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.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 6 Caltrain ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 6 WETA (San Francisco Bay Ferry) ..................................................................................................................................... 6 SamTrans ................................................................................................................................................................................. 8 First/Last Mile Shuttle Connections .............................................................................................................................. 8 Bicycle and Pedestrian Connections ..................................................................................................................................... 9 San Mateo County TDM Resources ...................................................................................................................................... 9 Proposed Transportation Demand Management Program .................................................... 11 Proposed TDM Program .........................................................................................................................................................11 Enhanced Shuttle Commitment ...................................................................................................................................11 Fully Subsidized Transit Passes ....................................................................................................................................12 Transit Capital Improvements & Active Transportation Gap Closure ...........................................................12 Onsite Pedestrian ...............................................................................................................................................................12 Bicycle Repair Station .......................................................................................................................................................12 TDM Checklist ..............................................................................................................................................................................12 Proposed Trip Cap .....................................................................................................................................................................13 Monitoring and Enforcement ................................................................................................... 15 Monitoring Methods ................................................................................................................................................................15 Survey Approach ................................................................................................................................................................15 Trip Cap Monitoring .........................................................................................................................................................17 Triennial Midday Parking Occupancy Survey .........................................................................................................18 Relationship to Parking Management Plan .....................................................................................................................18 Enforcement & Fines ................................................................................................................................................................18 3 Introduction This report presents a Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Plan, per City of South San Francisco Zoning Code Chapter 20.400, for the proposed office/research & development building at 800 Dubuque Avenue, herein referred to as the “Project.” A description of the proposed project is included on the following pages. The City of South San Francisco TDM Ordinance strives to accomplish the following goals: x Reduce the amount of traffic generated by new nonresidential development. x Ensure that expected increases in traffic resulting from growth in employment opportunities in the City of South San Francisco will be adequately mitigated. x Reduce drive-alone commute trips during peak traffic periods by using a combination of services, incentives, and facilities. x Promote the more efficient utilization of existing transportation facilities and ensure that new developments are designed in ways to maximize the potential for alternative transportation usage. x Establish an ongoing monitoring and enforcement program to ensure that the desired alternative mode use percentages are achieved. The City requires the Project to enact a TDM program to achieve a maximum drive alone commute mode share of 50 percent pursuant to the City’s Municipal Code Chapter 20.400. Additionally, the Project must implement annual monitoring of a site-specific trip cap. These requirements are consistent with a Tier 4 classification (large office/R&D project) under the TDM Ordinance and also meet the TDM requirements established by the City/County Association of Governments of San Mateo County (C/CAG). This TDM Plan identifies a set of strategies, measures, and incentives to encourage future tenant employees at the project to walk, bicycle, ride transit, or carpool when commuting to and from work. In order to accomplish this goal, this plan presents a range of proven strategies and measures used across the Bay Area. Project Description The Project includes 857,000 square feet of office/R&D space, an event center with capacity for up to 450 attendees, tenant-oriented dining and fitness amenities, and 1,335 parking spaces. The Project is located on Dubuque Avenue between Oyster Point Boulevard and East Grand Avenue. Site access would be provided via two driveway connections on Dubuque Avenue and sidewalk connections to Dubuque Avenue. A shuttle and passenger loading area is provided at the northern driveway entrance. Figure 1 illustrates the Project location, while Figure 2 depicts site circulation. 6DQ%UXQR0WQ6WDWHDQG&RXQW\3DUNtĞƐƚKƌĂŶŐĞǀĞŶƵĞŝƌƉŽƌƚŽƵůĞǀĂƌĚ,ƵŶƟŶ Ő ƚŽ Ŷ ǀ Ğ Ŷ Ƶ Ğ tĞƐƚďŽƌŽƵŐŚŽƵůĞǀĂƌĚ:ƵŶ ŝƉ Ğ ƌŽ ^Ğ ƌƌĂ Ž Ƶů ĞǀĂƌĚ,ĂƌďŽƌtLJŝƌƉŽƌƚŽƵůĞǀĂƌĚ^ŽƵƚŚ>ŝŶĚĞŶǀĞŶƵĞ^ĂŶDĂƚĞŽǀĞŶƵĞ^ŝƐƚĞƌŝƟĞƐŽƵůĞǀĂƌĚKLJƐƚĞƌWŽŝŶƚŽƵůĞǀĂƌĚ'ƌĂŶĚǀĞŶƵĞĂƐƚ'ƌĂŶĚǀĞŶƵĞ^ŽƵƚŚ ŝƌ Ɖ Žƌƚ  Ž Ƶů Ğ ǀ Ăƌ Ě KƌĂŶŐĞǀĞŶƵĞŚĞƐƚŶƵƚǀĞŶƵĞ,ŝůůƐŝĚĞŽƵůĞǀĂ ƌĚ >ŝŶĚĞŶǀĞŶƵĞ'Ƶ ůů ZŽĂĚ ŽƵŶƚƌLJůƵďƌŝǀĞhƚĂŚǀĞŶƵĞůĂŵŝŶŽZĞĂůƵďƵƋƵĞǀĞŶƵĞ,ŝůůƐŝĚĞ ŽƵůĞǀĂƌĚEt LJůĂ ŵ ŝŶ Ž Z Ğ Ă ů>ĂǁŶĚĂůĞŽƵůĞǀĂƌĚ'ĂƚĞǁĂLJŽƵůĞǀĂƌĚ^ŽƵƚŚ^ƉƌƵĐĞǀĞŶƵĞǀĂůŽŶƌŝǀĞ&ŽƌďĞƐŽƵůĞǀĂƌĚx6RXWK6DQ)UDQFLVFR&DOWUDLQ6RXWK6DQ)UDQFLVFR%$576RXWK6DQ)UDQFLVFR)HUU\:?6DQ)UDQFLVFR1'ULYH?3URMHFWV?B3URMHFWV?6)B'XEXTXH&RUULGRU3ODQQLQJ?*UDSKLFV?*,6?0;'?B'XEXTXHB$OWDSU[3URMHFW/RFDWLRQ5HJLRQDO5DLO%$57&DOWUDLQ3URMHFW6LWH&LWLHV:DWHU$UHD3DUNV)LJXUH Legend:Vehicular CirculationPedestrian CirculationShuttle Loading ZoneFigure 2: Site and Circulation Plan 6 Project Setting Transit Connections The following transit services operate within South San Francisco near the Project site. Existing transit services are shown in Figure 3. Descriptions provided in this section reflect transit operations in Fall 2022. BART BART provides regional rail service between the East Bay, San Francisco, and San Mateo County, with connections to San Francisco International Airport and Millbrae Intermodal Station to the south, San Francisco to the north, and Oakland, Richmond, Pittsburgh/Bay Point, Dublin/Pleasanton and Fremont in the East Bay. Two BART lines serve South San Francisco Station: the Yellow Line connecting Antioch with San Francisco International Airport, and the Red Line connecting Richmond and Millbrae. Each BART line operates every 15-minutes throughout the day. The South San Francisco BART Station is located approximately three miles to the west of the Project site. Caltrain Caltrain provides passenger rail service on the Peninsula between San Francisco and San José, and limited service to Morgan Hill and Gilroy during weekday commute periods. The South San Francisco Caltrain Station is located less than one half mile from the Project site. The station is served by local and limited trains from around 5:30 A.M. to 12:00 A.M., with approximately 30-minute headways during peak periods and 60-minute headways during off-peak periods. In early 2022, Caltrain relocated the South San Francisco Caltrain station several hundred feet to the south near the East Grand Avenue/Airport Boulevard intersection to provide more direct pedestrian and shuttle access to the East of 101 area via a tunnel with access at East Grand Avenue and Poletti Way. By 2024, Caltrain plans to complete its electrification project to support the operation of faster and more frequent rail service on the Peninsula, and expects to modify its schedules accordingly. WETA (San Francisco Bay Ferry) The Water Emergency Transportation Authority (WETA) provides weekday commuter ferry service between the Oakland/Alameda ferry terminals and the South San Francisco Ferry Terminal at Oyster Point (known as the San Francisco Bay Ferry). There are three morning departures from Oakland/Alameda to South San Francisco, and three evening departures from South San Francisco to Oakland/Alameda. The South San Francisco Ferry Terminal is located approximately 1.5 miles to the east of the Project site. 6DQ%UXQR0WQ6WDWHDQG&RXQW\3DUNtĞƐƚKƌĂŶŐĞǀĞŶƵĞŝƌƉŽƌƚŽƵůĞǀĂƌĚ,ƵŶƟŶ Ő ƚŽ Ŷ ǀ Ğ Ŷ Ƶ Ğ tĞƐƚďŽƌŽƵŐŚŽƵůĞǀĂƌĚ:ƵŶ ŝƉ Ğ ƌŽ ^Ğ ƌƌĂ Ž Ƶů ĞǀĂƌĚ,ĂƌďŽƌtLJŝƌƉŽƌƚŽƵůĞǀĂƌĚ^ŽƵƚŚ>ŝŶĚĞŶǀĞŶƵĞ^ĂŶDĂƚĞŽǀĞŶƵĞ^ŝƐƚĞƌŝƟĞƐŽƵůĞǀĂƌĚKLJƐƚĞƌWŽŝŶƚŽƵůĞǀĂƌĚ'ƌĂŶĚǀĞŶƵĞĂƐƚ'ƌĂŶĚǀĞŶƵĞ^ŽƵƚŚ ŝƌ Ɖ Žƌƚ  Ž Ƶů Ğ ǀ Ăƌ Ě KƌĂŶŐĞǀĞŶƵĞŚĞƐƚŶƵƚǀĞŶƵĞ,ŝůůƐŝĚĞŽƵůĞǀĂ ƌĚ >ŝŶĚĞŶǀĞŶƵĞ'Ƶ ůů ZŽĂĚ ŽƵŶƚƌLJůƵďƌŝǀĞhƚĂŚǀĞŶƵĞůĂŵŝŶŽZĞĂůƵďƵƋƵĞǀĞŶƵĞ,ŝůůƐŝĚĞ ŽƵůĞǀĂƌĚEt LJůĂ ŵ ŝŶ Ž Z Ğ Ă ů>ĂǁŶĚĂůĞŽƵůĞǀĂƌĚ'ĂƚĞǁĂLJŽƵůĞǀĂƌĚ^ŽƵƚŚ^ƉƌƵĐĞǀĞŶƵĞǀĂůŽŶƌŝǀĞ&ŽƌďĞƐŽƵůĞǀĂƌĚx273(&5%(&5$6RXWK6DQ)UDQFLVFR&DOWUDLQ6RXWK6DQ)UDQFLVFR%$576RXWK6DQ)UDQFLVFR)HUU\:?6DQ)UDQFLVFR1'ULYH?3URMHFWV?B3URMHFWV?6)B'XEXTXH&RUULGRU3ODQQLQJ?*UDSKLFV?*,6?0;'?B'XEXTXHDSU[7UDQVLW&RQQHFWLRQV%$57&DOWUDLQ6DP7UDQV2QH7RZHU3ODFH 273 6KXWWOH&LWLHV:DWHU$UHD3DUNV3URMHFW6LWH)LJXUH7UDQVLWDQG5HJLRQDO5DLO1RWH6KXWWOHVHUYLFHVWKDWGRQRWGLUHFWO\VHUYHWKH3URMHFWVLWHDUHQRWVKRZQLQFOXGLQJWKH2\VWHU3RLQW%$572\VWHU3RLQW&DOWUDLQ2\VWHU3RLQW)HUU\8WDK*UDQG%$578WDK*UDQG&DOWUDLQ8WDK*UDQG)HUU\DQG6RXWK&LW\VKXWWOHV 8 SamTrans SamTrans provides bus service in San Mateo County. Two SamTrans routes operate near the Project site: Route 292, which connects San Francisco and San Mateo via local stop service on Airport Boulevard, and Route 130, which connects the South San Francisco Ferry Terminal with Downtown South San Francisco and Daly City via local stop service on Gateway Boulevard. The nearest stops for each route are about a ½ mile walk via the Oyster Point Boulevard or Grand Avenue overpasses due to barriers posed by the US- 101 freeway and Caltrain railroad tracks. First/Last Mile Shuttle Connections The Project site is directly served by the One Tower Place shuttle operated by the Peninsula Traffic Congestion Relief Alliance (Commute.org). The One Tower Place shuttle serves both the South San Francisco BART Station and the South San Francisco Caltrain Station with four morning and four afternoon trips at hourly intervals via a single 20 passenger vehicle. Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic in 2019, the shuttle served approximately 90 passengers per day; however, ridership declined due to the COVID-19 pandemic and has not yet recovered due to the increase in remote work. The shuttle is funded by a combination of the San Mateo County Transportation Authority’s Shuttle Call for Projects Grants and matching private sector contributions from participating office/R&D sites. No direct shuttle connections are provided to the South San Francisco Ferry Terminal due to insufficient demand. However, the Oyster Point Ferry shuttle includes a stop at the eastern entrance of the South San Francisco Caltrain Station, which is less than a ten-minute walk to the Project site. The One Tower Place Shuttle. Source: SamTrans 9 Bicycle and Pedestrian Connections The Project site is located between U.S. 101 to the west and Caltrain tracks to the east, which heavily constrains bicycle and pedestrian connectivity with downtown South San Francisco or other locations in the East of 101 area. Dubuque Avenue has a continuous sidewalk along the east side of the street that connects to both overpasses and the South San Francisco Caltrain station. People walking or biking elsewhere may travel via three routes: the Oyster Point Boulevard overpass to the north, the East Grand Avenue overpass to the south, or walking through the Caltrain platform to the station underpass. While the City continues to expand its bicycle and pedestrian network, the East of 101 Area has historically experienced low volumes of pedestrians and bicyclists due to commute lengths, lack of continuous low stress facilities, lack of network connectivity to residences and transit stations, and topography. To address the gap in the bicycle and pedestrian network near the Project site, The City has proposed a bicycle and pedestrian bridge in the vicinity of the Project site connecting Airport Boulevard and Poletti Way/Gateway Boulevard in its Active South City Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan. Figure 5 illustrates existing and planned bikeway facilities as well as sidewalk infrastructure gaps in South San Francisco. San Mateo County TDM Resources The project would have access to trip reduction services offered by Commute.org. Commute.org is a public agency whose mission is to reduce the number of drive-alone vehicles traveling to, from or through San Mateo County. The agency’s goal is to help residents and commuters find alternatives to driving alone that are less stressful, less costly, and better the environment. The agency provides information and commute planning assistance to employees, employer programs, and city transportation demand management partnerships. Figure 4 illustrates some current promotions and services offered by Commute.org that are open to all employees in San Mateo County. Figure 4: Commute.org TDM Promotional Programs 6DQ%UXQR0WQ6WDWHDQG&RXQW\3DUNtĞƐƚKƌĂŶŐĞǀĞŶƵĞŝƌƉŽƌƚŽƵůĞǀĂƌĚ,ƵŶƟŶ Ő ƚŽ Ŷ ǀ Ğ Ŷ Ƶ Ğ tĞƐƚďŽƌŽƵŐŚŽƵůĞǀĂƌĚ:ƵŶ ŝƉ Ğ ƌŽ ^Ğ ƌƌĂ Ž Ƶů ĞǀĂƌĚ,ĂƌďŽƌtLJŝƌƉŽƌƚŽƵůĞǀĂƌĚ^ŽƵƚŚ>ŝŶĚĞŶǀĞŶƵĞ^ĂŶDĂƚĞŽǀĞŶƵĞ^ŝƐƚĞƌŝƟĞƐŽƵůĞǀĂƌĚKLJƐƚĞƌWŽŝŶƚŽƵůĞǀĂƌĚ'ƌĂŶĚǀĞŶƵĞĂƐƚ'ƌĂŶĚǀĞŶƵĞ^ŽƵƚŚ ŝƌ Ɖ Žƌƚ  Ž Ƶů Ğ ǀ Ăƌ Ě KƌĂŶŐĞǀĞŶƵĞŚĞƐƚŶƵƚǀĞŶƵĞ,ŝůůƐŝĚĞŽƵůĞǀĂ ƌĚ >ŝŶĚĞŶǀĞŶƵĞ'Ƶ ůů ZŽĂĚ ŽƵŶƚƌLJůƵďƌŝǀĞhƚĂŚǀĞŶƵĞůĂŵŝŶŽZĞĂůƵďƵƋƵĞǀĞŶƵĞ,ŝůůƐŝĚĞ ŽƵůĞǀĂƌĚEt LJůĂ ŵ ŝŶ Ž Z Ğ Ă ů>ĂǁŶĚĂůĞŽƵůĞǀĂƌĚ'ĂƚĞǁĂLJŽƵůĞǀĂƌĚ^ŽƵƚŚ^ƉƌƵĐĞǀĞŶƵĞǀĂůŽŶƌŝǀĞ&ŽƌďĞƐŽƵůĞǀĂƌĚx6RXWK6DQ)UDQFLVFR&DOWUDLQ6RXWK6DQ)UDQFLVFR%$576RXWK6DQ)UDQFLVFR)HUU\:?6DQ)UDQFLVFR1'ULYH?3URMHFWV?B3URMHFWV?6)B'XEXTXH&RUULGRU3ODQQLQJ?