HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 477-1962 ORDINANCE NO. ~77 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO AHENDING ORDINANCE NO. /-.~9 ENTITLED, "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCIS~ RECREATING AND RE' ESTABLISHING A PERSONNEL SYSTEH FOlK THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN I~qNCISCO AND REPEAL' lNG OItD[NANCE NO. 216 AND ALL INCON' SISTENT ORDINANCES" The City Council of the City of South San Francisco does ordain as follows: SECTION I. ANEN~NT OF SECTIONS OF ORDINANCE NO. ~9 Section &, Subsection (b) and (S) of Section 7, Sections 8, 9, lO, 15, 16 and 17 o£ Ordinance No. ~9 are hereby amended to read: Section ~, PERSONNEL BOARD There is hereby recreated a Personnel Board to consist of five members, to be appointed by the Council. The persons now serv- inS as members of the Personnel Board of the City of South San Francisco, pursuant to Ordinance No. 216, shall continue as members thereto, as recreated and re-established by this ordi- nance, and shall serve until such time as their respective terms shall expire. At the expiration of the term of each of the mem- bers, successors shall be appointed by the CityCouncil for a term of four years. The term of the members shall be so arran§ed that they are sta§Eered, that is, they sf~ll expire on different dates for the purpose of mafntaininS a continuity at all times in the membership. Annually on or before the 30th day of January, the Board shall meet and elect a chairman from among its voting members. Vacancies on the Board shall be filled by appointment by a major- ity of the Council for the unexpired term. Each member shall serve until his successor is appointed and qualified. A vote of three Councilmen shall be required to appoint a member of the Personnel Board, and a vote of four Councilmen shall be necessary to remove any ~ember of the Personnel Board fro~ office prior to the expiration of his term. Should a member be &bsent from three (3) successive regular meetinga without excuse, the City Council may by majority vote declare the office vacant. Members of the Personnel Board shall be quali£ied elecCors of the. City of SouCh San Francisco and Ih,Il be persona in s~mpachy w~ch the aerie principles o£ public employmnC. No person shall be appointed Co Che Board who holds any salaried public office of emplo _~nenC. A board member, may however, lmmed~aCelyafCer leaving che board be appoinCed co a salaried Job wiCh the CiCy provided ChaC he did noC parCicipece in the creaCion of Che job or the secCing up of Che exc~naCion, and passes che expm~naCion and ~ul£ills ocher reSuLar personnel ~equiremencs. Seccion ?. ADOPTION OF RULES (b) Preparation, plan, revision, and adminisCraCion of a com- pensaCion plan direcCly correLaced ~iCh Che posiCion cLassi£ica- Cion plan, providing a race or range of pay for each class. (g) T~ansfer, promoCion and demotion of employees in Che con- peCiCive service. SeCtion 8. APPOINTHBNTS AppoinCmenCs Co vacant posiCions in Che compeCiCive service . shell be made in accordance rich Che personnel rules. AppoinC menCs and promoCiona shell be baaed on merit and £iCness Co be ascerCained by comp_ ecicive ,x~m4nacions. V-x~m~ ~acions shall be used and conducted Co aid in Che seleccion of qualified employees. and shall consisC of such recosnized seLacCion Cechniques as achievemenC and apcicude cases, and ocher ~iCCen Cases, person- al incerview, performance CesCs, evaluation of daily work per- formance, work sampler, or any combinaCion of Chess, which will, in Che opinion of Che Personnel Board CesC fairly the qualific.a. . Cions of candidates. Physical, medical and agilicy Cases may given aa a parc of any enCrance e_v~naCion. Physical and medi cal ~x~oaCions may be required on promoCional appointments ~hen reLaCed Co che qualif~caCions necessary Co perform the duCies of Che cLassificacion. In any recruiCmenC examination che Personnel Board may include, in addition Co compeCiCive Cases, a qualifying cesc or Cescs and sec minimum scanards Chereforo AppoinCmenC shall be made by Che Council, or as provided by applicable SCaCe law, Cicy ordinance, or rules and reguLaCions. l~hen recrui~nenC or promotional appoinCmenC is Co be made Co a vacancy in the compeCiCive service, the Personnel Board shall cransmiC co Che a~poinCing power Che names of all persona on the appropr!aCe cercified employmenC or promotional lisC, in Che order in which chey appear on Cb~ lisC. In che absence of approprLace employmenc lisCs, a provisional appoinCmenC may be made by the appo~nCing auChoricy of a person meecing Che minimum Craining and experience qualificaCions for the position, provisional appoinCmenC 0£~ department heads shall 'bell made .'by the C:LCy Council. ProviSional appo:l, nCment:8. Co ocher posiCions shall be made by Che c~Cy Manager. An em ploYmenc lisc shall be escablished wichi, n s.