HomeMy WebLinkAbout05.06.93 Minutes MINUTES SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO PLANNING COMMISSION Regular Meeting of May 6, 1993 CALL TO ORDER: 7:30 P.M. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Warren, Vice-Chairman Man tegani, Commissioners DeZordo, Lucchesi, Padreddii and Zellmer. ALSO PRESENT: Planning Division Steve Solomon Maureen K. Morton Susy Kalkin Steve Padovan Carl Cahill Dick Chiozza Jeff Baca Ron Petrocchi Dave Parenti Assistant City Attorney Building Division Police Department Fire Department CHAIRMAN COMMENTS ORAL COMMUNICATIONS L. Frank 333 Aha Loma Drive South San Francisco Mr. Frank stated that the staircase next to McLellan's crosses. over EI Camino Real to Old Mission Road. He said that everyday a few dozen children cross El Camino Real against very fast traffic. He was wondering if an elevated pedestrian crossing could be installed when BART comes to South San Francisco. Senior Planner Morton stated that this is not part of the Redevelopment Project but that staff could look at it as a mitigation measure for the BART station. 208 Miller Avenue, UFCW Local 101. UP-93-933, Negative Declaration No. 750 Use Permit, design review and environlnental determination of same to allow approximately 3,746 sq. foot second stOlY office addition to an existing office/auditorium building within 200 feet of a residential zone in the D-C Zone District in accordance with provisions of SSFMC Section 20.26.025. Page 1 on 10 Pages PC Meeting of 5/6/93 Assistant Planner Padovan presented the May 6, 1993 staff report. Applicant: Robert Brisbee UFCW 208 Miller Avenue Sou th San Francisco Mr. Brisbee gave a brief description of their plans to aesthetically improve the looks of this building. He said that the architect, Mr. Gumbinger, was present if the Commission had any questions. He stated that UFCW has been in South San Francisco since 1982. Commissioner Lucchesi had concerns with the entryway and questioned what plans were going to be used. Planner Padovan answered that the plans dated April 23, 1993 were the current plans. Commissioner Lucchesi asked the Police Department if it had any problem with the entranceway not being visible frolll the street. The Mr. Gumbinger answered that the entrance was on the side and that it had to allow for the handicap ramp. Commissioner Lucchesi asked if there were any trash enclosures and was advised that it was on the left side of the building under the staiIwell. Commissioner Lucchesi asked if the applicant would add a tree (24 inch box) on the sidewalk and the applicant agreed. Motion-DeZordo/Seconded-Zellmer: To approve Negative Declaration No. 750. It was unanimously approved by voice vote. Motion-DeZordo/Seconded-Lucchesi: To approve Up-93-933 based on the findings and subject to the modified conditions of approval. Planning Condition #5 shall read: "One 24- inch box tree shall be installed in front of the building along Miller Avenue." It was unanimously approved by voice vote. Clean Machine. ZA-93-82 Appeal of Chief Planner's decision regarding General Plan consistency and requirements for various studies needed to complete the environmental analysis for a Zoning Amendment to allow car washes in the Planned Commercial Zone District. Associate Planner I(alkin presented the May 6, 1993 staff report. Applican t: David Galli 336 EI Call1ino Real San Carlos Mr. Galli said that they had two car washes on the peninsula and that this type of facility is a real benefit. Mr. Galli stated that they had hired an attorney who is familiar with zoning laws. Page 2 on 10 Pages PC Meeting of 5/6/93 Representing the applicant: Ron Marblestone Attorney at Law P. O. Box 1060 Redwood City Mr. Marblestone stated he was at this meeting to persuade the Commission on two points; that a car wash in a Planned-Commercial Zone is consistent with the General Plan and that the five studies which have been requested are burdensome for the information which would be obtained. He then pointed out several similarities with car washes and gasoline stations (which are allowed in the P-C Zone). He referred to Planning Area 7 which encourages small business which he stated they are. He said car washes can be very successful in the a Commercial Zone and are allowed in the following cities in commercial zones: Daly City, Pacifica, San Carlos and San Mateo. He said his final point is that it seems to be illogical to allow car washes only in an Industrial Zone. He further stated that it appears car washes are allowed on the east side of Bayshore and the applicant feels that this is to far away from businesses