HomeMy WebLinkAbout07.16.98 Minutes MINUTES CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MUNICIPAL SERVICES BUILDING 33 ARROYO DRIVE July 16, 1998 CALL TO ORDER / PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The meeting was called to order 7:30 p.m. ROLL CALL / CHAIRMAN COMMENTS PRESENT: Vice Chairman Teglia, Commissioner Romero, Commissioner Sim, Commissioner Baldocchi, Commissioner Honan, Commissioner Masuda ABSENT: Chairman Barnett ALSO PRESENT: Planning: City Attorney: Police: Engineering: WQC: APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Jim Harnish Steve Carlson Mike Upston Mike Lappen Adam Lindgren Patrick Whitnell S gt. Massoni Cyrus Kianpour Ray Honan June 4, 1998 and June 18, 1998 June 4, 1998. Motion-Masuda/Second-Sim. Approved by unanimous voice vote with correction to page 7 requested by Commissioner Romero. June 18, 1998. Motion-Honan/Second-Baldocchi. Approved by unanimous voice vote. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None F\File Cabinet\Old PC\working\minutes\1998\071698. wpd Page 1 of 12 CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Foodservice Partners~ Inc.~ .John Nicket - Nickel Properties~ Owner~ Manoukian Associates~ Applicant~ 528 Eccles A 'venue~ UP-98-055 and Cate20rical Exemption~ Class 1~ 15303 (c) Use Permit to allow a use involving food preparation and hours of operation between midnight and 6:00 a.m. in a Planned Industrial (P-l) Zone District in accordance with SSFMC Sections 20.32.030 (d) and 20.32.070 (a). Removed from Consent Calendar due to additional conditions from the Stormwater Coordinator not included in the staff report. PUBLIC HEARING - AGENDA ITEMS 1. Foodservice Partners~ Inc.~ J ohn Nickel~ Nickel Properties~ Owner ~ Manoukian Associattes~ Applicant~ 528 Eccles A venue~ UP-98-055 and Cate20rical Exemption~ Class L 15303 (c) Use Permit to allow a use involving food preparation and hours of operation between midnight and 6:00 a.m. in a Planned Industrial (P-l) Zone District in accordance with SSFMC Sections 20.32.030 (d) and 20.32.070 (a). Associate Planner Upston presented the report. Chairman Pro Tern Teglia closed the public hearing and opened it up to the Commission. Commissioner Honan asked the applicant if he was aware of the additional conditions from the Stormwater Coordinator. Angelo Bizarro, the Applicant from Barnsville, Maryland responded that he was. Commissioner Baldocchi asked if they will have receiving hours. Mr. Bizarro responded that receiving is throughout the day, but mainly in the morning. Chairman Pro Tern Teglia asked staff if this triggered the Oyster Point overpass fees. No further questions, Chairman Pro Tern called for a motion. Motion-Romero/Second-Sim. Approved by unanimous voice vote with additional conditions from Water Quality Control. Commissioner Masuda asked staff for clarification on why the Oyster Point fee does not apply. Staff responded 2. Don & .Jerry's Tow Stora2e~ Joseph w. Welch~ Owner~ .Jerry Stich~ Applicant~ 233 So. Maple Avenue~ UP-98-060 and Cate20rical Exemption Class L 15301 (a) F:\File Cabinet\Old PC\ working\minutes\1998\071698. wpd Page 2 of 12 Use Permit to allow a tow storage lot within a tenant office/industrial complex in a Manufacturing Industrial (M-l) Zone District in accordance with SSFMC Section 20.30.030. Associate Planner Upston presented the staff report. Mr. Stich, the applicant spoke briefly about the application and responded to questions raised by the Commission. Commissioner Baldocchi asked about the duration for vehicles staying on the site. Commissioner Masuda asked if anybody would be at the site during the day. Commissioner Honan asked for the percentage of vehicles that remain on the site thirty days, versus the ones that move sooner. She also asked if there is ever a time when more than the stated number of vehicles are there. Commissioner Baldocchi asked if the cars are turned around within 31 days. She also asked about landscaping. Commissioner Honan asked staff if the project would interfere with parking for surrounding businesses. Associate Planner Upston responded that the Police Department has asked that tighter regulations be placed with reference to the parking. Chairman Pro Tern Teglia closed the public hearing and asked if anyone in the audience wished to comment. Mr. Ed Pollis, owner of property next to the site indicated that they have problems with parking and asked for reassurance that they would not endure additional problems with vehicles being towed to the facility. Chairman Pro Tern Teglia requested that a condition be placed to insure that the site will be kept clear of debris. Motion-HonanlSecond-Masuda. Approved by majority voice vote subject to adding two additional conditions: 1) issue of debris, and 2) parking and clearance. 