HomeMy WebLinkAbout11.06.97 Minutes MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING MUNICIPAL SERVICES BUILDING 33 ARROYO DRIVE November 6, 1997 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 6:35 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Romero, Vice Chairman Barnett, Commissioner Masuda, Commissioner Sim, Commissioner Teglia, Commissioner Baldocchi, Commissioner Honan MEMBERS ABSENT: None ALSO PRESENT: Planning Division Marty Van Duyn, Dir. ofE&CD Jim Harnish, Chief Planner Mike Upston, Associate Planner Mike Lappen, Consulting Planner Katherine Wellman S gt. Ron Petrocchi Sgt. Mike Massoni Richard Harmon City Attorney Police Dept. Engineering Division Chairman Romero stated that this was a special study session on the subject of the Bay West Cove development. Bay West Cove Discussions Economic and Community Development Director Marty Van Duyn informed the Commission that staff has exhausted all efforts to schedule a j oint study session with the City Council, adding that Council did not have any time available prior to the time when the subject is scheduled to come before the Commission on November 20. He introduced Mr. Bob Beyer, Economic and Community Development Project Manager. Page 1 of3 PC Meeting of 11/6/97 Mr. Beyer distributed a chronological list of events starting with January 1995 and ending with upcoming proposed events through December 1997. He provided detailed reporting on the list of events and stated that Council is very interested in cleaning up the site and developing the area in a manner that will generate revenue to the city and provide for improvements to the infrastructure in the area. Mr. Bill Poland representing Bay West Group provided details on the meetings they have had with city representatives. He added that discussions have centered around the appropriate use of the site, as a vehicle for generating revenue sales tax, property tax, and the potential for TOT, as uses become more defined. He spoke of the City's interest in completing the Oyster Point Flyover and Hook ramps, which are related to the Terrabay development, and hopes that development would contribute toward completion of that infrastructure as well as toward widening of Oyster Point Boulevard beyond the current area. He spoke of the discussions on appropriate use of the property surrounding the GSA site. He added that through remedial action there is an order for cleanup of the Shearwater site which is separate from the development. Commissioner Masuda asked about the developer paying for the flyover and what affects that would have on the liability of other developers. Mr. Beyer responded that new development will still be responsible for contributing through the formula. Mr. Van Duyn presented an exhibit of the Oyster Point Hook Ramps and explained the need for completing them. He provided further information on the marketability of uses for the site, and eXplained the reason for agreeing to the proposed use for Auto Nation. Commissioner Masuda asked if Brisbane would be contributing. Chairman Romero asked why this project was not making connection to the Sierra Point site. Mr. Van Dun responded that it is still being analyzed. However, there are problems with the land owned by the railroad, traffic problems, and considering a bridge structure may be too expensive. Vice Chairman Barnett raised questions regarding the mix of automobile sales, and people staying in the hotels. Mr. Van Duyn stated that there will be walkways to maximize appeal for hotels. Vice Chairman Barnett asked if there has been any consideration given to putting up some type monument in recognition of the historical significance. Mr. Sim asked if anything is being done about relocating the storage sheds. Mr. Beyer stated that they are not in the redevelopment area. Mr. Sim also cited that he felt the area has historic significance. He also wanted to know if there is some alternative for controlling the use by Auto Nation as a temporary use. Commissioner T eglia asked if Auto Nation has provided proj ections that would indicate they intend this as an interim use. Page 2 of3 PC Meeting of 11/6/97Bay Vice Chairman Barnett expressed a concern for the lack of stores to accommodate that area. Commissioner Sim asked if there was a strategic reason for locating that on the specific site. Mr. Beyer responded that it was due to freeway visibility. The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 to the Regular Planning Commission Meeting. I ~ I _ Jim \,~~9 ~MY ..the Planning Commission City of South San Francisco r\~~~~ Marty Romero, Chairman Planning Commission City of South San Francisco MR:JH:is Page 3 of3 PC Meeting of 11/6/97Bay