HomeMy WebLinkAbout09.02.93 Minutes MINUTES SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO PLANNING COMMISSION Regular Meeting of Septel1lber 2, 1993 CALL TO ORDER: 7:30 P.M. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Warren, Vice-Chairman Mantegani, Commissioners Lucchesi and Padreddii. MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioners DeZordo and Zellmer. ALSO PRESENT: Planning Division Steve Solomon Steve Carlson Carl Cahill Dick Chiozza Mike Baird Jim Fitzpatrick Assistant City Attorney Building Division Fire Department APPROVAL OF MINUTES of June 24, 1993 and August 12, 1993 There was not a quorum for the approval of the minutes of June 24, 1993. Motion-Mantegani/Seconded-Lucchesi: To approve the minutes of August 12, 1993 with one correction; add the motion continuing the public hearing of the East of 101 Area Plan. It was unanimously approved by voice vote. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - None AGENDA ITEMS - PUBLIC HEARINGS 700 Forbes Boulevard. Genentech. Inc. (Building #7. BNP Leasing Corporation. owner). UP- 93-940. Negative Declaration No. 752 Use Permit, Design Review and Negative Declaration to allow a new 3-story (65 feet in height) process science building containing 131,716 square feet, a pedestrian bridge between Buildings #5 and #7, two landscaped courtyards, two open at-grade parking lots containing a total of 208 parking (124 on-site and 84 off-site) spaces, a use generating more than 100 vehicle trips per day, operating 24 hours/day, and to allow a parking ratio of 1.5 parking spaces per 1,000 square feet of floor area in accordance with the provisions of SSFMC Sections 20.32.060, 20.32.070(c), 20.74.070(c) situated at 700 Forbes Boulevard and 660 Forbes Boulevard in the P-I Zoning District. Page 1 of 6 Pages PC Meeting of 9/2/93 Senior Planner Carlson presented the staff report. Applicant: Jim Panek Genentech, Inc. 460 Pt. San Bruno Blvd. SSF Mr. Panek had questions about proposed Planning Condition #4 and Engineering Condition B.2. They requested clarification of the Oyster Point Interchange/Overpass fee. Senior Planner Carlson stated that staff had no problem with changing Condition #4. He also eXplained that the Oyster Point Interchange/Overpass fees in the staff report are estimates based on information submitted to staff by Genentech but that these figures will be recalculated at the time of building permit submittal. Mr. Panek asked the COlnmission for their approval of this project. Commissioner Padreddii stated that he supported staff's recommendation. Commissioner Lucchesi asked if there is a linkage from the parking lot across Kaufmann to the Building #7 site? Michael Painter, Landscape Architect, showed the site plan and indicated the parking lot and the pedestrian's route. Commissioner Lucchesi stated that he did not see a path on the plans from the parking area to the door on the west end of the building. Mr. Painter stated that a pathway had been added and was shown on the official submittal to the City made in August. Commissioner Lucchesi asked about the employee entrance and it had a covering. Mr. Bulah, FLAD & Associates said it did not have the same extended roof area. Commissioner Lucchesi encouraged Genentech to include some sort of cover on that entrance. Mr. Bulah said he would incorporate that in some subdued way. A discussion ensued regarding bridge materials, window and penthouse colors. Commissioner Lucchesi said he preferred a better connection between the bridge and Building #5. He was advised that it was under study at the present time. Vice-Chairman Mantegani asked if the SSF Municipal Code has any height limits for the height of the penthouse. Senior Planner Carlson said no. Representing the applicant: Peter Yee Genentech, Inc. 460 Pt. San Bruno Blvd. SSF Mr. Yee talked briefly about the penthouse height and eXplained its use. Genentech stated that they would stay within the prescribed building height limits. Mr. Painter, in response to COlnmissioner Lucchesi's concern, talked about the material used in the open space areas. Mr. Painter also addressed Vice-Chainnan Mantegani's concern about the elliptical walkways and was told that this was not a pattern that would be repeated throughout the campus. Page 2 of 6 Pages PC Meeting of 9/2/93 Chairman Warren was very pleased with the project and suggested keeping pathways non-rigid and soft. Motion-Mantegani/Seconded-Lucchesi: To approve Negative Declaration No. 752. It was unanimously approved by voice vote. Motion-Mantegani/Seconded-Lucchesi: To approve UP-93-940 based on the findings andsubject to modified conditions. Planning Condition #4 was modified to read: ".......linking the site with the Bay Trail and linking the site with the off-site parking lot, an architectural lighting plan, refined bridge plan, Building #5 ently plans, and weather protection for all building entries such as canopies. The plans shall be subject to the review and approval by the Chief Planner and Design Review Board, and shall be prior to the issuance of any building pelmit for work other than the foundation or stnlctural building frame such as permits for interior work including walls and/or plumbing. II It was unanimously approved by voice vote. 3500 Callan Boulevard. SVS. Inc. (Thomas Haggarty. owner). UP-93-942 Use Permit to allow the establishment of a comlnunity education facility accommodating up to 28 disabled clients and a staff of up to 10 persons in an existing office building within 200 feet of a residential district in the C-1 Retail Commercial District in accordance with the provisions of SSFMC Section 20.22.030. Applicant: Rob Wallace 1730 S. Amphlette San