HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 661-1974 ORDINANCE NO. 66~ AN ORDINANCE REGULATING WASTE DISCHARGES THE CITY COUNCIl, OF TILE, CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO DOES ORDAIN AS FOI,LOWS: TABI~E OF (. Nft, N~S Section 1. PURPOSE Section 2. OEFINITIONS 2.~ 2 2 2 3 2 ~ 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 BOD City Cont ami nat ion (;OD 5 Chlorine Demand 6 Department of Health 7 Director 8 Discharger 9 Domestic ].O Garbage II Grease ].2 Industrial Waste 13 Mass Emission Rates NaLural Outlet 2.15 Person 2 16 2 17 Poi. luted 2 ].8 Pollution' 2 19 Pretreat'm(.mt Requirementr~ 2 20 Residential_ Premise 2 2 ~ Sewage 2 22 Sanitary Sewage 2 23 Sewage Facilities 2.2~ Sewer 2.~5 Standard Methods 2.26 Suparinhendent 2.27 Suspended Solids 2.28 Was te 2.29 Wastewater 2.3~) Watercourse Section 3. USE 0[' PUBLIC SEWERS GENERALI,Y 3.]¸ Basic Sewage Discharge Requirement Waste Disposal Prohibi't:'ion []_ · Illl '~ [I I h]lil Ii i ~] I ~11111! II I II Section Sec t ion Sectior~ Sec ti. on Sect ion USE 3.3 3. Il 3.5 3. 6 OF PUBLIC SEWERS GENERALL, Y (continued) Obstructions to,.~ewcr,°., ~ s Prohibit:ed Use of Sanitary and Domest:[.c Sewers Use of Ppiv~es, Septic Tanks,. Cesspools Prohib] Led Radi. oaet] ve Waste'.~ 4. P[:RMI'I?S I~.-I App]ica-tJon Procedure; Sewer Uses De fined 4.2 Permits Required 4.3 Permit Application ~t. 4 Pemni 1: Conditions ~1 .5 Violation of Pep~ni-t: CondJ-t:Jons; Nontpansfe'pability~ Permit: RenewaLs Rlt,GIlI,AI.[ON OF' WAo2EWAiE, R I)I_o(.IIAR(,L,) 5 5 5 S 5 5 5 5 5 · ]. BOD, etc., Limitations .2 Gases .3 Gasoline, Benzene, Naphtha 4 Quantity of: l)ischapge I,imitation 5 Sand, Cement: 6 Toxicity 7 Pesticides 8 Wastewatep Concentpai.ion 1,'[mitat 9 Other l,im4tations ].0 Standard [dethods t.1 St:opm-Watep Dr'a~nage 6 . A1.)MI N I STRAT] ON 7. SEWER CONNECTION. CHARGES AND OTtlUR l .... I.,Loc 7. 1 Sewer 'Connection ]'eeo, 7.2 Monitoring Fees 7.3 Permit P, enewa'l Fees I '~ I ill,Ill Iii [ [ Section 8. ENf'0RCEMENT AND PENALTIES 8.1 Requirement of Time Schedule o'f Remedial Measures 8.2 Abatement Order by Super:i~tendent 8. 3 Ap[~eals 8.4 Civil Remedies - Cease and Desist Orders 8.5 Criminal Pen~ltie~; Section 9. SEVERABILITY Section 10. REPEAI_,S I ~1 I illill I Iii [ I SECTION l., PURPOSE. This Ordinance regulates and controls the quantity and quality of sewage,industrial wastes and other substances aa provided for herein; provides for source control of the quantity, quality and flow of sewage, industrial waste, waste and other substances -to maintain treatment plant facilities at a level of operations which co~forms with the standards and requirements of the Porter-Cologne Act, as amended (Water Code Section 13000, et seq) and the Federal Water Poilu- tion Control Act Amendments of 1972 (PL 92-500); authorizes fees and charges; and provides for civil and crimina.1 penalties for violations thereof. SECTION 2. DEFINITIONS. The folIowing words and designations Wherever used in-this Ordinance shaI1 be construed as defined in this section, unless from 'the context a different meaning is specifically defined and more part]~cularly directed to the use of such words or designati, ons. 2.1 BOD - Denotes Biochemical Oxygen Demand.. The quantity of dissolved oxygen utilized in the biochemical oxidation of~ organic matter under standard laboratory procedure in five'(5) days at twenty degrees (20©) Centigrade, expressed in milligrams per liter. 2.2 City - The City of South San Francisco. 2.3 Contamination - An impairment of the-quality of the waters of the State by waste to a degree which creates a hazard to the public health through poison].ng or through ~he spread o~ disease. 2.4 COD- Denotes Chemical Oxygen Demand. The equivalent quan- tity of oxygen uti].~zed during ox[d~:ion of organic '- and inorganic matter in wastewatc~ ~nder the conditic~ns of the COD test described Jn S(,~tlapd Methods, expressed in ~n[[[] fgra~ns per [[iter. 2.5 Chlori~e Dema~td - Tine amount of chlor[r~e reqtlired ~o produce a fr'e~:~' chlor'ine resJ. dua]. of 0.] mg/]. afi'er .:~ contact time of 15' minutes as measured by the iodometic met'hod on a sample at a temperature of 20© C. Jn conformance with Standard Methods. 2.6 Department of Ilea[th - The. San Mai:eo County Department of Public Health. 2.7 Director - The Director of the Department of Public Services or .his authorized deputy, c-~gen-[, or representative. 2.8 DJ_scharger - Any person who discharges or causes the discharge of wastewater to. the C.[ty sewer system. 2.9 Domestic - Of c>r peetaJ.ning to single-family, duplex- family, or mu] tip] e-dwe~ lJ_ng t~r~_[ts. 2.10 Garbage - Solid wastes from the ppepar~a~;']ort, cooking, a~d dispensing of foods, and frown the hand[ling, stor'age, and sa]_e of produce. "Ppopep].y Ground Garbage" is the wastes from the preparation, cook'ing, and dis- pensing of foods which .have been gr'ot~nd to such a degree that all particles may be carr, ied freely under the flow conditions normally pr'evaillng Jn pub] [c s~wers. I I lilil~ 2.11 Grease - Gr, e_,a:.:es, oils~ fats, fatty a.c[.ds, waxes, soaps, or other mai t..e~, which is so determined :in accordance with -Lhe Standard Methods exam~lr~at[on for grease in pol- lt~ted waters. 2.12 .Industrial W,.:~ste - The gaseo~ls, liquid, and so]id wastes /from dnV producj, ng, manul-actur':i, ng, om personal serv- ice ffnd.stries, or [rom any processt[.ng operate, on of what:ever nature, inelud:~ng Izhe washing of vehicles, machines and equipment. 2.13 Mass Emission Ra[es - Pounds per day Jn waste or waste discharge o[ each of the materials ~Jesignated :in Sect fort 5.8 of this Ordinance. 