HomeMy WebLinkAbout06.03.99 Minutes CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES MUNICIPAL SERVICES BUILDING 33 ARROYO DRIVE June 3, 1999 TAPE 1 CALL TO ORDER f PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. ROLL CALL f CHAIRMAN COMMENTS MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson Honan, Vice Chairperson Sim, Commissioner Baldocchi, Commissioner D'Angelo, Commissioner Meloni, Commissioner Romero, and Commissioner Teglia MEMBERS ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Planning Division: Police Depmtment: Chief Planner Harnish Senior Planner Kalkin Director of ECD Van Duyn Asst. City Attorney Whitnell Cyrus Kianpour Richard Harmon Mike Massoni Econ. & Community Dev. City Attorney: Engineering Division: PRESENTATIONS 1. Resolutions commending Christopher Barnett and Robert Masuda for their work on the Planning Commission. Chairperson Honan suggested that two of the three presentations be given towards the end of the meeting under items from Commission. She proceeded to present a resolution to outgoing Chief Planner Harnish. Recess called at 7:35 p.m. Recalled to order 7:50 p.m. AGENDA REVIEW Chief Planner Harnish informed the Commission that corrections to the minutes were given to them. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - None CONSENT CALENDAR 2. Approval of the March 18, April 1 Regular Meeting Minutes and April 19, 1999 Special Meeting Minutes Motion Te2lia f Second Baldocchi to approve the minutes with the corrections mentioned by the Chief Planner. \ \MULD ER\ISHAD D\File Cabinet\O Id PC\working\minutes\1999\060399.doc Page 1 of 7 The Commission discussed the unfaiIness of getting the minutes at the last minute and not having a chance to review them. Chief Planner Harnish mentioned that the revisions given to the Commission were more detailed level of detail than the minutes given to them last Friday. After some discussion the Commission decided to continue the minutes to the next regulat" meeting to give them an opportunity to review the current reVISIOns. Motion Romero f Second Sim amended the motion to exclude the corrections mentioned by the Chief Planner. Commissioner Teglia withdrew his motion and Commissioner Baldocchi withdrew her second to the motion in order to continue the minutes. Motion Te2lia f Second Sim to continue the minutes to the next regular meeting. Unanimously approved. PUBLIC HEARING - AGENDA ITEMS 3. Costco-ownerfapplicant 1556 EI Camino Real EIR-98-084 Public hearing to take comments on Draft EIR for Costco Project. Senior Planner Kalkin gave the staff report. Jack Frank, Director of Real Estate Development for Costco, added that they did not have a formal presentation and they were here to listen to public and Commission concerns. Ted Simas, 110 Hickey Boulevard, commented that Costco's pricing tactics will be devastating to the dealers in the community. He added that Costco applied to BAAQMD for a 15 million gallon a year allocation, noting that an average large service station will sell 200,000 gallons per month. Costco's anticipation is a million gallons per month, which equals to five gas stations. The analysis of the BAAQMD permit is focused on the pollution derived from the equipment on site, specifically the nozzles, and the fueling apparatus. He stated that in the EIR air samples were taken from five locations, none of which are close to the site. He added that he has hired an air quality evaluator and his comments will be forthcoming. Dennis DeCota, Executive Director of California Service Station and Automotive Repair Association (CSSARA), added that CSSARA has worked diligently to create competition within the gasoline industry. The consumer will be able to buy gasoline at a lower cost, on average, lower at Costco. The turnout of this will be that a lot of jobs in the local gasoline businesses will be lost. He added that the major oil companies have a strategic plan, the hypermarket. Costco, AlbeItson's, Home Depot and other mass merchandisers at"e going into the business. He added that there will be 1,440 truck loads of gasoline a year, 5,000 cars a day, 32 fueling sites. The VOC emissions that will be emitted from these vehicles will drive costs up in environmental areas drastically. Keith Simas supported the prior speaker's comments. He added that the traffic report falls short in its trip estimate generations. He stated that the trip estimate for service station portion of the project are not very believable. He pointed out that the report from the City of South San Francisco stated that the p.m. peak trip analysis is 70% discounted as internal trips. He added that a traffic report generated for the Redwood City Costco claims 56% internally trip generation and he added that the numbers are different and there should not be such a large gap. He stated that the Draft Environmental Impact Report does not report on a.m. peak period analysis. The Costco in Redwood City would have more traffic in the a.m. than it would in the