HomeMy WebLinkAbout3 0 Project Description 3.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION 3.1 INTRODUCTION This section provides a description of the proposed 494 Forbes Boulevard Office/R&D project and the related discretionary actions that make up the project analyzed in this Draft EIR. The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines require that the project description in an EIR contain the following information: (1) location and site conditions of the proposed project; (2) a statement of the objectives of the project; and (3) a general description of the characteristics of the project, including the principal engineering proposals and supporting public service facilities. Each of these topics is addressed in this section. The CEQA Guidelines also state that the project description need not be exhaustive, but should provide the level of detail needed for the evaluation and review of potential environmental impacts. The 494 Forbes Boulevard Office/R&D project would result in the construction of a commercial office complex on a site that is currently undeveloped. Facilities would include two office buildings, a parking garage, paved parking areas, and landscape improvements. 3.2 PROJECT LOCATION AND SITE CONDITIONS The project site is located in the City of South San Francisco, south of the City of Brisbane and north of the City of San Bruno. The City of South San Francisco is located on the San Francisco Bay plain and the northern foothills of the Coastal range. The City is located along major transportation routes including U.S. 101, Interstate 380, Interstate 280, and the Union Pacific Railroad. The project site is located within the City of South San Francisco's East of 101 Area. This area consists of roughly 1,700 acres of land, and is bounded by San Francisco Bay on the east and south sides, Highway 101 and railway lines on the west, and the City of Brisbane on the north. San Francisco International Airport is located approximately 2 miles to the south of the project area. The Plan Area is mostly developed and has a mix of land uses, including industry, warehousing, retail, offices, hotels, marinas, and bioscience research and development facilities. Impact Sciences, Inc. 868-01 3.0-1 494 Forbes Blvd. Office/R&D Project DEIR April 2007 3.0 Project Description The approximately 7.48-acre project site is located on the southwest corner of the intersection of Forbes Boulevard and Allerton Avenue and is currently undeveloped, with the exception of an existing parking lot. The relatively flat site is located east of Highway 101, north of San Francisco International Airport (SFO), southeast of San Bruno Mountain State Park, and west of the San Francisco Bay (see Figure 3.0-1, Project Location). The property is currently owned by Slough Estates International. Located along the southern boundary of the project site is a railroad right-of-way measuring approximately 20 feet in width. However, this area is not part of the proposed project site. Site vegetation consists of native and non-native mature trees and overgrown bushes and shrubs located along the perimeter of the site, including the existing parking area. A number of eucalyptus trees, varying in size from 5" to 24" in diameter at breast height (DB H), and redwood trees, varying in size from 8" to 24" DBH, as well as pine trees which vary in size from 84" to 42" DBH are on the site. 3.3 BACKGROUND AND CONTEXT Much of the surrounding area is developed with a mix of bioscience research and development, industry, warehouses, retail, offices, marinas, and hotels. The project site is located west of a planned child day care facility at the old See's Candy site. The proposed day care facility would accommodate up to 500 children. The project site has been occupied by numerous users since approximately 1938. From 1967 through 2006, the project site was occupied by various clothing businesses within a two-story, 161,845 square foot concrete warehouse and office building. The property also included the existing parking lot, as well as two loading docks. The concrete building was demolished in May of 2006 and as a result, no structures are currently located on the site. However, the site does include various mature trees and landscaping, many of which would be preserved with development of the proposed project. Impact Sciences, Inc. 868-01 3.0-2 494 Forbes Blvd. Office/R&D Project DEIR April 2007 3.0 Project Description 3.4 OBJECTIVES OF THE PROJECT 3.4.1 Project Goals and Objectives As part of its application, the applicant provided the City of South San Francisco with the following list of Proposed Project Goals and Objectives: . Convert the under-utilized vacant lot and parking areas to a higher and better use; . Permit campus-style office, high-quality office and R&D uses (General Plan Guiding Policy 3.5-G-3); . Capitalize and expand upon the high-quality office and R&D development recently built near the project site; . Retain the flexibility to develop more or less R&D space than office space to respond to market conditions and opportunities; . Build a project that has the potential to creates quality jobs for residents of South San Francisco; . Build a project that is economically viable in the East of 101 Area based upon market conditions and projected service requirements for the area. . Generate net property taxes, sales taxes and other fees from the project and enhance property values; . Provide quality research and development facilities consistent with the General Plan land use designation of Business Commercial; and . Take advantage of views of the Bay from proposed new buildings and open spaces. 3.5 CHARACTERISTICS OF THE PROJECT As illustrated in Figure 3.0-2 (Project Site Plan) and Figures 3.0-3a through 3.0-3c (Building Elevations), the proposed project, as analyzed in this EIR, involves the development of the project site with two new office/research and development buildings, totaling 326,020 square feet. It is anticipated that occupancy of the site would occur by 2011, with full occupancy occurring by 2015. The project would provide parking for a total of 1,036 automobiles, including a three-level parking garage, constructed at grade level. The parking garage Impact Sciences, Inc. 868-01 3.0-3 494 Forbes Blvd. Office/R&D Project DEIR April 2007 3.0 Project Description would be a separate structure located toward the southern end of the site, behind Building A. Major landscape improvements would also be included. 3.5.1 Office/Research and Development Buildings Building A would have five stories and 186,245 square feet of floor space, and Building B would have four stories and 139,775 square feet of floor space. Building B would be located closest to Forbes Boulevard, while Building A would be located between the parking garage and Building B. Because each floor would be built out to the specific needs of the individual tenant, it is unknown exactly how many people would occupy each floor. Interior spaces of the buildings would be subdivided for separate commercial uses as required by the individual tenants. Three loading docks would be attached to the buildings, one to Building Band two to Building A. Loading docks would be located next to the trash, chemical storage, electrical room, and generator enclosures for each building. Building A would measure 85 feet in height (102 feet for the portion that includes the mechanical equipment area on the roof), while Building B would measure 68 feet in height (83 feet for the portion that includes the mechanical equipment area on the roof). General elements to be included in the construction of the project are: . Central green space/open space; . Existing mature trees; . Rooftop metal trellises; . Metal fascia and corrugated metal panels; . Extensive reveals and architectural interest; . Rooftop equipment screened with raised parapet and mechanical penthouse and/or roof screens; . Transformer, generator, services tucked away ("back of house"), screened with concrete masonry unit (CMU) walls and trees; and . Structural steel frame with curtain wall and glass fiber reinforced concrete (GFRC) cladding. Impact Sciences, Inc. 868-01 3.0-4 494 Forbes Blvd. Office/R&D Project DEIR April 2007 ~ 0.5 W APPROXIMATE SCALE IN MILES 0.25 o SOURCE: Impact Sciences, Inc. - January 2007, City of South San Francisco - 1997 , 868-001-03/07 0.5 FIGURE 3.0-1 Project Location I LL LL LL LL U'J U'J U'J U'J o an an 0 N '<t ..... N ON..... 0 ~ ~ ~ ~~ 0 U'J l:t: C/) e:( a::: u <( an U M 00 o C"'l ...: Ui w u e:( a.. U'J ~ ~~ e:( ...J> U e:('<t lD 1-. M U'JU ~ ~~ ...J e:( I- o l- LL o C/)C/)C/)C/)C/) a::: a::: a::: a::: a::: <(<(<(<(<( UUUUU OOL!)L!)OOO ...-L!)L!)!'-O'l NNN...-OO LL U'J o o o ...: ~ <C c I- U W -, o 0:: a.. <i Iii C) C) :2 :2 9 9 :5 :5 III III l:t: W a.. N M l- e:( C W l:t: :5 o W l:t: ~IIII Cl :2 S2 a::: <( 0- W U ~ a::: :J C/) w o <( a::: Cl I- W <(NC"'l Cl ...J...J...J <( WWW a::: ~~~~~ WWWWZ ~~~~~ <(<(<(00 ClClCla:::1- c W c :> o l:t: a.. C) :2 52 l:t: e:( a.. ...J e:( I- o I- ~ l- e:( C W c :> o l:t: a.. C) :2 52 l:t: e:( a.. 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Hardscape elements within the project site would include walkways, an entry plaza, and a patio. Landscaping maintenance would be provided by a private landscaping contractor. Some existing trees along the northern and southern ends of the project site adjacent to Allerton Avenue, and along the southwest border of the project site, would be incorporated into the landscaping plan. 3.5.3 Access and Parking Access Access to the general project area would be from US Highway 101, via Oyster Point Boulevard, East Grand Avenue, or Gateway Boulevard. Vehicle access to the project site would occur from the existing driveway at Forbes Boulevard, as well as three new driveways located along Allerton Avenue. All driveways would be constructed according to the City of South San Francisco Fire Department guidelines and polices for adequate emergency access. The project would also comply with the City's standard design guidelines for ingress and egress areas. Parking As described previously, a three-level parking garage is proposed for the rear of the project site, adjacent to Cabot Road. The garage would include parking for 898 vehicles, with level one supporting 218 parking spaces, levels two and three with 255 parking spaces each, and a rooftop level with 170 parking spaces. In addition, 138 parking spaces would be provided around the proposed circulation Impact Sciences, Inc. 868-01 3.0-10 494 Forbes Blvd. Office/R&D Project DEIR April 2007 3.0 Project Description corridors. The project would provide a total of 1,036 vehicle parking spaces, as well as an additional 22 spaces for handicapped and van pool parking. 