3. South ParklKaiser Foundation~ Owner~ Summerhill Homes~ Applicant~ Site bounded bv West Oran2e A venue~ Railroad A venue~ and the future North Canal Street~ ND- 98-004~ GP-98-004~ RZ-98-004~ PUD-98-004 and SA -98-004 Mitigated Negative Declaration, amend the General Plan land use designation of the site from Planned Industrial District (P-I) to Medium Density Residential (R-2-H) Zoning District, adopt a Planned Unit Development allowing exceptions from City development standards including reduced lot size and rear setbacks, and to adopt a Vesting Tentative Subdivision Map allowing the development of 153 dwellings and common area, situated F:\File Cabinet\Old PC\working\minutes\1998\071698.wpd Page 3 of 12 at a site bounded by West Orange Avenue, Railroad Avenue, and the future North Canal Street extension in accordance with the South San Francisco Municipal Code Titles 19 and 20. Commissioner Romero stated that he had a c0nflict and would not be participating in these discussions, and stepped down from the dias. Assistant City Attorney Lindgren stated that he had represented the applicant in Contra Costa County, and for that reason he would be stepping down for this item, adding that Mr. Whitnell would be representing the City Attorney's office for this item. Sr. Planner Carlson presented the staff report and made a recommendation that the Commission conduct a public hearing, allow public comment, and continue the item to the August 6, 1998 meeting to allow for a development agreement to be finalized. Mr. Haag the consultant who prepared the environmental review for the project presented details on the areas addressed the environmental document. He recommended that the Commission approve the Negative Declaration with recommended mitigation measures. Mr. Carlson concluded the presentation. Mr. Dave Egan representing Summerhill Homes spoke for the project and introduced members of his development team who he indicated would be available to answer any questions. He provided information on the history, and other details of the project and updated the Commission on attempts to address previous concerns, and notification and effects of neighborhood meetings. Gary Saunders, 1519 Rollins Road, Burlingame, CA representing the Plumbers and Steamfitters, Local 467 for San Mateo County spoke in favor of the project. Patrick Barrett, 238 Mills Avenue, San Bruno, CA representing Cement Masons Local 300, San Mateo County area 583 spoke in favor of the project. Marcy Schultz, 1153 Chess Drive, Foster City, CA, business manager for the Building and Construction Trades Council for San Mateo County spoke in favor of the project. Ken Sinclair, 22 Sonora Ave, So. S. F., CA representing the Teamsters spoke in favor of the project. Kevin Chase, labor representative for Local 12 of the International Brotherhood of Painters and Allied Trades spoke in favor of the project. Mr. Rigo Laguardia, 1153 Chess Drive, Foster City, CA representing Carpenters Local 217 for San Mateo County spoke in favor of the project. Chairman Pro Tern Teglia closed the public hearing and opened it up to the Commission. Commissioner Masuda raised a concern regarding homes on North Canal with back gates concerning company vehicles or trucks parking on North Canal. Commissioner Sim asked for staff to elaborate on the Design Review Board comments. He also asked for clarification on the recommended eight foot wall adjacent to the Basque Cultural F:\File Cabinet\Old PC\working\minutes\1998\071698. wpd Page 4 of 12 Center site. He asked through the Chair if comments should be reserved until the development agreement was available at the continued date. He commended the developer on behalf of the Commission for their presentation and efforts in responding to the Commissions concerns from the Study Session. Chairman Pro Tern Teglia stated following the last study session he had noticed the linear park where access to Mayfair is from Magnolia and the only other access is from Orange Avenue, which would block off the large amenity from the development. He felt that a footbridge was necessary to allow the development to use the linear park. He added that he met with the developer who stated that it would not be a problem depending upon the City's approval. He indicated that he spoke with the Chief Planner and Barry Nagel in Park and Recreation who thought it was a good idea providing it met with the Flood Control District approval. He added that this has not been addressed tonight and asked the Developer his feelings, and also asked staff to explain their findings. Mr. Egan indicated that it was talked about, and has been discussed with staff to some extent. He added that the concern he expressed during the meeting is that there does not appear to be adequate footing for the bridge on that side which is awkward. He stated so long as staff concur with this and that this project is part of the linear park installation, he would not have an issue and would install whatever is requested. He mentioned that the linear park is being installed as a credit against a portion of the in-lieu park fee, and it was a staff, Commission and Council decision as to what they want