and residential areas. Mr. Marblestone stated that they feel this application is consistent with the General Plan and a General Plan Amendment is not needed. He further discussed the five studies requested by staff which are velY costly and the information obtained from these studies would not be much help to the Commission. Chief Planner Solomon asked that the Commission decide if a car wash is compatible next to a restaurant, next to a residential project, is it compatible next to an office project. He said this is what is allowed in this district; that this is the basic point that the Commission is looking at. He further stated that there are existing car washes in the Commercial Zone but that they are non-confonning. These car washes cannot expand and the City expects to phase them out in time. He then explained why staff asked for the various studies. Staff needs to study them and see what impacts there will be so that staff can condition the Use Permit. Commissioner Zellmer stated that he was not entirely convinced that there is a problem with the General Plan. He said that a couple of studies made a lot of sense, two are in a gray area and one he did not understand at all. He did not believe air emission presented a major problem. Vice-Chairman Mantegani stated that the issue lies with the Zoning Amendment whether the Commission wants car washes in the Planned-Commercial Zone. He did not think car washes fit in and stated this is not site specific; a Zoning Amendment not a Use Permit and that this project belongs in the M-l Zone and not the P-C Zone. Commissioners DeZordo and Lucchesi agreed with Vice-Chairman Mantegani. Chairman Warren stated she was not in favor of a Zoning Amendment; she did not have a problem with a car wash in a specific site. She also did not agree with the necessity for an air emission study or that a car wash would have an impact on air quality. Chairman Warren agreed that the Commission does not want a car wash in the P-C Zone. Page 3 on 10 Pages PC Meeting of 5/6/93 Motion-Mantegani/Seconded-DeZordo: To uphold the Chief Planner's decision regarding General Plan consistency and requirements for various studies needed to complete the environmental analysis for a Zoning Amendment to allow car washes in the Planned Commercial Zone District. This motion was amended as follows: Motion-Mantegani/Seconded-DeZordo: To uphold the Chief Planner's decision regarding General Plan consistency and requirements for T/arious studies I*~iiiiliiiiii~qgiiiiilg: needed to complete the environmental analysis for a Zoning Amendmentto"allow"'c'~ii"washes in the Planned Commercial Zone District. It was approved by voice vote. NOES: Commissioner Zellmer. Century Plaza (Syufy Enterprises/Alioto Fish Co.). ZA-92-80. Negative Declaration 745 Zoning Text Amendment and environmental determination of same to modify SSFMC Section 20.84.070( a) to allow flexibility in required parking by deleting the following wording: "In no case shall a lesser number of parking or loading spaces be provided than required by Chapter 20.74 for similar uses, and the Planning Commission may increase the requirements." Associate Planner Kalkin presented the May 6, 1993 staff report. Representing the Applicant: George Corey Attorney at Law 700 EI Camino Real Millbrae Mr. Corey stated that at the present time they do not have an application for a use but support a process that will allow thelll to submit an application. He further stated that once this amendment is approved by the City Council, they would submit an application. Applicant: Ray Syufy Syufy Enterprises 150 Golden Gate Avenue San Francisco Mr. Syufy stated he had brought his chief financial advisor, Alan Steuer, if the Commission had any questions. He said that there has been some difficult times in the past between Syufy and the City. He said he has been working closely with staff to develop his properties and that he looked fOlward to submitting an application. Chief Planner Solomon advised that the Commission is dealing with an ordinance that will be city-wide applicable. Speaking in favor of the application: Mario Alioto Alioto Fish Company So. San Francisco Page 4 on 10 Pages PC Meeting of 5/6/93 Mr. Alioto stated that this matter is velY important to them. He mentioned the empty Pay N' Pak site and stated that that property has been empty for some time and that the prospects for leasing that property are about as grim as he has ever seen. Vice-Chairman Mantegani advised Mr. Alioto not to speak of specific sites because that is not what was before the Commission tonight. Mr. Alioto continued