HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/02/2002 CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES MUNICIPAL SERVICES BUILDING 33 ARROYO DRIVE May 2, 2002 CALL TO ORDER 1 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 7 :30 p.m. ROLL CALL 1 CHAIR COMMENTS MEMBERS PRESENT: Commissioner D'Angelo, Commissioner Honan, Commissioner Meloni, Commissioner Sim, Commissioner Teglia, Vice Chairperson Ochsenhirt and Chairperson Romero MEMBERS ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Planning Division: Thomas C. Sparks, Chief Planner Susy Kalkin, Principal Planner Steve Kowalski, Associate Planner Kimberly Johnson Sgt. Mike Newell Barry Mammini City Attorney: Police Dept.: Bldg./Fire Prevo AGENDA REVIEW No Changes ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None CONSENT CALENDAR Approved 1. Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes of April 18, 2002. Motion Meloni 1 Second Sim to approve the Consent Calendar with the specified changes to the Minutes. Approved by unanilnous voice vote. PUBLIC HEARING - AGENDA ITEMS 2. Spiros Kakoniktis-owner Antonio M. Brandi-applicant 90 Oak Ave. RZ-OI-054, DR-OI-054 and ND-Ol-054 Continued (Recommend continuance to May 16, 2002) Mitigated Negative Declaration assessing environn1ental impacts of a new IS-unit apartment building, in accordance with California Environmental Quality Act. Rezoning from Medium Density Residential District (R-2-H) to High Density Residential District (R-3-L), in accordance with SSFMC Chapter 20.87. \ \MULDER\pl-shared\Minutes\finalized\05-02-02 RPC.doc Page 1 of 5 Approved on May 16, 2002 Zoning Amendment to SSFMC Chapter 20.69 Density adding Section 20.69.040 clarifying that density bonuses granted by the City for reasons other than that required by State law, require approval y the City Council and to comply with the City's adopted General Plan density standards. Density Bonus of 25% allowing 3 dwelling units to be restricted as affordable housing in accordance with SSFMC Chapter 20.130. Housing Agreement between the applicant and the City of South San Francisco restricting three of the dwellings as affordable housing units in accordance with SSFMC 20.125. Design Review allowing for the construction a three-story IS-unit apartment building, in accordance with SSFMC Chapter 20.85. Motion Honan 1 Second Sim to continue the item. Approved by unanimous voice vote. 3. George A & Blanca M Campos-owner Derek Wee-applicant 309 Fairway Dr P02-0017 Categorical Exemption Class 1 Section 15301 Existing Facilities Approved Request for a variance to construct an addition to an existing single family residence within the required rear yard setback in the Single Family Residential (R-I-E) Zoning District in accordance with SSFMC Chapter 20.82. Staff report presented by Associate Planner Kowalski. Derek Wee gave a brief presentation of the project and why they were requesting a variance. Public Hearing opened. Public Hearing closed. The COlnmission and staff discussed the easement of San Francisco Water Company. They noted that this was a hardship for the applicant. The Commission questioned if the property owner granted the easement or if it was taken by eminent domain. Assistant City Attorney Johnson noted that regardless of how the easement was acquired, San Francisco Water Company prohibits any use of that area and it must remain as pennanent open space. Several Commissioners noted that this it was a classic example of an appropriate application of a variance given the unique site constraints. Motion Sim 1 Second Te2:lia to approve P02-0017. Approved by majority voice vote. Commissioner Ochsenhirt voted no. 4. ALDERS GATE METHODIST CHURCH-owner Continued Cingular WirelesslThe Alaris Group-applicant 115 EI Campo Dr P02-0018 and Categorical Exemption Class 3 Section 15303 New Construction of Small Facilities Use Permit to allow installation of a telecommunications facility consisting of 3 antennas and associated mechanical equipment at Hope United Methodist Church/ALDERS GATE METHODIST CHURCH located at 115 El Campo Drive in the Single Family Residential (R-I-E) Zoning District in accordance with SSFMC Chapter 20.105. \ \MULD ER\pl-shared\Minutes\fll1alized\05-02-02 RPC.doc Page 2 01'5 Approved on May 16, 2002 Staff Report presented by Associate Planner Kowalski. Talin Aghazarian, Cingular Wireless, presented the proposal to the Con1illission. Commission concerns: .. Commissioner Teglia questioned whether there would be any portable generators. .. Chairperson Romero asked why this location was chosen. .. Commissioner Honan requested details on the number of hOlnes serviced in the area and the number of complaints from customers with no reception in the area. Applicant's response: .. Cingular wireless does not use portable generators. They use a backup battery and in case of a power outage the battery will last up to three hours. .. This