HomeMy WebLinkAbout02.03.00 Minutes CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES MUNICIPAL SERVICES BUILDING. 33 ARROYO DRIVE February 3, 2000 CALL TO ORDER / PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. ROLL CALL / CHAIR COMMENTS MEMBERS PRESENT: Commissioner Baldocchi, Commissioner D'Angelo, Commissioner Honan, Commissioner Romero, Commissioner Teglia, Vice Chairperson Meloni and Chairperson Sim MEMBERS ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Planning Division: Thomas C. Sparks, Chief Planner Steve Carlson, Senior Planner Susy Kalkin, Senior Planner Adam Lindgren Marty Van Duyn, Director City Attorney: ECD: AGENDA REVIEW Chief Planner Sparks noted that there are no changes to the agenda and that the agenda for February 17th was very light. He added that reservations were made for the League of Cities Planning Commissioners Conference. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - None CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Approval of Minutes for December 2 Regular Meeting. Commissioner Teglia pulled item number 1 from the Consent Calendar and gave conections to the minutes. Motion Teglia / Second Meloni to approve the minutes as amended. Approved by unanimous voice vote. PUBLIC HEARING - AGENDA ITEMS 2. Century Plaza/Syufy Enterprises & Alioto Fish Co.-owner/applicant 410-470 Noor Ave. PUD-95-42/MODl and Negative Declaration No. 792 (previously certified) Modification Hearing-Review of Parking Management Plan at Century Plaza. (Continuedfrom January 20, 2000) Public Hearing opened. Senior Planner Kalkin presented the staff report. G: \File Cabinet\Old PC\ working\minutes\2000\020300 .doc APPROVED AT APRIL 0.2000 REGULAR MEETING Page 1 of 7 Mike Wagner, Vice President of Operations for the Bay Area, and Jim Astein, General Manager of Century Plaza, noted they were available to answer questions. Public Hearing closed. Commissioner Teglia noted that the City had approved compact stalls at the site, and has gradually been moving away from these. He questioned if the compact stalls could be removed since there will be restriping. Senior Planner Kalkin responded that it is difficult to remove parking spaces because of strict three palty contracts between the City, Syufy and the Alioto's to maintain a specific number of spaces. Commissioner Teglia wanted to know if there was capacity in front of the retail site for parking because many customers tend to think that there is no parking available in front of the retail section. Ron Petrocchi, Traffic Consultant, noted that the staff report addresses this issue. He added that there should be supplemental pole mounted signs in front of the retail spaces to let the public know that they are reserved for retail customers. The pavement markings are difficult to read. There is cunently a problem with straddling on spaces in the areas where compact spaces are allowed. He added that restriping would likely result in fewer spaces being lost in comparison to what is lost now from inappropriate straddling of spaces. Commissioner Teglia noted that as everyone enters through the dliveway between the retail section and theater, everyone goes through the second row and not through the fust one. He added that they could put signs up which would direct traffic to make traffic flow better. Mr. Petrocchi noted that they have been suggesting to the applicant that they may be able to eliminate their guard services by re-engineering the entrance to prevent any cross traffic between Staples and the theater. He added that changing the direction of the aisle may not work out and added that the signage in front of Staples and Golf-Mart is discouraging people from crossing the lot to get to the available parking on the corner of El Camino. He added that the security guards should be more active and direct traffic where they want it to go. Commissioner Romero asked if there was a resolution to the jay walking on Huntington. Mr. Petrocchi noted that they have recently put up signage directing the pedestrians to use the crosswalk, and there is still jay walking across Huntington. He would like to see a period of observation when a guard is positioned at the bottom of the front walkway and encourage people to use the crosswalk when the movies end. He noted that barriers would probably not stop the customers from jay walking. He added that they can observe the situation as it stands know, with the signage and having the guards be proactive, to see how this can be mitigated. He noted that the applicant offered to install baniers and if the problem is not solved the City can consider their offer. Commissioner Romero asked if anything else needed to be done if the BART station traffic further impacts the site. Mr. Petrocchi noted that most of the impact is going to be towards Tanforan Shopping Center and the industrial area east of the