HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-02-02 ~'t\\ SAN p. ~%~.~~~A C -,.'~ ~rD.d""--" '';.:0 ~ L. ':',''( . __~ (J) -n\;' ",1".,,,,o"I_n u~.~]O ~~.'-ft~Yi--~~ ~.~ --~. . -- .-_.~--t':--c..~ C<1ilroR~\.~ MINUTES February 2, 2006 CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION CALL TO ORDER' PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TAPE 1 7:30 D.m. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Commissioner Giusti, Commissioner Prouty, Commissioner Romero, Commissioner Sim, Commissioner Teglia*, Vice Chairperson Honan and Chairperson Zemke ABSENT: STAFF PRESENT: Planning Division: Thomas C. Sparks, Chief Planner Steve Carlson, Senior Planner Girard Beaudin, Associate Planner Patricia Cotla, Office Specialist Peter Spoerl, Assistant City Attorney Raul Dacanay, Civil Engineer Sergeant Alan Normandy, Planning Liaison Bryan Niswonger, Assistant Fire Marshall City Attorney: Engineering Division: Police Department: Fire Prevention. CHAIR COMMENTS AGENDA REVIEW No Changes Chief Planner Sparks noted that item number 2 needed to be pulled from the Consent Calendar. *Commissioner Teglia arrived at 734 p.m. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Approval of regular meeting minutes of December 15, 2005. 2. Terrabay Phase III Terraces Myers Development - Applicant' Owner San Bruno Mountain P04-0117: DAA04-0001 Pulled (Continue to February 16, 2006) PUBLIC HEARING ON THE MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM (MMRP) AND DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT (DAA04-0001) AMENDMENT Motion Giusti I Second Prouty to approve the remaining items on the Consent Calendar. CONSENT CALENDAR - PUBLIC HEARING 2. Terrabay Phase III Terraces Myers Development - Applicant' Owner San Bruno Mountain P04-0117: DAA04-0001 Planning Commission Meeting of February 2, 2006 (Continue to February 16, 2006) PUBLIC HEARING ON THE MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM (MMRP) AND DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT (DAA04-0001) AMENDMENT Chief Planner Sparks noted that the applicant is now requesting that the item be continued off calendar rather than to the next regular Planning Commission meeting. Motion Teglia I Second Prouty to continue P04-0117: DAA04-0001 off calendar. Approved by unanimous voice vote. 3. Use Permit 344 Victory Gibbs, Christopher &. Angela L/Owner George Corey I Applicant 344 Victory Ave P05-0142: DR06-0007 &. UP06-0004 Use Permit allowing uses generating in excess of 100 average daily vehicle trips, outside storage, up to 24 hours of operation, and parking determination allowing less parking than required by the SSFMC Chapter 20.74 Cultural Arts Contribution allowing a contribution to the Cultural Arts Fund in lieu of a landscape area equal to 10% of the total site area. Design Review allowing the proposed exterior site improvements consisting of the parking and landscaping. Senior Planner Carlson presented the staff report. George Corey, Attorney for owner, noted that the City Council limited the hearing to parking, landscaping and signs. He noted that reducing the parking makes little sense to the applicant. They noted that it has been difficult to determinate the percentage of landscaping is as shown on the plan. He pointed out that if the current proposed landscaping does not meet the 10% standard, they could remove parking stalls eleven and twelve, which back out to Victory Avenue, and replace them with landscaping to meet the requirement, otherwise they will remain as parking. He pointed out that staff recommends sealing a rollup door, but the Fire Department has recommended that door be kept open during hours of operations. He added that there currently is a business where the door is and this would not help the business with an address of 350 Victory Avenue. He added that they also wanted to maintain the driveway at stall nineteen. Mr. Gibbs asked if they could encroach onto the five feet owned by the City and landscape it and count this as part of his requirement. Fire Marshall Niswonger clarified that the roll up door is not required to be open at the Victory Avenue side, because there is another door that serves as the required exit. Commissioner Sim and Senior Planner Carlson discussed the site survey's accuracy with regard to the Cultural Arts in-lieu fees. Senior Planner Carlson noted that a licensed surveyor is not required because the lot is rectilinear and if the parking stalls are eliminated, the landscaping requirement would be met and the calculation would not be necessary. Commissioner Prouty, Commissioner Teglia and Vice Chairperson Honan felt that the proposal could be approved with the elimination of stalls 11 and 12 and replace it with landscaping. Vice Chairperson Honan further suggested that the role up door by stalls 19 and 20 is not needed per the Fire Department's recommendation and it could be removed. Commissioner Teglia felt that the roll up door is needed for ventilation. Senior Planner Carlson noted that staff does not have any objection to keeping the rollup door but would need to