site is ideal because it services the residential area and a commercial portion on Westborough. .. The applicant agreed to provide data to respond to Commissioner Honan's questions. Public Hearing opened. Tim Miller 226 Del Monte Dona Sanchez 224 Del Monte Van Beane 306 Del Monte Public concerns focused on the potential hazards that the antennas could have on the children and others in the surrounding neighborhood. Some neighbors pointed out that they did not receive any noticing from the City and were not contacted by the applicant. Public Hearing Closed. The Commission discussed the noticing issues with staff. Staff pointed out that they did a 500' radius mailing. Staff felt that the Commission's concerns regarding stealthing and the equipment cabinets had been addressed and this is why the applicant was advised not to have a community meeting. Chief Planner Sparks also pointed out that most of the neighbors concerns are regarding electro-magnetic field emissions and the Commission cannot, by law, deny an application of this type for this reason. Chairperson Romero asked if the application could be denied based on the landuse not being appropriate. Assistant City Attorney Johnson pointed out that under the existing zoning ordinance the COlnmission can determine that the proposed location is not appropriate and can give the option of co-location. COlnmissioner Meloni suggested that the applicant explore an area on Junipero Serra, in order to cover a larger area. Mr. Javier Pardon, Radio Frequency Engineer, pointed out that they surveyed the area and this site was the most appropriate. Commission direction: · Public Hearing notices should be sent to homeowner and residents. · The principal of Buri Buri needs to be contacted to make sure that they are aware of this application and to notify the students' parents. · The applicant needs to also contact the School District to make sure that they are aware of this application. Motion Meloni 1 Second D' An2:elo to continue the item to a date uncertain. Approved by unanimous voice vote. \ \MULDER\pl-shared\Minutes\finalized\05-02-02 RPC.doc Page 3 of 5 Approved on May 16, 2002 Recess called 8:26 p.m. - 8:38 p.m. ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS 5. Britannia East Grand Cherokee San Francisco LLC-owner Slough Estates/Bill Rogalla-applicant 450 East Grand Ave.-Easterly terminus of East Grand Avenue DR-OI-006/MODl and EIR-OI-006 Approved Design Review of proposed modifications to combine Buildings 5 & 6 and additional minor lnodifications to Buildings 3 & 4. Staff Report presented by Principal Planner Kalkin. Bill Rogalla, Slough Estates, and Tom Gilman, DES Architects, presented the project. Commissioner D'Angelo asked what the purpose of the rotunda would be. Mr. Rogalla noted that it is for decorative purposes and lab uses. Commissioner D'Angelo also questioned if it was nonnal for the applicant to return with a modification after the Master Plan has been approved. Mr. Rogalla pointed out that it is normal because the tenants have special needs and they may need other modifications. Motion Te2:lia 1 Second Sim to approve the to DR-OI-006/MOD 1. Approved by unanimous voice vote. 6. Items from Staff Chief Planner Sparks: · 3 Emerald Court - The City Council upheld the Commission's denial to the variance and the applicant has applied for a zoning amendment. He noted that this would be going before the Commission in the coming month. · Britannia East Grand - The City Council approved the Master Plan for Britannia East Grand on April 24, 2002. They discussed the slough and a representative of the Regional Water Quality Control Board was present and they indicated that it would be cleaned up next summer. · There will be a traffic summit meeting held on May 6,2002 at 6:30 p.m. in the Municipal Services Building. He noted that residents can offer cormnents and concerns at that tilne. · The Zoning Code will be ready for Commission review within a couple of months. Some of the changes are non-confonning uses, second unit additions and sign regulations. The zoning code should be adopted by the end of the summer. 7. Items from Commission Commissioner Meloni asked if code enforcement is proactive in regulating signs in the City. Chief Planner Sparks noted that it is done on complaint basis. 8. Items from the Public None \ \MULDER\pl-shared\Minutes\fll1alized\05-02-02 RPC.doc Page Lt of 5 Approved on May 16, 2002 9. Adjournment 9:09 p.m. Motion Meloni 1 Second D'Angelo to adjourn. Approved by unanimous voice vote. ~~~-~~~ Secretary to the Planning Commission City of South San Francisco ~~~~~~~ William Romero, Chairperson Planning Commission City of South San Francisco NEXT MEETING: Regular Meeting May 16, 2002, Municipal Services Building, 33 Arroyo Drive, South San Francisco, CA. TCS/blh \ \MULD ER\pl-shared\Minutes \linalized\05-02-02 RPC.doc Page 5 of 5 Approved on May 16, 2002