HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 757-1978 ORDINANCE 1%~). 757-78 kN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING MIN~4~M REGULATIONS FOR L~ST~LLATION AND ~ OF PLUMBING FIXTURES AND APPLIANCES; ADOPTING BY Pem'ka~/~CE THE UNIFOrm! PI/t~BI~ OODE, 1976 EDITION AND 1977 A~~ THER~0F, AND REPEALD.~G ORDInanCE ~D. 573. ~ON I. ADOPIT(~ OF UNIFOP~ PIL~]/~G CODE, 1976 ~DITION A~ND 1977 ~/k~S EX~5~f FOR c~.R~A/I~ SECTIONS, SUBSECTIONS PARTS C~ SECTIfINS. Ail of the provisions of the Uniform Plumbing Code, 1976 ~k~ition (L~hrary of Congress catalog card n~ng~er 75-38039, including Appendixes A through Conversion Tables, and installation Standards contained in one volume, as ~nded by 1977 A~endments to the Uniform Plumbing ODde, 1976 ~dition, con- ~ned in one volume, and all published by the Internatio~a! Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials, hereinafter called Plumbing Code, are h~re- by adopted and made a part of this Ordinance as though fully set forth herein, except the' fol!~ing sections or parts of Sections. S~CTION EXCEPTICN 20.2 (c) Only subsection 2 (c) 20.3 ~] of said section 20.7 Schedule of fees 20.12 All of said section 20.14 Ail of the section 711 ~) Only subsection (b) Grease In ~terceptors APPENDLX I Ail of said Appendix "L~ee copies of said Un~form pl~.~bing Code, certified to be true copies, shall be filed in the office of the City Clerk in the form and at the tim~.~ prescribed by law and kept there for public inspection during the tire this Cra~mnce is in effect, except that after adopt/on of this Ordi~2Lnce one of said copies may be kept in the office of the Chief Buil~a~ng Official instead of t~he. Clerk's office. The City Clerk shall maintain a reasonable supply of 1. II~ I [I I II1'1 copies available for purchase as required by law. SECTICN II. SUBSECTI05~ kND PARTS OF S~S ~. ~ follo~g ~~O~ ~ ~s of s~o~, w~ s~ r~d as h~ ~~ ~t~, ~e ~ ~opt~ ~ a~ a~p~ ~ ref~e ~ ~on I of ~s ~~e. ~~S ~DI~ 20.2 (c) ~s~ (c) 20.3 Viola~o~ ~ P~!~ 20.7 ~st of P~t ~~e of 20.12 ~ili~ 20.15 ~ of ~ior ~c~ 20.16 ~ Gr~t of ~la~ve ~ri~ 711 (b) ~s~n (b) Grease ~.~~rs 1008 (c) (3) ~s~t~mn (c) (3)~ ~~s 1107 (g) ~s~n (g) ~r~ ~ou~ 1310 (d) ~s~ion (d) Wa~ H~ ~ P~ 1310 (e) ~s~on (3) Wa~ H~ ~ic ~~on ~~ 20.2 (c) ~ ~ ~. ~ ~ or ~~t ~ ~y o~ ~ ~ c~ge, c~e or c~ol of ~ b~g or p~ses s~ll f~ or n~l~, or ~s au~o~z~ re~es~tive for ~e ~se of ~~ion ~ ~ra~on. ~ION 20.3 ~O~IONS ~D P~T~S. ~ ~n violat~g a ~vision or fa~g q~~ts of t~s ~d~ce s~ll ~ ~ilty of ~ ~raction. ~y ~son ~n- I [I · I I~1 victed of an infraction is punishable by (a) a fine not exceea~ ~ng Fifty Dollars ($50) for a first violation, (b) a fine not eXCeeding One Hundred Dollars ($100) for a second violation within one (1) year, ar~ (c) a fine not exc~ ~.lundred Fifty Dollars ($250) for each additional violation within one (1) year. Each subh person sb~31 be guilty of a s~parate infraction for each a~ every day during any Portion of which a violation or f~]ure to comply with a manda- tory re~{~ent is c~t~.~tted or continued. The issuance or granting of a permit or approval of plans and specifications sbzull not be de~T. ed or construed to be a permit for, or an approval of, any violation of any of the provisions of this Ccde. No permit pres~./rig to 'give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of this Code sh~ll be valid, ex- cept insofar as the work or use which it authorized is lawful. The is~3_~nce or granting of a permit or approval of plans sb~ll not p~event the Admin/strative Authority from thereaf~ re?~ring the correction of errors in said plans and specifications or from preventing construction operations being carried on thereunder when in violation of this Code or of any other ordi~m/~ce or from revoking any certificate of approval %~.en issued in error. Every pexmit issued by the Administrative Authority u~er the provisions of this Code shall expire by limitation and become null and void, if the work au- tP&)rized by such permit is not cc~T~nced %~ithin one-hundred twenty (120) days from date of issuance of such permit, or if the %.:ork authorized by such permit is susp~ed or abandoned at any time after the %;Drk is cc~menced for a peric~ of one hundred ~.zenty (120) days. Before such %.~rk can be rec~.