railroad tracks. Commissioner Romero noted that the employee parking is not being used and asked if the recommendation was to relocate the parking closer to the theater. Mr. Petrocchi noted that it was an element that was included in the parking management plan and being that the employees are not using the parking area it is recommended that this designation be removed. He added that wherever the employees are parking does not present a large impact. Commissioner Teglia noted that the small parking lot in front of the theater is always full and believes that the employees are parking there. Mr. Petrocchi noted that he has done the traffic counts from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 a.m., and noted that those spaces are not being occupied by the employees because there is a constant turnaround. Commissioner D'Angelo asked if there were any complaints from other businesses about the overflow parking. Mr. Petrocchi noted that he has contacted every business and property manager every time a study is conducted. and there have not been any complaints. Commissioner Honan asked if there were still customers parking in the Safeway parking lot. Mr. Petrocchi noted that this is no longer an issue in the area. G:\File Cabinet\Old PC\working\minutes\2000\020300.doc APPROVFT1 AT APRTT. h ?()()() RFnTTT .AR MFFTING Page 2 of 7 Commissioner Baldocchi asked when the consultants recommendations on page 39 of the October 1999 report would be complied with. Mr. Astein noted that all the requested changes on the signage have been made. Commissioner D'Angelo asked if the lighting would be increased. Mr. Astein noted that he has had a lighting company clean the covers and replace the bulbs that were out. He added that they are looking at adding more light with Golf Mart and the Alioto's. The Commission endorsed staff's recommendation. 3. Antenna and Tower Ordinance City of South San Francisco-owner/applicant Citywide ZA-98-094 and Negative Declaration No. ND-98-094 Amendment of Title 20 (Zoning Ordinance) of the South San Francisco Municipal code adding Chapter 20.105 Antenna and Tower Regulations establishing regulations of telecommunication facilities including siting, design and review and approval procedures and repealing SSFMC Chapters 20.77 Signal Receiving and Transmitting Antenna Regulations and 20.83 Antenna Permit Procedures in accordance with SSFMC Title 20. Public Hearing opened. Senior Planner Carlson presented the staff report. Assistant City Attorney Lindgren noted that there are three different levels of regulation in the ordinance. He noted that one category of uses is a permitted use, which are described in S 20.105.040. A second category is antennas and towers subject to a Minor Use Permit procedure that would allow for an expedited review by the Chief Planner. He noted that the third category would be that certain antennas and towers would need Commission approval, rather than going through the Minor Use Permit process. He mentioned that in all of the cases the antennas and towers would be subject to the aesthetic requirements that are described in S 20.105.030(d). He added that with the three different levels the same factors govern the decision. He noted that there is "stealthiness" language in the ordinance S 20.105.090. He proceeded to offer two modifications to the Commission; 1) S20.105.090, second sentence, the words "or the Planning Commissioner" would be added; 2) S 20.105.060(c) have a reference to S 20.105.030 (d). He added that in waiving these requirement the Chief Planner would only be considering waiving the factors that are in S20.105.070(c) and not the aesthetic factors. Jay Wallace, Sanger & Olson representing Cellular One, stated that these are excellent recommendations and are consistent with the intent of the ordinance. He suggested that in S 20.105.040(b)(1) the words "associated facilities" be changed to "equipment sheltered facilities". He added that when facilities are limited to low antenna towers on an existing structure, the creativity of the calTiers are limited. He recommended that something be added to the ordinance with regard to "adding no more than 15 feet to any existing structure at any site". He suggested adding "and equipment shelter facilities" to S 20.105.030(d), in the preamble. Alan Wingate, Rooftop Management Systems, noted that they develop sites by co-location. He noted that the site acquisition process revolves around engineering and coverage objectives, economic factors, and conforming with the City's regulations. He noted that there should be a mechanism for wireless communication companies to co-locate. Commissioner Teglia noted that the original intent of the ordinance was co-location and asked if the site supported cell phones or pagers. Mr. Wingate noted that they only support pagers and could support a cell site. Assistant City Attorney