HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 666-1974F ORi)INA~ICE NO. 666 Ail ORDINANCE Cf{EATING A REVOL¥ING FUND THE Ci~Y COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ~OUT}! SAN FRAI~CISC0 DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOUS: SECTIOH I. REVOLVING FUND CREATED A pevolving fund in the amount of Three Thousand Dollars (03,000.00) is hereby ¢~eated, to be used as hereina'ftem des- ~ibed fo~ expenditures incurred by the City ~lanager and members of the City Council in the performance of their duties for the City. SECTION II. PERSONS AUTHORIZED The City 1.laa%ager, Assis~an't to the Cit3 Managen and Director of Administrative Services are h~%reby authorized ~o d~aw on ~aid x~,volving fund for the purposes herein provided. SECTIOi~ III. PURPOSES. The funds ~hall be used ~o pay cost~ related ~o police ~de~coven expenses, conference ~egist~ati. ons., postage~ cou~t filing feeu, meeting and ~a.ining expenses, and o~her rela~ed purposes autho~,ized by ~eso!u'tion. The funds shall not be' used ~o pay fo~, supplies and materials acquisitions om for any o~ner purpose which would circumvent '[:h~ puz'pose of the purchasing ordinance of 'th~ City of ~;outh Sau Francisco. SECTION IV. B~K ACCOUNT, CUSTODY A:ID REPLENISI[MENT 0F FUND 1. Said ~evolving fund shall be maintained in a separate bank deposit account, designated as a revo].ving fund, and from time to time said CiTy ManaEer, Assistant to the CiTy Manager and Director of AdminisTraTive Services may draw checks upon said account for the purposes of the expenditures herein authorized. 2. On the first day of each moDth, or when requested by the CiTy ManaEer, the DirecTor of Administrative Services shall transfer To said revolvinz fund from the leneral fund of said City a stub of money sufficient to cause said revolvinE fund To amount To Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000.00). SECTION V. REPEAL OF ORDINANCE S~6 Ordinance 898 entitled, "An Ordinance CreatinE RevolvinE Fund for Use by City Manager and City Council and Repealin~ Ordinance 291 entitled, 'An Ordinance Es'tablishinE a RevolvinE Fund for the City Clerk of The City of South San Francisco'." SECTION VI. PUBLICATION AMD EFFECTIVE DATE This Ordinance shall be published ones in the"Enterprise- Journal", a newspaper of. Eeneral circula'tion in the City of South San Francisco, as required by ].aw, and shall become 'effective thirty (30) days from and after its adoption. Introduced this 15th day of Anrit , 197N. Passed and adopted as an Ordinance of the City of South San Francisco at a red, u I ar meeting of the of the City Counuil of the City of South San Francisco this 6th' day of Ila¥ .__, 197~, by the following vote: AYES, COUNCII3.IE:I NOES, ABSENT, " P, ich~rd A. Bal'~a,cl~li~, F'. Fr~nl< I4arnrqin'. larry J.. ,Hirri, Leo Padredd i, and Warren Stainkamn Hone Hone As Hayor of the City of South San Francisco, I do hereby approve the foregdnK 0z, dinance this day of I.!av , 19711. L []