-~x (6) months for ny .pemnenC posiC~on filled by provLsi~nal' ap~oinCment, The otmcil may,.' by a f.'~ou~-fi~chs vote, extend the period for said list and.' p~0ViS'io~al~.appoincmenc ~or not' more than .C, hirCy (30) days, by~ any on.o~e action nsc co exceed three (3] such extensions~ When a posicion i~ CO be filled by provisional appoincmenc, or a provisional,appd~nt~uenc is Co be exCended, Che Council shall direct Che City Clerk co record such acCion in the minuCes Che meeting of che Council. CrediCs shall be allowed on promoCional appoincmenCs Esr length of time in service in srade a£ter compleCton of the probation- ary period. The schedule of said credics shall be sec forCh in the Pules and Resulacibns and Che applicant must obCain a passing ~rade on Cb~ examinaCion be[ore such credica shall be applied. During Che period of suspension of an employee, or pending final acCion on proceedings Co review suspension, demoCion or dismiss- al of an employee, such vacancy may be Gilled by Che appoinCing aucb~ricy subJecc co the provisions of chis ordinance and Che personnel rules. Section 9. AGE No maximum or minimum age l~niCs shall be. prescribed or estab- lished £or any civil service examination, and age shall nsc be · minimum qualification for any employmenC in che classi- fie_d service, and no person, oChet~r~se quali~ied, shall be denied empLoymenC in said service solely because of a~e; provided, how- ever, chac che CiCy Council hereby reserves che rishc Co fix minimum or maximums age limits for Che employment o6 policemen and firemen. Section 10. PROBATIONARY PERIOD All original and promotional appoinCmencs shall be CenCaCive and subjecC co a probationary period of one (l) year. The Cicy Council may, by resolution, establish a lonser probaC~onary period for speciEied classes. Durin~ the probaCionary period, quarterly reports of the probaCionerSs performance shall be warded Co Che Personnel Board. Durin§ Che probationary period, Che employee may be rejecCed aC any C~m_~_ providins Che appotnc~ng authority, Cicy Manaser or department b~ad, where auchorized by chis ordinance or Che Pul.es and Re~ulaCions, files in w~Cin~ with Che Personnel Board rea sons for such scion. The Personnel Board shall have che right to review the action and may render a decision, buC such decision may nsc be binding on Che appointing auchoricy, City Manager or delmrcmonC head unless the Personnel Board rules Cha action vas the result o£ religious, pol~t~cal or fecal dLscr~ad~at~on, Any enployee rejected, dur~ns the pro~tionary period, f~rom a position Co wl~Leh he has been promoted shall be reinstated to the position ~-rom which he vas pcmnoCed, or Co one of equat rank, unless charges are filed and he is discharged as provided in . Chis ordinance and cha Personnel Rules and aeguhCiona as adopt ed hereunder. Any o££~cer or employee ~n the competitive service who is pro-. rooted or transferred Co a position hOC included in the compeCi cive service shall be reinstated Co the position from which he. was pro.rooted or transferred, or Co one ofequa_l rank, if, with in one (1).L~ year a£Cer such promotion or Crans£er, he fails co qualify and for ChaC reason or for some ocher reason, he is dis- ncLased; provided, of course, chaC he shall hoc ocherb~se have lo8C his former status in the promotional service through his discharge follow~ng the filing of charges, in the manner provided for in chis ordinance and the Personnel Rules and Regulations established hereunder. Section l~. DEMOTION AND DISCHARGE The appo~ncing power; C~Cy Nanager; and department heads w~ch respect to employee8 in Cheer