*UDSKLFV?*,6?0;'?B'XEXTXHB$OWDSU[%LF\FOH&RQQHFWLRQV([LVWLQJ%LNHZD\V&ODVV,6KDUHG3DWK&ODVV,,%LF\FOH/DQH&ODVV,,,%LF\FOH5RXWH&ODVV,96HSDUDWHG%LNHZD\3ODQQHG%LNHZD\V&ODVV,6KDUHG3DWK&ODVV,,,,%%LF\FOH/DQH&ODVV,,,%LF\FOH5RXWH&ODVV,,,1HLJKERUKRRG%LNHZD\&ODVV,96HSDUDWHG%LNHZD\3URMHFW6LWH)LJXUH 11 Proposed Transportation Demand Management Program This section summarizes the Project’s proposed TDM program as presently envisioned in the planning process. When applying for a Certificate of Occupancy, the applicant shall submit a compliance form and appropriate attachments finalizing the TDM program and documenting how the program will be implemented before the site reaches 50% occupancy. Proposed TDM Program The City’s TDM Ordinance has two components: a points-based planning checklist and annual performance monitoring thresholds. As a Tier 4 project, the Project is required to submit a completed TDM checklist that achieves a minimum threshold of 50 points, consistent with achieving a 50 percent drive alone mode share target (via survey) and compliance with an onsite trip cap (via counts). As illustrated in Table 1, the project would implement all required measures per the City’s TDM Ordinance, including the following: ƒ 50% Transit Pass Subsidies and Pre-Tax Transit Benefits ƒ Participation in Commute.org Programs ƒ Carpool/Vanpool Programs and Parking ƒ Bicycle Storage, Showers, and Lockers ƒ Designated TDM Coordinator ƒ Bicycle and Pedestrian-Oriented Site Access ƒ Encourage Telecommuting & Flexible Work Schedules The following optional measures would also be implemented. Enhanced Shuttle Commitment The Project would contribute additional funding sufficient to achieve 30-minute frequencies on the One Tower Place shuttle. Increasing shuttle frequency would enable more convenient connections to BART and Caltrain, supporting a more user-friendly service conducive to higher transit ridership and mode share. Achieving 30-minute frequencies would require a second vehicle serving the route provided via Commute.org. If a second vehicle is not available via Commute.org, then the property manager would directly contract a second vehicle to interline the service with Commute.org. The shuttle would continue to be open to the public per City Ordinance requirements, and would be eligible for grant funding via the San Mateo County Transportation Authority’s Shuttle Call for Projects program. 12 Eventually, Commute.org may also consider an extension of the Oyster Point Ferry Shuttle to serve the Project site; however, this extension should be weighed against potential effects on trip time, frequency, and reliability since the Project site would require a substantial diversion from the existing route. There is insufficient demand to warrant a dedicated ferry shuttle at this time, although such a route may be considered by the TDM Coordinator in collaboration with Commute.org and adjacent properties in the future as ferry service levels and development activity increases along the Dubuque corridor. Fully Subsidized Transit Passes To encourage transit use, employees at the Project site would be provided with fully subsidized transit passes. A subsidy of 100 percent of transit commute travel would be provided via employers (up to the maximum IRS benefit if applicable). Transit Capital Improvements & Active Transportation Gap Closure The Project would contribute toward capital improvements at the northern entrance to the South San Francisco Caltrain station. As illustrated in Figure 6, the scope of work would include a sidewalk connection between the station and Dubuque Avenue, a shuttle stop and waiting area adjacent to the station platforms, a rehabilitated parking lot, and landscaping areas. Funding for these improvements would be in addition to improvements provided by the 580 Dubuque project. Onsite Pedestrian-Oriented Amenities The Project would incorporate onsite amenities for tenants including food and beverage service, a fitness center, and an event center. Onsite amenity spaces support internalizing trips and reduce the need for short auto trips. Bicycle Repair Station The Project would provide an onsite bicycle repair station for routine maintenance of bicycles. TDM Checklist Based on the required and optional measures described above, the Project would meet the required 50- point threshold for Tier 4 projects as illustrated in Table 1. 9FGQJ9NJW9)2(JWYNKNHFYNTS(MJHPQNXY Type TDM Measure Eligible Points Proposed Project Points Required Measures (20 Points) 50% Transit Pass Subsidies and Pre-Tax Transit Benefits 7 7 Participation in Commute.org Programs 5 5 Carpool/Vanpool Programs and Parking 3 3 Bicycle Storage, Showers, and Lockers 2 2 Designated TDM Coordinator 1 1 13 Type TDM Measure Eligible Points Proposed Project Points Bicycle and Pedestrian-Oriented Site Access 1 1 Encourage Telecommuting & Flexible Work Schedules 1 1 Optional Measures Paid Parking or Parking Cash-Out 10 Enhanced Shuttle Commitment 10 10 Fully Subsidized Transit Passes 8 8 Affordable Housing 6 Active Transportation Gap Closure Up to 6 2 Transit Capital Improvements Up to 6 6 On-Site Pedestrian-Oriented Amenities 3 3 Bikeshare Program Participation 3 Shared Parking Approach 2 Cash Incentives 2 On-Site Carshare 2 Active Transportation Subsidies 1 Bicycle Repair Station 1 1 Requirements Tier 4 Projects 50 50 Proposed Trip Cap Tier 4 projects are subject to site-specific trip caps that limit the number of peak-direction vehicle trips that a site generates during peak periods. Trip caps should reinforce mode share and parking requirements for the site while allowing some flexibility to accommodate fluctuations in employee density, daily variations in travel patterns, and anticipated levels of guest/visitor travel activity. The proposed trip cap is 1,680 peak period, peak direction vehicle trips, based on the calculations below (values rounded to the nearest 10): x 857,000 square feet / 300 square feet per employee = 2,860 employees x Target 50% drive-alone rate for employees: 50% x 2,860 employees = 1,430 vehicle trips x Target 12% carpool rate: 12% x 2,860 employees / 3 people per vehicle = 110 vehicle trips x 10% allowance for non-employee trips: 10% x 1,430 vehicle trips = 140 vehicle trips x Peak period trip cap: 1,430 + 110 + 140 = 1,680 vehicle trips )LJXUH6RXWK6DQ)UDQFLVFR&DOWUDLQ6WDWLRQ3DUNLQJ/RW,PSURYHPHQW6LWH3ODQ 15 Monitoring and Enforcement The TDM program will be monitored based on the requirements in the South San Francisco TDM Ordinance. The Project would comply with any future changes to the City’s monitoring and enforcement practices as described in its TDM Ordinance. Monitoring Methods Survey monitoring for Tier 3 and Tier 4 projects would apply to commute trips only. Participants are expected to provide a good faith effort in reducing non-commute trips, but these trips would only be monitored via vehicle trip counts. Survey Approach Participants have two options in administering a survey: 1. Administer a statistically valid survey sufficient to achieve a margin of error of +/- 3 percent at a 90 percent confidence interval, with documentation of the survey methods and calculations by an independent consultant to support the validity of the survey. 2. Administer an online survey with a minimum response rate of 75 percent of the employee population. The following survey language would be included in all mode share surveys based on guidance provided by the City of South San Francisco. The site’s TDM coordinator may expand upon this survey language to seek additional information as needed. 1. Which of the following best represents your employment at [location]? (check one) o Full-time Employee o Part-time Employee o Contract Employee 2. In what ZIP code is your home located? (enter 5-digit ZIP code; for example, 94901) ___[Fill in the blank]_______ o Prefer Not to Answer o If prefer not to answer: Approximately how many miles is it from your home to your office in South San Francisco? 3. In the past week, what time did you usually arrive to work (check one)? ____[Drop down in increments of 30 minutes, from 6 AM – 10AM, before 6AM, or after 10AM]_____ 16 4. In the past week, what time did you usually leave work (check one)? ____[Drop down in increments of 30 minutes, from 3 PM – 7PM, before 3PM, or after 7PM]_______ 5. In the past week, on which days did you use each of the following transportation modes to travel to work? If you used more than one mode, (e.g. you take Caltrain and then bicycle), identify the mode that was the longest part of your trip. Transportation Mode Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Drove a car or motorcycle alone Rode as a carpool passenger Drove a carpool with one or more other adults Vanpooled or Carpooled with 6 or more people Rode a bus, train, ferry, or other public transit Rode a Bicycle or Scooter Walked all the way Dropped off by a friend/family member Dropped off by Uber, Lyft, taxi, etc. Worked from home / telecommuted / worked offsite Did not work this day Other (please specify) 6. [Only ask if respondent answered transit] Which of the following services did you use last week? (Check all that apply) Ƒ Caltrain Ƒ BART Ƒ SamTrans Ƒ Ferry Ƒ Shuttle (shorter distance service to/from regional transit such as BART, Caltrain, or ferry) Ƒ Express bus (longer distance service to/from my home or a park & ride) 17 7. [Only ask if respondent answered carpool] If you travel by carpool, how many total people traveled with you to work (not including yourself)? o 1 other person o 2 other people o 3 other people o 4+ other people 8. [Only ask if respondent answered drive alone] What is the primary reason you choose to drive alone? ___[Fill in the blank]_______ Trip Cap Monitoring Trip cap compliance would be monitored via annual vehicle counts at the Project’s two driveways. Counts would be conducted by an independent vendor over a period of one week during which school is in session. Reporting As a Tier 4 project, the Project will be required to prepare and submit to the City an annual compliance form documenting the continued implementation of TDM measures, for the lifespan of the Project. In addition to the compliance form, survey results would be provided to the City in a standardized format as specified by staff. Formatted reports would be optional but not required. In order to calculate drive alone mode share, the TDM coordinator and City staff would sum the total number of trips completed via the following modes: • Drove a car or motorcycle alone • Dropped off by a friend/family member • Dropped off by Uber, Lyft, taxi, etc. • Non-responses if greater than 25 percent of the site’s employee population Trip counts would be included with the annual survey results and summarize total trips, AM peak period trips into the site (6:00 AM to 10:00 AM), and PM peak period trips out of the site (3:00 PM to 7:00 PM).In all instances, participants in the program must provide raw data to the City as part of their compliance package, including: 1. Respondent-level survey response data (deletion of columns containing emails or non-required fields is acceptable) 2. Count data as delivered by the contractor providing the counts for each location, with data separated into 15-minute increments or smaller. 