and stated that they needed this mechanism to work together. Commissioner Padreddii stated that Syufy has previously been before the Commission and said that all his concerns have been answered. He thought this amendment would be an asset to the City and had no problem with the Zoning Amendment. Vice-Chairman Mantegani stated he was concerned about allowing an amendment arising from one particular application that will affect the entire City. He said he would feel better if this came from a general need or from Council. Associate Planner Kalkin stated that the City had a similar need before for reducing parking spaces for biotech firms and it was dealt by amending the parking requirements for this use. Commissioner DeZordo said he was hesitant about this. He also was velY concerned about impacts caused when Planned Commercial areas met residential areas. He was also concerned about traffic studies which the City requires of applicants. He stated that there is fear that applicants may buy off the consultants. He suggested that the City should have complete control of the consultant. Commissioner Zellmer stated that the hottest issue is parking. He felt that we are opening a "Pandora's Box" and was not sure what would come out of it but believed that the traffic studies the Commission had seen have been adequate. He believed that the process for this type of application should be so difficult that only applicants having a velY great need could endure the process. Vice-Chairman Mantegani stated that he liked the idea of having some flexibility in parking standards. He said he would consider an additional condition putting a cap on the percentage of reduction of parking spaces. Commissioner DeZordo asked if this could also be added: "They are not increasing the parking demand for the building." Commissioner Zellmer also agreed on the cap. He said that a limit of 20% reduction would be the highest he could imagine. Motion-Padreddii: To approve the resolution recommending City Council to adopt ZA-92-80. This motion died for a lack of a second. Page 5 on 10 Pages PC Meeting of 5/6/93 Motion-Luchessi/Seconded-Zellmer: To recommend that the City Council deny ZA-92-80. It was denied by the following roll call vote: AYES: Vice-Chairman Mantegani, Commissioners DeZordo, Lucchesi and Zellmer. NOES: Commissioner Padreddii. ABSTENTION: Chairman Warren. (Chairman Warren was not present at the April 1, 1993 meeting when this item was on the agenda.) City of South San Francisco. EI Camino Corridor. GP-93-47 General Plan Amendment for the EI Camino Corridor to provide for transit oriented density residential uses (up to 50 units/acre) and policies addressing the BART Station, covering the Colma Creek, improving Oak Avenue and establishing design guidelines for multi-family with BAR T in a subway configuration. Senior Planner Morton gave a brief history of the project for people in the audience who were not familiar with it. She introduced Karen Tiedemann of Goldfarb and Lipman, special redevelopment council for the City, who said she would be available for questions. Speaking in favor of the project: Tom Lodato Representative of McLellan Nursery 3301 EI Calnino Real Atherton Mr. Lodato wanted to go on record that McLellan Nursery was in favor of the annexation and the redevelopment plan. Mr. Lodato stated his concerns were with the final EIR attachment. He applauded the City's work and stated that staff had been very helpful. Speaking against the project: Paul Delander 38 San Felipe Avenue SSF Mr. Delander stated he was against 25 units per acre. He said the area is now 10 units per acre and parking is a problem in lower San Felipe Avenue now. He recommended higher densities along EI Camino Real and lower densities adjacent to the single-family neighborhood. Speaking with concern: Michael Valencia Attorney at Law 600 EI Camino Real San Bruno Mr. Valencia said he was a representative of Anthony Cuneo, the owner and proprietor of the business across from EI Camino High School. He said the property should be included in the high density area; the reason for lower density being that the property was across the street from a high school. Mr. Valencia stated that many residential projects built near schools in Page 6 on 10 Pages PC Meeting of 5/6/93 other cities are very successful. He did not think being across from a high school was a valid reason. He also stated that it was not clear what would happen if BART did not put the station where it is proposed. Chief Planner Solomon stated that this had not been anticipated; that the plan is based on high density near