Lindgren wanted to respond to some of the comments given. He first responded to Mr. Wingate's comments, he noted that S20.105.030 does address that one of the purposes and goals of the City is to encourage co-location. He added that construction of a new structure would be considered as a Minor Use Permit G:\File Cabinet\Old PC\working\minutes\2000\020300.doc APPROVED AT APRTT. fi ?OOO RFJ1m .AR MEETTNG Page 3 of 7 or as a Use Permit. He then responded to Mr. Wallace's comments with regard to the cleanup suggestions, he had no objection to that. Senior Planner Carlson noted that he preferred a broader term because many proposals include cable trays and racking systems mounted on the outside of the buildings, which would not be covered and are not visible and incompatible. He noted that something else would have to be added to have these facilities blend in to their surroundings. Public Hearing closed. Commissioner D'Angelo asked why some of the Metricom antennas in his neighborhood were not on the list of towers. Senior Planner Carlson noted that he had no knowledge of any such facilities but could certainly look into that. Commissioner Teglia noted that Metricom is a cloud network and they have towers throughout the City. Commissioner D'Angelo noted that they could add "light pole" to that section since it is not an omission. He asked if on Page 9, where it states that the Chief Planner may remove the antenna at the owners expense, what is the City's mechanism to recover the cost. Senior Planner Carlson noted that this is why it is being tied to the property owner into having liability and responsibility just in case a company goes under. Commissioner D'Angelo asked that the ordinance be cladfied to reflect property owner because it is misleading. He thought that it meant the antenna tower owner. Senior Planner Carlson noted that it would be clarified. Commissioner Baldocchi wanted to change the words "should be painted" to "shall be painted" on page 3 (b)(2). She also wanted to change the word should to shall on page 4 number 7, 10. Senior Planner Carlson noted that the changes could be made. Assistant City Attorney Lindgren noted that the attempts to have teeth could reduce the Commission's ability to effectively regulate a situation. He suggested that in number six the words "shall generally be painted" could allow the Commission the discretion to look at an individual situation. The Planning Commission agreed with those changes. Commissioner Teglia noted that the original intent of the ordinance was to encourage the reduction of the antennas and discourage impact on the City. He added that the ordinance was approved in December of 1998, and there were specific changes that were to be taken out. He noted that it was page 5, Minor Use Permits, 9 (1) (i), should have been taken out, because it now lets anyone add 15 feet without Commission approval. He added that it should go before the Commission. He added that page 5, section 1, was putting a blanket approval over mono-poles and the intent was not to see a cell site with six corners and flat panels. He noted that he wouldn't want it broadened to include supporting structures. Assistant City Attorney Lindgren noted that the Commission would move to recommend repealing Chapters 20.77,20.83 and adding 20.105 as shown in resolution as attachment A with the following modifications: · 920.105.030(d) be modified to include "and equipment shelter facilities" · Page 4,subsection 6,last sentence would be modified to state "to this end, for example, improvements which will be primarily viewed against soils, trees, or grasslands generally shall be painted colors. · Page 3, subsection (d) the word "should" will be changed to "shall". · Page 4, subsection 7, should will be changed to shall. · Page 4, subsection 10, should will be changed to shall. · 920.105.060 (c), first sentence would start "in addition to the requirements of 920.105.030(d), the Chief of the Planning Division shall". He added that it would replace the criteria with the factors in 920.105.070 (c). · 920.105.060 (1)(i), the last two lines. would state "equipment used in connection with said antenna, so long as the addition of said antenna does not add to the height of said existing tower". · 9 20.105.080 be clarified to read, "may cause such antenna or tower to be removed at the expense of the antenna owner, tower owner, or property owner." Commissioner Teglia suggested that a sentence be added to remove any antennas that are no longer in use to this section. Senior Planner Carlson suggested that the property owner could be responsible for notifying the City if the antennas have been abandoned. Commissioner Meloni suggested that when an application is submitted for an antenna, the applicant can verify that the existing antennas are still in use. Commissioner Romero asked why this did not go to the sub-committee, before it went to the Commission for recommendation to the City Council. G:\File Cabinet\Old PC\working\minutes\2000\020300.doc APPROVED AT APRIL 6.2000 REGULAR MEETING Page 4 of 7 Commissioner Teglia noted that many of the issues were brought up over a year ago and it has returned to the Commission for approval. Senior Planner Carlson noted that this could be added under page 3, because it talks about the applicant providing an inventory to tell which sites are still operational and those that are not. Assistant City Attorney Lindgren noted that there would be an additional sentence to 920.105.080, which would be "the abandonment of an antenna shall be removed the antenna from the tower in the case of co-located towers". CONSENSUS OF THE COMMISSION TO CONTINUE THE METING ON THE CONSENT CALENDAR FOR THE FEBRUARY 17. 2000 MEETING. Commissioner Baldocchi noted that this ordinance impacts the quality of life of the residents in the City and it is very important that it be discussed in a detailed manner, just like it has been done. Recess called at 9:00 p.m. Recalled to order at 9:07 p.m. ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS 4. Items from Staff a. Project Overview Presentation Director of ECD Van Duyn gave a brief presentation of the Shearwater Redevelopment Plan Area / Bay West Cove Specific Plan Area. He noted that the City Council has requested that this presentation be given to the Commission because the Specific Plan amendment will be going before them first. He mentioned that the area was made up of 5 Planning Areas, which were; Planning Area 1 was originally intended for Auto Nation, Planning Areas 2 and 3 are owned by the Bay West Cove Limited Liability Corporation. Planning Area 2 is where Wal-Mart was originally proposed, and Planning Area 3 is where La Quinta was proposed but was not built and went back under the ownership of Bay West Cove. Planning Area 4 is where the Marriott Resident Inn and the Marriott Courtyard projects are currently under construction. He added that 43 acres of this area are covered under an existing moratorium, which was adopted after the Wal-Mart issue was discussed, and the Council wanted a different use in the planning area. He noted that the Council recently extended that moratorium for another 6 months and were looking into Research & Development east of Veterans Boulevard. He noted that the Council wanted hotels and retail in Planning Area 1, and mixed office Research and Development in Planning Areas 2 and portions of 3. He gave a brief description and showed vaIious slides of the different phases in the Gateway Redevelopment area, Oyster Point Marina, Oyster Point Business Park, and Sierra Point. He noted that the Council was hesitant about major big box retail and what they thought was an alternative land use for the property was mixed office Research and Development. He proceeded to show office developments throughout the Peninsula. Commissioner Teglia noted that there is a theme with water designs, artwork, and fountains that are built into the developments on the slides that the City's developments are lacking. Commissioner Meloni noted that the developments in other cities are much better than what the City gets. He added that it should not be allowed for these projects to degrade when they apply in the City. Director of ECD Van Duyn noted that some of the slides the Commission is viewing have larger propelty sizes than what the City has. He noted that some of the sites in our City are under the control of master developers that did the entire development to suit a celtain company. He added that the City is starting to see many of the high tech users coming into the City. He added that many of the new projects are being upgraded as they come in for the proper approvals. He noted that the gateway should set the minimum standard in the City. Commissioner Teglia noted that the bay front band is a gateway and it should be known that the City expects more quality on the bay front band. Director of ECD Van Duyn noted that many developers have to spend a large amount of money cleaning an area up and it limits what can be done on a certain property. Commissioner G:\File Cabinet\Old PC\working\minutes\2000\020300.doc APPROVED AT APRTT.1'l ?OOORFnTTT.AR MFF'l'TNn Page 5 of 7 Teglia noted that many things have changed since the Bay West Cove Specific Plan was adopted and values have become greater in that area. Director of ECD Van Duyn noted that the market has changed and the office market has grown in the last few years. He added that one of the objectives in Bay West Cove was a way to pay for the infrastructure to accommodate the growth that was anticipated in the East of 101 Area, which was the Oyster Point interchange, flyover, hookramps, widening of Oyster Point Boulevard, and the new sewage station, and the only way to do this was through