HomeMy WebLinkAbout09.10.92 Minutes MINUTES SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO PLANNING COMMISSION Special Meeting of September 10, 1992 CALL TO ORDER: 7:30 P.M. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Matteucci, Vice-Chairman Warren, Commissioners Boblitt, DeZordo, Mantegani and Wendler MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioner Zellmer ALSO PRESENT: Planning Division Steve Solomon CHAIRMAN COMMENTS APPROVAL OF MINUTES of May 21, 1992 Motion-Wendler/Seconded-Mantegani: To approve the May 21, 1992 Planning Commission minutes as presented. They were unanimously approved by voice. vote. Chairman Matteucci and Vice-Chairman Warren did not vote on this motion since they were not present at the meeting of May 21, 1992. ABSENT: Commissioner Zellmer. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS AGENDA ITEMS - PUBLIC HEARINGS City of South San Francisco. GP-92-45. Negative Declaration No. 733 Public hearing to consider the 1992 Housing Element of the General Plan. September 10, 1992 staff report presented. Chief Planner Solomon introduced Naphtali Knox and Michael Hitchcock, Knox and Associates, as the consultants who have been working on the Housing Element. Mr. Naphtali Knox addressed the Commission. He explained that each city must have a housing element; a plan to identify and meet the housing needs of the community. He said that it was one of seven state mandated elements that make up the General Plan. Mr. Knox went on to explain the housing needs and their findings. He said there were five major goals: 1) insure each resident safe housing; 2) provide new housing through private and public efforts; 3) housing for persons with special needs; 4) eliminate housing discrimination; and 4) prevent housing in areas with major hazards. Mr. Knox then proceeded to go through Chapters II and IV with the Commission for their input and comments. The following changes were suggested: Page 43: Page 56: Page 68: Page 73: Page 74 Page 87 Public Facilities and Services final sentence in paragraph, was moved up and a new sentence added to read "should drought continue, the City would take any necessary steps to control future development" lines 25-27 - "Because second units can provide affordable housing with little or no impact on single-family neighborhoods, the city is examining whether some of the restrictions it now places on second units be eased or eliminated," were deleted. Action lC-3 - A sentence was added, Support excellence in design through the continued use of the design review board. " Action 2B-4 - "of rezoning," changed to "to rezone." Sentence beginning, "This study will explore...." was replaced by "The intent is to look at compatible land uses including public evaluation of an increase in residential densities above the 37.5 units per acre. " Action 2B-5 - was changed to read, "Study the land use compatibility of increasing residential densities along major streets in the downtown redevelopment area, incorporating public participation in the process. " Action 3E-l - was changed to read, "The city will strongly encourage the inclusion of childcare and after-schooL-care facilities within or near affordable and higher density housing and mixed use developments. " Motion- Warren/Seconded-Wendler: To approve Resolution 2442 recommending to the City Council adoption of GP-92-45, amending the Housing Element of the General Plan, and Negative Declaration No. 733. It was unanimously approved by voice vote. ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS Committee Appointment: Commissioners Wendler and DeZordo (Commissioner Mantegani, alternate) volunteered to serve on the EI Camino Corridor Committee. Chief Planner Solomon explained the EI Camino Corridor strategy policy oversight to help provide funding for the undergrounding for BART. Committee Appointment: Chairman Matteucci and Vice-Chairman Warren (Commissioner Zellmer, alternate) volunteered to service on the East of 101 Committee. Chief Planner Solomon explained the East of 101 project which includes the Genentech development (master plan) and the East of 101 study. Page 2 of 4 Pages PC Meeting of 9/10/92 ITEMS FROM STAFF Staff discussed Acutech Autos, 45 Chestnut Avenue. Commissioner Boblitt inquired if the City could ask this applicant to cease and desist. Chief Planner Solomon said he would check into it. Chief Planner Solomon discussed Genentech's master plan and stated that Ken Kay was their consultant and he had a few meetings with them. He explained that Fehr and Peers would be doing the traffic study and that Genentech had hired an architectural firm and they would be presenting the concept to the Technical Advisory Group (TAG). Chief Planner Solomon said he had had a meeting with a potential developer of the EI Rancho School site. He stated that the South San Francisco Unified School District had apparently decided to sell the property or lease it. The developer would lease the property and create parcels for manufactured housing (30 year lease); one could buy a manufactured house and put it on the lot and pay approximately $500/month for lease of the site. Chief Planner Solomon discussed the St. Francis Heights project which has completely redesigned the grading program. ITEMS FROM COMMISSION Commissioner Mantegani discussed the Design Review Board and the discussion that was held at the City Council meeting on September 9, 1992. He stated that also at this meeting a discussion was held concerning the roofing of the Municipal Services Building. Commissioner Mantegani stated that when you have a final inspection on residential houses you have to have six different people (from different departments) to sign off. In other cities this is done strictly through the Building Division and if other departments have any concerns these concerns are directed to the Building Inspector. He said he would like to see the system changed. Commissioner DeZordo asked the status of South City Ford. Chief Planner Solomon stated that the City has recommended abatement or legal action. Commissioner DeZordo asked if his Use Permit could be revoked and Chief Planner Solomon said he would check it out. Commission DeZordo complained that when you pull out of the Basque Cultural Center it is blind on both sides and it is very dangerous. Chief Planner Solomon said he would refer the matter to the right department. Commissioner DeZordo stated that because East of 101 is such a big project, at least two members of the Planning Commission and two City Councilmembers should be involved in choosing the consultant. Chief Planner Solomon said he would pass this information on. Page 3 of 4 Pages PC Meeting of 9/10/92 Commissioner Wendler talked briefly about her trip to Japan with students from EI Camino High School. She stated that she had been shown the new airport project which she found extremely fascinating and amazing; she said it was being built in the ocean. Commissioner Boblitt questioned the Villa Market. Vice-Chairman Warren moved to adjourn the meeting to October 15, 1992. It was seconded by Commissioner DeZordo and unanimously approved by voice vote. The meeting was adjourned at 10:02 P.M. A~ Jw~ Steve Solomon, Secretary Planning Commission City of South San Francisco Louis Matteucci, Chairman Planning Commission City of South San Francisco LM:SS:ab Page 4 of 4 Pages PC Meeting of 9/10/92