3. Current employee population 18 Triennial Midday Parking Occupancy Survey In addition to annual surveys and trip counts, the Project shall prepare a midday parking occupancy count every three years per City Ordinance requirements. The parking occupancy survey shall be for informational purposes and is not associated with a performance target. Relationship to Parking Management Plan The Project has prepared a Parking Management Plan for its event center use. The Project would provide 50 parking spaces for the event center to accommodate about 11 percent of attendees as single- occupancy vehicles or up to 80 percent of attendees as four person carpools. The Parking Management Plan identifies several recommendations related to event planning and scheduling, trip planning assistance, valet parking, shuttle charters, and monitoring. The site’s TDM Coordinator would work with event sponsors to reduce drive alone trips consistent with the goals of the TDM Ordinance, particularly if events occur during peak periods when onsite parking supply and offsite roadway capacity is limited. Enforcement & Fines If the Project does not meet the required performance targets, the following penalties shall apply per the TDM Ordinance: ƒ First Violation: The City will direct the Project to modify its TDM program to achieve compliance. Modifications are likely to include adding or modifying TDM measures to increase mode shift. ƒ Second Violation: The City will direct the participant to coordinate with Commute.org or retain an independent consultant to identify additional program modifications to achieve compliance. Modifications are likely to include adding or modifying TDM measures to increase mode shift. ƒ Third Violation (and any subsequent violations): The City may assess a penalty per the City’s fee schedule. Penalties shall be assessed for each additional violation in subsequent years. The Project may appeal the decision to administer a penalty if special circumstances prevented meeting the required performance targets. 018135.0004 4864-3192-6885.4 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL P21-0117: DR22-0010, TDM22-0004, ND22-0001 and CB23-0001 800 DUBUQUE AVENUE (As recommended by City Staff to Planning Commission on June 15, 2023, and to City Council on July 12, 2023) PLANNING DIVISION REQUIREMENTS SHALL BE AS FOLLOWS: GENERAL 1. The project shall be constructed and operated substantially as indicated on the plan set prepared by Perkins & Will Architects, dated October 31, 2022, and approved by the Planning Commission in association with P21-0117 as amended by the conditions of approval. The final plans shall be subject to the review and approval of the City’s Chief Planner. 2. The construction drawings shall comply with the Planning Commission approved plans, as amended by the conditions of approval, including the plans prepared by Perkins & Will Architects, dated October 31, 2022. 3. Applicant shall submit a checklist showing compliance with Conditions of Approval with building permit plans. 4. Prior to issuance of any building or construction permits for the construction of public improvements, the final design for all public improvements shall be reviewed and approved by the City Engineer, Fire Marshal, and Chief Planner, or designee. 5. Prior to issuance of any building or construction permits for grading improvements, the applicant shall submit final grading plans for review and approval by the City Engineer and Chief Planner. 6. The project shall incorporate requirements and criteria related to the Comprehensive Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan (ALUCP), per SSFMC Section 20.300.003. 7. Any modification to the approved plans shall be subject to SSFMC Section 20.450.012 (“Modification”), whereby the Chief Planner may approve minor changes. All exterior design modifications, including any and all utilities, shall be presented to the Chief Planner for a determination. 8. Unless the use has commenced or related building permits have been issued within two (2) years of the date this permit is granted, this permit will automatically expire on that date, subject to any extensions provided under the Subdivision Map Act or other applicable law. A one-year 018135.0004 4864-3192-6885.4 permit extension may be granted in accordance with provisions of the SSFMC Chapter 20.450 (Common Procedures) 9. The permit shall not be effective for any purpose until the property owner or a duly authorized representative files a signed acceptance form, prior to the issuance of a building permit, stating that the property owner is aware of, and accepts, all of the conditions of the permit. 10. The permit shall be subject to revocation if the project is not operated in compliance with the conditions of approval. 11. Neither the granting of this permit nor any conditions attached thereto shall authorize, require or permit anything contrary to, or in conflict with any ordinances specifically named therein. 12. Prior to construction, all required building permits shall be obtained from the City’s Building Division. 13. Demolition of any existing structures on site will require demolition permits. 14. All conditions of the permit shall be completely fulfilled to the satisfaction of the affected City Departments and Planning and Building Divisions prior to occupancy of any building. 15. When submitting an application for building permits, the applicant shall demonstrate compliance with all Conditions of Approval and Mitigation Measures (if applicable). CONSTRUCTION 16. The applicant is responsible for maintaining site security prior to, and throughout the construction process. This includes installation of appropriate fencing, lighting, remote monitors, or on-site security personnel as needed. 17. The applicant is responsible for providing site signage during construction, which contains contact information for questions regarding the construction. 18. Prior to proceeding with exterior construction, the applicant shall provide a full-scale mockup of a section of exterior wall that shows the cladding materials and finishes, windows, trim, and any other architectural features of the building to fully illustrate building fenestration, subject to site inspection and approval by Planning Division staff. 19. After the building permits are approved, but before beginning construction, the owner/applicant shall hold a preconstruction conference with City Planning, Building, Fire and Engineering staff and other interested parties. The developer shall arrange for the attendance of the construction manager, contractor, and all relevant subcontractors. DESIGN REVIEW / SITE PLANNING 018135.0004 4864-3192-6885.4 20. All equipment (either roof, building, or ground-mounted) shall be screened from view through the use of integral architectural elements, such as enclosures or roof screens, and landscape screening or shall be incorporated inside the exterior building wall. Equipment enclosures and/or roof screens shall be painted to match the building. Prior to issuance of a building permit the applicant shall submit plans showing utility locations, stand-pipes, equipment enclosures, landscape screens, and/or roof screens for review and approval by the Chief Planner or designee. 21. Prior to issuance of any building or construction permits for landscaping improvements, the applicant shall submit final landscaping and irrigation plans for review and approval by the City’s Chief Planner. The plans shall include documentation of compliance with SSFMC Section 20.300.007, Landscaping. 22. Plant materials shall be replaced when necessary with the same species originally specified unless otherwise approved by the Chief Planner. 23. All landscape areas shall be watered via an automatic irrigation system which shall be maintained in fully operable condition at all times, and which complies with SSFMC Chapter 20.300 (Lot and Development Standards). 24. All planting areas shall be maintained by a qualified professional; the landscape shall be kept on a regular fertilization and maintenance program and shall be maintained weed free. 25. Plant materials shall be selectively pruned by a qualified arborist; no topping or excessive cutting-back shall be permitted. Tree pruning shall allow the natural branching structure to develop. 26. All landscaping installed within the public right-of-way by the property owner shall be maintained by the property owner. 27. Prior to issuance of certificate of occupancy, the applicant shall submit final landscaping and irrigation plans demonstrating compliance with the State’s Model Water Efficiency Landscaping Ordinance (MWELO), if applicable. a) Projects with a new aggregate landscape of 501 – 2,499 sq. ft. may comply with the prescriptive measures contained in Appendix D of the MWELO. b) Projects with a new aggregate landscape of 2,500 sq. ft. or greater must comply with the performance measures required by the MWELO. c) For all projects subject to the provisions of the MWELO, the applicant shall submit a Certificate of Completion to the City, upon completion of the installation of the landscaping and irrigation system. 018135.0004 4864-3192-6885.4 28. Prior to issuance of any building or construction permits, if the project is phased, the applicant shall submit interim and final phasing plans and minor modifications to interim and final phasing plans for review and approval by the Chief Planner, City Engineer, and Chief Building Official. 29. The applicant shall contact the South San Francisco Scavenger Company to properly size any required trash enclosures and work with staff to locate and design the trash enclosure in accordance with the SSFMC Section 20.300.014, Trash and Refuse Collection Areas. Applicant shall submit an approval letter from South San Francisco Scavenger to the Chief Planner prior to the issuance of building permits. 30. No actionable comments or recommendations were issued by the Design Review Board from their meeting of August 16, 2021. No further actions are required by the project to satisfy DRB Review Comments and Requirements. 31. Landscaped areas in the project area may contain trees defined as protected by the South San Francisco Tree Preservation Ordinance, Title 13, Chapter 13.30. Any removal or pruning of protected trees shall comply with the Tree Preservation Ordinance, and applicant shall obtain a permit for any tree removals or alterations of protected trees, and avoid tree roots during trenching for utilities. 32. The applicant shall install a three-inch diameter, PVC conduit along the project frontage, in the right-of-way, if any trenching is to take place, for the purpose of future fiber installation. Conduit shall have a pull rope or tape. A #8 stranded trace wire will be installed in the conduit or other trace wire system approved by the City. 33. Prior to receiving certificate of occupancy, the applicant shall install any street furniture, trash receptacles, and bicycle racks as shown on the plan set along the project sidewalk frontages. The Planning Division shall review and approve all street furniture, trash receptacles and bicycle rack options during the Building Permit process. 34. Permanent project signage is not included in project entitlements. Prior to installation of any project signage, the applicant shall submit an appropriate sign application per Chapter 20.360 of the Zoning Ordinance for review and approval. TRANSPORTATION / PARKING 35. A Parking and Traffic Control Plan for the construction of the project shall be submitted with the application for Building Permit, for review and approval by the Chief Planner and City Engineer. 018135.0004 4864-3192-6885.4 36. The applicant has prepared and submitted a Preliminary Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Plan. In accordance with South San Francisco Municipal Code Chapter 20.400, Transportation Demand Management, prior to issuance of a building permit for any tenant improvements the applicant shall submit a Final TDM Plan for review and approval by the Chief Planner. a) The Final TDM Plan shall include all mandatory elements included in the Ordinance and shall substantially reflect the Draft TDM Plan prepared by Fehr & Peers, dated March 6, 2023. b) The Final TDM Plan shall outline the required process for on-going monitoring, including annual surveys. The initial annual survey will be submitted one (1) year after the granting of a certificate of occupancy. The initial annual survey shall either: (1) state that the applicable property has achieved the targeted performance requirement (50 points for Tier 4 projects), providing supporting statistics and analysis to establish attainment of the goal; or (2) state that the applicable property has not achieved the targeted performance requirement (50 points for Tier 4 projects), providing an explanation of how and why the goal has not been reached, and a description of additional measures that will be adopted in the coming year to attain the TDM targeted performance requirement. c) The applicant shall be required to reimburse the City for program costs associated with monitoring and enforcing the TDM Program on an annual basis. The annual monitoring fee is $1,848.00 and is updated by the City Council on an annual basis. d) The Final TDM plan shall be subject to review and approval by the San Mateo City/County Association of Governments. 