to see there, however he would consider that to be an integral part of the linear park installation program. Chairman Pro Tern Teglia stated that he was considering it a project enhancement as a mitigation for the PUD and not infringing on the in-lieu park fees. Mr. Egan spoke of the primary issue that the PUD justification is that the project will be paying about $900,000 to the city toward the purchase of a senior housing property which is part of the verbiage being discussed in the development agreement. Mr. Harnish stated that staff checked with the Flood Control District, and they don't have a problem so long as it meets their clearance standards, and he believes a design could be worked out to meet that. He stated that staff shares some of the same concerns about the footing which is more of an engineering issue, which if approved would have to be contingent upon being installed while still maintaining the roadway sections as designed. He added that if the Commission is recommending it, language should be included to insure that it is possible. He added that staffs greater concern is the funding of the bridge. Staffs position is that the bridge makes sense, but should not be taken out of the in lieu fees. He added that the $900,000 is considered a project enhancement which is part of the quid pro quo of the PUD, adding that it would be a judgement call as to whether the Commission wants to place an additional condition as part of the quid pro quo for the reduction of lot sizes. Commissioner Masuda asked if the homes on Mayfair side at South Canal rear entrances are being blocked off. Discussions followed regarding possible ways to address the rear yard fencing, gates and access issues. Commissioner Masuda added that he thought the bridge is a good idea, but it would create a short cut through the new housing project. Commissioner Honan asked about the impact of having fewer houses and increasing the lot sizes on the price of the homes. She also spoke of the lack of mention by staff of the impacts the F:\File Cabinet\Old PC\working\minutes\1998\071698. wpd Page 5 of 12 project will have on the schools and showed a concern for this issue not being addressed since the report states that they cannot accommodate the number of students proposed. Commissioner Sim asked Chairman Pro Tern for a clarification on his idea for the bridge connection. He added that contingent upon the development agreement and taking into account the economics of the project he would support the idea, however he would like to weigh the equation into the senior housing, but he urged staff to look into an economical way to achieve the bridge to enable the community to share the beautiful linear park. Commissioner Masuda asked that staff provide a copy of the school projections. Commissioner Baldocchi asked if parking along Railroad could be looked at without making it a major Issue. Chairman Pro Tern Teglia asked that staff make sure that the CC&R's compel the homeowners to maintain the landscaping, and provide teeth for the homeowner's association to insure that. He also asked that box size trees are included and as condition of approval or through CC&R's, if trees are not properly maintained to the point of maturity, and the tree leans, the homeowner's association will be required to remove it and replace it with another tree. He asked for clarification on the zoning designation, and asked for an explanation of the difference between R- 1-E versus R-l Low Density, and restrictions on owners rights to add a second floor expand the house. Commissioner Honan asked for clarification with reference to the statement made on page 53 of the environmental document with reference to schools. Commissioner Baldocchi voiced a concern with the smaller lot sizes which she added she understood are needed to make prices competitive. She asked that if given the contrast between the size of the larger lots and the smaller lots, there was a way that some of the larger lots could be adjusted to augment the smaller lots. Commissioner Masuda also expressed a concern for the size of the lots. Motion-Sim/Second-Masuda to continue to the meeting of August 6, 1998. Approved by unanimous voice vote. Chairman Pro Tern Teglia called for a five minute recess at 9:25 p.m. Meeting reconvened at 9:35 p.m. Chairman Pro Tern Teglia asked if anyone in the audience was here about the crematorium. He suggested that the General Plan item be heard next and if there is sufficient time, the crematorium item can be heard after. 