2.14 Natural Ou[let - Ar~y o~.~tlet into a water,course, pond, ditch, lake; bay, ocean, or other body of surface water, or outlet, Jnto [he ground watep. 2.15 Person - Any individual, .firm, company, a~';sociation, soc~e'ty, corpo~'aLio~, or gmoup. 2.16 pH - The logarithm of the reciprocal o.[ the hydr'ogen ion concentration in gram-ions per Liter. 2.17 Polluted - Contafning or bearing any poisonous, degrading, or 'de].eterJous material or said mater~a[, at a harmful temperature, or any other maLeri[at at a harmful temp- e~a.t. Ll~e. , IIIfl II I ! '~ I illlll Iii [ [ 2.18 Pollution - An alteration of the quality of the waters of the State by waste to a deg~'ee which unreasonably affects such wate,~s for beneficial u'se or facilities which serve such beneficiall uses. Pollution may include contam~nat~ on. 2.19 Pretreatment Requi~'ements - Treatment of waStewater required prior to discharge into public sewers. 2.20 Residential Premise - A single, duplex,, or multiple dwel- ling un].t and can be used interchangeably with domestic premise. 2.21 Sewage - Water-carried and liquid wastes f~'om residences, business buildings, institutions, and industrial establishments, together with such ground, surface, and storm waters as may be present, or any combina- tion of such wastes and waters. 2.22 Sanitary Sewage - Domestic or residential sewage. 2.23 Sewage Fac~.lities - Sewage Treatment Plant facilities as that arrangement of devices and structures used the ~ransportation, treatment, and disposal of sewage, including but not limited to~ intercepting sewers', sewage treatment works, pumping pl. ants, outfall sewers, and appurtena~ces constructed, operated, and maintained by the City fo~, sewage disposal purposes. 2.24 Sewer - A pipe or conduit for carrying water, sewage and/or wastewa Ler. ~lllI [I i I '~1 I ~1;11il :[ I1~ i I (a)Public Sewer - A sewer wh_~ch is controlled by the 'City or o the~~ age~cy. (b) Sanitary Sewer - A s~wer for domestic, commerce[al, and industrial waste to which storm, sur[:ace, and ground waters are not i~tentiona]ly admitted. (c)' Storm Sewer - A sewer which carries storm and SurFace waters but ['rom which sewage and polluted ~ndus't~ial., commercial, and inst:[tutiona] wastes a~:~ red,u-ired to be excluded. (d) Si.de Sewer - A sewer convey:lng the wastewater of a dischsrge from .a residence, bu[_lding' or other structure to a public sewer, [.nc]uding direct connections where permitted. 2.25 Standard Methods - Tl~e l:h]~rteenth ed[tio~ of Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewa'ter prepared and p~blished jo[nt].y by American Public Health Association, American Water Works, Associa- tion, and the Wate.r Pollution ~ontro] ['ederatio~ on methods deemed equivalent by the Su[~er~nl-endent and the Water Quality Control Board for thc, San i~'rar~cJ, seo Bay Region, hepein referred to definitions., 'laboratory pr'ocedupes of ana]iy~is, tests (:inc'l. uding test ::amplen) ,:tnd mea. sm~ernei~ts. 2.26 Superintendenl: - The Super~ntendenL oF Sz-~ni'ta'tion of the Sewage Tmeatmen'L [~]~nt l'ac[l:[t:[e~;,or his authorized dept~ty, agent or ~.27 Suspended Sol. ids -Solids that e'ither f~loat on the surf'ace i I IIi ~ I of, or are in suspension in,water,sewage or other liquids,and which are ~emovable by ]~aborator¥ f~lter- ing. 2.28 Waste - Sewage and any a~xd all other wasto, d substances, liquids, solid ,gaseous ,or radioactive,associated with human habitation,or of human or animal origin, or [rom any producing,manufacturimg,persona] serv- ice industry,or p~ocessing operation of whatever nature. 2.29 Wastewater - Sewage,industrial and othe~~ wastes ,liquids ,whether treated or untreated,discharged into o~~ permitted to enter t. he public sewer system. 2.30 Watercourse - A channel in which a flow of water occurs, either continuously or intermittently. SECTION 3. UUE OF PUBLIC SEWERS GENERALI.,Y 3.1 Basic Sewage Discharge Requiremc. n'z 3.2 Waste l)isposa] Prohibition 3.3 Obstructions to Sewers Proh].l~i reel Use of Sanitary or Domest.{c Sewers 3.5 Use of Privies, Septic Tanks,Cesspools i?rohil'~ [ted 3.6 Radioact'lve Wast:es 3.1 Basic Sewage shal], be dischd~ged to public sewers, except as hereinafter provided. 3.2 Waste Disposal Prohibition It shall be unlawful_ for any person to place, deposJt, or permit to be deposited -in any unsani- tary .manner upon public or pp[vate property within the City of South San Francisco,or in any area i IIitl I r l I Il]It i'i ' i '~] E II~ i [ n~,dez' the .]urisdicl:ion of said C[t:y, any human or' drt.[frta] excremenu,gapbage op othep peftlSO op was-to. Obstr'ucu&ons to Sewers l:'poJtil)ited No pe'uso~t ~ha_t.l dir;chauge, doposi t ,'thuow,op cat,se, aJ.low,op I~er'mit to be di~:;chapged,dcpos]'ted or' thpow~t, i~,to any public sewcp c)I, into any pluml,ing i_lx't:upe,manho]e op pr'_[v4t-t(-, f](:w'(:!p op (]pa]i'] cortnected Lo a l~ttb] [c mewep, any sul)~t'ar~ce of any kind which obr;t:pucts op _[~-~upe~; the ~;ew~ge Nor'ks; op t)tzb].J.e sewep,pluml).LI~g f.lxtupe,manhole,ppJ, vate; sewep and drain conrtcc'ted to a public f;c, wer,op causes a nuLsance op hazapd, or which w[]l in any manner i. n t. ez" 'f'eCte' with the ppoper operation of ma Lntenance of t:he sewa. ge works,publ_Le sewez',plumbing fixtupe, manhole, ppivate sewep and dpa~ n connected l:o a ]Jtlb] io, sewop. (a) No pepson t';i~aJ.I (Ji~;c~drg(:,oP cau:;e to be dis- ,,ur l. ar.e wat;ep,ground char'ged ~any s'toz'm wa ter', · ' ' - . wa-lc.p, poo:[' r'unoff, op f;tll~"~,ttr fnce' ; dpainaf¥~. ~;t)e(' LaJ. I)ePrnJ't: hhepefop. Gapbage, fpuit, vege'.table, art.