37. The Applicant shall participate in Commute.org’s Certified Development Program as part of the Project’s TDM Plan. 38. Annual monitoring of a site-specific trip cap would be conducted by the Applicant/Developer via annual vehicle counts at the Project’s two driveways. Counts would be conducted by an independent vendor over a period of one week during which school is in session. a. Proposed Trip Cap Information (per Draft TDM Plan March 6, 2023): The proposed trip cap is 1,680 peak period, peak direction vehicle trips, based on the calculations below (values rounded to the nearest 10): x 857,000 square feet / 300 square feet per employee = 2,860 employees x Target 50% drive-alone rate for employees: 50% x 2,860 employees = 1,430 vehicle trips 018135.0004 4864-3192-6885.4 x Target 12% carpool rate: 12% x 2,860 employees / 3 people per vehicle = 110 vehicle trips x 10% allowance for non-employee trips: 10% x 1,430 vehicle trips = 140 vehicle trips x Peak period trip cap: 1,430 + 110 + 140 = 1,680 vehicle trips 39. Prior to occupancy, provide clear signage on site for commercial and visitor parking areas to help direct vehicle traffic. 40. Once construction of an associated parking structure is complete, construction-related parking should be prioritized within the structure. IMPACT / DEVELOPMENT FEES **Fees are subject to annual adjustment, and will be calculated based on the fee in effect at the time that the payment of the fee is due and taking into account any applicable fee credits. The fees included in the Conditions of Approval are estimates, based on the fees in place at the time of project approval.** 1. CHILDCARE IMPACT FEE: Prior to issuance of the first building permit, the applicant shall pay any applicable childcare fees in accordance with South San Francisco Municipal Code Chapter 20.310. This fee is subject to annual adjustment. Based on the plans approved by the City Council on July 12, 2023, the childcare impact fee estimate for the project is: Non-Residential Uses: - Office / R&D: $1.51/SF x 865,036 SF = $1,306,204.36 2. PARKS AND RECREATION IMPACT FEE: Prior to issuance of the first building permit, the applicant shall pay the Parkland Acquisition Fee and Parkland Construction Fee in accordance with South San Francisco Municipal Code Chapter 8.67. The fee is subject to annual adjustment. Based on the plans reviewed and approved by the City Council on July 12, 2023, the park fee estimate for the project is: Non-Residential Uses: - Office / R&D: $3.54/SF x 865,036 SF = $3,062,227.44 - Administration Fee: $700 3. CITYWIDE TRANSPORTATION FEE: Prior to issuance of the first building permit, the applicant shall pay applicable transportation impact fees in accordance with South San Francisco Municipal Code Chapter 8.73. The fee is subject to annual adjustment. Based on the plans reviewed and approved by the City Council on July 12, 2023, the citywide transportation fee estimate for the project is: Non-Residential Uses: - Office / R&D: $34.85/SF x 865,036 SF = $30,146,504.60 018135.0004 4864-3192-6885.4 4. COMMERCIAL LINKAGE FEE: Prior to issuance of the first building permit, the applicant shall pay the applicable commercial linkage fee in accordance with South San Francisco Municipal Code Chapter 8.69, based on the current fee for each applicable land use category. The fee shall be calculated based on the fee schedule in effect at the time the building permit is issued. Based on the plans reviewed and approved by the City Council dated July 12, 2023, the commercial linkage fee estimate for the project is: Commercial Uses: - Office / R&D: $17.38/SF x 865,036 SF = $15,034,325.70 5. PUBLIC SAFEY IMPACT FEE: Prior to issuance of the first building permit for the development, the applicant shall pay applicable Public Safety Impact Fees in accordance with South San Francisco Municipal Code Chapter 8.75. The fee shall be calculated based on the fee schedule in effect at the time the building permit is issued. Based on the plans reviewed and approved by the City Council on July 12, 2023, the Public Safety Impact Fee for the project is: Non-Residential Uses: - Office / R&D: $1.31/SF x 865,036 SF = $1,133,197.16 6. LIBRARY IMPACT FEE: Prior to issuance of the certificate of occupancy for the development, whichever is earlier, the applicant shall pay applicable Library Impact Fee in accordance with South San Francisco Municipal Code Chapter 8.74. The fee is subject to annual adjustment. Based on the plans approved by the City Council on July 12, 2023, the Library Impact Fee for the project is: Non-Residential Uses: - Office / R&D: $0.14/SF x 865,036 SF = $121,105.04 7. SCHOOL DISTRICT FEE: Prior to the issuance of a building permit for commercial/industrial projects, the City shall require proof of payment of this fee to SSFUSD. Based on the plans reviewed and approved by the City Council on July 12, 2023, the school district fee estimate for the project is: - Commercial / Industrial Uses: $0.61/SF x 865,036 SF = $527,671.96 8. PUBLIC ART: All non-residential development is subject to the Public Art Requirement, per South San Francisco Municipal Code Chapter 8.76 (Ordinance 1613-2020). The public art requirement for this project will be satisfied through: 018135.0004 4864-3192-6885.4 - Every non-residential development project shall provide qualifying public art with a value equal to not less than 1% of construction costs for acquisition and installation of public art on the development site. - A non-residential development project may elect to make a public art contribution payment in an amount not less than 0.5% of construction costs into the public art fund, in lieu of acquisition and installation of public art on the development project site. 9. Community Benefits Program Fee. Per SSFMC Section 20.395, the Community Benefits Fee is assessed on the proposed FAR from 1.0 to the maximum proposed at 3.3. The established fee is $20 / SF. Based on the plans reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission on June 15, 2023, the Community Benefits Fee estimate for this project is: - Office / R&D: $20/SF x (1.0 – 3.3 FAR or 613,419 GSF) = $12,268,380 FAR Gross Square Footage CB Fee ($20 per GSF) 0 – 1.0 FAR 251,617 sq ft - 1.0 – 2.5 FAR 629,042 sq ft (ǻ 377,425 sq ft) $7,548,500 2.5 – 3.3 FAR 865,036 sq ft (ǻ 235,994 sq ft) $4,719,880 ENVIRONMENTAL MITIGATION MEASURES / CEQA 1. The applicant shall implement and comply with all applicable mitigation measures outlined in the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP) for the Initial Study / Mitigated Negative Declaration (ND22-0001). COMMUNITY BENEFITS PROGRAM In accordance with SSFMC Section 20.395 (Community Benefits Program), the Applicant has proposed a number of community benefits, subject to review by the City Council. In order to capture the proposed community benefits, the proposal is memorialized in these Conditions of Approval. The timing of any proposed payments/actions are listed, as applicable. I. Proposed Direct Community Benefits A. Funding Contributions. The Applicant proposes to make a monetary contribution to the City, in accordance with the City’s recently adopted Community Benefits Fee, in the amount of $4,742,500. This contribution will be provided prior to issuance of building permits for vertical construction. B. Publicly Accessible Plazas. The Project includes approximately 35,315 square feet of plaza space that will be publicly accessible during business hours with well- appointed landscaping beyond City code requirements, outdoor furniture, special paving and lighting to enhance the comfort and usability of these spaces. Publicly accessible spaces will be visible from the public right of way and/or signage will be provided to indicate the spaces are available for public use. 018135.0004 4864-3192-6885.4 The City has indicated that it will consider 40% of the cost of these plazas as a public benefit, at a value of approximately $2,620,000. C. Enhanced Connectivity and Access. The Applicant proposes to improve public access and connectivity around the Project site by installing new landscaping and sidewalk improvements, as well as facilitating vehicular and pedestrian connections to the Caltrain Station, with ample lighting for safety. We understand that the City will consider 35% of this estimated cost— approximately $3,727,500— as a community benefit, in accordance with the priorities set forth in Zoning Ordinance Section 20.395.004(B). a. If these improvements are not possible due to external factors that are not within the Applicant’s control, the Applicant will instead submit a proposal for equivalent alternative pedestrian improvements or appropriate replacement, subject to the Chief Planner’s review and approval. Submittal requirements will include an in-kind valuation, site plan, and specifications for any proposed improvements. A financial contribution may be permitted if equivalent on-site improvements are not possible. D. Building Electrification. The Applicant has committed to 100% electric buildings, furthering the City’s Climate Action Plan goals by avoiding use of natural gas; we understand that the City will consider 30% of the added upfront cost— approximately $1,530,000—as a community benefit toward mitigating the impacts of sea level rise. E. Community Benefits Summary. Funding Contribution $4,742,500 Publicly Accessible Plazas $2,620,000 Enhanced Connectivity & Access $3,727,500 Green Building/Electrification $1,530,000 TOTAL $12,620,000 II. Community Facilities District The Applicant agrees to support City’s formation of a Community Facilities District (CFD) serving land within the East of 101 area, and generally as established within the parameters described in the City Manager’s presentation of October 2, 2019 on this topic (“2019 Presentation”), provided that (i) the Project’s maximum CFD assessment rate does not exceed one dollar ($1.00) per square foot of assessable real property, and (ii) the Project’s maximum CFD assessment rate does not exceed the rate assessed against other office/R&D properties in the East of 101 area. Subject to this commitment, Applicant shall not be prohibited from participating in public hearings, negotiations, or other communications regarding the formation of the CFD or the facilities and/or services proposed to be funded by CFD proceeds. III. Summary of Additional Benefits and Commitments The Project incorporates additional features and the Applicant has made certain commitments to further benefit the community. Some of these commitments overlap with the community benefits 018135.0004 4864-3192-6885.4 outlined in Part I and are included here for completeness. Others do not qualify as community benefits but are sizable and therefore worth identifying for the record. Most notably, we have committed to utilizing union labor, including local hire, for mechanical, plumbing, electrical, shoring/dewatering, and electrical skin. We estimate the total cost is $46,400,000, and that the difference in costs between using labor vs non-union labor is roughly 12–14%. As outlined above, the Project will be fully electrified to further the City’s Climate Action Plan goals at a total cost of $5,100,000. Additional green building design elements associated with achieving LEED Gold Certification and Fitwel cost a total of $11,100,000. Additional physical improvements of note include: x On-site public art installation to satisfy the City’s public art requirement that is valued at approximately $6,500,000. x Streetscape improvements, consisting of improvements to sidewalks, crosswalks, curb ramps, curbs and gutters, undergrounding existing utility lines, stormwater features, street trees and landscaping along the Project’s Dubuque Avenue frontage, at a cost of $7,100,000. x Four-level subterranean parking structure, which significantly improves the Project’s aesthetics relative to above-ground parking, at a cost of approximately $190,000,000. For questions regarding Planning Division COAs, please contact: Christopher Espiritu (650) 877-8535 or [email protected] CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL (CONTINUED) P21-0117: DR22-0010, TDM22-0004, ND22-0001, and CB23-0001 800 DUBUQUE AVENUE (As recommended by City Staff to Planning Commission on June 15, 2023, and to City Council on July 12, 2023) ENGINEERING DIVISION The Conditions of Approval are general conditions that apply to the proposed project and are based on the set of plans submitted by Perkins and Will dated October 31, 2022 for the above referenced City Permit number: including supplemental documents. Below are the conditions that apply to the subject permit, which may overlap with any standard development conditions – these conditions are subject to change. Permits 1. At the time of each permit submittal, the Applicant shall submit a deposit for each of the following permit reviews and processing: a. Building Permit plan check and civil review. Provide an engineer’s estimate or opinion of probable cost of on-site improvements for deposit amount calculation. b. Hauling/Grading plan check and permit processing. Provide Cubic Yards for deposit amount calculation. c. Encroachment for Public Improvements plan check and permit processing. Provide an engineer’s estimate or opinion of probable cost of ROW improvements for fees and deposits amount calculation. 