p.m. He added that the trailer park is impacted by the project, and he pointed out some discrepancies in the repOlt in regard to egress and ingress from the area. The report shows a scenario of an increase of 33% delay \ \MULDER\ISHADD\File Cabinet\Old PC\working\minutes \1999\060399 .doc Page 2 of 7 exiting the park. He pointed out another scenario without an increase, because the report states that the number of cars exiting can be reduced by 1/3 going straight across, and Yz making a left turn. He stated that there is not a clear program for the traffic mitigations outlined in the EIR. He added that the reports need to be studied further in regard to gasoline. Public Hearing was closed. The Planning Commission made comments on the Draft Environmental Impact RepOlt. They asked staff to include the following in the Final Environmental Impact Review: 01. Compare parking at the Redwood City Costco and Airport Boulevard PriceCostco. 02. Address the issues regarding traffic, land use compatibility, and storm drainage in response to the letter from the City of Daly City. 03. Look at proposed and existing parking. Mr. Frank added that the relocation of the San Bruno facility is being considered because it is inadequate in the physical plan, there are 500-600 stalls and in the South San Francisco site the proposal is 850 stalls. Mr. Meyer added that the parking space allocation exceeds the parking requirements for the City. 04. Look at Costco with a gasoline station and then compare it to a Costco without a gasoline station. Chairperson Honan stated that there is a maximum of 16 vehicles, which can be refueled at one time and asked why there are so many pumps. Mr. Frank replied that there are 4 islands with four pumps per island, which is consistent with the Costco' s standard design. 05. Make an air quality test at EI Camino high school because of the site being so close to the school. 06. More discussion of the Mitigation Measures. 07. Analyze the impact of potential BART overflow parking. Public Heat"ing closed. ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS 4. Oak Farms Ltd. Standard Building, Applicant SE corner Grand Ave. & Oak Study session on a potential housing project-on a 2.5+ acre parcel located in the R-2-H Medium Density Residential Zone District. Recess called 8:35 p.m. Recalled at 8:40 p.m. Senior Planner Kalkin gave the staff report Bob Kent added that they are returning with alternative plans that reflect the suggestions of the Planning Commission, and would like direction from the Commission. He proceeded to explain the retaining wall and gave specifics on it. Commissioner Baldocchi added that the plans are looking better, the layout has improved and she liked the architectural style in Exhibit G. She asked if Oak Street would be enlarged. Mr. Kent added that the improvement would require a widening of the street on their propelty because the County owns the area across the street. Commissioner Meloni also liked the style of exhibit G and suggested giving the homes a Victorian style. Commissioner Tegiia was concerned about the density on the lots. In regard to the elevation, the homes are \ \MULDER\ISHAD D\File Cabinet\O ld PC\working\minutes\1999\060399.doc Page 3 of 7 three story; and are coupled with a six-foot difference in elevation between the site and adjacent residences there could be a problem. He suggested a mix of two story and three story. Mr. Kent explained that the property is zoned for a 75-unit apartment building and they are competing against that in a land acquisition. To compete there has to be sufficient density or a product that would bring up the sales price to compensate it on an economic basis. Chairperson Honan asked why the price was raised on the homes, being that at the first study session the prices were lower. Mr. Kent explained that there were additional construction costs associated with a three- story home, for example sprinkler systems. Chairperson Honan added that she felt comfortable with Exhibit F. She was also concerned about using exhibit G due to concerns about compatibility with surrounding areas. Vice Chairperson Sim noted that exhibit G has a sense of community, utilizing a neotraditional design concept. He liked the uniqueness of the building fac;,:ade. He also noted that one proposal has a private street and the other has a public street. Mr. Kent responded that all City departments had reviewed the plans and were fine with the streets. Commissioner Baldocchi added that she liked the Victorian style. Mr. Kent added that Exhibit F could be in a Victorian style although the first floor would be all garages. Vice Chairperson Sim added that the style was not an issue for him. He liked the layering effect from the picket fence to the porch. Commissioner Romero agreed with Vice Chairperson Sim and that the homes in Exhibit G give more of a community feeling. Commissioner Teglia added that the issues were the lot layout and aesthetics. Vice Chairperson Sim suggested that the applicant do two schemes, one that shows the consistency of three-story home and another that shows variations and heights. Commissioner Teglia added that the concept in Exhibit G is nice only if it would be done in a lower density. He added that the lots are 25-feet wide, which are very small. Chairperson Honan polled the Commissioners as to their preferred alternative: Exhibit F w/additionaI architectural details: Chairperson Honan. Commissioner Teglia, and Commissioner D' Angelo Exhibit G w/o the wider lot: Vice Chairperson Sim, Commissioner Romero, and Commissioner Meloni Commissioner Baldocchi was undecided but favored a Victorian architectural style. 5. Hoem-Schurba & Associates, Owner/applicant PCA-99-041 951 Linden Ave. Appeal of Chief Planner determination of Hoem-Schurba building addition. Senior Planner Kalkin gave the staff report. Public Hearing opened. TAPE 2 Bill Hoem, President of Hoem-Schurba and Associates, asked the Commission to overturn the Chief Planner's decision of denying a building permit. He added that the nonconforming use issue is incorrect. The primary use of the facility is to generate and control commercial carpet retail sales. He added that they intend to expand their offices. He referenced SSFMC Ch. 20.22.020, permitted uses in the C-I zone, noting his business qualified under several use types: 1) Administrative and Business Office 2.) Business and Professional Services and 3.) Retail Sales. He added that his explanation of the primary use of the facility is permitted by the zoning ordinance. Contrary to staff's opinion, carpet storage is a secondary use, not a prImary use. \ \MULDER\ISHADD\File Cabinet\Old PC\working\minutes\1999\060399.doc Page 4 of 7 The Planning Commission discussed the unsightliness of the storage in the trailer trucks and the addition. Mr. Hoem added that they need all the proposed additional space because the building has grown tremendously. Chief Planner Harnish added that the storage is unsightly and if all the storage would be offsite there would be no issue with the expansion. It would be consistent with the zoning code, but the issue is that the expansion is intended for storage, a light industrial use. His interpretation is that it is a non- conforming use. Should the Commission decide that they interpret the code differently they can overturn his decision. Lou Dell' Angela added that the storage that is present will be removed and replaced with landscaping, improving the building, and a new parking lot. He added that defining an industrial use in terms of storage is difficult because there are a variety of uses that are zoned commercial and still have a lot of storage space. He added that the business is on a large lot and there is a lot of justification that this is a commercial use. He added that Chapter 20.08 defines commercial use types that allows an expansion for Hoem-Schurba. Russ Hoem, controller of Hoem-Schurba, stated that the business has grown in volume, and to continue a healthy growth pattern they must expand their office. He added that the unsightliness of the trailers is a problem and with an expansion would upgrade the neighborhood. Lina Campi, speaking for South San Francisco residents who are employed by Hoem-Schurba. She added that the business is conveniently located. She added that a move would inconvenience the employees, children and the community businesses that get their financial support. Public Hearing closed. The Commission proceeded to discuss what would enable the applicant to be considered commercial. Commissioner Meloni asked if having a showroom would enable the applicant to be considered commercial. Chief Planner Harnish added that the primary use of the property is the storage of carpets for retail sales and a showroom would only be a percentage of the use of the building, which would not enable it to be considered a primary use. He added that the outside storage, which there is a requirement to have storage contained within the building, is inadequate. He added that the Commission needs to make a decision on whether or not they feel the interpretation should be different. Chairperson Honan added that anything else would be more beneficial than the trailers they are using for storage. Chief Planner Harnish noted that the outside storage is not a permitted use. Commissioner Romero asked if the Chief Planner's decision was overturned would this only go through design review and they would not see it anymore. Commissioner Baldocchi suggested adding a condition to have them return to the Commission. Assistant City Attorney Whitnell added that the Commission was being asked to make a factual determination whether they agree with the applicant or disagree. Chief Planner Harnish added that the Commission's decision would be to uphold or overturn his decision and if they overturned it, the expansion plans would only be subject to Design Review, the Planning Commission would not review. Commissioner Romero asked what the definition of an industrial use was. Chief Planner Harnish stated that it is considered wholesale sales and distribution. Vice Chairperson Sim asked if other exceptions similar to this application have been allowed. Chief Planner Harnish responded that staff has not done this knowingly, but there is a use that was pointed out by the applicant. The business license was reviewed, it was found that it was a non-conforming use, the business was notified to move out and they are doing so. Vice Chairperson Sim asked if there was a program to help the applicant look for other sites. Chief Planner Harnish stated yes, there is a program but the applicant has not asked for that level of assistance. Vice Chairperson Sim asked if the building started looking like a commercial building would it conform. He added that if the improvements would lean more towards commercial, in regard to landscaping, a friendly ambiance and lighting fixtures, it would be more acceptable. \ \MULDER\ISHADD\File Cabinet\O Id PC\working\rninutes\1999\060399.doc Page 5 of 7 Commissioner Meloni added that the applicant is discussing office renovation and landscaping, but staff says that they never discussed this. The Commission does not know what they are going to do because of the lack of communication. Commissioner Teglia added that the Commission is willing to look at the expansion provided that there is a showroom in there. They would uphold the Chief Planner's decision but look to have the applicant return with a proposal for retail sales and office expansion. Chief Planner Harnish added that the Commission could make a determination that retail sales is part of what they consider a conforming use. Then they would place a requirement that the retail sales would be a component of the approval. Commissioner Romero asked if they could continue this and ask the applicant to return with additional information that would support the addition. Director of ECD Van Duyn added that the interpretation of the code is the same. The primary use, in the Chief Planner's opinion is that it is not retail but wholesale. He added that if the Commission's interpretation is that they find it consistent with some changes it is fine. Vice Chairperson Sim added that the applicant should have some documentation that indicates a phasing strategy that gives commitment to the issues discussed. He also suggested that the owner make his business conform to the City standards in the area. Motion Te2lia / Second Meloni to continue the meeting off calendar and asking the applicant to return with documentation reflecting the Commission's concerns. Approved by unanimous voice vote. Recess at 10: 10 p.m. Recalled to order at 10: 15 p.m. 5. Item from staff Chief Planner Harnish informed the Commission that he was attending his last meeting and thanked them. 6. Items from Commission (CONSENT CALENDAR- Item removed from Consent Calendar and added to Items from Commission) 1. Resolutions commending Christopher Barnett and Robert Masuda for their work on the Planning Commission. Vice Chairperson Sim read out going Commissioner Masuda's resolution and Commissioner Teglia read outgoing Chairperson Barnett's resolution. a) Vice Chairperson Sim stated he would like the applicants to be prepared with their presentations and to show how it fits in with the neighborhood. b) Commissioner Teglia asked staff to review the motions from the last meeting and that the April 19 minutes are the only ones that needed to return to the Commission. c) Commissioner Baldocchi asked for an update on the subdivision of the Haskins property, and the work plan. \ \MULDER\ISHADD\File Cabinet\Old PC\working\minutes\1999\060399.doc Page 6 of 7 Commissioner Baldocchi asked that parking at the City Hall lot be reevaluated in light of the recent change which allocates most of the lot for employee parking and eight spaces for visitors. She indicated that eight visitor spaces are insufficient and that library patrons should not be required to use metered spaces on the street. She believes that there is adequate parking for employees with permits within a half-block of City Hall. d) Commissioner Meloni asked for an update on the outdoor storage at 441 Grand Avenue. Chief Planner Harnish added that it is scheduled to go before the Commission on their next regular meeting. e) Commissioner D'Angelo asked for an update on the bylaws subcommittee. Chairperson Honan stated that it is progress and the subcommittee would return to the Commission with information. 7. Items from the Public - None 8. Adjourn Meeting was adjourned at 10:30 p.m. Motion Romero/ Second Sim to adjourn the meeting. /~~ i",J-q,dfth Honan, Chairperson L>Pianning Commission City of South San Francisco Malty Van Duyn, Director 0 CD Secretary to the Planning Commission City of South San Francisco NEXT MEETING: Regular Meeting June 17,1999, Municipal Services Building, 33 Anoyo Drive, South San Francisco, CA. /bh \ \MULDER\ISHAD D\File Cabinet\O Id PC\working\minutes\1999\060399.doc Page 7 of 7