~maq op obhep sol Ld I<il_ehen waste matepia]~m from ir~d~v~rlua]. (lwel'lin¢ uni-t;s;~ pesu].tJng fp<)m bhe ])pc,]},lpaT~oll of a~ty food op dp-iul<:~ may l>r, a~lmJt:l:ed i~t('~ the Illil II I lilll I ii I i III,;111 I i1~ I I mechan:fca]]y operated grinder so designated that: l) It sha].[ operate with cold water flowing into the grinder and through the sink drain line in st~ch a manner as to congeal and aerate the solid and liquid greases wi'thin the grinding unit; 2) It shall discharge wastes at. a reasonably uniform rate irt fluid form, which shall fi[ow readily through an approvdd trap, drain line, .or soil line irt a manner which prevents clogging or stoppage of the drain 3). I't shall be of such construction and have such operating characteris'ti, cs that not more than five percent (5%) by weight of- all material discharged from it shall have any dimension larger than one-quarter (1/4) ].nch, and no part.icle shall have any dimen- sion greater -than one-half (1./2) inch. Weights shall be determined on a dry basis; 4) It shall be self-scouring, with no fotlling surfaces to cause, object'[onable odors; 5) . It shall be free from electrical or mechan- ical hazards and shall adequately protect the user aga~.nst injury during operation. i iii i IIIIlt '1 I1~ I I (6) 'It sha].l be pe_rmanently connected to the drain in comt)liance wi'th the Plumbing Code of the City and shall be free from cross-com~ect.ior~ to .any water pipe; (7) The en-t;[re installation sha].l comply in all particulars witch the provisions of the Plumbing and Electrica] Codes of 'l:he City. Ew~ry person re~[u.ired to make a domestic con- nection to the public sewep system must ins[:a].], at his own expense, suitable faci].l, ties not later than :~inet:y (90) days after written notice from the Department o f Health. 3.5 tJ~(~ of Privies, Sepl:i(: Tal~ks, C,~.~r~.qt~oo]:; t~roh].b_i, hed. il s~aJ. 1 be unlawful to const.ru(:t, mainta'in, or use within the City any 'pr, ivy, lmJVy vault, septic tank, eesnt~ool, of other faci]..i, ty des'i, gned, or intended to be utilized, for the disposal, of sewage, 3.6 Radioactive Wastes. No perso~t shall discharge or cause ~o be discharged any radioactive waste into a public sewer except J! 2. when the person is authorized to so discharge pu~suan't' to a permit issued by the Su. perinter~dent, the use off radioactive materials is authorized by the Depargtment of Health or other governmental_ agency empowered to regulate the said use of radio- active mat'c~Jals and wt.~en said waste is discharged in strict conformity with cur'ren.'c California Radiation Control Regu].ations (California Adminis- trat. ive Code, Title ].7) and the Atomic Energy Com- mission regulations anti t~ecommendations for safe disposal and irt compliance wi. th al'.l_ ru]_es and regu- lations of [Local regu.[atory agencies. SECTION 4. :4.. i PE, I'4MITS ~.1 Application Procedure; Sewer Uses Defined. ~4.? Permits Required. 4.3 Permit App[ffcation. 4.4 Permit Conditions. ~1.5 Violation of Permit Conditions; Non-Transferability; P~rmit Renewals. Application ProceduPe; Sewer Uses Defined. (a) AIl users of public ~ewe'~'s shall make app]_i, ca- ~'[on for connec[;lon on a ~oPm fuPnished by the Superintendent. A thPce do]laP (S3.00)applica- tion fee shall be paid to hhe City when the application is filed. (b) Each application shd_~]_ bo s~pplcmentod bV such plans, speCifica{Jons, ana']vses, flow data, or [[[~[ [[ · s~[ ii i [ I ~'[ i ti[[Iii [ Iii I :[ 4.3 othe[~ [nfo['ma't::[on as p~'escribed by the appli- cation ou-the Superintendent. (c) Sewer ~ses, or~ users s]~a:ll be classJ, fied as 'e :[ t h e r': :1. ) ~'es:i. cJent i a] 2) ].ns t'itu tiona ]. 3) commercial 4) industrial. Permits Required.. (a) No /ndust[,ial user shall make connection to the public sewer system without fJ.~st having obtained a wastewater discha-rge permit from the Superin- tendent. (b) No ~'esidentia], institutional, or commercial user shal_l make connectJ_on to the public sewer system without [irst having obtained a waste- water dischh[~g'e permit, ()[~ other 'ent[t].ement from the Superintendent. Permit Application. The Superintende~t may requipe the' foJ. lowJng specific lnformatio]] in units and. terms appr'opria'~e fop evalu- a t i o n: (a) Vol, ume of wastewater to be ~]ischarged; (b) Constitu~.~nt~ and elements of strength in -thc wastewater; (c) Time and duration of discharge; (d) Average and peak wastewater flow rates, Jncluding daily, monthly and seasonal varia- tions if any; (e) A plat showing location and size of building sewers, sampling points and pre-treatment facilities, public sewers and other pertinent. details. (f) Description of activities, facilities and plant processes on the premises and all ma-terials which are ()~ could be discharged; (g) Each product produced by type, amount, and rate of production; (h) Number and ~ype of employees, and hours of work'; (i) Any other information as ;nay be deemed to be necessary by the Superintendent to evaluate the permit application. Permit Conditions. Wastewater discharge pepmiEs sha]. [ be expressly subject -to all provisions of this ordinance, the rates and charges established therefor, the Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972, and the Porter-Cologne Act, as amended (Water Code Sections 13000 et. seq.). .Permits may contain the fol_[owing conditions: i I~1 I ill:Ill ] I1~ I I (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) The unit charge or schedule of charges for the wastewater to be disdharged to the public sewers; The average and maximum concentration charac- teristic of the t~se~s wastewater discharge; Mas~ emission rates on wasted materials; Limits on rate and time of discharge or require- merits for flow regulation and equalization; Installation of inspection and sampling facil- ities including unfettered right 'to inspection thereof; Pre'treatment requirements; Specifications for monitoring programs which may include sampling locations, frequency and method of sampling, number, types and standards for tests and reporting schedule; Submission of technical reporl:s or discharge reports; - Maintenance of plant records relating to waste discharge as specified by the Superin- tendent, with unfettered right to inspection thereof; Other conditio, ns as deemed appropriate by the Superintendent to insure compliance With this Ordinance, ~'nd related ordJ~l~'~nce~. 16. I Ell [] illllli I II~ I I The Superi'ntcndent may amei~d 'the terms an(] con- dktions of a wast:cwat-er discharge permit or add new and diffe~'ent terms and cond~itions to meet the requ'i, rements of applicable Fcdera] and State s tatu-I~ es, City ordinances, and admin i_s t:rat~.ve orders issued pursuant ther~eto. Permi tt:ees sha].t repor't any .aLgn~[f[cant change in ~_he volume of was~:ewatep dJscha, rged, waste con- centratioi~s, or other wastewater charac[eri~ftics to the Superinte'ndent. Vio'].atioi~ o.f' Permit CondJ tions; Non-Trans[erabJ. li. ty; Permit Renewals. (a) Violations. The co~dit[ons of a permit shall l'>e e~forced by the Super~]n~end~nt unless otherwise [~rovided. (b) Non-Transferability. A perm]t'tee may not trar~sfer or assign a wa::;tewater discharge (c) Permit Renew~a-ls. A w,zsLcw~'t~:r di. schapg~ permit aha] [ be ret,owed annua]ly. IIIII [ [ I[lll i I I I ilq,lll I I~ I I SECTION 5. 5.1 REGULATION OF WASTEWATER DISCHARGES. 5.] BOD, etc., Limitations. 5 2 Gases 5 3 Gasoline, Benzene, Naphtha. 5 4 Quantity o_[ Discharge Limitation. 5 5 Sand, Cemer~t. 5 6 'Fox]city. 5 7 Pesticides. 5 8 Wastewater Concentration L~mitations. 5 9 Other, Limitations. 5.].0 Standard Methods of Analysis. 5.11 Storm-Wate~ Drainage. BOD, etc., Limitations. person shall discharge wastewate~~ in which BOD, COD, daily flow, gases, gpease, pH, sulfides, suspended solids or temperature exceeds the ].imits hereinafter described, unless the Superintendent after a determination based on good cause issues a temporary permit therefore: (a) BOD: 250 milligrams per liter. (b) COD: 400 milligrams per liter (c) Daily Flow: 2% of the average daily flow at 1he Sewage Treatment P]ant~ (d) Grease: 100 milligrams per liter. (e) pH: Not less than 5.5 nor mor~e than 10.5. (f) Sulfides: 1 milligram per l].ter. (g) Suspended Solids: ~50 milligrams per liter. (h) Temper_~atu. re: .[.50© Fahre~heit. ; I 5.2 5.3 5.5 No person ~;ha[l_[ dJ schar.'ge into wastewater or any public sanitary sewer any noxious or malodoPous gas or any o-they substance which may create a public nuisance. Gaso]_].ne, Benzene, Naphtha. No person shal], discharge -into wastewate~ or any public sani-t:a~,y sewer any gaso].ine, benzene, naphtha, [uel oil, or othep f]_am;nabJ_e or explosive ].iquid, solid, or gas. Q~antity of Discha~'ge Limitat]_o~l. The Superintendent: may ' s .. . Lrnpo,_e quantitative tions, e.g., pounds/day limits, on discharges or any constituent of the wastewater when the discharge or constituent may unreasonably overload, adversely affect, or cause additional costs to treat Same~ at Lhc tr,(~a/mcnC plant focil_Lt]cs <)[, have a har.m[ul_ effect upon the peceJ, vi.ng water~-.; environment. ' ,,_Lmi.]at 't:eehniques Ma~:~. em:]~.ion ~ates or other havinC reasonabl, e [~elationsh'[t) to ewi/l ua ting measu~irlg waste, discharge',; may be used by the Superintende n [. Sand, Cement. No person shall dischapge J_nt:o wastewater or any publ.J.c sewep sand,, cement, c_~nders, ashes, metal I, lilll~ ii ; Iii I I 5.6 5.7 glas'~;, or other heavy solids; any straw, shavings, animal hair, feathers, paunch, manure, or other fibrous matter; ar~y-tar, asphalt-, resins, plastics, or other viscous substance; or any other' matter of' such a nature which obstructs 'the flow in sewers or causes other int-er[erences with the proper ope~'ation of the sewage works. Toxicity. No person shall discharge or cause to be discharged into -the public sanitary sewers any wastewater having a median tolerance limit (Tlm) lower ~han twenty- five percent (2~%) 'as determined by a 96-hour tox- icity-to-fish bioassay test. The 96-hour Tlm shall mean that concentration of wastewater in which fifty percent (50%) of the -test fish survive for 96 hours and shall be determined in accordance .with Standard Methods. Pesticides. No per'son shall discharge or cause to be discharged any wastewater containing alg~.cides, antibiotics, fungicides, herbicides, insecticides, or any similar · pesticides in amounts deleterious to any sewage ' treatment process or 'to tl~e aq~atic [Life of the water,s receiving effluent from ~he publ. ic sewage tree~tment plant. Ii]1! I I~1 [] illlll ; Ill I I 5.8 Wastewate~ Concentration Limitations. No [~erson shall discharge or cause to be discharged any wastewater into the public sanitary sewers if the concentration of any of the following consti- tuent of the wastewater exceeds the following limits: Constituent Aluminum Ammonia (expressed in nitrogen) Antimony Arsenic Barium Beryllium Bromine, Chlorine, Iodine (-total) cadmium Chlorine Chromium (total) Cobalt Copper Cyanide Fatty acids Fluoride Formaldehydes Iron Lead Manganese Mercury Nickel Nitrites Phenols Selenium Silver Chlorinated organic compounds(excepIz -(pesticides) Zinc 5.9 Other Limitations. Maximum Permissible Concentration (mg/1) 5.0 2O 0 5 0 ~ 0 10 0 1 0 10 0 0 10 2 0 0 5O 1 0 1.g 1.0 5 0 2 O 5 0 15 0 1 0 0 10 ]. 0 1 5 1 0 5 0 0 050 3.0 No person shall discharge into wastewater or public sewers material, which by nature or concentration thereof deleteriously affects the public sewer 21. i' ~1 I illllt ] ~ I I sy~;tem or portions thereof, treatment arid disposal facilities or portions thereof, or receiving waters. 5.10 Standard Methods. The Superintendent in making determinations, measurements, tests and analyses of the character- istics of. waters and waste shall make same in accordance with said Standard Methods as defined ],n this Or'dinance op other methods duly adopted by the City of South San F~anc~]sco. 5.11 ~torm-Water Drain~gq. No person shall'dJ, scharge or cause to be discharged into the public storm sewers, natural outlets, or na'ttmal watercourses of the City, or into the San Francisco Bay, any wastewater, yard drainage, roof runoff, or storm-water dpainage fpom other areas where p~ocess material_ may be spilled, stored, or accidentally discharged with bacteria'l, physical_, chemical,~ or toxic characterJ~ti, cs exceedi_ng the levels o:f quality p~eser:[bed by the California St:a'te Regional Water Quality Control Board, San F~ancJ. sco Bay Region, for~ wastewater discharges into the t:ida]_ waters of the San [~rancisco Bay and E._~tuary.- ~ 22. Illll "r i ! ~ i iI~l~lll ii i Iii I I SECTION 6. 6.1 6.2 ADMINISTRATION. 6.1 6 2 6 3 6 4 6 5 6 6 6 7 Source Coiltrol. bischarge Reports. Monitoring Programs. Inspection; Inspection Facilities. Pretreatment Facilities. Special Wastewater Con tro[',~. Fees. Source Control. The S~perintendent shall, implement and administer source control programs and procedures to carry out the purposes and provisions of this Ordinance and related Ordinances. Discharge Ret~orts. The Superintendent may require the discharger', applicant for connection to a sewer, and applicant for annual permit renewal to submit discharge reports regarding the waste discharge or proposed waste discharge, describing the nature of the process which originates or contributes -to the discharge; actual or projected volt, me and rates of wastewater f-Iow; elements, constituents and characteristics o[' the wastewater discharge and suc~ additional information reasonably necessary for the Super- intendent to evaluate the discharge and determine the specifics of a source control program and procedures therefor. The Sup~,rintendent may require submission of data in the form of answers to ques- tionnaires, technical reports, sampling repor~ts,. Illil ~* II I li111~ Ii I q l I ~[ [] ill;Ill I ] Ii ~ I 6.3 test ana].yses, and periodic reports of waste- water discharge. Monitoring ?rograms. The Superintendent may require dischargers to conduct and maintain monitoring programs as a means of cont~olling the quantity and quality of the d]_scharge at the source so that it complies with the,provisions of this Ordinance and prescribed wastewater requirements. The monitoring program sh~.ll consist of test samples and analyses, frequency and type of which shall be specified by the Superintendent. Upon demonstrating to the Superintendent that the discharger has the neces- sary qualifications and equipment to conduct the monitoring program or that the discharger has retained the services of a qua[[ified consultant or laboratory so certified by the State Department of Public Healt'h, the discharger may conduct the monitoring program. The discharger shall submit monitoring reports to the Superintendent month[[y unless the Superintenden'l. determines a different .frequency for the periodic monitoring reports, in which case the Superintendent shall specify the repor-I frequency to the discharger by wr]~t-t:en not5_~, sta-ting the reasons ther,~for. If the 24. ! lilll I Iii I , IIIII[ I III I I discltar'ger,' l'a'Lls, re~uses of negle<:ts to conduct a~d maS.~ta.i~ th~ requi~'ed ~no~,5~oring program, o~, does ~of have qua.Ii.flied l~ePso~ne] and equil)meul: ,.tual].fi. ed cor~su]-l:ant or ].aborator'y so oep1:] [Sed t:he SLate ol.~ Cal.i. fo~nS.a, Department of Pt~b]Sc Heal't h, [hen the , uper~ tendr~t: may es-I:abl.ish a mo~i.l, opi. ng program with C'ity personnel, i_f avail'able o~, wi. th servicers of a qual.:i.f_ied co~su] t:ant or ]abopa. to~'y so cerl:if:i_ed by 'lite ' i)el~at:%'me~l: of Public Ilcalth~ l:he cost of wh5ch 'shal~l 1)e (?.haz'ged 'I:o the d Lscha:ngep and/o'p [)a'r'cel owner. ] ll,<;l>C:c-t--i, ort; .l~nspect:ion t'ac5.1 ' ' i ~s. c't.i schapger to constz'uc 15, at 'hi s <~wn 'expense, a samp'l.i~g [acJ].i't.y or' [nSl:,ec[.ion m,-tr~ho]le 'toget. hep ar'ds a~td speci.Eieatlons of t:h~, CJt. y. The [,lciJit:y, or welL, or in::;l,C:<:tinn ma~nho]e sh~.l.]