HomeMy WebLinkAbout40 Airport Bouelvard - NOI.pdfNOTICE OF INTENT TO ADOPT A SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT INITIAL STUDY Date: May 2, 2022 To: State Clearinghouse and Interested Parties and Organizations Project Title: 40 Airport Blvd Project Lead Agency: City of South San Francisco Planning Division City Hall Annex, P.O. Box 711 South San Francisco, California 94083 Contact: Christopher Espiritu, Senior Planner Public Review Period: May 2, 2022 — May 31, 2022 Purpose of the Notice Notice is hereby given that the City of South San Francisco, as lead agency, has prepared a Sustainable Communities Environmental Assessment (SCEA) Initial Study for the 40 Airport Blvd Project (proposed project), given that the proposed project meets the criteria for being considered a transit priority project, pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21155(b). The SCEA analyzes the potential environmental effects associated with the proposed project in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Consistent with CEQA Guidelines Section 21155.2(b)(3), the City of South San Francisco has prepared this Notice of Intent (NOI) to provide responsible agencies and other interested parties with notice of the availability of the SCEA and to solicit comments regarding the environmental issues associated with the proposed project. Project Location The 1.63 -acre project site, identified by Assessor's Parcel Number 015-126-010, is located at 40 Airport Boulevard in the City of South San Francisco, California. The site is bound by Caltrain railroad tracks to the north, a restaurant to the south, a hotel and US 101 to the east, and Airport Boulevard/Produce Avenue, commercial businesses, and industrial businesses to the west. The entire site is located within 0.5 -mile of the South San Francisco Caltrain station. The project site is currently developed with an approximately 35,000-sf two-story commercial building, which is used as an office, storage, and assembly facility for a produce distribution company. The existing development also includes a paved parking area. The City of South San Francisco General Plan designates the site as Business Commercial (BC) and the site is zoned Freeway Commercial (FC). The project site is located within the boundaries of the South San Francisco Downtown Station Area Specific Plan (DSASP), which designates the site as Business Commercial (BC). The project site is not listed on the Hazardous Waste and Substances Sites List as set forth in Government Code Section 65962.5. Project Description The proposed project would include the demolition of the existing building and subsequent redevelopment of the project site with one eight -story apartment building with 292 multi -family residential units. In addition, the proposed building would include 308 parking stalls on two levels of podium parking, approximately 17,566 square feet of amenity space, and associated improvements. Implementation of the proposed project would require City approval of the following entitlements: • General Plan Amendment (GPA) to redesignate the project site from BC to Downtown Transit Core (DTC); • Downtown Station Area Specific Plan Amendment to amend the DSASP Land Use Plan to remove the project site from the Specific Plan; • Rezone of the project site from FC to Planned Development (PD); • Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Program: The project would include a TDM Program intended to help alleviate congestion on local roadways. Common TDM measures could include: preferential parking for electric vehicles, on-site EV charging stations, unbundled residential parking, vanpool or carpool services, and public transit information kiosks in building lobbies; and • Site Plan — Design Review: Per Section 20.480.002 of the City's Municipal Code, the proposed project would be subject to Design Review by the City. Specifically, the site plan would be analyzed based on the physical features of the proposed project, including, but not limited to, the following elements: building proportions and architectural details; site design, orientation location; size, location, and arrangement of on-site parking; exterior colors and materials; and location and type of landscaping. The purpose of the regulations is to ensure that development throughout the City is designed to support General Plan policies and to promote high-quality design, well -crafted and maintained buildings and landscaping, the use of high-quality building materials, and attention to the design and execution of building details and amenities in both public and private projects. Sustainable Communities Environmental Assessment Based on the SCEA Initial Study, the City of South San Francisco has determined that: 1) the project is consistent with the density, building intensity, and applicable policies specified for the project area in the Plan Bay Area prepared by the Metropolitan Transportation Commission and Association of Bay Area Governments (MTC/ABAG); 2) the project qualifies as a transit priority project pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21155(b); 3) the project is a residential or mixed-use project as defined by Public Resources Code Section 21159.28(d); 4) the project as mitigated incorporates all relevant and feasible mitigation measures, performance standards, or criteria set forth in both the Plan Bay Area Environmental Impact Report (EIR) and the General Plan EIR; 5) all potentially significant or significant effects required to be identified and analyzed pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) have been identified and analyzed in an initial study; and 6) the project, as mitigated, either avoids or mitigates to a level of insignificance all potentially significant or significant effects of the project (i.e., air quality, biological resources, geology and soils, transportation) required to be analyzed pursuant to CEQA. Therefore, the City of South San Francisco finds that the proposed project complies with the requirements of CEQA for using an SCEA as authorized pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21155.2(b). Providing Comments At this time, the City is soliciting comments regarding the SCEA from all interested parties requesting notice, responsible agencies, agencies with jurisdiction by law, trustee agencies, and involved agencies. Because of time limits mandated by State law, comments must be received no later than 30 days after receipt of this notice. Comments may be submitted by U.S. mail or by email prior to May 31, 2022 at Spm. Mail comments to: Christopher Espiritu, Senior Planner Planning Division - City Hall Annex City of South San Francisco 315 Maple Avenue South San Francisco, CA 94083 Email comments to Christopher Espiritu at: [email protected] For comments submitted via email, please include "SCEA Comments: 40 Airport Blvd Project" in the subject line and the name and physical address of the commenter in the body of the email. The South San Francisco Planning Commission is anticipated to consider the SCEA and make a recommendation to City Council on the project at one of their regularly scheduled meetings after the end of the public comment period. This NOI and other public review documents for this project will be available for viewing online at www.ssf.net/CEQAdocuments. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, hard copies will be mailed upon request rather than accessible to the public at a physical location. If you need a hardcopy of the SCEA or any of the documents referenced therein, please contact Christopher Espiritu, Senior Planner, at Christopher. [email protected] or (650) 877-8535, and one will be mailed to you at no cost. If you have any questions about the environmental review process, please contact Christopher Espiritu at the contact information provided above. Respectfully, Christopher Espiritu, Senior Planner Planning Division City of South San Francisco Attachments Figure 1. Project Location Figure 2. Proposed Project Site Plan Figure 1 Project Location Figure 2 Proposed Project Site Plan - "sll AE—NN P ,E OF C.B. it I y'I it i r ---- LEGEND C I _ I — — — E venicuua oVERx ANa gSTNG E0.5FMENi LINE IIx -- EW e i1 r-- �, - a n o AND CUTTER w P------n �s '� oaETENn°N HALT ID—ETE NEw TREN.IRAiN 2. Ew ABBREVIATIONS EASENINT EEVVAE ENS[-1YEN—Acc[55 i� FE55 p(AE65 EASE"ENi Na �. 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