5. Items from Staff a. General Plan Preferred Plan presentation (heard before Item 4) Consulting Planner Lappen introduced Mr. Rajeev Bhatia, the General Plan consultant who F:\File Cabinet\Old PC\working\minutes\1998\071698. wpd Page 6 of 12 presented the staff report and elaborated further on the data presented in the report. Mr. Bhatia provided an overview of the plan for the Commission. Commissioner Sim if the Commission is going to have an opportunity for more detail, urban design. He asked for clarification on the green versus light green, open space versus park and recreation on the Westborough and Galway which is a recreation site which he is not clear if it's open space. Chairman Pro Tern Teglia asked if the open space definition would be looked at further. Commissioner Sim asked how the definition of high density is derived and whether mixed use falls within the high density parameters. Chairman Pro Tern Teglia stated that the issue of trying to put higher density housing closer to the proximity to the workplace and transportation was brought up by the Mayor, adding that one place where he envisioned that possibility would be along Airport Boulevard north of Grand A venue. Commissioner Sim asked where sea-related transportation designation is being located. Commissioner Romero asked about the area at Railroad, Linden, Victory and Spruce being recommended for medium high density housing, and how that would affect the existing commercial base which now exists in that section, and how that would affect the existing neighborhoods and their use of existing facilities. He suggested that this area be looked at more carefully to determine if the increase in residential versus commercial is beneficial. He expressed a concern that too much residential would create a problem in servicing schools or parkland. Chief Planner Harnish spoke of the challenge of increasing residential growth due to limited available choices to accommodate population growth which is necessary in order to balance job growth. Chairman Pro Tern Teglia stated that he does not agree that the General Plan should be fueled by the need to balance housing with the job, but rather the best way to serve the community. He stated that it would be hard to make a transition across Spruce with housing and added alluded to the Mayor commenting that a lot of the people would end up living here, but would get people who work around the airport or at high tech jobs will live in the East Bay. Commissioner Honan stated that her experience shows that people are tired of driving long distances and would like to live in South San Francisco. Commissioner Romero stated that he felt the need to be cautious where taking such a large section of the city for potential residential development, since the impact to existing neighborhoods is not available and he does not want to see the quality of life for the existing residents deteriorate due to the increased population which may not be supported by existing parks, schools, libraries and other facilities. He expressed his concern for this particular segment of the proposal. He stated that he would agree with a proposal to reduce population growth. F:\File Cabinet\Old PC\working\minutes\1998\071698. wpd Page 7 of 12 Chairman Pro Tern Teglia asked if it was fair to say that a retail use generates more for the city than residential use. Mr. Hamish stated that he felt the need to come back to the Commission for further discussions on this area, and asked if there were issues in other areas that they would like to discuss further. Chairman Pro Tern Teglia asked if the Commission agreed with the developmental philosophy of getting away from the thought of meeting the jobs/housing balance to the thought of maximizing the benefit for the existing residences. Commissioner Romero stated that he would agree with whatever generates consistent revenue to keep the city running. Commissioner Sim agreed with the concept expressed by Commissioner Romero adding that his reason for looking at residential in that area is that it reinforces the commercial. He added that he would like to see people walking and shopping and feeling safe, inviting others to come and enjoy the city. He added that he hoped Council would agree with high end restaurants which he felt would entice people to come. He stated that he felt the priority was to maximize the revenue base for the existing population, while looking at pedestrian activity and more active use of the streets. Chairman Pro Tern Teglia stated that he agrees with the planner that one of the keys to the area is the flow, and likes the connection of Linden to San Bruno and Maple which would revitalize the area with better access from San Bruno and gives better connection with the industrial the area and transportation centers. He added that with that he could see the area south of Victory revitalizing the business district. He added that he could see mixed residential along Spruce from Victory to the creek, but further on toward the parks he still saw that more commercial, while north of the creek, he visualized more residential. Commissioner Masuda stated that regarding transportation, there were two things that he liked and thought they should be started right away. The first item being the connection on Arroyo Drive to Mission. He added that with BART construction this would be a good time to put the street in. The other recommendation he liked