HomeMy WebLinkAbout07.03.97 Minutes MINUTES SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO PLANNING COMMISSION July 3, 1997 CALL TO ORDER: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 7:30 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Romero, Vice-Chairman Padreddii, Commissioners Barnett, Masuda, Sim, and Baldocchi. Commissioner Teglia arrived at 7:35 p.m. MEMBERS ABSENT: None ALSO PRESENT: Planning Division: Chief Planner Act. Secretary II City Attorney Engineer Division: Police Department: Jim Harnish Rosa Perez Steve Mattas Richard Harmon Sgt. Ron Petrocchi Sgt. Mike Massoni APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion- Teglia/Second-Romero: To continue June 19, 1997 minutes to incorporate Commissioner Teglia's comments on telecommunication and his consternation with City Manager's Office. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS PUBLIC HEARING - AGENDA ITEM 349 Oyster Point Blvd., Trammel Crow by Dean D. Givas, Applicant (Boliden Metech, Owner) PUD-97-018 (UP-97-018), Miti~ated Ne~ative Declaration No. ND-97-018 Planned Unit Development for development of a vacant 5.52 acre site with two buildings comprised of a total of 105,000 square feet of research and development use, a use generating in excess of 100 average daily vehicle trip ends, 24 hour daily operation, and parking allowed in the required rear setback, situated in the Planned Industrial (P- I) Zone District. Chairman Romero opened the public hearing. Chief Planner Harnish presented staff report noting that staffhad extensive discussion with the applicant on the follows issues: 1) Landscaping - There is substantial landscaping in the front of the site and the proposed reduction on landscaping at the rear setback is to provide additional parking; 2) Access driveway from Oyster Point Boulevard was substantially redesigned because of the terrain of the site. The design is acceptable to Engineering and Planning staff: and to Fire the Department for emergency vehicle access. Chief Planner Harnish explained that the Design Review Board (DRB) reviewed the project and changes were made by the applicant to meet DRB recommendations. A Mitigated Negative Declaration was prepared for this project. Chief Planner Harnish referred to the memorandum to the Planning Commission dated July 3, 1997 and explained that after meeting with the applicant, staff had further revised the conditions of approval as follows: . Planning Division: Add a phrase to Condition A.3 for clarification as follows: A.3. "The owner shall be responsible for installing the landscaping situated in the public right- of-way (between curb and property line or sidewalk) and thereafter......" Delete original Condition A.4 and add revised Condition A.4 to read as follows: A.4 Prior to conlnlencenlent to grading activities, tlte owner sit all provide a copy of tlte National Pollution Discltarge Elinlination Systenl (NPDES) pernlit issued by tlte Regional Water Quality boarll · Engineering Division Condition B.2: Chief Planner Harnish referred to Redevelopment Project Manager's letter dated July 1, 1997, indicating that the funding issue could be resolved at a later date, but staff feels the condition does not need to be modified. · Police Department Condition C.4.g.: Chief Planner Harnish referred to applicant's presentation for comments. · Fire Department Condition D.4 Chief Planner Harnish referred to Fire Department's letter dated July 2, 1997, and D. 5 - Fire staff indicated that fire hydrants requirements will be discussed in detail at the Building Permit level. Deleted original Condition D.4 and add modified Condition D.4 to read as follows: D.4 Tlte applicant sit all attenlpt to provide a second, enlergency access easenlent or a clear, driveable second entrance to tlte project. Applicant will install a second entrance, secure tlte enlergency access or provide evidence to tlte Fire Departnlent of tlteir efforts to obtain suclt access prior to receiving a pernlit to occupy any structures on site. (refer to Fire Departnlent's letter dated July 2, 1997) · Water Quality Control Department: Delete Condition E.4 - Chief Planner Harnish referred to Water Quality Control, Source Control Supervisor's memo dated July 2, 1997, stating this would be addressed at the TI stage. Chief Planner Harnish concluded his presentation recommending adoption of the project and Mitigated Negative Declaration. Page 2 of8 PC Mtg. 7/3/97 Mr. Sandell noted that all city staffhad been very helpful in the process of this project. He described the company and its accomplishments noting the Embarcadero in downtown San Francisco and the rehabilitation of a trade center on Sneath Avenue in San Bruno near the San Francisco Airport. He summarized the history of the site, noting the metal scrap business ending in 1986. He explained that the site had undergone environmental clean up to remove toxic materials from the previous businesses and had been deemed clean by the local toxic agency and the Regional Water Quality Control Board, and ready for development. Aoolicant Reoresentative: Bert Sandell, Managing Dir. Trammell Crow Company 1241 E. Hillsdale Blvd. Foster City, CA 94404 Mr. Sandell presented photographs of the site's terrain and described that the surrounding properties were warehouses. He described the project as a two-story high profile building totaling 105,000 sq. ft. with 3.5 parking stalls per 1,000 sq. ft. and a floor area ratio of 44%. They plan to add Building C and foresee it coming before the Planning Commission within 6 to 9 months. He explained that the applicant had certain contractual rights to the additional DeSalvo land adjacent to this site and are working with the historical and environmental issues. In response to some of their concerns on the security issues, Mr. Sandell presented a letter to the Planning Commission dated July 3, 1997 addressed to Sgt. Petrocchi indicating their two phase proposal for security conditions which read as follows: 1) During tlte construction pltase of tlte project, applicant will provide 24 Itour drive-by security. 2) Upon occupancy by one or nlore tenant, a nlodified 24 Itour drive-by security progranl will be inlplenlented Prior to suclt occupancy, Tranlnlell Crow Conlpany will subnlit a security deploynlent plant to Sgt. Petrocclti for review and approval In tlte event a tenant elects to directly enlploy security personnel on-site, tlte drive-by plan nlay be anlended, subject to approval by tlte Police Departnlent. Mr. Sandell also indicated that he spoke with Laura Mapes of the Fire Department and the conditions are acceptable. Mr. Sandell referred to Water Quality Control Condition EA. He explained that the applicant and the WQC Department's have a verbal agreement concerning the pump to get the discharge up to the city system in case of a temporary power outages the applicant will be providing tenants with a holding tank sufficient for temporary use. In addition, if the tenant elects to provide an emergency power system for their space, the applicant will connect that power system to the discharge pump so their emergency power would service the pump. Commissioner Masuda asked for an explanation when the applicant would be taking over the Desalvo property. Mr. Sandell explained that they have two acres under contract at the present time, which gives them nine months to investigate the environmental and feasibility of the project. They will try to finish and bring to the Planning Commission in nine months. Commissioner Masuda recommended that when the Page 3 of8 PC Mtg. 7/3/97 third building is proposed, he would like to see a second access driveway. Mr. Sandell indicated the proposed future access would accommodate large trucks and fire emergency vehicles. The limited truck traffic will be mandated to use this access, but also open for regular passenger vehicles. The applicant will obtain an easement with surrounding neighbors for the access. Commissioner T eglia was concern that the applicant would not have any control of the size of a delivery truck, i.e., whether a 65' truck make a right turn at the access driveway onto Oyster Pt. Blvd. without jumping the curb. Mr. Sandell noted that they redesigned the driveway to accommodate the larger trucks. Chief Planner Harnish explained that the applicant straightened out the road and made improvements to the design of the driveway. He stated that the applicant will encourage the use of a truck route to go straight onto Gull Road. The Engineering Division is satisfied with the redesign which worked out their concerns at the time of the Negative Declaration was done. Commissioner Barnett asked if the access driveway at Oyster Pt. Blvd. and Gull Road would have traffic signals. Chief Planner Harnish answered in the affirmative. Commission Barnett was concerned if the roads could handle the added traffic. Chief Planner Harnish noted that the widening of Oyster Point Blvd. Project to a four lane road is in the future and with the third building proposed the second driveway will most likely become the primary access since it would be a more functional access. Commissioner Sim noted that the minimum practical turning radius for a 50' or 65' long truck is a 50' turning radius. He indicated that the 45' turning radius, is good for a 33' long truck. He suggested 6% or 6.5% slope change on a parking area and place acceptable parking slope at the entrance area. Aoolicant's Architect: Mike Lindstrom 603 Montevista Avenue Healdsburg, CA Mr. Lindstrom explained they did look at combining the slopes to make the parking area a little steeper. In conclusion, after all the research and engineering, it was more important to the proj ect to keep the parking areas down at 6%. Instead of going to 14% in short driveways and providing all the proper curbs. He noted that they used a 50' truck simulator for the circulation study. Commissioner Sim noted a letter from their engineer regarding the slopes would be satisfactory and recommended that delivery trucks come after regular business hours for the best circulation pattern. Mr. Sandell, in noting the Commissions concerns, stated those important issues have been thought through by the applicant and, given the complexity of the site, he agreed this was not perfect but to make practical use of the land and to incorporate a useful property, they have done the best they can. He noted they could put directional sign age at the traffic signal for larger trucks. Mr. Sandell agreed with the recommendation to include in the tenants leases that