_ be ci~r'gop at~d ina ~a 1. I ed a I ~:~ t>oi. nl: wher'e the samp].5 ng 2 5. Illll II ! lilll II I I 6.5 source. The well shall also be within a. clear easement area at a location which will permit the City access to the 'facility at ali times. Construc- tion shall be completed within sixty (60) days of written ~otification from the Superintendent, unless such time is extended by the Superintendent for good cause. The Superintendent may re¢luire the dis- charger to install such sampling facilities or inspection m~nholes on each lateral sewer. Pretreatment Facilities. (a) Pretreatment systems or devices may be required by the Director to treat wastewater prior to discharge to 'the sewage system when it is neces- sary to restric% or prevent '!:he discharge of. wastes 'which are determined not 'to be suscep- tible to treat~en/: by treatment plant facilities, or which would interfere with the operation of s~ch ~eatement facil, ities, or which are in viola- tion of any of the wastewater discharge limita- tions of Section 5 of this Ordinance. (b) Ali pretrea-tment systems shall be approved by the' D~.rector but such approval shall not relieve a discharger of the responsibility for taking all steps necessary to comply with wastewate~ limitations established by the .City. All 26. I, lill[ I Iii [] illlll, I III ! [ vc~tuired [;rc~'ea~mer~L' ~.;qu~_pmcn~ shall bc (c) Prctrc,:~Lmcrt'l n'iat~dard..' '~ 'Phc d[schapg.:.r'- ~ shall b~ aJ lowed I:o dev[se~ hi~ o~n pre~cakmon't' fei loots the greatest dcgr'er~ of' efl'lucnl; and be, si- avdJ'l, able demol~stra'tcd toni:roi, tecl'lnology~ iltclud[ng whep(] pract'Jcablc,, ho discharge o.[ -'l)ol ].utan ts. Tt~e DJ. vector ,,ha.It have the aul"t~onity [o i:~ermi.-Ls fo~ Lhe t)ur, t~ose o[: creating. ,,pat. iai controls ot~ waotewat ep ~lischa. rgc not hepe i u m~-~nt::i_oucd, and e~lU~V,]l-ent guara~'tees t:o assure t'~cr, f'o[~mance thereof I,xc._[?~' 'e d~; provtde(J hereJ~, [cos based o~ dischamge [iow, monit:or:ir~g~ oP .[n[;l)ecl::[or~, :fl~a] I)y i:h:[s Ordinance and Orcl[nance 396 Or(lillallCe oi: the Ci. ty ol: South Sa~ l'r'an(~sc.c> Pro- -' S h a 1 Prov:idi~R 'tha-I Suci~ Sewer ]~(~nl::~]].:, ~1 Ch,~r'ges ] I [1 [] [I,l:ll[ I ] Ii I I CoLl,~cted on thc I4~nJc~pal Tax Roll and :-~hal. l. Become a hJen Upon 'the Respective Parcels I~c,~l. PPoperi:'y~ ~i~(l Repealing Ordinance 305 oF Said Cil:y," as amended. SECT[ON 7. 7. ]. User',~.; Class:lfica-t[on '~' ' CtlAR(:,Eo AND OTIiER FEES. SEWER CONNECFION 7._1. Sewer Connection Fees.. 7.2 MonJ t:or, ing [ e .... 7.3 Pe:[,mil: Renewal l'ecs. Sewc~ ConnecLion ['ecs. A. eonn~]cL:[on cha~ge sha].] be paid by thc discharge~-or par'cel owner for connecLion ~o a pub]'~c sanitary sewe[~ or appurLe]~ance -Lhereo[ and for change in class or subclass o.[: an existJ_ng connectJ, on. If t~ere is an exJ stJ ]lg connection fop a res [den I:ial class and ad~J.-tJona] dwelling un.its are made, the connection charge fop Lhe additional units shall .be paid as shown Jn the folJowing schedu] ex-i. s l [_ng con~)(-~ci::ion for an ir~st.it~t:i(ma.l., commercial. or' indus t~'_[al cikar;~;, and add i.t.J om-il F:ixl:ure Ulq]. is ape made, I:he connecl::i.o[t char.ge [[o:P Lhe additional fixture ur]its s]h-i'LJ, be pa:kd as show~ in thc following sc_hedu].e. l'ce (P¢'.r ConnecLion) Sing].c-FamJ ly Dwelling ,pS0.00 per dwe]_] $50.00 p~;r dwell Ut~ i t 2 8. I ~ I [] IIIIIL; I Iii I I (b) (:;chool:;, hospi.'ta resk homes, clubs lodge:;, a[td sJm]].a-p SbO.O0 plus $].0.00 per' fixture unit ovep tan (10) fixture units* (c) · $1].0.00 plus $i0.00 ])C~t" [iXI:LlPe tlIl[[ (d) (Manu(-acLur,c~ru3~ pr, ocel;sop~:;~ pr'o(:luce~?s, .].aundr, ic~s, phot(~- f'in.ishcps, painting s~:~r'v- ices, packagers, eLc,.cLr]cn] sepv] ces, anti similar c_l. ass o f u s er s ) · $1 $].1.0 O0 pl..us 0.00 p{'.'r~ .fJxtur'e unJ'l, ovelt. ten (]_0) fixture units* *Fixt. urc units Sba-Il bc de termi.~ed by Lhe Bui].ding [nspecl:or :i.~ accordance w:ith '[h~ lbtiform Pluml)ing Code of f;a~ Ma l:eo Coun'ty. FJ.x-t:uz,es i ~]clttde but ape no t ].J. mJ t:cd -Lo k:i I:chen sin]cs, 'bai:'htubs, watep closets, washbasins, l. aundpy tubs, t~ri~ldL:a, c(-:~ilap dr'dins, washers, washing mach].~es connect ions, garbage grinder's, gar, ago dPain:;, .l.].oo~' clr'a · __ ................ _2_Y_ When I:hc: Super'intendc~nt l:iit(]:.; :i:l: necessar'y to mon.i I:or a user" s wasl:ewd I:cr, ar: [)dr't o'f the Ci.t:y's il~dust:r'ialt wa,n'l:c .¢:;c)~ir'c:c contr.ol, program, the cont [o't' each labor',~t:or,y ana'l_y:¢i_s sha]_l., be set by t.l~e Supcr,.~rtten(lcnt' a'[ a r,at:c~ compdPal)]e Lo ctlrre~l- commc¢rc:i,'].l. ]a'borv~tOr,y r'akcs :i.n l:h('~ Sar~ lh',anc]::(:o Bay Ar'ed. 79. Ifl~ I [ l, 11111 7.3 :~ECT-L()N 8. I'NI'ORCI:HJ;NT AN1) I~I',NALT.I_I:::;. 8.1 Re<luJ. r~emc,.rrt ¢~[: T'ime ~chcduJ.~ 8.'? AbaLement O~de~ by Supe~intendenL. 8. 3 Apl)oa c.hodu ]e. of Remed].a] Hea~ur'es Wimn thc ~Ul_)O~'J. rltend(!nt; FLrids t;tial; a d]schange of wasl;ow~:~ter ~Ls l;akin~; p].~lcc oz' I;hr'e¥~tenJng '1:o take p],:icc! 1. ha'l: v5 o'[al:(-i~; ()p wJ_].';L v:i() la to p'r'oh.i bLitS..on~4 coy' l nm]. ,, pr .soz,_El)ed by thS_~:; ()-pdS. t~ance o'r, w4-tier, ou~'cio co]-lL'['ol peclu-] r'eTn(:'.nl;r; o~' 'Lho of ~r ~dstewal-.e~ (l.[.sc'har'Ke pe-r'mi-t:,, the (]oni: may UeClU~_~(~ lbo dJschap~ez~ I.o ~:;ul)m~t wi_Chill a r'easo~,'~ble t:ime for' at)pr~ova] o t the Supe~in-ten- (lenl a (](~ t.c~ J..l..ed t. ime s(~hecluq o (>.f ~;pec:[ I].c actions ] ~] [] ill;ll~' i III I I wastewaJep :i.s ta]<-i_~l:}, place o'~ thPcateni, ng to take place 'in violation of pPoh.i_bi.-t'ions o~, l.i_mits o[ this Opdi~ance oP wastewateP source contPol Pequ.]~e- me]~ I' s or -tlhe ppovJ s ions of ~)~pPml].li~ 'llhe SupepiF~l:er~dant may '~.ssue an aba~ement opder and d[Pecl: that: those pePsons not compilying with such lmohibJt:ions, l].mi.'~s, requ:irements, or lmOViSions 1) comply fovtl~wiCh, 2) comply i.n accord- ance with a r'easoilab].e time sct~edul, e set by tt~e Supe~:[ntenden't, or 3) in the event of a. thneatened violation, take approl)mia't:e Pemedia.1 cm prevent:a- ti. ye action. 8. 3 ~J2 IZS~:A!-k: Rev_te.w Any diseha~e~ affected (a) Supe~iutendant by any decision, ac:tion, of detePmination, .i. nc'ludJ~t~; abatemer~t o's'der's, made l)y khe .Superit~'tendant i.