HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 788-1979Ordinance No. 788-79 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING RURAL ESTATES ZONED REGULATIONS AND AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 353, AS AMENDED, ENTITLED" ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO "TO SO PROVIDE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. ADDITION OF SECTIONS 4.70 ET SEQ. Ordinance No. 353 entitled "Zoning Ordinance of the City of South San Francisco" adopted August 10, 1954, as amended, is hereby amended to add Sections 4.70 et seq., to read as follows: 4.70 RURAL ESTATES ZONED DISTRICTS OR R-E DISTRICTS The following regulation shall apply in all R-E Districts and said districts shall also be subject to the provisions of Section 5. 4.71 PURPOSE The purpose of the Rural Estates Zoned District or R-E District is to preserve the rural character of rural residential neighborhoods, allow and promote the keeping of certain livestock and to maintain desirable agricultural uses in rural areas of the City. 4.72 USES PERMITTED a. Agricultural uses including farms or ranches for orchards, tree crops, field crops, truck gardening, berry and bush crops, flower gardening, and similar uses carried on in the general field of agriculture. b. One single-family dwelling of permanent character placed in a permanent location and of not less than 750 square feet of ground floor living area, exclusive ofopen porches or garages. c. Home occupations. CENTRAl-, RECORD~ m .E NO.,.? Ordinance No. 788-79 4.72 USES PERMITTED (cont'd) d. The keeping of not more than twelve poultry and twelve adult rabbits on any lot for noncommercial purposes; provided that such animals are housed kept or penned at least fifty feet from any residence and in accordance with standards administered by the Health and Animal Care Departments or Services of the County of San Mateo. Additional poultry and rabbits for noncommercial purposes may be permitted subject to the granting of a Use Permit pursuant to the use permit procedures of the Zoning Ordi- nance. e. The grazing, raising or training of horses, sheep and cattle; provided that the parcel has a minimum area of 20,000 square feet; animals are not penned, housed or pastured within fifty feet of a residence; the premises are equipped and maintainable to meet the standards admi- nistered by the Health and Animal Care Departments or Services of the County of San Mateo, and provided further: 1. That not more than a total of two of any of the' following or a total of two of any combination of horses, colts, mules, ponies, goa%s, sheep cows, calves, or animals of general like character shall be kept on any parcel with an area of 20,000 square feet and that one additional animal shall be kept for each lO,O00 square feet over the initial 20,000 square feet on any such property. I ] ii Ordinance No. 788-79 4.72 USES PERMITTED (~ont'd) e. 2. That additional animals, and similar uses may be permitted upon issuance of a use permit therefor in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance use permit procedures. 3. That offspring of the above permitted livestock shall not be counted for purposes of compliance with this ordinance, and use permit is issued pur- suant thereto, until they have become six months old. 4. That one (1) sheep, goat, or calve may be raised as a 4-H or school project when the lot area is not less than 10,000 square feet. f. Day nurseries, nursery schools, homes for children and the aged subject to the granting of a use permit. g. Parks and playgrounds. h. Uses customarily incidental to any of the above uses including hobby activities of a noncommercial nature. i. Accessory buildings and uses including a private garage, recre- ation room, private stable, barn, greenhouse, bath house, corral, pen, coop or other similar structure. j. One unlighted sign not over four (4) square feet in area and per- taining only to the sale, lease or rental of the property on which the sign is located. k. One nameplate, not exceeding one (1) square feet in area for each single-family dwelling indicating the name of the occupant. ~ENTRAL REC, ORD~ Ordinance No. 788-79 4.72 4.73 USES PERMITTED (cont'd) 1. Racing or homing pigeons provided the total number of birds does not exceed forty-eight (48) per parcel at any one time. m. Storage of petroleum products required for permitted agricultural uses subject to issuance of a permit therefor by the South San Francisco Fire Department. n. Private aviaries not exceeding fifty (50) domestic birds and located not closer than fifty (50) feet from adjacent residences. USES PERMITTED SUBJECT TO OBTAINING A USE PERMIT Because of smoke, fumes, dust, oders, sound vibration, traffic conges- tion, or other potential nuisances or hazards, the establishment, main- tenance of operation of the uses set forth in this section, shall not be permitted in an "R-E" Zone unless a Use Permit is obtained in the manner set forth in Section 6.2 of Ordinance 353, as amended, and such uses conform to every term and conditions of the permit. a. A permit for any of the following uses may be granted by the Planning Commission if the applicant produces sufficient proof that the use will not be injurious or detrimental to the public health, safety or general welfare or to the property in the vicinity or zone in which the use will be situated, and that such effects can be prevented with the imposition of conditions, and that the permit is necessary for the owner of the property to make reasonable use of the property: 1. Day nurseries. 2. Types of animals and fowl not otherwise permitted in the "R-E" Zone. Boarding houses and rest homes. 4 CENTRAL RECORD~ Ordinance No. 788-79 4.73 4.74 4.75 4.76 USES PERMITTED SUBJECT TO OBTAINING A USE PERMIT (cont'd) a. 4. Commercial stables and riding academies. 5. Churches. 6. An exception to increase the number of allowable animals and fowl. 7. Signs over four (4) square feet. BUILDING HEIGHT LIMIT a. For single-family dwellings - maximum thirty (30) feet. b. For accessory buildings - maximum twelve (12) feet average height between floor slab plate and ridge pole. LOT SIZE a. For each dwelling, a minimum of 20,000 square feet, minimum width of seventy (70) feet and a minimum depth of 100 feet except that the City may place a suffic designation on any R-E Zoned property providing for a minimum lot size larger than 20,000 square feet. In no case shall there be more than one (1) single-family dwelling on any one (1) parcel. MINIMUM YARDS REQUIRED a. Front yard - minimum required, twenty (20) feet provided that where twenty-five percent (25%) or more of the lots in the block have been improved with buildings with less than a twenty (20) foot frontyard setback, the required yard shall be the average of the improved lots. b. Side yards - ten (lO) feet to the portion of the building nearest the lot line (excluding eaves chimneys and similar achitectural features); provided that the side yard on any lot with an average width of sixty (60) feet.or less shall be a minimum often percent 5 CENTRAL RECORDS Ordinance No. 788-79 4.76 4.77 MINIMUM YARDS_ REQUIRED (cont'd) b. (10%) of the lot width but in no case less than five (5) feet. No eave, chimney or other architectural feature shall extend more than two (2) feet into any required side, front or rear yard. c. Rear yard - twenty (20) feet minimum not to exceed five percent (5%) average grade, provided that where the average slope ex- ceeds five percent (5%) the rear yard may be terraced at various elevations so that a total of twenty (20) feet or more is pro- vided of less than five percent (5%). The rear yard may be ter- raced at various elevations so that a total of twenty (20) feet or more is provided of less than five percent (5%) slope. ENFORCEMENT AND HEALTH STANDARDS The following section shall apply to the zoning enforcement and health requirements in the R-E Zone. a. It shall be unlawful for any person owning, laboring, or con- trolling any livestock to permit livestock to run at large upon the private property of another, without the permission of the owners of such private property, or upon the streets or public places of the City.' b. It shall be unlawful for any person who keeps or permits to re- main upon any property in the R-E Zone any animal which by con- tinuous bleating, neighing, crowing, barking, whining, or other noise unreasonably disturbs the peace, comfort, and quiet of any resident of the neighborhood. 6 CENTRAL R£CORD$ Ordinance No. 788-79 4.77 ENFORCEMENT AND HEALTH STANDARDS (cont'd) c. The premises where such animals are kept shall be maintained in a clean, neat and sanitary condition at all times in order to insure the public health, safety, comfort, convenience and general welfare. Unless all animal manure on the premises is removed from the premises daily, said manure accumulated each day shall be placed in boxes or receptacles of a design and construction acceptable to the San Mateo County Health Officer, and the boxes or containers maintained to prevent access to the contents thereof by flies and to prevent offensive oders. All watering troughs shall be maintained so as to prevent the breed- ing of mosquitoes. Said premises shall be maintained in accor- dance with all applicable ordinances, laws, rules and regula~ tions pertaining to the care of animal habitation, manure re- moval, fly producing conditions, and mosquitoes. d. For the purposes of enforcing the standards imposed by the pro- visions of this chapter or other applicable laws, the poundmaster, County Health Officer or any Police Officer may enter Upon pri- vate property, except dwellings located thereon, as follows: 1. When in pursuit of any animal which he has reasonable or probable cause is in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance and may be subject to being cited for a zoning violation. 2. To impound or place in isolation any animal which he has cause to believe or suspect has rabies or is a biting animal. 3. To inspect or examine animals isolated thereon pursuant tothe provisions of this chapter or other applicable animal control laws. 7 CENTRAL RECORDS SECTION-2__. PUBLICATION AND EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall be 'published once in the Enterprise-Journal, a newspaper of general circulation in the City of South San Francisco, as required by law, and shall become effective thirty {30) days from and after adoption. Introduced this 21st. day of 'March NOES: Passed. and adopted as an Ordinance of the City of South San Francisco at a reqular meeting of the City council of the City of South San Francisco this 4th day of April , lg7___9, by the following Vote: AYES': Councilmen Ronald G. Acosta, William A. Borba, Emanuele NJ Damonte~ Terry J. Mirri; Councilwoman Roberta Cerri Teglia None ABSENT: None As Mayor of,the City of South San Francisco I do hereby approve the foregoing Ordinance this ~ day of April , 197___9. CENTRAL RECORD~ .