deliveries be done after regular business hours. Commissioner Teglia noted that the applicant had considered raising the project 4 feet but landfill costs prohibited. He asked suggested that the applicant use the Terrabay excavated dirt as fill. Mr. Sandell explained that timing is important, they need to be able to stock pile dirt and would prefer not to raise the site further. Commissioner Teglia speculated if the applicant does not get the DeSalvo site whether there could be an easement at the rear access. Mr. Sandell stated they would endeavor to obtain an easement Page 4 of8 PC Mtg. 7/3/97 since this would make the project more marketable and made reference to Fire Department's condition. Chief Planner Harnish indicated that the Fire Department's condition requires that the applicant show evidence of their efforts to acquire the easement, if the other phase of the project does not go through. Commissioner Sim asked what the slope of the driveway would be if the alternative plan for the egress at the rear of the project was done. Mr. Lindstrom explained that the easement would be on adjacent property and estimates a 10' grade, but there is an existing road that DeSalvo uses. Discussion on the landscaping continued. Mr. Sandell presented a site plan which showed the rear landscaping where the applicant was asking for a reduction from 15' to 6', he noted it was the rear side of the warehouses. Commissioner Sim asked about the mechanical screen. Mr. Sandell explained they will have the height of the mechanical screens cover the height of the equipment. These would be coming back to the Commission as specific tenant improvements. Chief Planner Harnish informed the Commission that the consultant that prepared the negative declaration is available to answer questions. Chairman Romero closed the public hearing. Chairman Romero asked if Engineering Division had any concerns with the exit and the turn onto Oyster Point Blvd. Engineering Development Review Specialist, Richard Harmon explained that the larger trucks are considered rare and he believed the trucks would elect to go straight into Gull Road. Discussion continued on the widening of the driveway. Mr. Harmon stated that they would have no objection to widening the driveway, but Oyster Point Blvd. would be widened and there would be signed truck routes to advise of the recommended truck routes. Engineering staff is not concerned with this proposed site exit, and considering the terrain, the project is being reasonably developed. Commissioner Padreddii felt this project would be an overall improvement to the area. Commissioner Teglia asked Sgt. Petrocchi if the memo dated July 3, 1997 from staffhas all the changes needed. Sgt. Petrocchi noted that the letter submitted by the applicant is sufficient, including his conditions. Motion-Masuda/Seconded-Sim: To approve Mitigated Negative Declaration ND-97-018 and Planned Unit Development PUD-97 -018 based on the findings and subject to the amended conditions of approval. The Motion passed with a unanimous roll call vote. Commissioner Teglia reminded the applicant that dust control during construction is included in the mitigation measures of the project. Page 5 of8 PC Mtg. 7/3/97 ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS Items from Staff Chief Planner Harnish informed the Commission of the Wireless Communication Subcommittee meeting is scheduled for 5:00 PM, Wednesday, July 9th. The Mayor and Vice-Mayor will be Council's representatives. He will have a memo prepared by the end of the day Monday for the Subcommittee's review. Vice-Chairman Padreddii informed the Commission he would not be able to participate in the Subcommittee. City Attorney Mattas clarified the process for a replacement for Mr. Padreddii and cautioned not to have four Commissioners. Chairman Romero volunteered to replace Mr. Padreddii. Chief Planner Harnish informed the Commission on the staff report to the City Council for the July 9th meeting regarding the freight forwarding. City staff has met four times with business and property owner representatives in the East of 101 area and worked out a proposed compromise from the original proposed amendment that the Planning Commission recommended. In the compromise there is a proposed three year period that the freight forwarding businesses can move around and expand to give them some time for business planning. They would not be allowed to develop new land. The prime objective of preserving the existing vacant land remains a key component of the compromise language. They have identified the warehousing differently than freight forwarding, and so that it is clear that See's Candies and Berkeley Farms are manufacturing and would not be affected by the proposed amendment. The City has addressed the concerns of the people in the area, while preserving the intent and objectives in the General Plan Amendment. The report was a group effort with City Attorney, Dyett & Bhatia, Sedway Group, Finance Director, Director ofE&CD and Planning staff all participated. If the Commission has any concerns before the Council meeting, Chief Planner Harnish would be available to answer any questions. Chief Planner Harnish asked the Commission for their direction regarding developer requests to contact the