~ J_~ltePpr'(~ltir~ or impl. emerit:ing the ppovisions of th~s o'r'dir~a, nce, or auy permit issued hereunder, ~nay [i[e w.illh l:t~c Supep- Jntenden't: a w-r[t'l:en Pequest For, z'evJew within l:e~ (10) days .fa'cl.s suppoPtint~ l;he peqtlo's-I-. Th~: St~per':i~'tenden't Illll I i 1 HII i ~1 I [lllll II I I 'sh,~ll (~omplete 1:he .['evio. w a~d 'make a determina- Lion 'l:l~er'eon with]n~ 'te~ (10) days alter receipt of the reques'L, unless the I)].peCtof reasonably extends 'the -time the~efoP. Wr:i I:ten Appeal 't:o Directoe. Th,e Superin tenden'L' oP/ginal decision, ac't]on oP determ]~mtion and acJio~ taken ,~'[-ter~ Pev]ew may be appealed -to the D]pectop bY a wr,:i, tten request For appeal 'by the disc,.haP[~;e'p w].l:hJn ten (]0) days al'reP.notice of the aet]_on taken by th~ SupePi~tendent. The w~'Lt-t'en appe~l sha]_] stale al. 1 per-t:].nen-t aspects oF 1:he matteP, ine.luding the orig]nal decision, dction oP deLerm].x~a, tion, ~equt~s't for pev]ew, and subsequent action of the Supe'pintendent. Within thirsty (30) days a[-LeP the w:pitt::en a[~peai ].s received, the ]):]rec~to~' shall hold a heaping d[t~P nol:]_co of n~l: le,~:;s thd. n ten (].0) days 't~ t:h~ appe:l lanl:-dinc:har'~:or~. 't'h~ l)J~ectop m,_~ke a F:i.na[ ~:'uling on lbo ~l)pe,]l wit:hin ten (10) days a[ Lc, P Lhe ~:Losi~g ~i- Lbo appeal .. I)eeisiot~ o[ Lhe Dipe<',l:o'r' sba.Il be suNmitted 'to -l:Ne C] t:v Man,~,e.v f/or, rev:i~w. The C[-ty Mana[~,er, shall wi'thJ, n tc~]~ ('10) (lnyt; ,xf'f'Lr']n, modify Ibc ~{iS(:hdZ'i~er'. The Cj'ly Ma~n~,ep's act:ion s'h,~l I_ be deemed fi.nail. 3:). IH I l] [ ][]11 i [] I illlll' ] ] Ill [ I d~ys a! f~r'm, modify or r'ejeel: 1. he ~uling and give r~otice 'ther~e<~l: ~ the disehapse~ and/op parcc.l, owner. The Clt. y Manager's action shall bc deemed fi;~a.l.. Civil Remedies (a) [)amage,~Tnpaipment or Ob{~truet-ion to Facilities. Any per'~;or~ who intentio~ally o~' neg]igen'tly da~nages, ob~;tpuc'ts op oth~rw[se 5repairs a public sewep, I~real. ment [,lcir~l- faci. l:ity or appurtenance l. heret:o shall be liable therefop and 'l'he City may as:; ...... tl~e cost thereof to said per,son, op seek an at)Pr'ol)ria'l~e r'eme(.ly through an action .fop ~lamages. This remedy sha] I not supersede Or' "l_imil; any and a.l'l othep remedies, civil or crimino 1. (1)) (,{-~a.>e and f)e:;~isb ()'r'(ler' - C[v.i'l Pen,n] ty (Cou~tcJ. l) Council l'indi[~gs; ]ssua~ce of Cease and Desist Order. Wl~.~n the Council fS;~ds that a dischapge of w,as-t-e is I~king place or tl~reate~ing to t:ake t)lac~ :i_~ v'[ol~]tion of '[his Ordinance, the Cour~cil may iss. ue an order 1:<~ cease ~r~(t desir;t a~d dipect that '['ho:;e p~:r',:~ons not com]>l, yi.r~g with 1he require- me;~ts of (15schar'gc pr'ohil>ilions (a) comply [opthw.i[h, (b) comply i.n accor~dance wi[h a time schedt:le I Ii111 (c) in the event of a threatened violation, take appropriate remedial or preventive action. In the event of an existing or threatened violation of waste discharge requirements, cease and desist orders may restrict or prohibit the volume, type, or concentration of waste which may be added to such system by discha~egers. Cease and desist o~.ders may be issued directly by ~ the Council, after notice and hearing. Notice and Hearing. Hearings for considera- tion of issuance of a Council cease and desist order shall be conducted by the Council after ten (10) days' notice of the hearing has been given-to 'the affected persons. After the hearing; the Council shall report the proposed decision and order to the affected persons and parties who' appeared at the hear']n~ and requested a copy. If the Council decides to issue a cease and desist or,der, same .shall be attached to-the report an¢] decision and served by pcmsona] serv'[ce or by registered mail. upon the person being charged with the violation and upon other~ affected persons who appeared at -the hearing and filed a written request for a copy. The cease and desist order shall become effective five (5) days after service thereof, unless for cause the Council orders said time shortened. City shall render-to persons against whom a cease and desist order is issued all possible assistance in making available current information on success'ful and economical water quality control programs, as such information is developed by 'the City, and information and assistance in applying for Federal and State funds necessary to comply with the cease and' desist order. Violation of 'Cease and Desist Orde~~. Any person who (1) ~[n~entionally or negligently violates any cease and desist order here- after issued, reissued, or amended or (2) in violation of any waste discharge requirement or other order issued, reissued, creates a condit-[on of pollution or nuisance, or (3) causes or permits any oil or any residuary product of petroleum to be deposited in or on.any of the wastewaters I i Ill [] ill:Ill I II I I discharged into public sewers, except in accordance w; th waste dSschaPgc pe(tuire- merits or other provisions of this Ordinance and related Ordinances, may be liable civilly in a sum of not to exceed six thousand dollar's ($6,000.00) for each day in which such v:[ol, at'[on or deposJ, t occurs. 4. The Ci'ty Attorney, upon auI~horization by the City Council shall, petition the Superior Cou~t to 5repose, as~-;e~:;s a~ld recover such sums.. Said author'izai'5on sha]_l be made only after a heaping, with due notice of the hearing given to all affected persons. In determining the amount of the' civil penalty, the Court shall take into consider- at5. on a l_l pe].ewlnt eJ. reums;tance, s, ine]_uding but not ;Limited to, the extent of harm caused by violation, t;he nature and persist- enee of the viol.ation, the length of time over whSch the vi_olation occurs and c. or- peet5ve action, if any, taken by the dis- charger,. 5. Rems, dies; .under this; sect:ion ;ire .[I~ addition to, and do not supersede or Ii. mit any and a].l other remedies, etvtn op criminal.. 36. I I iii [] IId:llli ] i Ii I I 8,5 (c) '].n junction. Whenvep a die, charge of wastewate? J,q ].n vio_[a, tJon o[' the provisions ol this orclinal~ce or other'wisc causes or I:hrea-tens to cause a eondit:~[on of contamination, pollut2on, op nuisance, Lhe C~-I:y may pet4tion the SupepioP Coup-L ['op 1:he issuance of ppeltminary and permanent in_]ur~ctions restraining the continuance (d) 'l'cpm.[]~aC[ol~ ()f Sepv~ee. The D~reeLor is au'l:hor'ized -Lo ~-;uspe[~<l or Ler'mJnate op cause · l-er'mi_nar'ion op sut~pens:kon of [;ewage disposal of wal:c~p s(~pv:ice to any prem-ir;e [f ,] vi_olat~on of any ppovision of-Lb ts Opdina. nce pcrta'ining to contro] of wasLewal:ep i.s found to exist op .:if a dJ_schapge of was.tewaLcp taUs, es or threatens 1:o cause a condi[:ion of contamination, poi[ut'ion, op r[uisanc, e. Cr'im[l~a] Pcna ]_l-ica A~y pepson v~o-l.a'l"ing anv of che ppovia:ionr; of this Ordinance shall [)e deemed gu'i.liy of a misdemea~o'p an(l each ~3uch l)epson :;hail be deemed guJ.]ty of a ~;et)apatc offense .fop each and evepy day op pOpt.lon t-hereof dupi.~g which any vic) la.t]()r~ Of t-h']s Opdinancc :is (:o~nmi'l:-Le(l~ continued op per'~n[l.l, ed and upon con- vict[ol~ ~)]' airy such violation [;uch t~epfion shaJ] 37. I ~' I II II be ~punishable by a fine of not less than twenty- five dollars ($25.00) and not exceeding five hundred dollars ($500.00) or by imprisonment for not exceeding six (6) months or both by such fine and imprisonment. SECTION 9. SEVERA'BILITY. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance is, for any reason, held 'to be invalid or unconstitutional by the decision of any court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity of-those remaining portions of this Ordinance which can be given effect without the part or parts so 'held to be invalid or unconstitutional. In this connection, the City Council o[-the City of South San Francisco hereby declares that it would have passed this Ordinance and each section, subsection, sentence, clause, and phrase hereof, irrespective of -the fact that any one or more other sections, subsections, sentences, clauses, .or phr'aseS be declared' invalid or unconstitutional. SECTION 10. REPEALS. The following Ordinances are hereby repealed except that the repeal shall not affect or prevent the prosecu- tion or punishment of arty person for any act done or committed in violation of any Ordinance hereby repealed prior to the effective date of this Ordinance: 38. Illll I ! I1~11 I ~ [] LIIIIJ I ! Ii I I Ordinance 363 tnt]ti.ed,, "An Ord]nan<:e '~[ [he C]ty of Sou-th San Francis;co Regu]a~'ing the U:~e oJ PUb~ ic and P~iw~te Sewers and D~ains, Pri.v.a[e hi::por~aJ o1'- Sewage, Use Garba. ge- Gri~de-es, and [he Dfc;charge of Wal:c.~ and Wasl:e~ into the Public: Sewer System, Pub] [c Drains, Wah~:rcour~se~;' and Contiguous $ho~'e Waters of Sa;id City, and Providing Penalt'[es 'for Vio.[ati. ons" adopLed -Ihe 9'th day of May, ]955. Ozwtihanc¢; 503, ei~tit]ed "A~ 0r, d.i~,.tin(:e of t:hc City of Sout]~ San ]'ranc[sco Amending Opdir,ancc~ No. 363 Entitled 'An Ordi~ance <)f t:l~e C~ ty <}l: SouLh 2an l'r,.~nc.ls;,::o R<~gu].at~ng Use of Pub[i(: and Pr, irate Sewers and Dva'[~:::, Private Disposa] of Sewage, Llse o'[ Garbage GrLnders, alid l:]le 'D:i:;charge of Wa[er m-~d Wastes .in'Lo' the Public: Sewer System, Public l)ra[ns,. Providing Peaa]t:[:~i~ 'ioe Violatior[s,'"adc~pt-ed the 20th day April, :l. gOh. Ordinance 634,ertl:itl_ed "An Ordinance A:ne:~ding Ordinance No. 363 'i-::ttil:le.d ~Al: Or'd.Lnance of the Cil:y ot Sou[:]l Sa:: Fr, ancisco Regulating [1~.~ [;:;e of Pub]_Jc a]~d T~r~vate 2cwors a~d Private l')i~;posal of Sewage, Use of Gat~bnge· (;r'indet~s, and'the Discharge of Water and Wastes in'to thc Pub] [c Sewer System, Public l)rair~s, Wat-ercouusen aml Contig~]otu;-Sho['e Waters sdid City, and Providing Penal.-[i<:~s for V'lo]ati<~ns,'" adopted the 28th day o[ August, 1972. Ordinance 637, ent:[tLed "An Ordinance Amending Ordina~ce ~o. 363 E.ntil-.led, 'An Ordi.'~ance of -l:he Cil:y <)[' South San Francisco RegulaLi~tg the Use: of Public and Pr']va-be Sewer's and Drains: P~ivate Disposal of Sewage, [~;o of Gaubage Grinders, a~¢] the Discharge o[ Wate'r and Wastes into Jhe Public Sewer' System, [~ub].ie Dr~aJ.ns, Water.c{~ur's~:s ~cl Con [: i.gu~gu~; Shore Wa.'ter'm <)[- Said C,i'l:y, and Pr, ovid.lng P<~a}-l:](.~: for' V~o:Lat~ons,'" adoDted the lSt]~-day of S~.~pL~mfl~er, ]972. --' ' C "'- ' IA[E SECTION ]..1. I UJ3L, I..AiIOi'4 ANi) IEJ"J-'ECTIVE ')" '. This Ordinance sh,'il t. b~ l~b]ii, shed. once J:~ the Enterprise-dourmal, a newspaper of genet:'a] circulation in the CittY Of,_~ou<'. t:h Sa]~ [:'r,:trtcJscc), as PC(ll]ir'<~d bY ].aw, and shall 39. IllJl I ! IJ]ll become effective. Lhipt'y (30) day,~ 'from and Introduced tibia 25th day of March ,197H. Passed and adopted a:~ an Ordinance of the C-[by o]- ocuth San Fr, anc_i_sco at a ......... E~YL~_C ....... mee-t:~ng o1' l. he CiLy Coux~ci.L oi the C:i_'ly of South S,~n Fr'anc]sco 1'his Ist ddy of April ,~Lg'/~ by the [-o'l.l. owJng vote: AYES, COUNC.[ Richard A. Battagli.a_, ..F.._fr_.a_n_k__M_a_m_min], T_er_r.y_ J. Mi rri, Leo Padreddii, and Warren S~einkamp NOES, " None ABSENT, " None City Clerk As Mayop ~f the City oi South San Fnan¢:[~;co~ I cio hereby approve the foregoing OPdinar~ce this l~. day oJ- Apri I , 1 9 r/ ]~ · ,l 0. II I I Iii I [ I Ii i I