2. A Grading Permit is required for grading over 50 cubic yards and if 50 cubic yards or more of soil is exported and/or imported. The Applicant shall pay all permit and inspection fees, as well as any deposits and/or bonds required to obtain said permits. The Grading Permit requires several documents to be submitted for the City’s review and approval. The Grading Permit Application, Checklist and Requirements may be found on the City website at http://www.ssf.net/departments/public-works/engineering-division. 3. A Hauling Permit shall be required for excavations and off-haul or on-haul, per Engineering requirements; should hauling of earth occur prior to grading. Otherwise, hauling conditions would be included with the grading permit. Hauling Permit may be found on the City website at: http://www.ssf.net/departments/public-works/engineering-division. 4. The Applicant shall submit a copy of their General Construction Activity Storm Water Permit Notice of Intent and Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP), where required by State or Federal regulations, to the Engineering Division for our information. These documents shall be submitted prior to receiving a grading or building permit for the subject project. 5. The City of South San Francisco is mandated by the State of California to divert sixty-five percent (65%) of all solid waste from landfills either by reusing or recycling. To help meet this goal, a city ordinance requires completion of a Waste Management Plan (“WMP”) for covered building projects identifying how at least sixty-five percent (65%) of non-inert project waste materials and one hundred percent (100%) of inert materials (“65/100”) will be diverted from the landfill through recycling and salvage. The Contractor shall submit a WMP application and fee payment prior to the issuance of a building or grading permit. 6. An Encroachment Permit is required for any work proposed within the public right-of-way. The Applicant shall pay all permit, plan check, and inspection fees, as well as, any deposits and/or bonds required to obtain said permits. 7. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the Applicant shall submit written evidence from the County or State Regulators in charge, indicating that the site is cleared of hazardous materials and hazardous groundwater to a level that poses no impacts to human health. The Applicant shall also confirm that any existing groundwater monitoring wells on the project site have been properly closed and/or relocated as necessary as approved by the County or State Regulators in charge. Plan Submittal 8. The Applicant shall submit detailed plans printed to PDF and combined into a single electronic file, with each being stamped and digitally signed by a Professional Engineer registered in the State of California. Incorporated within the construction plans shall be applicable franchise utility installation plans, stamped and signed and prepared by the proper authority. Plans shall include the following sheets; Cover, Separate Note Sheet, Existing Conditions, Demolition Plan, Grading Plan, Horizontal Plan, Striping and Signage Plan, Utility Plan(s), Detail Sheet(s), Erosion Control Plan, and Landscape Plans, (grading, storm drain, erosion control, and landscape plans are for reference only and shall not be reviewed during this submittal). 9. Prior to building permit issuance, the Applicant shall obtain a grading permit with the Engineering Division and shall submit an application, all documentation, fees, deposits, bonds and all necessary paperwork needed for the grading permit. The Applicant shall submit a grading plan that clearly states the amount of cut and fill required to grade the project. The Grading Plans shall include the following plans: Cover, Notes, Existing Conditions, Grading Plans, Storm Drain Plans, Stormwater Control Plan, and Erosion Control Plan. 10. Prior to building permit issuance, the Applicant shall obtain an Encroachment Permit for all proposed work within the City ROW and shall submit an application, all documentation, fees, deposits, bonds and all necessary paperwork needed for the Encroachment Permit. Applicant shall prepare and submit a separate Public Improvement Plan set that shall include only the scope of work within the City ROW (with reference to the on-site plans) consisting of the following plans: Civil Plans, Landscape Plans, and Joint Trench Plans. An engineer’s cost estimate for the scope of work shown on the approved Public Improvement Plans is required to determine the performance and payment bond amount. The submittal of the bonds is required prior to the execution of the Improvement Agreement. 11. All improvements shall be designed by a registered civil engineer and approved by the Engineering Division. 12. The Engineering Division reserves the right to include additional conditions during review of the building permit, grading permit, or encroachment permit. Easements and Agreements 13. The Applicant shall dedicate to the City an Emergency Vehicle Access Easement along the perimeter of the project site to the satisfaction of the Fire Marshall. 14. The Applicant shall dedicate to the City, an irrevocable offer for a Public Street and Utility Easement along the entire project frontage on Dubuque Avenue to accommodate the widening of the street for the purpose of installing a south bound left turn pocket and public sidewalk. 15. The Applicant shall dedicate to the City, an irrevocable offer for a traffic signal easement as needed to accommodate traffic signal poles and equipment for the future installation of a traffic signal on Dubuque Avenue and the southern project driveway. 16. All required irrevocable offers of public easement dedications to the City on the project site shall be accepted by the City and recorded with the San Mateo County Recorder’s Office prior to the issuance of a Building Permit. 17. Applicant shall submit all documents required for review of easement dedications as a separate application from the improvement plans. Prior to the approval of any Permits, the Applicant shall enter into an Improvement Agreement and Encroachment and Maintenance Agreement with the City. These agreements shall be approved by City Council prior to execution. a. The Improvement Agreement shall require the Applicant to ensure the faithful performance of the design, construction, installation and inspection of all public improvements as reviewed and approved by the Engineering Division at no cost to the City and shall be secured by good and sufficient payment, performance, and one (1) year warranty bonds or cash deposit adequate to cover all of the costs, inspections and administrative expenses of completing such improvements in the event of a default. The value of the bonds or cash deposit shall include 110% of the cost of construction based on prevailing wage rates. The value of the warranty bond or cash deposit shall be equivalent to 10% of the value of the performance security. b. The Encroachment and Maintenance Agreement shall require the Applicant to maintain any street furniture that serves the property and all landscape within the project frontage at no cost to the City. The Encroachment and Maintenance Agreement shall be recorded with the San Mateo County Recorder and may be transferred to the property owner. c. The Applicant shall enter into an Agreement with the City that obligates the property owner to install a traffic signal at the intersection of Dubuque Avenue and the southern project driveway, in the future when the intersection meets Traffic Signal Warrants, per the requirements of Condition of Approval 24 below. 18. Applicant shall pay for all Engineering Division deposits and fees required for any engineering application prior to review. Right-of-Way 19. Prior to building permit issuance and prior to any work within the City Right-of-Way, the Applicant shall obtain an Encroachment Permit from the Engineering Division. All new public improvements required to accommodate the development shall be installed at no cost to the City and shall be approved by the City Engineer and constructed to City Standards. All new public improvements shall be completed prior to Final Occupancy of the project or prior any Temporary Occupancy as approved by the City Engineer. 20. Prior to Building Permit issuance, the Applicant shall submit a video survey of Dubuque Avenue to determine the pre-construction condition of the streets at no cost to the City. The Applicant will be responsible to ensure that the condition of the streets and striping is in at least existing condition or better after construction is completed. 21. The Applicant shall install a stop sign for vehicles exiting the northern project driveway onto Dubuque Avenue. 22. The Applicant shall widen Dubuque Avenue along the entire project frontage to create a left turn pocket for southbound Dubuque Avenue traffic heading into the southern project driveway. The Applicant shall use commercially reasonable efforts to acquire right-of-way from the adjacent property owner to the south of the 800 Dubuque site, to accommodate a northbound merge lane on Dubuque Avenue for the transition from two lanes to three. The limits of the required right-of-way acquisition shall be determined by the Applicant as part of the off-site improvement design and shall include all land title research necessary to prepare a property appraisal. The Applicant shall prepare all mapping documents and prepare a property appraisal of the land needed for the right-of-way acquisition. The Applicant shall also construct the northbound merge lane on Dubuque Avenue within the limits of the acquired right-of-way. If the Applicant is not successful in acquiring the property without City involvement, then the City, at its option, may move forward with the property acquisition at the Applicant’s expense (including all administrative and legal expenses to the City for moving forward with the acquisition). 23. The Applicant shall prepare the design for a traffic signal on Dubuque Avenue at the intersection of the southern project driveway, to be constructed if and when the intersection meets Traffic Signal Warrants in the future. The design shall incorporate all planned sidewalk and utility installations to be constructed with the development and identify any public traffic signal easements that may be needed to accommodate the signal installation. 24. The Applicant shall paint a “Keep Clear” stencil on northbound Dubuque Avenue in front of the Costco parking lot driveway entrance. 25. The Applicant shall use commercially reasonable efforts to coordinate with the adjacent property owner to the south to remove any line-of-site obstructions (vegetation, utility poles, and signs) within the clear line of sight triangle for the project driveway. 26. The Applicant shall reconstruct the curb, gutter, and sidewalk along the Dubuque Avenue frontage of the project site. 27. The Applicant shall perform base repairs and provide a 2-inch grind and overlay (edge of pavement to edge of pavement) of the asphalt concrete pavement on the property’s frontages on Dubuque Avenue. 28. The Applicant shall install ADA curb ramps and detectable warnings at frontage driveways per the City Standards. 29. The Applicant shall install street lighting along the project frontage on Dubuque Avenue. The light poles and fixtures shall be ornamental streetlights to match City Standards. 30. Upon completion of construction and landscape work at the site, the Applicant shall clean, repair or reconstruct, at their expense, as required to conform to City Standards, all public improvements including driveways, curbs, gutters, sidewalks and street pavements along the street frontages of the property to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Damage to adjacent property caused by the Applicant, or their contractors or subcontractors, shall be repaired to the satisfaction of the affected property owner and the City Engineer, at no cost to the City or to the property owner. 31. The Applicant shall be responsible for maintaining all street trees and landscaped irrigation systems installed within the Public right-of-way. 32. Prior to the issuance of an Encroachment Permit, the Applicant shall provide an engineer’s estimate for all work performed with in the public right-of-way and submit a bond equal to 110% of the estimate. 33. Prior to the issuance of an Encroachment Permit, the Applicant shall submit Traffic and Pedestrian Control Plans for proposed work on any area of work that will obstruct the existing pedestrian walkways. 34. No private foundation or private retaining wall support shall extend into the City Right-of-Way without express approval from the Engineering Department. Applicant shall design any bioretention area or flow-through planters adjacent to the property line such that the facility and all foundations do not encroach within the City Right-of-Way or into an adjacent parcel. 35. Applicant shall ensure that any pavement markings impacted during construction are restored and upgraded to meet City standards current to the time of Encroachment Permit approval. 