HomeMy WebLinkAbout09.19.96 Minutes MINUTES SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO PLANNING COMMISSION September 19, 1996 CALL TO ORDER: 7:30 P.M. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Warren and Vice-Chairman Romero, Commissioners Barnett, Lucchesi, and Masuda. MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioners DeZordo and Padreddii ALSO PRESENT: Planning Division: Senior Planner Act. Secretary II Assist. City Attorney: Assist. City Attorney: City Engineer: Police Department: Steve Carlson Rosa Perez Larissa Seto Wayne Snodgrass Arthur Wong Sgt. Ron Petrocchi CHAIRMAN CO:MMENTS APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion-Romero/Second-Barnett: To approve the December 7, 1995 minutes as presented. They were unanimously approved by voice vote, with Chairman Warren abstaining. Motion-Masuda/Second-Romero: To approve the January 25, 1996 minutes with correction that Commissioner Padreddii was present. They were unanimously approved with correction by voice vote, with Commissioner Barnett abstaining. Chairman Warren asked that an Item be added to Agenda under "Items from Commission" to discuss the Heather Heights project. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS CONSENT CALENDAR - AGENDA ITEMS 721 Airport Blvd., Airport Plaza Inn, PUD-96-058; Ne~ative Declaration No. ND-96-058 Planned Unit Development to allow construction of a 45 unit motel (with managers unit) and including exceptions to rear yard setback and two-way driveway width with associated parking and landscaping in the P-C Retail Commercial Zone in accordance with SSFMC 20.84. (Continuance requested to October 3, 1996) Motion-Barnett/Second-Lucchesi: To approve Consent Calendar to continue PUD-96-058 to October 3rd, 1996 meeting. It was unanimously approved by voice vote. PUBLIC HEARING - AGENDA ITEMS 216 Mosswood Way, HealthSouth, UP-96-078; Cat. Ex. Class 3 Section 15303(c). Use Permit to allow the second floor to be utilized for commercial recreation in the C-1 Commercial Zone in accordance with SSFMC Section 20.22.040(c). Chairman Warren opened the public hearing. Senior Planner Carlson presented staff report. He noted that the lease with the dance studio use is limited to a maximum of30 persons, no added persons to the dance studio, hours of operation are after 3:00 PM except Saturdays, and there is a condition for a 6 month & 1 year review period. He stated that the Police Department requested the Deletion of Police Dept. Conditions B. 1. L 1) and B. 1. L 2). Chairman Warren closed the public hearing. Commissioner Masuda asked the applicant if they had any problems with Police Department's conditions. They responded "No". Commissioner Lucchesi asked for the Building Division's comments. Mr. Carlson noted they would be working with the applicant at the Building Permit level and recommended the addition of the following condition of approval: The project shall be required to nleet the Unifornl Building Code to the satisfaction of the Fire Prevention/Building Division. Motion-Romero/Second-Masuda: To approval UP-96-078 subject to findings contained in staffreport and amended conditions of approval. It was unanimously approved by voice vote. Hillside/Sister Cities Blvds. and Bayshore Blvd., SunChase G. A. California I, Inc. , Terrabay Draft Supplemental EIR-96-012 Revised Transportation Section of the Draft Supplemental EIR for the Terrabay Specific Plan and Development Agreement Extension. The revised transportation section of the Draft Supplemental EIR is being re-circulated due to new information related to traffic impacts, in accordance with CEQ A Guidelines Section 15088.5(a). Chairman Warren .opened the public hearing. Lida Budko, Project Planner, presented the staff report. She noted that the revised impact analysis identified one new unavoidable significant adverse impact for a segment on US 101 freeway; and three new significant adverse impacts which all can be mitigated to less than significant levels. Ms. Budko introduced Mr. Breen representing the applicant and Mr. Bressanutti of Wagstaff and Associates, the preparers of the Supplemental EIR. They are present to answer any questions. No one from the public spoke on the item. Chairman Warren closed the public hearing. Page 2 of 5 Pages PC Mtg. of 9/19/96 Commissioner Lucchesi asked that some mitigating measures be clarified. Ms. Budko and Mr. Bressanutti responded. Commissioner Barnett questioned City Engineer Wong regarding the hook- ramps and the flyover. Mr. Bressanutti further explained the proposed mitigations that would reduce to less than significant levels the additional new impacts. He also discussed the new unavoidable significant impact (T -15) and stated that since CalTrans does not plan to widen the roadway the only feasible mitigation would be to apply voluntary TDM measures (i. e. : carpooling, incentives, using bikes, and so on.) The TDM measures could reduce vehicular trips up to 12%, but that would not be enough to reduce the impact to insignificant levels. Commissioner Lucchesi asked about the proposed hook-ramps, and how they connect with Bayshore Blvd. Mr. Bressanutti explained that the hook-ramps would connect near the existing off-ramp and that Bayshore Blvd. would need to be realigned slightly to the west. City Engineer Wong described the location where the flyover connected with the Oyster Point Blvd., near the Gateway. Commissioner Barnett asked about the ramp connection to the Oyster Point Project; he asked where local traffic competes with the flyover traffic at Gateway Blvd. turning right going towards the south side of the Industrial Park. He asked at what point does the flyover traffic come into local streets? City Engineer Wong explained that the flyover would connect at the intersection of Gateway and Oyster Point Blvds. with controlled traffic signals. Discussion continued with the description of the height and length of the flyover. Commissioner Barnett inquired about the eastern view from Sister Cities Blvd., and