HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 12/20/2001CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES MUNICIPAL SERVICES BUILDING 33 ARROYO DRIVE December 20, 2001 CALL TO ORDER /PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL /CHAIR COMMENTS MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: STAFF PRESENT: AGENDA REVIEW 7.30 n.m. Commissioner D'Angelo, Commissioner Honan, Commissioner Ochsenhirt, Commissioner Sim, Vice Chairperson Romero and Chairperson Meloni Commissioner Teglia Notified Chairperson Meloni Planning Division: Thomas C. Sparks, Chief Planner Susy Kalkin, Principal Planner Steve Kowalsl~i, Associate Planner City Attorney: Kimberly Johnson Engineering: Richard Harmon Police Dept.: Sgt. Mike Newell Chairperson Meloni moved item #4 to the Consent Calendar. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Cell Genesys, Inc./Drawbridge Forbes, LLC-owner WHL Architects-Planners, Inc./applicant 500 Forbes Blvd. UP-O1-032 & ND-O1-032 Review of TDM Plan in fulfillment of Conditions of Approval associated with Use Permit -O1-032. 4. City of South San Francisco-owner/applicant Citywide ZA-O1-094 (Reco~nme~zd continur~~zce to January 3, 2002) None Approved Zoning Ordinance amending Section 20.85.050, Design Review Board, of the South San Francisco Municipal Code. Motion Sim Second Ochsenhirt to approve the Consent Calendar. Approved by inaj ority voice vote. Commissioner Teglia being absent. \\MULDLR\pl-sh~u-ed\Muiu~es\tuialized\2001\12-20-02 RPC.doc Pale 1 of 4. Approved on June 6, 2002 PUBLIC HEARING -AGENDA ITEMS 2. Shell Station/Ann Boatwright-owner Young Electric Sign Co.-applicant 123 Linden Ave. SC-O1-088 and Categorical Exemption Class 11 Section 15311 Accessory Structures Type "C" Sign Permit for a freestanding sign which exceeds 20 feet in height. Staff report presented by Associate Planner Kowalski. Douglass Fisher, Young Electric Sign Company presented the item to the Commission. Public Hearing opened. Continued Public Hearing closed. Commissioner Ochsenhirt did not recommend a monument sign because it is a busy intersection. Visibility is needed. Moving the monument sign in will make it hard for cars exiting and entering the site. It is important that the applicant be allowed to advertise as much as they can in order to allow the public to view the gas prices. Commissioners felt that the monument sign could work on the site with some additional landscaping that would improve the corridor. Chairperson Meloni asked if the monument sign would block visibility. Development Review Coordinator Harmon noted that the sign would block visibility for vehicles. Another concern is that the sign would block the view of pedestrians. Motion Sim /Second Romero to continue the item to allow staff to draft Findings of Denial. Approved by majority voice vote. Commissioner Ochsenhirt voted no and Commissioner Teglia was absent. 3. Kaiser Permanente-owner/applicant 1200 El Camino Real SC-O1-087 and Categorical Exemption Class 3 Section 15303 Installation of Small Facilities or Equipment Type "C" Sign Permit to install permanent banners on existing parking lot light fixtures at 1200 El Camino Real in the Planned Commercial (P-C) Zoning District in accordance with SSFMC Section 20.76.170. Staff Report given by Associate Planner Kowalski Steve Wahl, Kaiser Permanente, presented their proposal to the Commission. Motion Sim /Second Honan to approve the Sign program. Approved by majority voice vote. Recess called 8:00 p.m. - 8:10 p.1n. 4. City of South San Francisco-owner/applicant Citywide ZA-O1-094 (Recomfnend continacance to Janicary 3, 2002) Moved to Conse~zt Calendar acnder Age~zda Review Zoning Ordinance amending Section 20.85.050, Design Review Board, of the South San Francisco Municipal Code. \\MULDRR\pl-shared\Muiutes\Einalized\2001\12-20-02 RPC.doc Page 2 of 4~ Approved on June G, 2002 ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS 5. STUDY SESSION a. Britannia East Grand Cherokee San Francisco LLC-owner Slough Estates-applicant 450 East Grand Ave. (Easterly terminus of East Grand Ave. (formerly Fuller O'Brien site) PUD~UP/GP/DR-O1-006 