fueling and others making a U-turn or left turn from Hickey Boulevard onto Camaritas. He suggested a driveway near that intersection so that trucks could make a left turn onto Hickey. Staffnoted that the traffic circulation would be reviewed. Mr. Carlson reviewed the existing businesses in the immediate area. Commissioner Masuda said that over concentration may be an issue. Mr. Carlson advised on the distance factor between uses. Commissioner Padreddii agreed with staff's recommended wording. Discussion continued on the effects in the area with BART coming through. The Commission requested that their concerns should be transmitted to the City Council. In concluding the Commission's review of the policy, Mr. Carlson noted the Commission wants to recognize this area as a Commercial Area or Commercial Center and that would include the existing center at Hickey and EI Camino Real, but not necessarily a solid retail strip from Westborough to Hickey Boulevard. l~g~_igii:Q~lmlpil!li! Page 5 of 6 Pages PC Meeting of 12/7/95 ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS Items from Staff: Chief Planner Solomon gave an update on the Shearwater site - possibly including 500,000 sq. ft. of retail; Terrabay SEIR - public review in about three weeks; The City has hired the new Economic & Community Development Director who is starting in December; and Update on Carter Park I & II, new owners making few upgrades and repairs. Discussion continued on having the Carter Park's I & II major improvements on landscaping, building and security fence to come back to the Planning Commission for review. Senior Planner Carlson gave an update on Genentech's projects and Parking Lot at the Merck site and explained they want to move contractors out of the buildings and place their office in trailers, they will be submitting a use permit. Discussion continued on the location of the trailers and Commission concluded they did want to have this come back to the Commission. Items from Commission: Commissioner Barnett would like to see big businesses in SSF, not just small businesses. He would like the Planning Commission and City Council to adopt a Mission Statement for 1996 to help in the Commission"s direction. Discussion continued on how economics may dictate some decisions and how bonds are used for funding improvements. Chief Planner Solomon agrees.in an overall review of the General Plan. Discussion continued on previous field trips by the Planning Commission and staff to view sites. Chairman Lucchesi concerned with newspaper article on the T errabay and the Indian midden, it was inaccurate information. Items from the Public: - None Motion-Lucchesi/Second-Romero: To adjourn the meeting at 10:30 P.M. Meeting adjourned to January 4, 1996. It was unanimously approved by voice vote. Steve Solomon, Secretary Planning Commission City of South San Francisco John chesi,Chairma Planning Commission City of South San Francisco JL:SS:rp Page 6 of 6 Pages PC Meeting of 12/7/95