Commissioners individually. Discussion continued on the pros and cons of Commissioners speaking with developers individually. City Attorney Mattas explained that the Commission makes two kinds of decisions, ajudicatory and legislative. The legislative decisions involve general plan amendments, rezones, and planned unit developments. In the legislative context it is appropriate, if Commissioners wish, to have contact out side the meeting because they are not applying an existing set of laws to a particular project as they do at a judicatory process. When they are creating a new law, as they do with a general plan amendment and zoning ordinance, they do not have an obligation to disclose those contact in a legislative project. The individual commissioners can choose to disclose their contacts when at the dais with an item before the Commission, and that is up to the conscience of the individual. City Attorney Mattas further eXplained that in a ajudicatory context, i.e., conditional use permits, and variances Commissioners are not prohibited from the contacts, although the City Attorney's office will recommend not to have them. However, Commissioners are required by law to disclose such contacts. If a Commissioner talks to a developer before an ajudicatory issue comes before the Commission, the Commissioner is obligated under law to disclose that he/she met with the developer and disclose the content of their conversation, before the item is voted on. City Attorney Mattas advised that is it best not Page 6 of8 PC Mtg. 7/3/97 to have those contacts, to maintain the impartiality on the project for the benefit of the public. The public will have the benefit of hearing the discussion when the Commission hears it and will have the opportunity to respond and offer their comments. The Commission, as the entity hearing the information, benefits from hearing each of the Commissioner's thoughts and questions with everyone's knowledge in their area of expertise at the time of the hearing with the applicant present, which is important in an ajudicatory capacity. City Attorney Mattas agreed that a Commissioner should not make commitments outside the public hearing meetings. If the Commissioners have contacts on legislative items it is permissible, but do it with the interest of learning something about the project and he recommends the Commissioner disclose to the Commission who they met with and what was discussed and learned. City Attorney Mattas noted that it may not be necessary that the commission imposed by-laws on each others restricting to speak. Chief Planner Harnish noted that staffwill take applicant's information and notify all the Commissioners of their desire to talk to the Commission. Items from Commission: Commissioner Masuda noted that the PG&E lot on Linden @ Airport looks very nice. Chief Planner Harnish indicated staff would send these comments to the City Manager's office. Commissioner Masuda noted at Hickey Boulevard and El Camino Real is being used a dirt parking lot. Staffwill check the area. Commissioner Teglia asked that PG&E add a Itedge along tlte bare parts of tlte fence at tlteir property at Gateway Blvd And East Grand A venue next to Drago Park. the hedges SUI I oundillg the lot needs tr ilrnning. Staff noted property owners will be notified. Commissioner Masuda indicated that across the street from the Conference Center there is a trash problem. Staff will check the area. Commissioner Sim informed that he received a copy of a staff report from the City of San Jose regarding their telecommunication policy and will make it available to be copied for subcommittee. Commissioner Baldocchi noted she had a copy of the City of Daly City's Staff Report on telecommunication for the subcommittee's information. Vice-Chairman Padreddii informed the Commission that he accepted the appointment to the San Mateo County Harbor Commission and he would have to resign the Planning Commission effective upon his appointment next week. Chairman Romero noted that the cigarette flags are still displayed at East Grand Avenue need to be removed. Chief Planner Harnish noted he would advise the Code Enforcement Officer. Commissioner Teglia expressed his concern and the importance to have Code Enforcement and Fire Page 7 of8 PC Mtg. 7/3/97 Department attend the Planning Commission meetings. Chief Planner Harnish stated he spoke with Laura Mapes of the Fire Department and will be meeting with Jim Kirkman of Building Inspection Division to have some representation at the Planning Commission meetings, but they may not be available at all the meetings. Commissioner Teglia asked if someone could attend at the next meeting to address the issues. Commissioner Masuda expressed his concern with the circulation and parking at the East Grand and Gateway Blvd. gas station, the no parking zones need to be painted red and vehicles leaving the pumps have a difficult time exiting. Staff would check into the painting of the red zone. Items from the Public: None Adjournment: Motion-Barnett/Second-Teglia: To adjourned to the Regular Planning Commission Meeting, July 17, 1997 rt 7:30 PM ')~'(\n" n \ ,.j ~$jte,~-,/.' \ '" c.-~\&Lc(? William Romero, Chairman Planning Commission City of South San Francisco WR:JH:rp Page 8 of8 PC Mtg. 7/3/97