how will the flyover connection be effected when the former Shearwater project area is developed? City Engineer Wong noted that this project area was taken into consideration in a prior EIR. In response to Commissioner Barnett's question if mitigations measures proposed are actually required to be developed? Chairman Warren noted that she understood that in order for the project to proceed the mitigation measure have to be carried out. Assistant City Attorney Seto noted that an EIR if approved with mitigations, the mitigations have to be implemented. In a situation where a condition cannot be mitigated, she indicated that then a statement of overriding considerations may be adopted by the City. Commissioner Masuda expressed concern that southbound traffic on Bayshore Blvd., entering to Northbound 101 (NB 101) or Southbound 101 (SB 101), has to go on Oyster Point overpass to enter the on-ramps. City Engineer Wong noted that the hook-ramps would resolve that issue. Chairman Warren recalled absent Commissioner Padreddii's previously stated concern regarding traffic on Sister Cities Blvd., crossing the congested intersection at Oyster Point/Airport Blvd. to get to 101 Freeway. She recently noted the traffic stacking up, halfway from South San Francisco Drive, on Sister Cities Blvd. due to traffic making a left turn to NB 101. Discussion continued concerning large trucks and large amounts of traffic at peak commute hours. City Engineer Wong explained present traffic conditions; such as, CalTrans has a repair project at the NB 101 on-ramp at E. Grand Avenue overpass and that traffic is going to Oyster Point overpass; hook- Page 3 of 5 Pages PC Mtg. of 9/19/96 ramps should alleviate Brisbane traffic. Further discussion continued on the traffic congestion at Oyster Point overpass during peak commute hours. Chairman Warren wanted the issue of traffic congestion on Sister Cities Blvd. going to NB 101 addressed. Commissioner Barnett noted that the new Sister Cities Blvd. does not have new traffic yet and it does need to be addressed with new traffic coming from Terrabay project. Mr. Bressanutti noted that Sister Cities Blvd. will be operating at the morning peak hour at Level of Service "C", and will be at "D" in the evening. Ms. Budko added that there is a City policy which states that Level of Service "D" is acceptable. City Engineer Wong confirmed. Discussion continued on the possible traffic impact due to fully development Terrabay and Shearwater sites. Assistant City Attorney Seto noted that the EIR does look to future conditions, but that you cannot require an individual project to meet the needs offuture projects. Chairman Warren recognized that future projects would need to mitigate their traffic. Vice-Chairman Romero noted the Daly City and Colma traffic should some how be mitigated at the City's limits, for example by delaying traffic at Evergreen and Hillside. Chairman Warren noted that all comments will be addressed in the Final SEIR. Chairman Warren noted the letter received from Mr. Fred Matthews regarding his wishes to preserve the archeaological site, the shell mounds, in the Terrabay project. Motion-MasudalSecond-Lucchesi: To direct staff to have responses to the comments prepared. ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS Items from Staff: Assistant City Attorney Seto introduced Wayne Snodgrass who will be taking care of the Planning Commission's items, any questions should be directed to him, although she will be subbing for him. Chairman Warren welcomed Mr. Snodgrass and thanked Ms. Seto for a yeoman's job and for alway being very pragmatic in answers to their concerns. Items from Commission: Chairman Warren explained the concerns of the letter received from the residents, Joe and Nancy Wood, and her own concerns on the starting time and the changes to the RobsonlHeather Heights project. She asked Planning staff to contact the developer and remind him of the conditions of approval. Assistant City Attorney Seto explained what the City could do to enforce the conditions. Senior Planner Carlson stated that Planning will contact developer, and noted that staff has contacted him periodically when calls/correspondence are received. Engineering and Fire PreventionlBuilding Divisions will also be advised to monitor the project for compliance with conditions. Chairman Warren noted that any changes to this project should come back to the Planning Commission. Assistant City Attorney Seto clarified what types of changes the Planning Commission may wish to see again, such as any inconsistencies between the approved project and what is actually being built in the field. Senior Planner Carlson advised that Chairman Warren meet with Economic & Community Development Director to see how these changes could be addressed. The Commission agreed. Page 4 of 5 Pages PC Mtg. of 9/19/96 Chairman Warren asked about the colors of homes in the Terrabay Development. Senior Planner Carlson advised he would check on it with the project planner. Chairman Warren briefed the Commission on her conversation with Mayor on the Terrabay Project relative to the revision to the Development Agreement to allow the project sponsor to pay a fee in-lieu of building a child care facility in the development. He stated that the funding would not be used for the library, it would be directed solely toward child care. Vice-Chairman Romero asked if smoking is allowed at a church bingo. Assistant City Attorney Seto is checking into this at the moment and will get back to him. Items from the Public: Mr. Patel asked why the Airport Plaza Inn item was continued. Senior Planner Carlson advised that the revised plans were not submitted in time for review. Adjournment: Motion-Romero/Second-Masuda: To adjourn meeting at 9:00 PM to October 3, 1996 Regular Planning Commission Meeting. krJ I- Marty Van Duyn, e retary Planning Commissi City of South San Francisco Marga Warren, Chairman Planning Commission City of South San Francisco MVD:rp Page 5 of 5 Pages PC Mtg. of 9/19/96