is the one for Railroad, adding that he doesn't think the improvements should be delayed five or ten years, since they would relieve the Grand Avenue traffic. Chairman Pro Tern asked if some recommendation should be made for priority with some of the street connections. Mr. Hamish stated that getting into the priorities would be in the next phase. The focus now is to get the land use diagram settled. He asked if the Commission wants staff to come back at the next meeting with some finalized recommendations to the Council on how to lay this out. The Commission agreed and asked if there was a time line. Mr. Hamish stated that there was a schedule but at this time it would be driven by the pace of the decision making process. F:\File Cabinet\Old PC\working\minutes\1998\071698. wpd Page 8 of 12 Mr. Primo Repetto manager of Golden Gate Produce Terminal asked whether or not the property that the produce market is situated on would be affected. There was some discussion between staff and Mr. Repetto regarding his question. Commissioner Romero asked that the open space at the Marina section continue around the bay trail to Sierra Point. He also pointed out that Los Cerritos School does not appear to be mentioned. He asked the Commission if limiting the area of Gellert across from Pak In Save strictly to commercial may be limiting the options, since the area is such a difficult site to develop. Commissioner Sim provided a clarification on his previous request that the Westborough toward Skyline be looked at for a gateway. He added that his intent was not in the sense of high density, rather as a pleasant way to enter the city from that area. Commissioner Romero pointed to page 5 of the report indicating that the medium density calculation would be exclusive of streets, parks and other public right of ways, which appears to be specifically for public streets. He added that when the document is completed, he would like to see it be consistent for both public and private. Chairman Pro Tern Teglia asked if it was possible to include suggested language to the Council stating that the Commission is interested in avoiding private streets in the future. He also asked if it can be done and if the Commission is interested in asking for a reduction in the size of homes that are permitted in the R-1 developments. He also suggested that following the recent action with the childcare, which required a change to the zoning, this may be a good time to change the designation of the General Plan to go back and take childcare out of the zoning ordinance. Commissioner Sim raised the issue suggested by the Mayor at the study session regarding the need to overlay or bridge across the EI Camino corridor or other divisions of the city. Commissioner Masuda asked about the area between Linden and School, the strip that goes up the hill which is a shear cliff how could it accommodate mixed industry. 4. City of South San Francisco, Applicant, ZA-98-047 and ND-98-047 Negative Declaration and amendment to Zoning Ordinance Sections 20.06, 20.30, and 20.73 to define "crematoriums" as a separate use in the Zoning Ordinance, establish buffering and screening criteria, and limit such uses to specific industrial areas within the community, in accordance with the South San Francisco Municipal Code Section 20.87. Associate Planner Upston presented the staff report. Chairman Pro Tern Teglia asked if anyone from the public would like to speak on this issue. There being none he closed the public hearing and opened it to the Commission. Commissioner Masuda commented that he was for it and would make the motion, however, if the Commission had the opportunity to review it, he would like to insure that the building has a design, as opposed to a simple gray box. F:\File Cabinet\Old PC\ working\minutes\1998\071698. wpd Page 9 of 12 Chairman Pro Tern Teglia asked if this use could be banned all together. Assistant City Attorney Lindgren responded that this is a use which could probably be banned all together. Commissioner Baldocchi expressed a concern about the area being proposed. Commissioner Sim spoke of the protection for the Commission through the Use Permit to disallow that type of use, if they so desired. Chairman Pro Tern Teglia asked what the be;nefit the use is to the city. He asked if in denying the use, substantial findings would have to be made. Mr. Lindgren stated he believed that it would not require findings. However, he would have to check the code. Mr. Harnish stated that he thought findings would be required to approve, but did not think findings were needed to deny the use, but added that he would have to check also. Commissioner Romero asked if there was an application pending, or why the item was brought before the Commission. Mr. Harnish responded. Chairman Pro Tern Teglia expressed his personal feelings that this type of use not only doesn't benefit the city, but is a detriment to the city and he suggested to the Commission that it not be