eliminate parking stalls 18 through 20 for circulation purposes. He added that the applicant is providing 31 spaces when the requirement calls for 27 spaces only. Mr. Corey noted that they agree to remove the spaces and mark it as a s:\MlvclAteS\Flvc~Lluct MlvclAtes\200b\02-02-0b R.1>C MlvclAtes,ctot p~ge 2 of-+ Planning Commission Meeting of February 2, 2006 tow away zone. Commissioner Romero noted that the landscaping plan is not in the packet and therefore it is incomplete. Chairperson Zemke questioned why a variance would be required by removing spaces 9 and 10. Senior Planner Carlson noted that a variance would be needed because they would eliminate the 6 foot landscape area. Mr. Corey noted that the applicant would be satisfied by removing stalls 9, 10, 11 and 12. He pointed out that they add a condition to the permit that the applicant return to the Commission with the landscaping plan. He further noted that the Council directed staff and the applicant to bring the item to the Commission at their next meeting and this is why the packet is incomplete. Vice Chairperson Honan felt that there was a problem with cars backing out to Victory Avenue and the Commission is trying to eliminate this. Commissioner Teglia noted that the Commission could add a condition to make the Victory side an entrance only driveway. The Commission discussed the feasibility of removing the roll up door and if the building would be used as a parking lot or if the cars would be exiting via the roll up door in question. Fire Marshall Niswonger noted that the roll up door is not a required access, nor is it considered an exit. He pointed out that the small door on the plan is a required exit. Motion Teglia / Second Prouty to approve POS-0142: DR06-0007 & UP06-0004 with the following changes: . Eliminate parking stalls 9 thru 12 . Delete condition 4 regarding the removal of the roll up door . Delete condition 6 with regard to the landscaping in-lieu fee . Delete condition 8 . Adding a condition that there be no backing of vehicles onto the public right-of-way . Adding a condition that the landscape plan be submitted to staff and be reviewed by the Commission for final approval. Amended Motion Vice Chairperson Honan / Second Romero to approve POS-0142: DR06-0007 & UP06- 0004 with the all the changes of the original motion and adding a condition that the roll up door be removed. Amended Motion Roll Call Vote: Ayes: Commissioner Romero and Vice Chairperson Honan Noes: Commissioner Giusti, Commissioner Prouty, Commissioner Sim, Chairperson Zemke, Commissioner Teglia Abstain None Absent: None Motion failed by majority roll call vote. Original Motion Roll Call Vote: Ayes: Commissioner Giusti, Commissioner Prouty, Commissioner Sim, Chairperson Zemke, Commissioner Teglia Noes: Commissioner Romero and Vice Chairperson Honan Abstain None Absent: None Approved by majority roll call vote. 4. Woofgangs Doggy Daycare Jean E Sinclair/applicant RAGNO LLC/owner 242 Shaw Rd P05-0166 UP05-0031 &. DR05-0099 Use Permit application to allow a dog daycare center at 242 Shaw Road in the Industrial (M-1) Zoning s:\MlvclAtes\Flvce<Llul> MlvclAtes\200b\0:2-02-0b RPC MlvclAtes.l>ot p~ge 3 of -+ Planning Commission Meeting of February 2, 2006 District in accordance with SSFMC Chapters 20.30 and 20.81 Associate Planner Beaudin presented the staff report. Jean Sinclair, Woofgang Doggy Daycare, noted that there office is open 5 days a week from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. There will be separate playgroups. She added that the offices will turn into different kinds of rooms to accommodate special circumstances for the dogs. She pointed out that there will not be any overnight boarding and no weekend care. She added that they have met with Water Quality Control with regards to waste management at the facility. Commissioner Prouty asked how waste will be handled. Ms. Sinclair noted that they are purchasing pet-a-potty's that can be cleaned and disposed in the toilet which was fine with Water Quality Control. She added that if they could not manage the amount of waste there are two pooper scooper companies that can help them with waste management. Motion Sim / Second Teglia to P05-0166 UP05-0031 & DR05-0099. Approved by unanimous voice vote. ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS ITEMS FROM STAFF Chief Planner Sparks noted that the Commission has received the Home Deport DEIR and will be scheduled for Public Hearing comments. ITEMS FROM COMMISSION Vice Chairperson Honan asked if there were funds for the Annual Planners Institute. Chief Planner Sparks noted that he would look into it. Commissioner Sim asked if staff could work on getting guidelines for site surveys and noted that there should be consistency in application packets submitted to the City. ITEMS FROM THE PUBLIC None ADJOURNMENT 8:40 P.M. ~~;: . L ThO' as C. arks I Secretary to the Planning Commission City of South San Francisco William Zemke, Chairper. n Planning Commission City of South San Francisco TCSjbla s:\MlvclAtes\Flvc~Llul> MlvclAtes\200h\02-02-0b RPC MlvclAtes.l>ot p~ge -+ of -+