sales tax or TOT. Commissioner Teglia noted that some of the East of 101 buildings started out as one development and keep growing. He questioned if at some point there was a way of adding landscaping or artwork. Director of ECD Van Duyn noted that it can be done, and continued with the presentation showing different developments in other cities and explaining the strong TDM measures the City needs to have because of the large impacts. He mentioned that there are two developers in the Bay West Cove area, the 20-acre Auto Nation site is under the control of Staubach Realty and the other site has been auctioned to Britannia Incorporated, that have been asked by the Council to prepare Master Plans on the sites. He added that the Council wanted it to tolerate a mix of high quality office, Research and Development uses, hotels and support retail like restaurants, paths, and ground floor retail. Commissioner Honan wanted to know if the City was going to support ground floor retail in the area for the employees to use. Director of ECD Van Duyn noted that the Council wants that to happen and they want to get a lot of support retail. He added that the City has tried to market restaurants in the East of 101 area, but has not been successful and it has begun to turnaround because of the number of hotels increasing in the area. Commissioner Honan like the idea of increasing the shuttle service in the area. Director of ECD Van Duyn noted that with the amount of growth anticipated, shuttles will be necessary. Commissioner Baldocchi asked if the shuttles operate on East of 101 or do they operate in other areas. Director of ECD Van Duyn noted that they primarily operate in the East of 101 area and access the train station and BART. He noted that they are trying to include the hotels in the shuttle service that provide transportation to the airport in a program that will not be as costly for them. Commissioner Baldocchi asked if the support service would include shuttles to downtown during the lunch hour. Director of ECD Van Duyn noted that Council was concerned with creating too much retail in Bay West Cove that it would have a negative impact on downtown. He added that staff would be working on that. He noted that there were experimental runs to downtown and did not get a high degree of receptivity. He added that with the redevelopment plans there will be a new demographic downtown which will begin to push for different kind of retail without pushing out the existing, but just adding. He noted that there is a taxi service program under way, which will take the employees downtown at no cost from that area. Commissioner Baldocchi noted that she has heard a lot about signature quality and having a positive impression, and would like it to be consistent for all City developments. Commissioner Teglia was concerned with toxic remediation and cleanup of slough and bay front. He noted that if the cleanup is not done from the beginning before permits are issued, the incentive to cleanup is no longer there. Director ofECD Van Duyn mentioned that there are serious obstacles to that objective. He mentioned that when Bay West Cove went before BCDC, the RWQCB had granted approvals for remediation of the slough, and there were different ways of doing this. After a brief explanation of alternatives on how to remove the hot materials, he noted that the RWQCB went back to the drawing board and it is no longer a high priority because of the removal issues. He noted that the obligation and desire are there but there is not an effective cleanup plan. He noted that additional exposure to the area will make it more attractive. Commissioner Romero questioned if the Master Plan would return as one or valious versions. Director of ECD Van Duyn noted that it would be one Master Plan. Chairperson Sim asked if the storage facility was part of the Redevelopment area. Director of ECD Van Duyn noted that this is part of the Redevelopment area but was permitted by the Joint Powers Board, because it is under another jurisdiction. 5. Items from Commission - None G:\File Cabinet\Old PC\working\minutes\2000\020300.doc APPROVED AT APRIL 6. 2000 REGULAR MEETING Page 6 of 7 6. Items from the Public - None 7. Adjournment Motion Romero / Second Meloni to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 10:45 p.m. , .,Ic, rc."".) C hlJ \" . '~" ? ~,' /J/ .' ,....... . '. .'.,., p!/,. j,.Yf'" ;/ \..,...~ .,',1;1 /.../,.d"."--l-""",,~,_,...J 7/1/ f 1,(,' I ~/ /' I I Eugehe Sjb, ChhiI-persbn'/ PI \. /'c .. amll:llg omrmSSlon City of South San Francisco Thomas C. Sparks Y Secretary to the Planning Commission City of South San Francisco NEXT MEETING: Regular Meeting February 17,2000, Municipal Services Building, 33 Arroyo Drive, South San Francisco, CA. G:\File Cabinet\Old PC\ working\minutes\2000\020300 .doc APPROVED AT APRIL 6,2000 REGULAR MEETING Page 7 of 7