HomeMy WebLinkAbout06.05.97 Minutes MINUTES SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO PLANNING COMMISSION June 5, 1997 CALL TO ORDER: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 7:30 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Romero, Vice-Chairman Padreddii, Commissioners Masuda, Sim, Teglia and Baldocchi MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioner Barnett ALSO PRESENT: Planning Division: Chief Planner Senior Planner Senior Planner Act. Secretary II City Attorney City Engineer Police Department: Jim Harnish Steve Carlson Susy Kalkin Rosa Perez Steve Mattas Arthur Wong Sgt. Ron Petrocchi ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS . Interview for the Design Review Board - Mr. Paul was unable to keep his interview appointment. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion-Teglia/Second-Sim: To approve Planning Commission Minutes of May 15, 1997, with a correction by Commissioner Sim that the City Attorney's verbatim description of a Private and Public Nuisance be included: "The difference of a public nuisance would affect a substantial nunlber of people, if it does not nleet that criteria it would be considered a private nuisance. " The minutes were unanimously approved by voice vote. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS PUBLIC HEARING - AGENDA ITEM 740 Del Monte Avenue, Michael Kaplan, Applicant; Grace Covenant Church, Owner UP-95-996; Cate~orical Exemption: Class 1, Section 15301 Annual Review of Use Permit which allows a pre-school accommodating up to 36 children in the Low Density Residential Zoning District (R-I-E), in accordance with South San Francisco Municipal Code Sections 20.16.030.(c). Chairman Romero opened the public hearing. Chief Planner Jim Harnish presented the staffreport. He informed the Commission that this was an Annual Review and that the primary issues had been noise and parking. He indicated that the post construction field inspection of the sound wall confirmed that the fence had reduced the decibel level to a standard which now complies with the City's requirements. Additionally, he noted that the drop-off/pick- up zone was functioning adequately, and that there had been no complaints since October 1996. Staff recommended that no further monitoring or review was required. Commissioner Masuda asked about the San Francisco Water Company's work on the easement behind the church property. City Engineer Wong explained that the area would be returned to its natural state upon completion of the project. ADDlicant: Michael Kaplan Alta Loma Pre-School 740 Del Monte Avenue SSF Mr. Kaplan reiterated that no complaints had been received, the sound wall had been working effectively, and the lease for the parking area had been renewed with the South San Francisco Unified School District. He noted he was present to answer any questions and indicated that the San Francisco Water Company had always been a good neighbor. Vice-Chairman Padreddii complimented Mr. Kaplan for his work at the pre-school and for his efforts in complying with the conditions of approval. Chairman Romero closed the public hearing. The Commission concurred with the staff recommendation that, since conditions of approval had been met, no further review was necessary. 3560 Callan Blvd., E. M. Alido, Applicant; J. Haggerty, Owner UP-280/MOD 2; Cate20rical Exemption: Class 1, Section 15301 Annual Review of Use Permit Modification to allow a limited service eating and drinking establishment to include lunch service in a C-l Planned Commercial Zone District in accordance with the provisions of South San Francisco Municipal Code Section 20.91.020. Chairman Romero opened the pubic hearing. Senior Planner Steve Carlson presented the staff report noting that the shared parking during the lunch hour appeared to be working and no complaints had been received. He indicated that the conditions of approval had been met and the staff recommended that no further monitoring or review was needed. ADDlicant: Ernest Alido 3560 Callan Blvd., SSF Mr. Alido concurred with staff's recommendation. He indicated that he'd had no problems or complaints due to the parking situation. Chairman Romero closed the public hearing. The Commission concurred with staff's recommendation that no further review was necessary. Page 2 of7 PC Mtg. 6/5/97 Downtown Flexibility Ordinance, City of South San Francisco, Applicant ZA-96-014; Ne~ative Declaration No. ND-96-014 Zoning Text Amendments which include: Rezoning certain properties to and establishes the regulations for the Downtown Residential Overlay District; amends the setback requirements of garages and carports built on lanes (920.71.040); allows wheelchair access structures in the front yards of residential properties (920.71.050); allows fences up to eight feet in height in the rear yard subject to the approval of a minor use permit (920.73. 