BART at Hickey and lower density away from the station. Staff advised the Commission that none of the properties on the westside of Mission Road are redesignated, these sites being directly across the street from the high school. These sites are designated on BART's plans for the "kiss & ride" lane and retail development site. Speaking with concern: Lou Dell' Angela 1818 Gilbreth Road Burlingame Mr. Dell'Angela said he represents Mr. Del Grande with property across from Evergreen. He stated that the General Plan indicates that there will be a BART station in this area. He said staff will have a problem if they have to find consistency with the General Plan. He further stated that property owners are reluctant to do anything to their property if it is going to be torn down because of BART. He said he suggested to Chief Planner Solomon to increase the density on this site to 50 units/acre. He also suggested checking other redevelopment plans to see, if perhaps, money could be allocated to this project to prevent relocation further down the road. Mr. Dell' Angela also said he saw a problem with this project because BART is not moving ahead even though the City is. He said that the City has time to take a look at several problems with this project. He said we needed a specific plan with design guidelines and that the General Plan proposal is premature and that the plans for the McLellan Nursery did not make sense. He also questioned Policy Bll-6 and Bl1-S. Mr. Dell'Angela stated that because the Zoning Amendment will not go into effect for a couple of years after the General Plan, that will be inconsistent. Master planning and general plan planning should not be based on BART. Speaking with concern: Milan J urkota 111 Chestnut Avenue South San Francisco Mr. Jurkota complained that his farm was not included in the project area. He said he had contacted staff and had been advised that it could have been included but that it was now too late so they advised him to attend the meeting and explain it to the Commission. He further explained that he had been living on the farm for the last 14 years and that he had also been advised that the reason his property was not included was because there is a residence on his property. He questioned why Oak Farm was included since they have apartment units on that site. Mr. Jurkota thought the City should have relocation funds and strongly demanded that his property be included in the project. Senior Planner Morton stated that in order to be included in the project, the site must have a direct link or benefit from the project. She further explained that in order to maintain their Page 7 on 10 Pages PC Meeting of 5/6/93 timeframe, the City's legal staff advised that the project had to keep minimum residential areas; keep the relocation potential small. Vice-Chairman Mantegani said that the problem is that Mr. Jurkota's property fronts on Chestnut Avenue and it should not be high density. Ms. Karen Tiedemann stated that if the City should add property at this time, it would have to restart the plan adoption process. It changes the assess valuation, the fiscal analysis and the City would have to restart negotiations and ~dditional analysis on the environmental impact report as part of the project. Chief Planner Solomon stated that the zoning of the property is consistent with the existing General Plan. He then addressed the concerns and issues brought up by Mr. Dell'Angela. It was the consensus of the Commission to leave Policy 5-5 and 9-9 in the General Plan Amendment. A discussion ensued regarding high density, the BART location and the at-grade configuration versus subway. Commissioner Lucchesi said it was necessary to take a serious look at high density. He asked if the City was ready to do this. He explained that high density projects have to be done very very carefully. He agreed with the neighborhood's concern about the buffering and, believed, this would be under the design guidelines. Commissioner DeZordo stated that the City has to stay on track and that BART be a subway. Commissioner Zellmer said he has never been an advocate of high density but felt very comfortable with this project. Chairman Warren thanked all concerned for an excellent job on this project. Motion-DeZordo/Seconded-Mantegani: To adopt the resolution recommending that the City Council adopt General Plan Amendment GP-93-47 including Policies 5-5 and 9-9 (addressing the eventual elimination of billboards on El Camino Real and the indication that the City does not support a BART station at Chestnut Avenue). It was unanimously approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: Chairman Warren, Vice-Chairman Mantegani, Commissioners DeZordo, Lucchesi, Padreddii and Zellmer. ADMINISTRATIVE ITEMS City of South San Francisco. EI Camino Corridor Project Planning Commission recommendation that the City Council 1 ) certify the El Camino EIR, 2) finding that the El Camino Corridor Redevelopment Project is in confonnance with the General Plan, and 3) recommending adoption of the EI Camino Corridor Redevelopment Plan. Senior Planner Morton presented the May 6, 1993 staff report. Page 8 on 10 Pages PC Meeting of 5/6/93 Karen Tiedemann, Goldfarb and Lipman, advised the Commission that there was a change in the General Plan; a deletion on page 25. Speaking with concern: Lou Dell' Angela 1818 Gilbreth Rd., #111 Burlingame Mr. Dell'Angela asked what happens to the Redevelopment Project if BART decides to go at- grade. Commissioner Warren answered that the General Plan Amendment only goes into effect if BART is a subway. A discussion ensued regarding the $23 million which will be raised. Mr. Dell'Angela spoke further about the different issues of the FEIR which, in his opinion, were not addressed. He stated that the City should keep the same densities. He then briefly discussed the Hickey Extension and Section 4.C.2. of the Redevelopment Plan. Mr. Dell' Angela advised the Commission that they should have an open mind at these hearings and that a "schedule" should not cloud their decisions. Speaking with concern: Shirley Vatz 781 Aha Loma Drive SSF Ms. Vatz asked the staff how a site designated high density compares to the development on the site of the old EI Rancho Drive-in. Senior Planner Morton said she would check the files but believed it was about 25 units to the acre. Ms. Vatz also asked who would pay for the streets on the Hickey Extension project. Chief Planner Solomon answered that it would be coming from different funds. Commissioner Padreddii agreed with the staff report. Commissioner Zellmer stated that the City was allowing BART to dictate our densities. Karen Tiedemann explained the Master Developer Tract/Owner Participation Tract to the Commission. Commissioner Lucchesi discussed the sewer plant capacity and stress testing dates. He also suggested City Council be taken to 50 acres/unit projects so that they could see what a high density project actually is. Chairman Warren also agreed. Vice-Chairman Mantegani stated that the Design Guidelines could make this all work. Commissioner DeZordo stated that the subcommittee tried to be sensitive to the community and had attended community meetings and had been very open about everything. Motion-Mantegani/Seconded-DeZordo: To recommend that the City Council 1) certify the EI Camino Corridor EIR, 2) find that the EI Camino Corridor Redevelopment Project is in conformance with the General Plan, and 3) recommend adoption of the EI Camino Corridor Redevelopment Plan. It was unaniInously approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: Page 9 on 10 Pages PC Meeting of 5/6/93 Chairman Warren, Vice-Chairman Mantegani, Commissioners DeZordo, Lucchesi, Padreddii and Zellmer. ItelllS frolll Staff Chief Planner Solomon stated that a study session was being scheduled to review a draft of the Genentech Master Plan and that the Design Review Board would also be invited. He also advised that the East of 101 subcommittee has been working right along and have reviewed preliminary feedback from the consultants and identified critical issues; lack of public transit, residential alnenities, etc. He further advised staff has a 600-page background report which will be available to the subcommittee and after to the public and that there would be a public meeting on June 7th. ItelllS frolll COlluuissioll Vice-Chairman Mantegani discussed the subcommittee for the EI Camino Corridor and he thought that they were available for input from the community and that everybody was invited to attend these meetings. Chairman Warren again asked about the pothole on Sister City Boulevard. She said it was sinking worse and Chief Planner Solomon said he would check into it. Commissioner DeZordo stated he would not be attending the May 20th Planning Commission meeting. Motion-Mantegani/Seconded-Lucchesi: To adjourn the meeting to May 20, 1993. It was unanimously approved by voice vote. ChairmanWarrenadiQJll]J~d lh~.l11..~~Jip:gc:l!!l: 17 P.M. 4~ ~4d1 .. ~~1Jf. tJ~ Steve Solomon, Secretary Margar Warren, ChaIrman Planning Commission Planning Comlnission City of South San Francisco City of South San Francisco MW:SS:ab Page 10 on 10 Pages PC Meeting of 5/6/93