permitted in the city, citing that "we are the industrial city and not Colma." He asked the Commission how they felt. Commissioner Masuda entertained a motion to send the item to Council, since the Commission has the right to review when it does come up and deny it as an improper use for the city, but he would like to see this in the books to allow for denial. Mr. Harnish spoke to the Commission that if they feel the use should not be permitted anywhere in the city, staff would have to come back with a revised resolution, and made a suggestion that the crematorium definition be included within the zoning ordinance, but not list it as a permitted use through the Use Permit in any of the zone districts. Commissioner Romero asked that the language that says "preparation and disposal of human dead by means of cremation," be softened to make it human remains. He also requested that the language include a category for animals. Mr. Lindgren asked if any pounds or SPCA's cremate any animal remains. Commissioner Honan stated that Spruce Pet has cremation. Motion-Teglia/Second-Masuda - to have staff come back with a revised definition not listing it as an approved use. Approved by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Commissioner Masuda, Commissioner Honan, Commissioner Baldocchi, Commissioner Sim, Commissioner Romero, Chairman Pro Tern Teglia F:\File Cabinet\Old PC\working\minutes\1998\071698. wpd Page 10 of 12 Noes: None Absent: Chairman Barnett ADMINISTRA TIVE BUSINESS 5. Items from Staff a. General Plan Preferred Plan presentation (heard before item 4) b. Discussion of Commission meeting schedule for September Mr. Harnish stated that he wanted to speak to the Commission about the hearing schedule for September. He added that two study sessions are scheduled in August for Terrabay, and and that staff is looking at the formal public hearings to start in September, either at a special meeting or two depending on how long it takes. He stated that an issue has arisen which he wanted to advise the Commission that the Terrabay applicants are proposing a revised Phase ill to avoid development on the shell mound which includes a large office building. He stated that this would be presented to the Commission, but added that it has been presented to staff in a form with a need to have it approved by September 23rd or else the prospective buyer won't buy the building, and the alternative remains unknown. He stated that his response is that meeting that deadline is virtually impossible. It would require that the Commission have back to back special meetings early in September in order to meet that date. He asked for direction tonight or asked for the Commission to give it some thought and provide direction at the following Thursday's meeting. Chairman Pro Tern Teglia expressed a concern for rushing through things and missing things. Commissioner Baldocchi stated that she felt this is to important a project to be forced to act on any time schedule other than the Commission. She stated that there are a lot of concerns particularly around Phase ill which requires that the Commission go through the process. Mr. Lindgren provided further details on what the developer has, or has not provided, and their reason for the time frame given. Mr. Harnish spoke to the Commission on his perception that meeting the deadline is an unlikely schedule that could be met, while stating that the alternative makes sense, doesn't generate any other impacts and has promise. Commissioner Masuda asked if they would be building up to the shell mound and not go past them. 6. Items from Commission Commissioner Masuda asked about a shed which has been placed on property located at Clay and Junipero Serra where trees were taken down and a new fence put up. Commissioner Romero spoke of the incident at the Kaiser parking structure where someone drove off the third level and the wall collapsed, there are no wheel stops, and he thinks there's a F:\File Cabinet\Old PC\ working\minutes\1998\071698. wpd Page 11 of 12 problem there which should be addressed by staff and the Commission. Commissioner Honan asked that someone look into the problem at the facility that used to be a used car lot at Brentwood at El Camino, adding that they are in violation of their Use Permit, where they have trucks with graffiti, U-Haul, weeds, and cords coming out of the windows. She added that this is the first thing you see when you enter the city and the last thing you see when you leave the city. Chairman Pro Tern Teglia raised the issue of the re-painted sign at the gas station across from Sees. 7. Items from the Public None 8. Adjourn Motion-MasudalSecond-Romero to adjourn. ~~ Christopher Barnett, Chairman Planning Commission City of South San Francisco JH:is NEXT MEETING: Special Meeting July 23, 1998 ..Regular Meeting August 6, 1998, Municipal Services Building, 33 Arroyo Drive, South San Francisco, CA. F:\Fi1e Cabinet\Old PC\working\minutes\1998\071698. wpd Page 12 of 12