and EIR-O1-006 Study session on the Britannia East Grand Master Plan (EIR, PUD, GP, UP-0l -006) to construct a phased development consisting of nine office/R & D buildings totaling approximately 783,533 sq. ft., an 8,000 sq. ft. childcare facility, a 5,000 sq. ft. fitness center, 8,000 sq. ft. of restaurant/retail use and two (2) five- to seven-level parking garages; a General Plan Amendment to delete the proposed East Grand Avenue roadway extension to Point San Bruno Blvd.; and Design Review of R & D Buildings and Parl~ing Structure A (DR-O l -006). Principal Planner Kallcin presented the staff report. Tom Gilman, DES Architects, gave a presentation on the overall site and building design. The campus would have interconnecting pedestrian pathways throughout. Included are nine R&D buildings, which are 3 and 4 story and vary in size. 2,200 parking spaces are provided in the 2 parl~ing structures, which account for 85 - 90% of the parking. Additionally, a childcare facility is provided. An amphitheater is included at the southeast corner of the site to take advantage of the bay views; landscape berms are provided to protect this area from prevailing winds. A preliminary TDM plan is currently being prepared and will be available for Planning Commission review at the January meeting. The Master Plan provides flexibility in size for variation in tenants. The design guidelines create a distinct image for the overall campus. The entries feature stone accents. Varied use of materials on the buildings as well as varied color and finishes are included. Commissioners discussed various design issues including lobby design, roof screening, and signage. The architect responded and noted that they will be following up with a full sign program submittal. Milce Aronson, traffic consultant, noted the traffic study was very conservative as it uses trip generation rates for office rather than R&D, thereby allowing for maximum flexibility in use of the buildings in the future. Commissioners questioned how the childcare center fit into the project phasing, noting concern that the project includes sufficient guarantees to ensure that the center is built. The applicant responded that the childcare center would need to be the last building constructed due to concerns with potential for airborne contaminants, etc, or if the State Department of Toxic Substances Control does not allow construction on site that an alternative site maybe necessary. Commissioners expressed concern with the design of the garage, noting it appears as a very long (400+ feet) massive elevation. Commissioners suggested adding more vertical lines, trees, etc. to break it up. They also questioned the species of trees along the parking garage. The architect responded that the trees would be Brisbane Box or a similar medium to fast growing species. Vice Chairperson Romero noted concern with the proposed General Plan Amendment, commenting that the roadway extension would provide additional connections/alternatives for dispersing traffic and would provide better access to the bay trail. He also felt the amount of surface parking was inadequate and requires people \\NIULDRR\pl-shared\Minutes\[uzalized\2001\12-20-02 RPC.doc Page 3 of ~l Approved on Jmie 6, 2002 to walls too far, especially to buildings 6 and 8. He suggested consideration be given to adding covered walkways. Staff noted that the applicant would continue to work on ways to resolve these outstanding issues in advance of the January public hearing. It was also noted that the Final EIR should be available in early January for the Planning Commission's review and consideration. 6. Items from Staff 7. Items from Commission Commissioner Ochsenhirt noted that he would not be at the January 3,2002 meeting. 8. Items from the Public 9. Adjournment Thomas C. Sparks Secretary to the Planning Commission City of South San Francisco NEXT MEETING TC S/blh None 9:33 p.in. Regular Meeting January 3, 2002, Municipal Services Building, 33 Arroyo Drive, South San Francisco, CA. \\VIULD~R\pl-shared\Muiutes\ruialized\2001\12-20-02 RI'C.doc Page ~l of ~l Approved on Jtuie 6, 2002