3.5.4 Infrastructure Drainage System Storm water from the project site would be collected on site via catch basins and trench drains connected to the City's stormwater drainage system. Implementation of the project would be subject to National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) requirements. Implementation of the project would result in conversion of 61 percent of the project site to impervious surfaces. Lltilities The City of South San Francisco would be responsible for ensuring that adequate utility infrastructure and services are provided to the project site. This would be accomplished through the conditions of development project approval and building permits. Coordination would be required with the various utility suppliers, including CalWater and Pacific Gas & Electric. Electrical, telephone, cable and Internet service would be extended from existing service mains in the project area. Due to the age of the site and the increased density of the proposed project, new domestic water, sanitary sewer, and natural gas lines would be extended throughout the project site and would be connected to existing lines located within existing right-of-ways. 3.6 SITE DEVELOPMENT 3.6.1 Project Phasing Development of the project site would occur in two staggered phases, beginning with the construction of Building B. Construction of Building A would begin approximately 1 year later, with each construction phase taking approximately 70 weeks to complete. Impact Sciences, Inc. 868-01 3.0-11 494 Forbes Blvd. Office/R&D Project DEIR April 2007 I~ W N iii w 0:: :l !;( ::2 inNNM:<n:in~MCoM ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ OO~OO<DXX _X_X_X_XNN ~[!:Jf5~~[B~~~[!:Jg XXXXXXXXXXX ~[!:J[B~g~~~~~~ "~~ i ~ H~H nB~ HiH~!HH "w j I .~ ~ ClO ~ (I) :J I- Z <C ...J a..W 0::2 W<( (1)2 O~ a..~ 02 o::~ a..~ ilHI!iliHi I-<(UU2lLlLlLlLlLlLl- I :J!! ~ III W 2 :> Q.Q)~.~ l"r@ ~.U- w w a: \ \ \ 9 \ ~ \ ~ \ if \ \ \ I- 9 \ ~ \ 52 0 ~ 0 I I l- I w w I LL ~ I w I z ...J w <C LU U I a: g U'J I w ~ I ::2: I 0 >< an 0 I a::: a. I a. <C I 0 19 /' ~ I Q ~ W 0:: :J <9 u:: c CO 0::: Q) c... CO u en "'0 C co --.J ~ co .~ .~ Q) 0: 3.0 Project Description 3.6.2 Grading Demolition of the pre-existing warehouse was completed in May 2006. Consequently, no major demolition or grading activity would be required at the project site. However, some minor grading would be required to form new berms planned as part of the project, as well as for preparation of the proposed parking structure and parking areas. 3.6.3 Construction At its peak, construction of the project would include a maximum of approximately 260 professional construction workers, with an overall average of approximately 150 workers on the site during typical working hours. Construction hours would be limited to those allowed by the City, which are from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM, Monday through Friday. Additional construction hours on Saturdays would be allowed only as permitted by the City. Senior construction staff would be on site at all times during construction. Construction fencing would surround the entire site and would have a locked gate. A security guard would monitor the site at night when there is no construction activity. This would occur once construction begins and would remain until the buildings are occupied and the tenant has installed its own security measures. 3.7 INTENDED USES OF THIS DEIR This EIR will be used to provide decision makers with relevant information to use when considering approval or denial of the project and the development project by the City of South San Francisco. Following certification of the Final EIR (FEIR) by the City of South San Francisco, the City would use the FEIR as environmental documentation to support the approval or denial of the project and various permits and entitlements. Impact Sciences, Inc. 868-01 3.0-13 494 Forbes Blvd. Office/R&D Project DEIR April 2007 3.0 Project Description 3.7.1 Discretionary Approvals The project will be subject to review and approval according to the regulatory approval processes in the City of South San Francisco. The project would require the following approvals: . Use Permit to ensure the project complies with zoning requirements for the proj ect area; . Design Review Board approval to ensure that the project's design is compatible with surrounding development; . Adoption of a Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Program; . Adoption of the project by the South San Francisco City Council; . Approval for on-site flood control design; and . Issuance of a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit (NPDES). Impact Sciences, Inc. 868-01 3.0-14 494 Forbes Blvd. Office/R&D Project DEIR April 2007