HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 475-1962 (}P, Di.d:~2:'i ,I0. 475 t.~,~.u.._i:'~>~.~...~L ',JF ~.): f. ,~,. i ,uJ~ a~ fo!l>,vs: 7" ~'- _:H~ciaima,l ~.~r:},.e'~>~ -T ~ ].'{"~ Da~:artmant ,shall be l~eld '~' '' ': ,'~:', Departm:nt ........ , ..... : ].ias~ J ,lays b~fore t'~e 'time fixet t'~,sr~fo: by and once in a n ........... - of .~e~.]era! : ...... lacion .aneral fuei of 'c.~ C" .... ~' ' t'I ~i~ ~I~ 'to the oenera.! f.md of t~,e City by 'ti~e i, olice Deuartment sa:a~ trans~e~ a~ least J da.ys ue:ore 'c':,,~ .... time lication n..n~.~ .... in a ne~skamer o~ ~,eneral circulanlon ,~o~_ncy San i"taha}, ant o~c,a in o , ...... C~action 2 Z'rocedure ,~%.i~er~a~zv'~: The 1-o.~zc~ D~ar~rnen~ may dis?~ose oz sale ~znclaimed Fro~rt)~ F~grsua~t ~o ~roced'ure ~"- for~ in t~'~zs Ordinance~ or may dispose of sa~e and transfer any ~oni~s ob~=~d ~5:- sale u:~eraof, su,': ut~clai~ed '~-,s ~-'~"~,' be mona)?, into t~e .za~:~eral fund of t~e '~itf i~ ~ccorJ. ance ,~ith amy oEh~r a~E,~,.Oz~E/ or ~roc~d~re ?,? ta¥~ so ~ro- -~'ided. Section 3. [~ublicatio~;~ and ef'f:~c~ive daee: Tke :~it,~ Cl~rk of t~e City of~o~ '~ tJ~. San Francisco Ls .~.eraoy directed to ,"~'~_~oe .... t~zs Ordinanca to be ~'lisked o,_~ce as r.aquired by law, and it shall ta~.ce elf=ct t]~irty (30) days azuer les adopt'ion. 19 6~ . Introd-aced t~'.is 5~h aa~ of Februar~ ..... ~assed and adopted as an Ordinance of the City of So ~ San Francisco at a regular me~stin~.~ of the City Co,~ncil of ti~e City of So~tk San Francisco tkis 19th da5 of Februar~ 1962, by the follo~o'in~ vot.~: AYES, COUNZILi,'~i~ G.J. Rozzi, P~.r_%ak E. Ahem, Emilio Cortesi, Andrew Rocoa, and Leo J. RNan ~OE S, None ABSE['~, ~ None ~~ .... ~-~~~ . City Clerk As Mayor of ti~e City of South San Francisco, I do hereby a~rove day~r~ tI~e fore~oin~ Ordinance this 19~h of 1962 . Mayo