~mm~nded, a ne~ permit shall be first obtained, and the fee shall be one-half the amu~nt re- ~3~red for a new permit for such %.Drk, provided no changes b~ve been maae, or %5/1 be made in the original ~ans and specifications for such %,Drk; a~ pro- vided,f/lrther, that such suspension or abandorm~nt has not exceeded one (1) year. SUBSECTION 20.7 1. For issuing each penuit $ 3.00 In addi -t/on -- For each plumbing fixture or trap or Set of fixtures on one' trap (including v~ter, drainage piping and backflow protection therefor) 2.00 3. Dis~r.~ashers/garbage disposals, each 2.00 4. For each building se~r 5.00 5. P~uwater systems - per drain (inside bdilding) 2.00 6. For each vmter beater and/or vent 2.00 For replac~ent of water heater, including permit fee For each gas piping syst~u per outlet 3.00 1.00 9. For each ~r pressure test on existing gas piping syst~ns 3.00 10. For eadh gas regulator 2,00 For each industrial v~ste pretreatment interceptor, including its trap and vent, excepting kitchen type grease interceptors functioning as fixture traps 2.00 12. For installation, alteration or repaLr of v~ter piping and service and/or water treating equit~nt 2.00 13. For repair or alteration of dra{nage or vent piping 2.00 14. For vacuu~ breakers or backflow protective devices on law sprinkler systems, tanks, vats, etc., or for installation of unprotected plumbing fixtures including necessary v~ter piping- one (1) to four (4) five (5) or nore, each 2.00 .50 For each s~~ pool: Public Private 10.00 5.00 16. Reinspec=~ion fee for each reinspection for defeCtive %.9rk or material i0.00 SUBSECTI(~] 20.12 LIABILITY (a) TD~ ~..mer and/or his contractor, when installing plumbing equi~u~_ut or system in or on the ~mer's premises in the City of South San Francisco, Shall ip~tall same in ccmPliance with this code, as ar~nded, and in such a ~zmner as B1B I II · I to .practically safeguard persons and property from hazards arising frcm. ~he use thereof. The ~r with respect to his premises shall maintain and use al ! plumbing %.,Drk and systems located in or on his premises in ccmpliance wit~ t/~is Code, as amended, and in such a manner as to practically safeguard persons ar~ ' property frcm b~zards arising fr~n the use thereof. The provisions of this Osde lodging authorizations %~ith the ~nis~tive Authority to do any ar~t a~] of tb~ acts therein provided, shall not relieve tb~ owner or the contrac~r frc~ said responsibilities, and neither the Administrative Authority, his agents or e~. loyees, nor the City of South San Francisco and its elected and a._upointed officers and e~ployees assume said responsibility or any part t~.ereof, nor ~hall any of their actions in any ~.ay relieve t~ ~ner and/or his contractor of such responsibility. This Code shall not. be construed as imposing upon Se Plumbing Inspector and liabi.1, ity or responsibility for damage resulting fr~ defective plumbing %Drk or instaliatiOn-th~eof, Mr shall the Plumbing ~tor or any official or employee thereof be held as assumiDg any such liability or responsibility by reason of the inspection authorized herein. ~) The Administrative Authority or any employee charged with the'enforce- ment of this Code, acting in good faith and witP~out malice for the jurisdic~ion in the discharge of his duties, shall not ther~y render himself liable pe_~- sonally and he hereby is relieved from all persor~] liability for any damage t~at may accrue to persons or property as a result of any act r _equired or by_ reason of any act of omission in .the discharge of his duties. Amy suit brought ag~g~-t ~2~e Al.~m~hnistrative Authority or ~r~loyees, because of' such act or c~ission performed by him in the enforcement of any provisions of this Code, ~mdl be_ de-. f~nded by the City pursuant to Gove~,ent Code Section 825 et sec. and r~-~ated sections until final termination of the proceedings. . SUBSECTION 20.15 REPEAL CF PRIOR ORDT~,~S. Ordinance No. 573, 'entitled "An OrS~nance of the City of South San Fran-. cisco establishing Rnles, Re~,~tions, and Standards for Installation of Plumbing Fixtures and Appliances in Said City; Providing for Issu~e of Permits and ColleCtion of Fees; Providing Penalties for Violations ~reof; Rep~]~ug Ordinance No. 534; and ~dopting by Reference the Unifonu COde 1967 ~dition." adopted February 5, 1968 is hereby repealed, exc_~pt t?at this repeal shall not affect or prevent the prosecution or punis~hu~ of person for any act done ~or conm%itted in violation of said Ordip~_uce prior to the effective date of this Ordinance. SUBSECTION 20.16 NO GRANT OF LEGISIATIVE ~RITY. The provisions of this Qrdinance are not intended to' and do not ~ant any legislative authority to the