020(D)); allows the City Engineer to approve or recommend approval of driveway widths less than standard (920. 74. 150(C)); allows private residential handicap parking spaces to be placed in required yards where there is not an alternative space available, subject to the approval of a minor use permit (920.74.125); modifies the definitions of Family Day Care Homes and Large Family Day Care by increasing the number of children from 12 to 14 to conform with changes in State Law (920.06.100(F)); and a Negative Declaration of environmental impact regarding the amendments. Chairman Romero opened the public hearing. Senior Planner Susy Kalkin presented the staff report summarizing the history of the zoning amendment. She noted that it was Council's intent to facilitate improvements in the old town area, the area as described between Chestnut Avenue and Airport Blvd, with a corridor along Linden Avenue from Hillside Blvd. to Railroad Avenue. The distinguishing characteristic for this area of the City, is that most lots have frontages on both a public street and a lane, and, therefore, specific standards need to be established. She noted many of the issues covered in the Overlay Zone concern accessory structures, and references are made to the Minor Use Permit and Zoning Administrator approval processes. Also, included are issues of City wide concern: 1) to allow handicap ramps and landscape parking spaces in the required setbacks if there is no other practical solution, 2) to increase allowable rear yard fence height limits, and 3) to modify the definition of a large family day care facility from 12 children to 14 children to conform with the new State regulations. Planner Kalkin indicated that a Negative Declaration had been prepared. She further noted that the Historic Preservation Commission had been forwarded copies of the proposed amendments and that the staff had received a call from a Commissioner noting some concerns. Staff recommended that the Planning Commission continue the item to allow the Historic Preservation Commission an opportunity to provide additional comments. Chairman Romero closed the public hearing. Discussion continued on the Historic Preservation Commission's concerns, and whether a joint meeting was necessary. Chief Planner Harnish recommended that the Historic Preservation Commission's comments be included in the Planning Commission's review and recommended a continuance. The Commission concurred. Commissioner T eglia commented on the Negative Declaration, noting that reference was made to a city wide ordinance concerning setbacks and parking on lanes. He noted that this amendment should instead refer only to the proposed Downtown Overlay District since that is the only area which has parking on lanes. Page 3 of7 PC Mtg. 6/5/97 City Attorney Mattas noted that a clarification can be made in the Negative Declaration to reflect Commissioner Teglia's comments. Commissioner Teglia noted concern with the April 29, 1997, memo from Planning Division which included a description of the Zoning Administrator's duties. He was mainly concerned with Paragraphs B and C which indicated that the Administrator could delegate his authority. Commissioner Teglia wanted to specify to whom the duties could be delegated. Commissioner Sim asked that a summary of the Zoning Administrator provisions history be provided for the benefit of the new commissioners. City Attorney Mattas advised that the Commission should not discuss the Zoning Administrator issue duties since it was not an item on the agenda. He suggested that the Commission agendize the matter at its next meeting. The Commission concurred that at the July 1 7th meeting staff would bring back the Historic Preservation Commission's comments, summary background information on the Downtown Flexibility Ordinance, and the provisions relating to the Zoning Administrator. Motion-Romero/Second-Masuda: To continue the item to July 17th to provide an opportunity for the Historic Preservation Commission to make comments and to revisit the Zoning Administrator provisions. The Commission concurred. ADMINISTRA TIVE BUSINESS( continued) 1997-1998 Capital Improvement Program Capital Improvement Program for fiscal year 1997-1998, including adoption of a resolution of conformance with the City's General Plan as required in California Government Code Section 65401. City Engineer Arthur Wong presented the staff report, noting that as a result of current activities with the McLellan site and the Oyster Point Grade Separation projects, the Alta Loma Park and widening of Oyster Point Boulevard are two new projects that have been added to the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) for the upcoming year. He indicated that the CIP is a five year plan, with funding for only the first year. He explained that most of the projects in the