Mateo Mr. Wallace stated that initially this program will be serving 18 clients. An additional ten clients will be added within the next year and one-half. Each staff member will have 3 clients in his care and because of the small ratio there will be a lot of one-to-one service. Speaking in favor of the application: John MacArthur 1208 Sanchez Avenue Burlingame Mr. MacArthur stated that he was a real estate broker who helped Mr. Wallace find the site for this project. He advised that this project is state and federally funded and that it was difficult to find a site and believed this was a great use. Speaking against the application: Co!. E. Elmore 2575 BantIy Lane SSF Mr. Elmore stated that he has lived in the area since 1971 and that the corner of Westborough Boulevard and Oakmont was one of the busiest and dangerous intersections. Page 3 of 6 Pages PC Meeting of 9/2/93 He believes that this use would create more traffic and did not think this type of use was needed in his neighborhood. Speaking against the application: A. Waters 2266 Shannon Drive SSF Mr. Waters stated that his neighbors were hying to improve the neighborhood and they did not need anymore rezoning nor this type of use in their neighborhood. Commissioner Lucchesi stated that both Messrs. Elmore and Waters made valid points. He said he felt at a loss because he thought this project was providing humanitarian services. Commissioner Lucchesi did not feel that it will impact traffic and it is not changing the zonIng. Mr. Elmore stated that this was not the only site for a facility of this nature. He did not believe that an exhaustive search had been conducted to find another facility in San Mateo County. Commissioner Lucchesi asked about handicap parking, parking spaces, etc. Assistant Planner Cahill stated that the site was handicapped accessible and parking was adequate. Commissioner Lucchesi thought the site could use cleaning up. Chief Planner Solomon advised the Commission that they could condition the Use Permit to clear up the site. Commissioner Padreddii stated that the Commission was facing an application that is zoned correctly and that complies with all regulations. He said the City had to have grounds to be able to deny this application. Mr. Waters stated that the neighborhood needed a libralY badly. Chairman Warren stated that the Commission did not make decisions on how City funds were spent and that Mr. Waters should direct his concerns to City Council. Chairman Warren asked the applicant if they would be willing to clean up the site and the applicant said they would be willing. Motion-Mantegani/Seconded-Padreddii: To approve UP-93-942 based on the findings and subject to the modified conditions. The following conditions were added: "6. The debris box will be removed ft'om the parking lot and is to be kept in the existing trash enclosure. 7. A landscape plan shall submitted to the City Landscape Architect describing areas to be renovated. The applicant shall clean and m.aintain all required irrigation and landscaping. It was unanimously approved by voice vote. Chairman Warren called for a 10-minute recess at 8:31 P.M. Chairman Warren reconvened the meeting at 8:43 P.M. Page 4 of 6 Pages PC Meeting of 9/2/93 East of 101 Area Plan and Draft Environmental Impact Report Review and comment on the East of 101 Area Plan and Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR). Senior Planner Carlson said that staff had drafted a tentative schedule and the stearing committee was considering extending the comment period from September 20, 1993 to October 14, 1993. He stated that more time was needed for the readers to digest the document and to comment. Senior Planner Carlson stated that staff would present a draft to City Council on September 8, 1993. He talked briefly about the land use policies and invited the Commission to walk through the Plan Goals. The Commission walked through the Plan Goals - Land Use; Circulation; Public Facilities; Recreation; Design; Geotechnical Safety; Natural Resources; Financing; and Implementation. Chairman Warren discussed several of the letters which were attached to the staff report regarding comments on the Area Plan. She stated that she was against residential land use on the area East of 101. Representing the Haskins property: Naphtali Knox 1010 Doyle St. Menlo Park Mr. Knox introduced himself to the Commission as the author of our Housing Element and stated that he was hired by the owners of the Haskins site to look after their interest in the East of 101 Area Plan. It was the consensus of the Commission that this item be continued to the September 16, 1993 Planning Commission meeting. Motion-Lucchesi/Seconded-Mantegani: To continue the East of 101 Area Plan and Draft Environmental Impact Report to September 16, 1993. It was unanimously approved by voice vote. Items from Staff Chief Planner Steve Solomon advised the Commission that UCSF will visit the City on September 29, 1993 to Inake a presentation to the public regarding the future location of their campus site and that evelybody is invited. Chief Planner Solomon stated that the Planning Division had a new temporalY Senior Planner by the name of Franklin Dancy who was the prior Planning Director of East Palo Alto. Motion-Mantegani/Seconded-Padreddii: To adjourn the meeting to September 16, 1993. It was unanimously approved by voice vote. Page 5 of 6 Pages PC Meeting of 9/2/93 Chairman Warren adjourned the meeting at 9:45 P.M. ~khtM 1 Steve Solomon, Secretary -- Planning Commission City of South San Francisco MW:SS:ab '1JfJ .~ Margare Warren, Chairman Planning Commission City of South San Francisco Page 6 of 6 Pages PC Meeting of 9/2/93