36. All permanent or temporary structural supports (retaining walls and tiebacks, etc.) that are proposed within the public right-of-way shall be subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. Any tiebacks, if approved by the City Engineer, shall conform to the City’s Tieback Policy including the issuance of a Tieback License Agreement approved by the City Council and recorded at the San Mateo County Recorder’s office. 37. Any work within the public sidewalk and/or obstructing pedestrian routes shall require pedestrian routing plans along with traffic control plans. Temporary lane or sidewalk closures shall be approved by the City Engineer and by the Construction Coordination Committee (if within the CCC influence area). For any work affecting the sidewalks or pedestrian routes greater than 2 days in duration, the adjacent parking lane or adjacent travel lane shall be closed and temporary vehicle barriers placed to provide a protected pedestrian corridor. Temporary ramps shall be constructed to connect the pedestrian route from the sidewalk to the street if no ramp or driveway is available to serve that purpose. 38. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the Applicant shall coordinate with Scavenger and submit all garbage related plans. Stormwater 39. The Applicant shall submit to the City Engineer a storm drainage and hydraulic study for the fully improved development analyzing existing conditions and post-development conditions. The study shall confirm that the proposed development will meet the goal of reducing peak runoff by 15% based on a 25-year, 5-minute design storm for each drainage basin. Methods for reducing stormwater flow shall include stormwater storage on-site if necessary. The study shall also evaluate the capacity of each new storm drain installed as part of the development. Precipitation shall be based on NOAA Atlas 14 data for the site. The study shall be submitted to the City Engineer for review and approval. 40. On-site storm drainage conveyance systems shall be designed to accommodate the 10-year design storm. Precipitation used for the hydraulic analysis shall be based on NOAA Atlas 14 data for the project site. Storm duration shall be equal to the time of concentration with an initial minimum of 10 minutes. 41. Hydraulic Grade lines shall not be less than 1 foot from the ground surface. 42. Runoff Coefficients used for hydraulic calculations shall be as follows: a. Pervious areas—0.35 b. Impervious areas—0.95 43. Drainage runoff shall not be allowed to flow across lot lines or across property boundaries onto adjacent private property without an appropriate recorded easement being provided for this purpose. 44. All off-site drainage facilities required by the City Engineer to accommodate the runoff from the development shall be provided by the Applicant at no cost to the City. 45. All building downspouts shall be connected to rigid pipe roof leaders which shall discharge into an approved drainage device or facility that meets the C3 stormwater treatment requirements of Municipal Regional Permit. 46. All storm drainage runoff shall be discharged into a pipe system or concrete gutter. Runoff shall not be surface drained into surrounding private property or public streets. 47. Existing on-site drains that are not adequately sized to accommodate run-off from the fully developed property and upstream drainage basin shall be improved as required by the Applicant’s civil engineering consultant’s plans and specifications as approved by the City Engineer. These on- site improvements shall be installed at no cost to the City. 48. The on-site storm drainage system shall not be dedicated to the City for ownership or maintenance. The storm drainage system and any storm water pollutions control devices within the property shall be owned, repaired, and maintained by the property owner. Sanitary Sewer 49. Applicant shall perform a CCTV video inspection of the existing sanitary sewer on the east side of the site. Video must be submitted to City Engineering for review as part of the improvement plans submittal and shall confirm the condition of the existing sewer pipe and the number of existing sewer laterals serving the project site that must be abandoned. 50. The Applicant shall abandon all existing private sewer laterals from the project site connected to the sanitary sewer system. The number of sewer laterals to be abandoned shall be shown on the plans and shall be confirmed by the review of a video inspection of the private sanitary sewer main. 51. The Applicant shall submit a sewer capacity study to determine how the project impacts the existing public sewer main along the eastern side of the project site to the existing sewer main on the east side of the railroad right-of-way on Poletti Way. The study shall account for flows from all parcels connected to the existing sewer mains and any potential future flows based on known proposals for development. Sanitary sewer mains shall comply with the Design Criteria defined in the Sanitary Sewer Master Plan (July 2022). The sewer capacity study shall be submitted for review and approval to the Engineering Division. 52. The Applicant shall be responsible to upsize or rehabilitate all deficient public sanitary sewer mains as recommended in the approved Sewer Capacity Study. Said deficient sewer mains are anticipated to include the existing 8-inch sewer main along the eastern side of the project site (upsized to 10- inch pipe) and the rehabilitation of the existing 12-inch sewer main crossing the Union Pacific Railroad right-of-way to Poletti Way.. 53. The Applicant shall install the new sewer laterals to City Standards. 54. Sanitary Sewer plan shall show all existing and proposed utilities. Be sure to provide minimum horizontal and vertical clearances for all existing and proposed utilities. Also include all existing and proposed manhole, catch basin and pipe invert elevations. 55. All utility crossings shall be potholed, verified and shown on the plans prior to the building permit submittal. 56. The on-site sanitary sewer system/plumbing shall be designed and installed in accordance with the Uniform Plumbing Code, as amended and adopted by the City, and in accordance with the requirements of the South San Francisco Building Division. 57. Each on-site sanitary sewer manhole and cleanout shall be accessible to maintenance personnel and equipment via pathway or driveways as appropriate. Each maintenance structure shall be surrounded by a level pad of sufficient size to provide a safe work area. 58. The on-site sanitary sewer system up to the public sanitary sewer manhole connection shall not be dedicated to the City for maintenance. The sanitary sewer facilities within the property shall be repaired and maintained by the property owner. Dry Utilities 59. The Applicant shall underground the overhead utilities on the Dubuque Avenue frontage of the project site. The southern limits of said undergrounding shall be the south side of the existing northerly driveway for 700 Dubuque Avenue, if commercially feasible, in order to improve site distance for vehicles that exit the southern driveway for the 800 Dubuque Avenue project site and to provide for a future merge lane on Dubuque Avenue to accommodate the lane transition for Northbound Dubuque Avenue from two lanes to three lanes in front of the 800 Dubuque Site. 60. All electrical and communication lines serving the property, shall be placed underground within the property being developed and to the nearest overhead facility or underground utility vault. Pull boxes, junction structures, vaults, valves, and similar devices shall not be installed within pedestrian walkway areas. 61. The Applicant shall install a 3-inch diameter spare conduit with pull boxes and pull rope for future fiber optic cable installation in the joint trench on Dubuque Avenue Domestic Water 62. The Applicant shall coordinate with the California Water Service (Calwater) for all water-related issues. All water mains and services shall be installed to the standards of the Calwater. 63. The Applicant shall install fire hydrants at the locations specified by the Fire Marshal. Installation shall be in accordance with City Standards as administered by the Fire Marshal. On-site Improvements 64. Internal driveways shall be a minimum of 15-feet wide for one-way travel and 20-feet wide of for areas subject to two-way travel. One-way travel lanes within the site shall be clearly posted and marked appropriately. Where two-way travel ways are between 20-feet and 25-feet wide, the applicant shall provide vehicle turning diagrams or other evidence to show that there is sufficient maneuvering space for fire vehicles. 65. Staging or storing of trash bins shall not be permitted on Public right-of-way or on-site within the Emergency Vehicle Access Easement. 66. The Applicant shall submit a construction access plan that clearly identifies all areas of proposed access during the proposed development. 67. Prior to receiving a Certificate of Occupancy form the Building Division, the Applicant shall require its Civil Engineer to inspect the finished grading surrounding the building and to provide the City a memo that confirms the site conforms to the approved site plan and that there is positive drainage away from the exterior of the building. The Applicant shall make any modifications to the grading, drainage, or other improvements required by the project engineer to conform to intent of his plans. 68. The Applicant shall submit a proposed workplan and intended methodologies to ensure any existing structures on or along the development’s property line are protected during proposed activities. 69. All common areas are to be landscaped and irrigated and shall meet the requirements of the City’s Water Efficiency Landscape Ordinance (WELO). Submit landscape, drainage and grading plans for review and approval by the Engineering Division. 70. Any monument signs to be installed for the project shall be located completely on private property and shall not encroach into the City’s right-of-way. The Developer shall ensure that placement of the monument signs do not obstruct clear lines of sight for vehicles entering or exiting the site. Grading 71. The recommendations contained within the geotechnical report shall be included in the Site Grading and Drainage Plan. The Site Grading and Drainage Plan shall be prepared by the developer’s civil engineer and approved by the project geotechnical engineer. 72. During grading operations, the entire project site shall be adequately treated with water to prevent dust or sprayed with an effect dust palliative to prevent dust from being blown into the air and carried onto adjacent private and public property. Dust control shall be for seven days a week and 24 hours a day. Should any problems arise from dust, the developer shall hire an environmental inspector at his/her expense to ensure compliance with the grading permit. 73. Haul roads within the City of South San Francisco that are used by vehicles entering and exiting the site shall be cleaned daily, or more often, as required by the City Engineer, of all dirt and debris spilled or tracked onto City streets or private driveways. 74. The Applicant shall submit a winterization plan for all undeveloped areas within the site to control silt and stormwater runoff from entering adjacent public or private property. This plan shall be submitted to the City Engineer for review and approval prior to September 1 of each year. The approved plan shall be implemented prior to November 1 of each year. 75. Prior to placing any foundation concrete, the Applicant shall hire a licensed land surveyor or civil engineer authorized to practice land surveying to certify that the new foundation forms conform with all setbacks from confirmed property lines as shown on the Plans. A letter certifying the foundation forms shall be submitted to the Engineering Division for approval. 76. The applicant is required by ordinance to provide for public safety and the protection of public and private property in the vicinity of the land to be graded from the impacts of the proposed grading work. 77. All hauling and grading operations are restricted to between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. for residential areas and 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. for industrial/commercial areas, Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. 78. Grading in excess of 200 cubic yards to be accomplished between November 1 and May 1 of each year shall require City Engineer approval of an Erosion Control Plan and SWPPP. Engineering Impact Fees 79. The Applicant shall pay the following Fees prior to receiving a Building Permit for the subject project: a) The Oyster Point Interchange Impact Fee per the formula established by Resolution 71-84. b) The Citywide Transportation Impact Fee per the formula established by Resolution 84- 2007 c) The East of 101 Sewer Impact Fee per the formula established by Resolution 97-2002 Complete the Impact Fee Calculator and submit for verification and approval by the City: https://www.ssf.net/home/showpublisheddocument?id=21781 also available on the City’s website or by requesting from staff. For any questions concerning Engineering COAs, please contact the Engineering Division at 650-829-6652 POLICE DEPARMENT All construction must conform to South San Francisco Municipal Code Chapter 15.48.070 Minimum security standards for non-residential buildings, (Ord. 1477 § 1C, 2013; Ord. 1166 § 1, 1995) 15.48.085 Additional Security Measures May Be Required Per South San Francisco Municipal Code 15.48.085 -Additional Security Measures, the following conditions will also be required: 1) The applicant shall install and maintain a system allowing first responders to enter the building(s) by means of a code to be entered into a keypad or similar input device. A permanent code shall be issued to the Police Department. Physical keys or electronic access cards will not satisfy this requirement. Please note this is separate from the Fire Department’s “Knoxbox” requirement. This access must be provided at two entry points, each on a different side of the building to allow first responders a tactical advantage when entering. Should the Applicant propose any commercially reasonable alternative, review and approval shall be conducted by the Police Chief, or designee, prior to the issuance of a building permit. 2) The hardware design of any double doorways shall prevent any doors from being secured in a closed position to either another door or a fixed object within four feet of any door by means of a rope, cable, chain, or similar item. This is to prevent malicious prevention of egress and/or ingress by building occupants or first responders. Pay particular attention to all glass doorways. See possible samples below. Acceptable: Unacceptable: 3) All exterior doorways shall be illuminated during darkness by a white light source that has full cut- off and is of pedestrian scale. 4) All interior common and service areas, such as the garage, bicycle storage area, fire escapes, etc., shall be always illuminated with a white light source that is controlled by a tamperproof switch, or a switch located in an inaccessible location to passers-by. 5) The landing at the lowest level of service staircases, such as those in the garage area or fire escapes, shall have some mechanism, such as fencing and/or a gate, to prevent access to those areas where a person could conceal themselves and/or loiter in said area. The fencing and/or gate shall be at least six feet tall and constructed in a manner that makes it difficult to climb. The fencing and/or gate shall be roughly flush with the lowest step to provide maximum access restriction to the area to the side or of underneath the stairs. Please see below examples. 6) Any exterior bicycle racks installed shall be of an inverted “U” design, or other design that allows two different locking points on each bicycle. 7) Any publicly accessible benches shall be of a design that prevents persons from lying on them, such as a center railing. 8) Any publicly accessible power outlets shall be of a design that prevents their access or use during those hours the business is normally closed. If physical locking covers are used, they must be made of metal, not plastic, and locks must be installed prior to inspection. 9) Any publicly accessible raised edge surfaces, such as retaining walls, concrete benches, handrails, or railings, shall be of a design that prevents or discourages skateboard use on those surfaces. 10) The mature height of all shrubbery shall be no higher than three feet, if so, it shall be maintained at a maximum height of three feet, and tree canopies shall be no lower than six feet above grade. 11) The applicant shall install and maintain a camera surveillance system that conforms to the minimum technical specifications of South San Francisco Municipal Code Chapter 8.66.050 Minimum technological standards, (Ord. 1515, 2016). The video surveillance cameras will be used as a crime deterrent and assist with the identification and apprehension of criminals if a crime is committed on the property. Enough cameras shall be installed to provide adequate coverage for the intended space. Cameras shall be placed minimally in the following locations: x All exterior entrances/exits x Garage area (providing coverage to entire parking area) x Bicycle storage area x Main lobby of building x Loading docks The Police Department requires acknowledgement of these comments to include specific locations in the plans where the applicable change requests have been made. The Police Department reserves the right to review and comment upon the submission of revised and updated plans. For questions concerning Police Department COAs, please contact Mike Toscano at [email protected] or (650) 877-8927. WATER QUALITY CONTROL DIVISION The following items must be included in the plans or are requirements of the Water Quality Control Stormwater and/or Pretreatment Programs and must be completed prior to the issuance of a building permit: 1. Storm drains must be protected during construction. Discharge of any demolition/construction debris or water to the storm drain system is prohibited. 2. Do not use gravel bags for erosion control in the street or drive aisles. Drains in street must have inlet and throat protection of a material that is not susceptible to breakage from vehicular traffic. 3. No floatable bark shall be used in landscaping. Only fibrous mulch or pea gravel is allowed. 4. After 7/1/19, Demolition Projects must complete a PCBs Screening Assessment Form (attached and available in Building Division). If screening determines the building(s) is an applicable structure, the Protocol for Evaluating PCBs-Containing Materials before Building Demolition shall be followed. 5. As site falls in a Moderate Trash Generation area per South San Francisco’s ATTACHED Trash Generation Map (http://www.flowstobay.org/content/municipal-trash-generation- maps), determined by the Water Quality Control Division: -Regional Water Quality Control Board-approved full trash capture devices must be installed to treat the stormwater drainage from the site. -At a minimum, a device must be installed before the onsite drainage enters the City’s public stormwater system (i.e. trash capture must take place no farther downstream than the last private stormwater drainage structure on the site). -An Operation & Maintenance Agreement will be required to be recorded with San Mateo County, ensuring the device(s) will be properly maintained. -A full trash capture system is any single device or series of devices that traps all particles retained by a 5 mm mesh screen and has a design treatment capacity of not less than the peak flow rate resulting from a one-year, one-hour storm in the sub-drainage area or designed to carry at least the same flow as the storm drain connected to the inlet. 6. Roof leaders/gutters must NOT be plumbed directly to storm drains; they shall discharge to stormwater treatment devices or landscaping first. 7. Fire sprinkler test drainage must be plumbed to sanitary sewer and be clearly shown on plans. 8. Trash enclosure shall be covered (roof, canopy) and contained (wall/fence). If food prep to be involved, the floor shall slope to a central drain that discharges to a grease trap/interceptor and is connected to the sanitary sewer. Details of trash enclosure shall be clearly provided on plans. 9. Install a condensate drain line connected to the sanitary sewer for rooftop equipment and clearly show on plans. 10. If laboratories will be installed, a segregated non-pressurized lab waste line must collect all laboratory waste. Install a sample port on the lab waste line outside the building, which will be accessible at all times. 11. Submit specs on the sample port. 12. If a food service kitchen/ prep area is to be installed, it shall connect to a gravity grease interceptor at least 1000 gallons (liquid capacity) in size. Sizing of the grease removal device must be in accordance with the uniform plumbing code. 13. Grease interceptor shall be connected to all non-domestic wastewater sources in the kitchen (wash sinks, mop sinks, floor drains) and shown on plans. 14. A cut sheet of the Grease Interceptor/Trap must be shown on plans. 15. Garbage Disposals in Industrial/Commercial facilities are prohibited by City of South San Francisco Municipal Code. Do not install or include Garbage Disposal(s) in plans. 16. Applicant will be required to pay a Sewer Capacity Fee (connection fee) based on SSF City Council-approved EDU calculation (involving anticipated flow, BOD and TSS calculations and including credits for previous site use). Building Plans shall provide proposed square footage of the new buildings to complete this calculation, payable with the Building Permit. 17. Elevator sump drainage (if applicable) shall be connected to an oil/water separator prior to connection to the sanitary sewer. 18. Drains in parking garage (if applicable) must be plumbed through an oil/water separator and then into the sanitary sewer system and clearly shown on plans. 19. Wherever feasible, install landscaping that minimizes irrigation runoff, promotes surface infiltration, minimizes use of pesticides and fertilizers and incorporates appropriate sustainable landscaping programs (such as Bay-Friendly Landscaping). 20. Site is subject to C.3 requirements of the Municipal Regional Stormwater Permit (please see SMCWPPP C.3 Regulated Projects Guide at https://www.flowstobay.org/newdevelopment for guidance). The following items will be required (C3 compliance to be reviewed/determined by City’s consultant, WC-3); 21. Applicant shall provide 100% Low-Impact Development for C.3 stormwater treatment for all of the project’s impervious areas. In-lieu of on-site treatment, applicants seeking Special Project Status exemption to Low Impact Development for C.3 treatment may install LID treatment within the Right-of-Way. If Applicant chooses to treat any of their Project’s impervious areas within the ROW, Applicant shall size the treatment measures to treat both the Project’s impervious areas and the ROW. The ROW area to be treated shall be from the property line to the street centerline or crown whichever is a greater distance along the entire project frontage. Sizing and design shall conform to the San Mateo Countywide Water Pollution Prevention Program design templates and technical guidance and be approved by the Water Quality Control Plant and the Engineering Division. Applicant shall maintain all treatment measures required by the project and enter into a Stormwater Treatment Measure Maintenance Agreement with the City. 22. Completed attached forms for Low Impact Development (C3-C6 Project Checklist). Forms must be on 8.5in X 11in paper and signed and wet stamped by a professional engineer. Calculations must be submitted with this package. Use attached forms for completing documents, as old forms are no longer sufficient Forms can also be found at http://www.flowstobay.org/newdevelopment A completed copy must also be emailed to andrew.wemmer @ssf.net 23. Sign and have engineer wet stamp forms for Low Impact Development. 24. Submit flow calculations and related math for LID. 25. Complete attached Operation and Maintenance (O&M) agreements. Use attached forms for completing documents, as old forms are no longer sufficient Do not sign agreement, as the city will need to review prior to signature. Prepare packet and submit including a preferred return address for owner signature. Packet should also be mailed or emailed to: Andrew Wemmer City of SSF WQCP 195 Belle Air Road South San Francisco, CA 94080 [email protected] Exhibit Templates can also be found within Chapter 6 the C.3 Technical Guidance at http://www.flowstobay.org/newdevelopment. 26. The onsite catch basins are to be stenciled with the approved San Mateo Countywide Stormwater Logo (No Dumping! Flows to Bay). 27. Landscaping shall meet the following conditions related to reduction of pesticide use on the project site: a. Where feasible, landscaping shall be designed and operated to treat stormwater runoff by incorporating elements that collect, detain, and infiltrate runoff. In areas that provide detention of water, plants that are tolerant of saturated soil conditions and prolonged exposure to water shall be specified. b. Plant materials selected shall be appropriate to site specific characteristics such as soil type, topography, climate, amount and timing of sunlight, prevailing winds, rainfall, air movement, patterns of land use, ecological consistency and plant interactions to ensure successful establishment. c. Existing native trees, shrubs, and ground cover shall be retained and incorporated into the landscape plan to the maximum extent practicable. d. Proper maintenance of landscaping, with minimal pesticide use, shall be the responsibility of the property owner. e. Integrated pest management (IPM) principles and techniques shall be encouraged as part of the landscaping design to the maximum extent practicable. Examples of IPM principles and techniques include: i. Select plants that are well adapted to soil conditions at the site. ii. Select plants that are well adapted to sun and shade conditions at the site. In making these selections, consider future conditions when plants reach maturity, as well as seasonal changes. iii. Provide irrigation appropriate to the water requirements of the selected plants. iv. Select pest-resistant and disease-resistant plants. v. Plant a diversity of species to prevent a potential pest infestation from affecting the entire landscaping plan. vi. Use “insectary” plants in the landscaping to attract and keep beneficial insects. 28. A SWPPP must be submitted (if > 1 acre). Drawings must note that erosion control shall be in effect all year long. 29. A copy of the state approved NOI must be submitted (if > 1 acre). For questions concerning Water Quality Control Division COAs, please contact Andrew Wemmer with any questions at [email protected] or (650) 829-3840. BUILDING DIVISION COMMENTS The following comments remain outstanding from plan review dated 5/16/2022. The original comments are included in italics for your reference. Applicants shall submit Plans updated 10/31/2022, which addresses all or most comments below, and shall be reviewed by the Building Division as part of CD/Building Permit review. 1. Sheet G01.00: Under type of occupancy, please specify the commercial kitchen as either F-1 or F-2 occupancy. 2nd Review Comment: Response acknowledged. However, building code summary of G01.00 still shows group F occupancy, instead of F-1 or F-2.: 2. Sheet G01.00: Please provide a schedule to outline the fire resistance rating requirements of building elements of the specified type of construction in accordance with CBC Table 601. Provide and cross reference typical details of fire resistive building elements with basis of approval onto the schedule for all buildings, including the basement parking garage. 2nd Review Comment: Response acknowledged. Typical details of fire resistive building elements of type I-A construction with basis of approval (including the basement parking garage) to be included in the CD/Permit submission. 3. Sheet G01.00: Under building code summary, please list all fire protection and life safety systems provided in the proposed buildings (i.e., fire sprinkler system, fire alarm, emergency voice/alarm communication system, and smoke control system). 2nd Review Comment: Response acknowledged. Pending CD/Permit submission. 4. Sheet A01.01: Please dimension the fire separation distances measured from the exterior walls and projections of the building to the property lines or centerline of adjoining public ways. Exterior walls and opening protection shall be in accordance with CBC Table 602 and 705.8. Exterior structural members located within the exterior walls or outside of a building shall be provided with fire-resistance rating per CBC 704.10. 2nd Review Comment: Response acknowledged. Pending CD/Permit submission. 5. Sheet A01.01: Please identify and show accessible means of egress to be continuous from all exterior exit doors to a public way and shall consist of one or more of the components listed under CBC 1009.2. Please also show the path of exit discharge from each exterior exit door to have direct and unobstructed access to a public way per CBC 1028.5. 2nd Review Comment: Please show and connect (by dash lines representing accessible routes) the accessible means of egress to all exterior exit doors. Not all exterior exit doors currently identified on the site plan are connected. 6. Sheet A01.01: Accessible routes shall be provided and extended to all outdoor amenities (i.e., bike racks, outdoor tables and seating). Accessible routes shall have a maximum running slope of 1:20 and a maximum cross-slope of 1:48. Walks and sidewalks shall be at least 48-inches wide per CBC 11B-403. 2nd Review Comment: Please show accessible routes (by dash lines) to extend to all outdoor amenities (i.e., bike racks, outdoor tables and seating). Note on site plan that the accessible routes shall have a maximum running slope of 1:20 and a maximum cross- slope of 1:48. Walks and sidewalks shall be at least 48-inches wide per CBC 11B-403. 7. High-rise buildings shall be demonstrated and detailed to comply with provisions of CBC 403. 2nd Review Comment: Response acknowledged. Pending CD/Permit submission. 8. Every exit enclosure in the high-rise buildings shall be a smokeproof enclosure complying with CBC 909.20 and 1023.11. 2nd Review Comment: Response acknowledged. Pending CD/Permit submission. 9. Buildings with group L occupancy shall be provided with secondary power systems per CBC 453.4.6. 2nd Review Comment: Response acknowledged. Pending CD/Permit submission to demonstrate compliance. 10. Sheet A10.P4 to A10.P2: Please dimension the common path of egress travel measured from the most remote point near grid line 21, in between line P and Q. Measurement of egress paths shall not pass through parking spaces where the egress paths may be obstructed by parked vehicles. 2nd Review Comment: Response acknowledged. However, code compliance sheets G02-P1 to G02-P4 are not included in the submittal. 11. Sheet A10.P4 to A10.P1: Where required by Section 403.6.1, every floor shall be served by fire service access elevators comply with CBC 3007.1 through 3007.9. Please identify the fire service access elevators on the levels of parking garage. 2nd Review Comment: Elevators in the south tower are not identified as FSAE, contrary to the response letter. Please clarify. Not fewer than two fire service access elevators, or all elevators, whichever is less, shall be provided in accordance with Section 3007. 12. Sheet A10.P1: Please dimension the common path of egress travel measured from the most remote point of the parking space near the parking garage exhaust shaft at grid line 21. Measurement of egress paths shall not pass through parking spaces where the egress paths may be obstructed by parked vehicles. 2nd Review Comment: Response acknowledged. However, code compliance sheets G02-P1 to G02-P4 are not included in the submittal. 13. Please provide plumbing fixture calculations per CPC Table 422.1. The total occupant load shall be determined in accordance with occupant load factors of CPC Table 4-1 (CPC 422.1, July 1, 2021, Supplement). CPC Table A is now only applicable to DSA projects. 2nd Review Comment: Response acknowledged. However, Sheet G02-00 is not included in the submittal. 14. Please provide exit analysis plans. Calculate the occupant load of each room and space per CBC Table 1004.5. Show egress paths and indicate the cumulative occupant load along the paths. Specify the required and provided egress width at doors and stairways. 2nd Review Comment: a. Response acknowledged. However, G01 series sheets for occupant loads and egress paths are not included in the submittal. b. Calculate the occupant load of the future even center W-0146. Depending on the calculated occupant load, the assembly area shall comply with CBC 1029.2 and 1029.3, or 1029.3.1. 15. Sheet A10.01: Please calculate the occupant load of the interior courtyard (CBC 1004.7). Depending on the calculated occupant load, the assembly area shall comply with CBC 1029.2 and 1029.3, or 1029.3.1. Identify the exits or exit access doorways serving the interior courtyard. 2nd Review Comment: Response acknowledged. Pending CD/Permit submission. 16. Sheet A10.01: Please calculate the required and provided egress width through egress court per CBC 1028.4. 2nd Review Comment: Response acknowledged. Pending CD/Permit submission. 17. Sheet A10.01: Please provide an approved barrier gate at the level of exit discharge to prevent persons from unintentionally continuing into level below (CBC 1023.8). Directional exit signs shall be provided as specified in CBC 1013. The barrier gate shall have maneuvering clearances and strike edge clearances on both sides in accordance with CBC 11B-404.2.4. 2nd Review Comment: Response acknowledged. However, A40 series sheets are not included in the submittal. Provide an approved barrier gate at the level of exit discharge to prevent persons from unintentionally continuing into level below (CBC 1023.8). The barrier gate shall have maneuvering clearances and strike edge clearances on both sides in accordance with CBC 11B- 404.2.4. This may affect the dimensions and configuration of exit enclosures. 18. Sheet A10.01: Please verify the corridors to not to have dead-ends exceeding length permitted by CBC 1020.4. Show dimension of dead-end length on the exit analysis plans. 2nd Review Comment: Response acknowledged. Pending CD/Permit submission. 19. Sheet A10.01: Please dimension the length of dead-end corridor measured from the area outside of the exit enclosure of stair N-ST01 to the area outside of the men's and women's restrooms. Please also dimension the common path of egress travel measured from the most remote points of men's and women's restrooms to a point where the occupants have separate and distinct access to two exits or exit access doorways. 2nd Review Comment: Response acknowledged. Pending CD/Permit submission. 20. Sheet A10.01: Please calculate the occupant load of future food service. Depending on the calculated occupant load, the assembly area shall comply with CBC 1029.2 and 1029.3, or 1029.3.1. 2nd Review Comment: Response acknowledged. However, G01 series sheets for occupant loads and egress paths are not included in the submittal. Depending on the calculated occupant load, the assembly area shall comply with CBC 1029.2 and 1029.3, or 1029.3.1. 21. Sheet A10.01: Stair enclosure S-ST 04 shall discharge directly to the exterior of the building per CBC 1028.1. The south building has more than 50% of the interior exit stairways egress through areas on the level of discharge. 2nd Review Comment: Please verify the exterior exit door at lobby S-0124 is readily visible and identifiable from the point of termination of the revised stair enclosure S-ST 01 per CBC 1028.1, exception 1.1. 22. Sheet A10.02 and A10.03: The outdoor terraces on Level 02 and 03 shall comply with the requirements for egress balconies of CBC 1021. 2nd Review Comment: Please clarify and describe how the outdoor terraces on level 02 and 03 comply with all provisions for egress balconies of CBC 1021. Coordinate with comment #26. 23. Sheet A10.02: Please calculate the occupant load of the fitness area. Depending on the calculated occupant load, the assembly areas shall comply with CBC 1029.2 and 1029.3, or 1029.3.1. 2nd Review Comment: Response acknowledged. Pending CD/Permit submission. 24. Sheet A10.02: Please clarify and provide code path to permit fire retardant treated wood cladding on steel columns of type I-A construction. 2nd Review Comment: Response acknowledged. Pending CD/Permit submission. 25. Sheet A10.02: The exterior balcony of west building located in between grid line 6 and 8 shall be provided with two exit access doorways. 2nd Review Comment: Please specify the square footage and calculate the occupant load of the exterior balcony of west building located in between grid line 6 and 8. Doors shall swing in the direction of egress travel, where serving a room or area containing an occupant load of 50 or more (CBC 1010.1.2.1). 26. Sheet A10.03: Please calculate the occupant loads of the two outdoor terraces at Level 03. Depending on the calculated occupant load, the assembly areas shall comply with CBC 1029.2 and 1029.3, or 1029.3.1. Only areas with permanent planters/fixtures can be removed from the occupant load calculations. 2nd Review Comment: a. Calculate the occupant loads of the outdoor terraces on level 02 and 03. Identify the required exits. Dimension the longest overall diagonal and the separation distance between exits. b. Depending on the calculated occupant load, the outdoor terraces (assembly areas) shall comply with CBC 1029.2 and 1029.3, or 1029.3.1. c. Doors shall swing in the direction of egress travel, where serving a room or area (outdoor terraces) containing an occupant load of 50 or more (CBC 1010.1.2.1). d. Dimension the common path of egress travel from the most remote corners of the outdoor terraces (CBC Table 1006.2.1). Common path of egress travel is that portion of the exit access travel distance measured from the most remote point of each room, area, or space to that point where the occupants have separate and distinct access to two exits or exit access doorways (CBC 202). Path to doors swinging in the wrong direction cannot be considered as a separate and distinct access and cannot be considered as end of measurement for common path of egress travel. 27. The aggregate floor area of penthouses and other enclosed rooftop structures shall not exceed one-third the area of the supporting roof deck per CBC Section 1510.1.1. Please clarify and show area calculations on the roof plans. 2nd Review Comment: Response acknowledged. Pending CD/Permit submission. 28. Please resolve seismic risk category discussion comments issued by CSG and City on April 2022. 2nd Review Comment: Response acknowledged. Pending submission of structural analysis including design parameters require for risk category III. For questions concerning Building Division Comments, please contact CSG, Kevin Chan P.E., at 650-522-2552 or Erik Rietdorf at [email protected] or (650) 829-6669. “SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO SCAVANGER” COMMENTS (WASTE MANAGEMENT): Contact Susan Kennedy at the South San Francisco Scavenger Co. at [email protected] or (650) 589-4020 to submit trash enclosure plans, and to obtain any additional requirements or service information.