CIP involve improvements to roadways, the sanitary system, pump stations, water quality control plant or similar infrastructure. The new corporation yard was one of the major facilities included in last year's CIP. This year, there are no new major facilities included in the program. Commissioner Teglia asked for clarification of the Commission's role in reviewing the CIP. City Engineer Wong eXplained that the Commission's role is to determine whether the CIP is consistent with the General Plan. He added that staff would welcome ideas from the Commission on additional projects it may like to see in the future. His staff would review such proposals for consideration in developing future capital improvement plans, but prioritization and funding decisions are left to the City Council. City Attorney Mattas reiterated that the Planning Commission's role is to determine consistency between the CIP and the General Plan; this is not an opportunity to add items to the CIP. That is done at the Council level because it involves the expenditure of funds. He noted that if a project in the CIP is Page 4 of7 PC Mtg. 6/5/97 inconsistent with the General Plan, then the Commission would need to make a determination that a portion of the CIP was inconsistent with the General Plan. Commissioner Masuda asked the City Engineer about the proposed work on Junipero Serra Blvd. City Engineer Wong responded that the project would include the reconstruction of islands, additional landscaping, pothole repair and general pavement overlay. Discussion continued on current CalTrain Grade Separation projects in Belmont and San Carlos and concerns were voiced about when South San Francisco's grade separation projects would be funded. Chairman Romero asked that a pedestrian overpass be considered across EI Camino Real from the McLellan/Greystone property to the future BART station/existing pedestrian path which leads to EI Camino High School. Discussion continued over whether the City could bridge over a State Highway property, and whether there would be a continued need since BART would be installing two traffic signals on EI Camino Real, one at Hickey Blvd. Extension and one to the south next to the existing pedestrian stairway. Commissioner Teglia suggested that a traffic signal be considered at the RR spur tracks at Forbes Blvd. and Eccles Avenue, and that the area be improved to provide for a smoother crossing. Commissioner Masuda noted that railroad crossing safety signals are not being used in some areas when a single boxcar is crossing. City Engineer Wong noted that the railroad had recently put in safety features. Motion-Teglia/Second-Sim: To adopt a resolution determining that the 1997-1998 Capital Improvement Program is consistent with the City's General Plan. The Motion passed with a unanimous voice vote. Appointment of Design Review Board Member The candidates were: Michael Nilmeyer, John Ploss, John Lim, and Robert Gooyer. Mr. Larry Paul was unavailable for an interview. The Commission reviewed the qualifications of the candidates interviewed on May 15, 1997. Motion -Romero/Second-Masuda: To appoint Mr. Nilmeyer to the vacancy on the Design Review Board. The Motion was approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: Chairman Romero, Vice-Chairman Padreddii, Commissioners Masuda, Sim, Teglia and Baldocchi. NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Barnett. The record notes that City Attorney left the meeting to attend the Council's Special Session at 8:25 PM Items from Staff: Senior Planner, Susy Kalkin, presented a status report on BART. She noted that the City Council adopted design guidelines for the station in March but BART has not forwarded any station design concerns back for the City's review. Most recently, BART has submitted a Comprehensive Agreement to the City which will set up the parameters and terms for BART to proceed with construction through the City. The City has submitted detailed comments to BART, which BART is currently reviewing. The Page 5 of7 PC Mtg. 6/5/97 overall BART project is presently waiting for Federal funding, which they had expected in November 1996. They are continuing to operate under reduced staffing, with the funding available now. Chairman Romero wanted to make sure that the people in the Treasure Island Trailer Park will get an early notification when they need to move. Planner Kalkin noted that BART is required to do that. She indicated that the residents are not being forced to move but that the construction may create a need for some residents to be temporarily relocated during the construction period. Commissioner Sim asked if the design drawings would be available to the Commission. Planner Kalkin noted that BART had not yet hired an Architect. BART's in-house staffis doing the preliminary design work which will be forwarded to the Station Architect when one is hired. The Commission discussed the BART stations design process and how they felt their comments were ignored in the preliminary design. Commissioner Padreddii commented he was displeased that after four special planning commission meetings, BART did not take any of their comments. Planner Kalkin indicated that the EIR did respond to the City's comments, although most of the City's comments were not incorporated into the final site plan. Commissioner Masuda asked about the Macy's warehouse property. Senior Planner Kalkin noted that the Council was currently holding a meeting at City Hall to discuss EI Camino Corridor economic issues. Chief Planner Harnish reported that an application for a residential development on the north side of Sign Hill had been received and he had been invited to a neighborhood meeting. He indicated that the permit process for the proposal would take some time since it would require both a General Plan and Zoning amendment, a Planned Unit Development Permit and a complete environmental analysis. Chief Planner Harnish mentioned that staff recently met with the developer of the AtkinsonlKaiser site, Summerhill Homes. The developer intended to propose a single family project and was surprised to hear that the City Council had interest in having the project include some Senior housing. He indicated that the developer is interested in having a study session with the Planning Commission early in the process. Commissioner Masuda asked if the developer would propose improvements to the canal. City Engineer Wong noted that the City could not ask the developer to improve the canal since there is no nexus, but they may be required to fund other improvements. Chief Planner Harnish informed the Commission that the San Mateo County AlA and the City are considering a charette to focus on design improvements in the Grand Avenue/Greater Downtown area. Commissioner Masuda asked that the train station be considered. Planner Harnish noted he would bring the proposals back to the Commission for their information. Chief Planner Harnish noted an item in the 97-98 CIP involves a plan to have Planning, Engineering and Building Divisions move into the City Hall Annex. If approved, this plan would most likely occur either in 30 days or in 6 months. Chief Planner Harnish informed the Commission that the freight forwarding issue will be continued by the City Council for two weeks to allow for further discussions with industry representatives on possible areas of compromise. Page 6 of7 PC Mtg. 6/5/97 The Chief Planner also noted that 119 So. Linden Avenue had been appealed and would be going before City Council on June 11, 1997. Items from Commission: Vice-Chairman Padreddii requested information about the construction work at the building on the corner of Grand and Linden Avenues. Chief Planner Harnish noted that there is a proposal for an upscale restaurant and bar, but that no business license applications have yet been submitted. Commissioner T eglia noted that cigarette signs/banners have been hung on city street signs at the gas station on the corner of E. Grand Avenue and Gateway Blvd. Staff noted that Code Enforcement Office will be notified. Chairman Romero asked about the City's limitations on window signs. Planner Kalkin noted that window signs are restricted to a maximum of30% of the window. Commissioner Masuda commented that the rear of properties along Littlefield Avenue, adjacent to the bay, are becoming a dump. Staff noted that Code Enforcement would be notified. Commissioner Baldocchi asked if the City would consider leasing property to the wireless communication companies. Planner Harnish noted he had discussed the issue with the Director of Economic & Community Development, who intended to discuss the matter with the City Manager. Commissioner Baldocchi suggested several City owned sites might be appropriate including the new corporation yard, the Municipal Services Building and the Westborough Recreation Center. Commissioner Sim noted that the office building located at the corner of Callan and Westborough Blvds. had a number of large signs and he questioned their legality. He also requested that staff inspect the area behind Alido' s restaurant, noting there was a lot of trash behind the fence. Chairman Romero relayed to the Commission that he had attended a community meeting held earlier in the week regarding the development of the McLellan site and Alta Loma Park. He noted it had been a well attended meeting and the public seemed supportive. Items from the Public: None Adjournment: Motion-Padreddii/Second-Masuda: To adjourn the meeting at 9:20 PM to the Regular Planning (fommission Meeting of June 19, 1997. It was unanimously passed by voice vote. I "" ~ \ ; ~~rtL~{O - William Romero, Chairman Planning Commission City of South San Francisco WR:JH:rp Page 7 of7 PC Mtg. 6/5/97