d_~_parCment, each except as limited herein or ~n the i/ules and Regulations, shall have authority Co demote or discharge a person in the competitive service for cause. The City 14anager, before exercis~ng the power of~ demo'. cion or discharge o~ department b~ad8, shall first obtain auCh orizaCion £rom the C~Cy Council. Department heads, before ex- ercising the power of demotion or discharge, shall first obtain authorization £rom the City Nanaser. Section 16. ltlGHT TO STATENENT ON IXDSOTION OR DISCHARGE AND The tenure of every employee holding a position ~n the compec~- cive service shall be during good behavior and proved f~tness for the Position on the basis of duties and responsibilities, buC any officer or emplLoyee may be removed or otherwise d~sci- p~ined as provided by chis ordinance and in the Rules and Res . ulacions esCabliohed hereunder and departmental rules adopted by the City Council. Any permanent employee Lo the competitive service who has been - Discharged, 2. Demoted, Reduced in Pay, Subjected to any disciplinary acc or order, relief from wronSful imposition of which is not otherwise provided and appeal £rom which is not prohibited or denied shall have the right Co demand from the person or official who ordered the discl~rge, demotion, reduction in pay, or ~posed tb~ disciplinary act or ordered a written s~aCement of the rea- sons for such action by the close of the working day following the day he received notice o£ same. The statement shall be mailed or delivered to him within five (§) days after the d~and. The demand shall be in writing and si~ned by the employee. A copy of the demand and statement 8hallbe filed w~th the Person nel Officer and forwarded to the Personnel Board. The employee may file an appeal ~rlth the Personnel Board for lief from 8aiddemot~on, discharge, reduction in pay, or disci- plinary act or order provided said appeal is filed within fifteen (15) days after receiving notice of sa~e. The provisions of this section shall not apply to reduction in pay which are part of a general plan to reduce salaries and wages as an economy ~m~.sure, or as part of a general curtailment pro- gram,_ nor Co Lay offs when necessitiaCed by inclement weather or other adverse working conditions, shortage or work or funds, or material changes in duties or organization. The name of every employee so laid off shall be placed on the appropriate re- employment list or lists as provided in the Rules established hereunder and such Lay-offs shall be vrlthout the right of hear- lng or appeal. The Rules and Regulations shall provide for the fo~nof the appeal, official with whom it is to be filed and the required nOtiCeS, Section 17. INVESTIGATIONS; I~,ARZNG; FINDINGS AND DECISIOH The Personnel Board may make such investigation as it may deem necessary. The Personnel Board shall conduct a hearing_within ten (10) days after the appeal is filed and urlthin ten (10) days after concluding the hearing, shall make findings and a decision affirming, revoking or modifying the demotion, discharge, re duction in pay, or disciplinary act or order. The findings and and decision of the Personnel Board shall be final. The Rules and Re~ulations shall provide for the notices required, procedure for conducting any investi~ation and hearing and for th certification of the findings and decision. The hearin$ need not be conducted according to technical rules reLating to evidence and witnesses. SECTION II. PUBLICATION AND EFFECTIVE DATE The City Clerk of the City of South San Francisco is hereby directed to cause this ordinance to be published once, as requireC by law, and it shall ~ake e££ect thirty (30) days £ollowing its adoption o Introduced this 5th ~y of March 19 62- Passed and a~p~ed as an ordinance of ~he City of South ~n Francisco at a regular ~eting of t~ Ci2y C~nci~ o[ ~ City o~ SouZh ~n Francisco C~s 19th ~y of ~r,ch. 19 6~, by ~he foll~ing vo~e: A~S, C~I~N Patrick E~ AherD. Andrew Rocca. and ~eo J. NOES, " Emilio Cortesi I hereby certify t~t the fore~oin8 ordin~ce ~s ~ssed by =~ City Co~ciL of ~ City of South San Francisco at i~s reaular ~eti~ on the 19th ~y of March C~y C~erk Vice- A~~r of ~he 2i~y of S~h San ~a~cisco, I do hereby apple of ~ fore~oin~ ordi~ce =his 19th ~y of EST: