HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-06-2004 Minutes c~'t\\ SAN p. ~~~~ ~~,~~t"'~~~~ ~ c ~""--'.. () ~ 11; 1 ...... ~ i 1~lj 1:1111.. (J) _11.."L.:,,,..!!,,_n U~~:O --_.~_._-~ ~A1F'~ ~.".,:-..,.~ C~~ 4lIFOR~\. MINUTES January 6, 2004 CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION CALL TO ORDER I PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL I CHAIR COMMENTS TAPE 1 7:30 D.m. PRESENT: Commissioner Honan, Commissioner Sim, Commissioner Romero, Commissioner Zemke, Vice Chairperson Teglia and Chairperson Ochsenhirt ABSENT: Commissioner Giusti STAFF PRESENT: Planning Division: Thomas C. Sparks, Chief Planner Steve Carlson, Senior Planner Bertha Aguilar, Admin. Asst. II Kimberly Johnson, Assistant City Attorney Ray Razavi, City Engineer Sergeant Alan Normandy, Planning Liaison Bryan Nisewonger, Acting Assistant Fire Marshall City Attorney: Engineering Division: Police Department: Fire Prevention. REORGANIZATION / ELECTION OF 2005 CHAIR AND VICE-CHAIR AGENDA REVIEW Chief Planner Sparks asked that item #2 be pulled from the Consent Calendar to continue it to a specific date. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Helen Swartzbaugh, 529 Park Way, presented a letter to the Commission with regard to 525 Park Way. She noted that the home addition would drastically affect the neighborhood. She asked that the Commission review the project before approving it. Chief Planner Sparks noted that he would review it carefully and return with a response to Ms. Swartzbaugh and the Commission. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes of November 18, 2004 and December 2, 2004 2. Wing Lee/applicant Richard Lee/owner 416 W. Orange Ave. P04-0066, DR04-0035 & VAR04-0001 Variance to allow a new single-family dwelling to encroach into the required street side yard on a substandard reverse corner lot in the Medium Density Residential (R-2-H) Zoning District in accordance with SSFMC Chapter 20.82. Chief Planner Sparks asked that the Commission pull item number 2 from the Consent Calendar. Motion Sim / Second Zemke to approve the Consent Calendar with the exception of item #2. Approved by unanimous voice vote. PUBLIC HEARING Planning Commission Meeting of January 6, 2005 2. Wing Lee/applicant Richard Lee/owner 416 W. Orange Ave. P04-0066, DR04-0035 & VAR04-0001 Continued to February 3, 2005 Variance to allow a new single-family dwelling to encroach into the required street side yard on a substandard reverse corner lot in the Medium Density Residential (R-2-H) Zoning District in accordance with SSFMC Chapter 20.82. Chief Planner Sparks asked the Commission to continue the item to February 3, 2005. The applicant submitted revised plans earlier than expected and will be ready by the first meeting in February. Motion Teglia / Second Zemke to continue P04-0066, DR04-0035 & VAR04-0001 to February 3, 2005. Approved by unanimous voice vote. REORGANIZATION / ELECTION OF 2005 CHAIR AND VICE-CHAIR Chief Planner Sparks noted that the bylaws call for the Commission to reorganize on the first meeting in January. He pointed out that there one member absent and 4 of the Commissioners are up for reappointment. He noted that the Commission might decide to reorganize now or wait until everyone is present and appointments/ reappointments are complete. The Commission agreed to continue the reorganization to February 3, 2005 Motion Sim / Second Teglia to continue the reorganization. Approved by unanimous voice vote. PUBLIC HEARING 3. Multi-Unit Residential Project Fang, Ming Yu/Owner Fang, Ming Yu/ Applicant 200 Second Street (APN 014-150-010) P03-0142, AHA04-0002, PUD04-0003, PM04-0002 & DR03-0068 Design Review and Planned Unit Development allowing four single family dwellings (two per lot) with exceptions for smaller lots, increased lot coverage and reduced building setbacks. A Tentative Parcel Map creating two residential lots with common area in the Medium Density Residential (R-2- H-P) Zone District. In accordance with Chapters 20.87 & 20.125 and Title 19. Affordable Housing Agreement between the applicant and the City of South San Francisco for the construction or rehabilitation of the equivalent of one dwelling as affordable housing unit. Senior Planner Carlson presented the staff report. Wing Lee, Architect, noted that he has been working with the City with regard to Affordable Housing Agreement and fire prevention safety. He showed graphics of the proposal and pointed out that there would be an open recreational area for the residents. He added that the project would eliminate the public nuisance of having a vacant lot and flooding issues. Public Hearing opened. Ming Yu Fang, owner, noted that they have been working on the project with another architect and hired a new one. She added that there would not be a nuisance in the neighborhood after the proposed project is approved. Public Hearing closed. S :\Ml""IAtes\Fl",,~ Llul> Ml''''IAtes\2.005\Oi -Ob-05.I>Ot p~ge 2. of b Planning Commission Meeting of January 6, 2005 Vice Chairperson Teglia questioned who would be responsible for the maintenance of the project if the Homeowners Association (HOA) did not follow through with it. Senior Planner Carlson noted that the City's Code Enforcement Division could issue citations and impose fines. He also noted that the Conditions of Approval require for the area to be maintained. Commissioner Zemke questioned if the front of the project was a stucco finish with wood trimming. Mr. Lee replied affirmatively. Commissioner Sim noted that the rear elevation should have some architectural features because it will be visible to the public. Commissioner Honan was concerned with family rooms, game rooms, and other rooms being converted to illegal bedrooms. Senior Planner Carlson noted that the units have a 2-car garage with three bedrooms and with current zoning requirements they can convert a recreational room into a bedroom. He added that there are not any walls around the specified recreational/work rooms to make them illegal rooms. Commissioner Honan noted that there is a full bathroom on the bottom level. Senior Planner Carlson noted that the full bathroom next to the game room could be turned into a half bathroom. Commissioner Romero stated that if the project were subdivided it would create problems in the future if someone decides to abandon the Homeowners Association. He was more comfortable if it remained as one project. Senior Planner Carlson noted that the project is still linked legally through the Association, the Affordable Housing Agreement and the Planned Unit Development permit. Commissioner Romero was also concerned with the 33 feet long driveway, which poses the pOSSibility of tandem parking and blockage of the sidewalk. He asked who would prevent this from happening. Senior Planner Carlson noted that when the automobile is blocking the sidewalk, because it is in the public right of way, the City's Police Department would enforce this issue. Chairperson Ochsenhirt asked why the units were connected and not separate. Mr. Lee noted that the sites geometry and space did not allow for separate units. Chairperson Ochsenhirt asked if the below market rate unit was going to be a rental or sale unit. Senior Planner Carlson replied that it has not been determined at this point. Vice Chairperson Teglia also noted his concern with the subdivision of the lot and preferred that the lot remain as one. Commissioner Romero asked if the home would be sold in pairs or individually. Assistant City Attorney Johnson noted that the homes could be sold in pairs as a parcel. She asked that the Commission add a Condition of Approval requiring the applicant that prior to final map that they do a reciprocal easement on the common area which would permit both parcelS to have access and maintenance responsibilities to the common area. Motion Teglia / Second Sim to approve P03-0142, AHA04-0002, PUD04-0003, PM04-0002 & DR03-0068 with the following Conditions of Approval: . Remove the full bath from the unit with the playroom . Record with the County of San Mateo the common area easement with the Parcel Map. . Final approval of the design elevations . Flooding of the property. Approved by unanimous voice vote. Recess called at 8:28 p.m. Recalled to order at 8:36 p.m. 4. Verizon Wireless - James Singleton/applicant Cal Water Service/owner 488 Grandview Dr. s: \MlvclAtes\Flvc~ Llul> MlvclAtes\2005\Oi -Ob-05.l>ot p~ge 3 of b Planning Commission Meeting of January 6, 2005 P04-0090, UP04-0026 Design Review and Use Permit allowing a wireless communications facility consisting of six (6) panel antennas mounted to an existing perimeter fence and equipment cabinets to be installed in a new partially underground vault situated at 488 Grandview Drive (adjacent to Wind Harp Park) in the Planned Industrial (P- I) Zoning District in accordance with SSFMC Chapter 20.105. Senior Planner Carlson presented the staff report. James Singleton submitted a letter of compliance to SSFMC 20.105 to the Commission. He noted that there were concerns with regard to the landscaping on the site and what had been done in the past. He added that has been in contact with Cingular Wireless and are willing to maintain the site from this point forward. He submitted a second letter from AT&T with regard to their obligations under their Use Permit to maintain landscaping for both the AT&T and Nextel antenna sites. A third letter dated June 27, 2000 was submitted by Mr. Singleton addressing the Cellular One antenna site maintenance. Mr. Singleton noted that they would like to be responsible only for the maintenance of their antenna site and not the other sites being that Cingular Wireless is willing to take responsibility over their site and Nextel's site. Public Hearing opened. There being no speakers the Public Hearing was closed. Vice Chairperson Teglia noted that both AT&T and Nextel promised to maintain their landscaping and have defaulted on their promise. He added that there are more antenna sites. He pointed out that the Commission has not seen any examples of the screening being proposed on the site. Mr. Singleton noted that they are following the scheme that AT&T set. He pointed out that the Commission might want to have staff review the site to make sure that there is proper maintenance on the site. He added that they are willing to have this as a Condition of Approval. Vice Chairperson Teglia noted that the Commission is looking for an improvement on the site. He noted that this is the third approval on the site. He added that there needs to be a coordinated maintenance with the antenna companies and the owner. Senior Planner Carlson noted that addressing landscaping is challenging and that is why the Conditions of Approval include the verbiage asking that the applicant maintain the landscaping. Senior Assistant City Attorney Johnson noted that Code Enforcement can cite the property owners for violations of the Zoning Code or Use Permit conditions violations. She added that this is a financial enforcement rather than the revocation procedures that the Commission normally sees for Use Permit violations. Mr. Singleton asked that the Commission revise Condition of approval #3 with regard to maintenance. He added that the responsibility needs to fall on each cell antenna company for their site's landscaping and maintenance. Vice Chairperson Teglia noted that the site needs to be screened enough so the antennas are not visible. The Commission did not agree to revise the condition. Mr. Singleton noted that Cingular and Nextel did not authorize him to make these improvements. Motion Sim / Second Teglia to approve P04-0090, UP04-0026. Approved by unanimous voice vote. Vice Chairperson Teglia asked if staff could review all three Use Permits on the site and see if they are complying with their Conditions of Approval. Staff agreed to do so. 5. Kaiser Office Building Hunter/Storm LLC by Mike Walsh/applicant Malcolm Building, LLC/owner 230 Oyster Point Blvd. P04-0131: DR04-0077, PM04-0003, TDM04-0004 & UP04-0031 s: \MlvclAtes\Flvc~ Llul> MlvclAtes \2005\Oi -Ob-05.l>ot p~ge -+ of b Planning Commission Meeting of January 6, 2005 Use Permit and Design Review allowing the construction of a 19,200 sf single-story medical office building with at-grade parking accommodating up to 85 parking spaces with a 24 hour operation in the Planned Commercial (P-C) Zoning District in accordance with SSFMC Chapters 20.24 and 20.81; Tentative Parcel Map to split the existing 3.54 acre lot into two lots with areas of 1.64 and 1.9 acres; and a Preliminary Transportation Demand Management Plan to reduce traffic impacts. Mitigated Negative Declaration MNDOO-014 previously adopted on January 3, 2002. Senior Planner Carlson presented the staff report and asked that a Condition of Approval be added requiring that driveway be installed at the time the project is ready for construction. Mike Walsh, Hunter Storm Properties, noted that the have responded to all the Commission's issues. They created a coordinated streetscape on the frontage of the property and modified access points for the right in only entry along Oyster Point Boulevard. He added that they submitted a future site plan of what the entire site would look like with the Stuhlmuller project. he pointed out that the tentative parcel map was submitted that shows the ingress and egress driveway on Veterans Boulevard. He noted that the landscape plan has been revised and the parking stall now total 85 on the plan. He clarified that the treatment facility will only be open form 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. and it would not be a 24-hour operation. Mr. Walsh noted that the applicant is in agreement with adding the Condition of Approval with regard to the driveway. Dr. Michelle Coe, SSF Kaiser Permanente, noted that this will be a state of the art faCility that is close to the patient's homes and the medical center. Commissioner Honan asked how long the treatments would last. Dr. Sung replied that the treatments last about 30 minutes or less and 4 patients would be treated simultaneously. Chairperson Ochsenhirt asked if the patients will be driving to the facility or would need to be transported. Dr. Sung noted that most of the patients drive to the facility. He added that this is a new service that Kaiser is providing and the center will specialize in brain tumors. Commissioner Honan asked why the TDM plan would lower parking numbers. Senior Planner Carlson noted that the TDM plan suggests that the applicant look at measure to get employees to use public transportation to get to and from work, thus allowing more open parking spaces to drop off patients or for patient parking. Mr. Sung noted that there are fewer than 1% ambulance transported patients to the facility with this type of treatment. He added that most patients drive to the facility and go to work from there and other are accompanied by a family member. Chief Planner Sparks noted that staff is encouraging Kaiser to have their employees reduce their trips to and from the facility. Senior Assistant City Attorney Johnson pointed out that the project is different from others in the East of 101 area is that a large portion of the facility is the linear accelerators and there is small space for office use with 40 employees. Vice Chairperson Teglia noted that they did not see any plans of what the internal roadway will look like. He asked if the landscaping will be included with the roadway. Senior Planner Carlson noted that the Conditions of Approval ask for a generous landscaped area at the terminus of the driveway. He added that the conditions also ask that the vacant parcel be landscaped continuously with a wall combination to cover the site. Vice Chairperson Teglia noted that the trees along Oyster Point Boulevard is scattered and asked if it can be more continuous. Senior Planner Carlson noted that it can be looked at but also have to take into consideration the utility corridor along Oyster Point Boulevard. Motion Sim / Second Romero to approve P04-0131: DR04-0077, PM04-0003, TDM04-0004 & UP04-0031 with additional condition with regard to the driveway construction. Approved by unanimous voice vote. 6. Oyster Point Office / R&D Building Stuhlmuller Property Company/ applicant & owner s: \MlvclAtes\Flvc~ Llul> MlvclAtes\2oo5\Oi -Ob-05.l>ot p~ge 5 of b Planning Commission Meeting of January 6, 2005 180 Oyster Point Blvd. P04-0127: DR04-0074, TDM04-0002, VAR04-0002 & UP04-0035 Use Permit and Design Review allowing a 70,000 SF three story building comprised of 2 levels of office R&D space over a ground level parking garage, generating in excess of 100 daily average vehicle trips, and 24 hour operation, and outside storage of appurtenant equipment in an enclosed storage yard; a Variance allowing a parking rate of 2.83 vehicles per 1,000 GSF rather than 3.3 spaces per 1,000 sf in association with a Preliminary Transportation Demand Management Plan reducing traffic impacts, situated in the Planned Commercial (P-C) Zone District in accordance with SSFMC Chapters 20.24, 20.81, 20.82 and Chapter 20.120. Mitigated Negative Declaration MNDOO-014 previously adopted on January 3, 2002. Senior Planner Carlson asked the Commission to waive the reading of the staff and allow the applicant to make their presentation. Mr. Stuhlmuller noted that he is in accordance with the Staff Report and the Conditions of Approval. Mr. Cox pointed out some of the changes made on display boards. He pointed out the meandering sidewalk and how it approaches the building. Mr. Letieri, noted that hey have modified the landscaping plans as requested by the Planning Commission in the study session. Public Hearing opened. There being no speakers the Public Hearing was closed. The Commission noted that they liked the project with the revisions made to it. Motion Teglia / Second Zemke to approve P04-0127: DR04-0074, TDM04-0002, VAR04-0002 & UP04-0035. Approved by unanimous voice vote. ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS 7. Items from Staff Chief Planner Sparks presented Interim Fire Marshall Bryan Nisewonger to the Commission. Assistant City Attorney Johnson informed the Commission of a seminar being held by Meyers Nave et al with regard to the Brown Act. She asked the Commission to call her for more information. 8. Items from Commission 9. Items from the Public None 10. Adjournment Motion Honan / Second Rom 9:15 P.M. Tomas C. Sparks Secretary to the Planning Commission City of South San Francisco \~'o Rick Ochsenhirt, Chairperson Planning Commission City of South San Francisco NEXT MEETING: Regular Meeting January 20, 2004, Municipal Services Building, 33 Arroyo Drive, South San Francisco, CA TCS/bla S :\MlvclAtes\ Flvc~ Llul> MlvclAtes\2005\Oi -Ob-05.I>Ot p~ge b of b