Building Official who is ~he enforc~ officer, and any grant of discretionary authority to said official cont~ned D~_reLn shall be construed as limiting his powers to ~%~ determination of facts as to whether or not the rules set forth in the Ccd. have been cc~plied ~th. SUBSECTION 711 ~) GREASE INTE~C~Z~ORS. Plans shall be sutm%itted to and approval obtained frcm the ~~tive ;~uthority prior to the installation of any waste pretreatment fac~]~ties i~. any food establish~uent with an occupant load of fifty or more as set forth in subsection (a) of this section. Iii I r l · I I~. The A~nistratkve Authority may require an ir~epe_ndent drainage or syst~n from the establishment where grease in quantikies may be intrcduced into drainage or sewage system to an approved type grease interceptor locate~ on the exterior of building. Said systems, shall be properly maintained by est~_blishment, subject to periodic inspection by the City of South San Fra~ to ascertain that they are properly maintained. Capacity and type of intercep-_ tor to be approved by the Superintendent of Sanitation. SOBS~ION 1008 (c) (3') AIR CHkMBERS. All faucets on the inside Of the building vrith the exception of %.,~ter b°aters, sh~]l be provided with air chambers consisting of sections of pipe e?~! in size to the risers supplyir~ the openings, and to be not less than sixteen (16) long or of other approved devices. ~ON 1107 (g) LATERAL Cr~ANOUTS. When a main sewer is located in the street, alley, or easement, t..h~e sl~_l! be provided a cleanout within the City right-off, my at the property line. shall be of cast iron the same size as the dr~n served, brought up to gr~e 'level by a wye an~ branch fitting and top of same robe provided with a .: tion cleanout of four (4) inches rain/aura size within sidewalk kox, witlq r_.=J~r~- able cover. ~ON 1310 (d). ~TER HEkTER 5~FETY PA~.~. ~.~ater heaters shall have safety pa~s with drains when located in .liv~_~3 area or when leakage would do damage to the b,{]ding, or its contents. The shall be of metal and be of such dimension as to provide a min~,~%~n of (2") clearance between the pan and the outside diameter of the heater w~th a --- depth of two and three-quarter inches (2-3/4"). The drain shall be r~t !ess than three-fourths, inch (3/4") an~ shall be taken to the exterior of the Lng or to another location upon prior approval of ~he Building Official. SD~CTION 1310 (e). WATER HEATER - SE..IS~[IC PROTFCTION. Water heaters shall be adequately secured to the wall of structure or shall be securely anchored .to floor sufficiently to resist seismic forces. SECTIfkN III. PUBLICATION AND EFFECTIVE DATE. Him ~r~_nance sb~l ] be published once in the Enterpr.ise-Jourr~!, a news- ~aper of genaral ci~-culati°n in the City of South San Franci~o, as requir~ and shall beccn~ effective thirty (30) days fr~n and after its adoption.~ Introduced this 7th. day of December ,19 77 . Passed ar~ adopted as an Ordinance of th~ City of South San FranCisco at a regular m~ting of the City Oouncil of the City of South San Fra~cisoo this 18th day of Januafg , 19 78_, by the following vote: AYES, CI~3~II!I~EN Richard A. Battagli~, William A. Borba, Emanuele N. Damonte, Terrg J. Mirri and Leo Padreddii ' NOES, " None ABS~ # " None A~i~ST: Is~ Arthur A. Rodondi City Clerk Mayor of ~_he City of South San Francisco, I do hereby approve the fore- Ordinance th~s 18th day of Januar~ , 19 78 . /s/ Emanuele N. Damonte ~,~yor SUBSECTION 1310 (e). WATER HEATER - SEISMIC PROTFL~fION. Water heaters shall be adequately secured to the wall of structure or shall be securely anchored to floor sufficiently to resist seismic forces. SECTION III. PUBLICATION AND EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance sh~ll be published once in the Enterprise-Journal, a ne~s- paper of general circulation in the City of South San Francisco, as required by law, and shall beccme effective thirty (30) days frcm and after its adoption. Introduced this 7th day of December ,19 77 . Passed and adopted as an Ordinance of th~ City of South San Francisco at a regular meeting of the City Oouncil of the City of South San Francisco this l8th day of January , 19 78., by the following vote: Richard A. Battaglia, William A. Terry J. Mirri and Leo Padreddii · NOES, " None ABS~N~f, " None Borba, Emanuele N. Dam~nte, City Clerk As Mayor of the City of South San Francisco, I do hereby approve the fore- going Ordinance this 18th day of January , 19 78 . Mayor I II iii I I II