HomeMy WebLinkAbout3.0 FEIR Revs to DEIR 3.0 REVISIONS TO THE DRAFT EIR 3.1 INTRODUCTION In response to comments on the Draft EIR during the 45-day public review period, the following revisions to the text of the Draft EIR have been made. Additions are shown as underlined text, and deletions are shown as otrikcthrough tcxt. 3.2 REVISIONS TO THE DRAFT EIR The following revisions have been made to the text of Table 2.0-1, Executive Summary. The same changes apply to the corresponding text in the body of the Draft EIR. Table 2.0-1, Mitigation Measure 4.4-5. The mitigation measure has been revised to allow for the relocation of the on-site monitoring well. Mitigation Measure 4.4-5: The applicant shall continue to provide TEC Accutite access to the project site to monitor groundwater at monitoring well MW -12, as required by the SMCHSA. Access to the monitoring well shall be provided until the SMCHSA has determined that the monitoring well is no longer required. All monitoring shall be conducted according to SMCHSA guidelines. The applicant may relocate the monitoring welL subject to approval of the San Mateo County Health Services Agency, insofar as the relocated well allows the same level of monitoring as the existing location. Table 2.0-1, Mitigation Measure 4.5-2. Mitigation Measure 4.5-2 has been revised to state that water from the storm drain interceptor will drain to the City's storm water drainage system. Mitigation Measure 4.5-2: The project applicant shall install a storm drain interceptor (also known as an oil/water or oil/grit separator) on site to remove oils and heavy particulates from stormwater, prior to draining to the sanitary sc,vcr storm water drainage system. Appropriate sizing of the unit relative to the impervious surface drainage area is important and shall be taken into consideration when choosing the interceptor unit model and size. Impact Sciences, Inc. 868-01 3.0-1 494 Forbes Blvd. Office/R&D Project Final EIR August 2007 3.0 Revisions to the Draft EIR Table 2.0-1, Mitigation Measure 4.5-4. Mitigation Measure 4.5-4 has been revised to delete reference to rooftop retention as rooftop retention is not feasible. Downsprout retention is an adequate mitigation measure. Mitigation Measure 4.5-4: The project applicant shall incorporate rooftop or downsprout retention into all building plans. Table 2.0-1, Mitigation Measure 4.8-2. The text of the mitigation measure has been revised to indicate that the fair share payment will be paid by the applicant prior to the issuance of a Use and Occupancy Permit. Mitigation Measure 4.8-2. The project applicant shall be responsible for providing a fair share contribution for the following intersection improvements (with exception of the Forbes Boulevard/ Allerton Avenue all way stop which would be implemented solely by the applicant). These improT/ements shall be completed prior to occupancy. The full fair share payment shall be paid by the applicant prior to issuance of the Use and Occupancy permit by the City. Table 2.0-1, Mitigation Measure 4.8-3. The text of the mitigation measure has been revised to indicate that the fair share payment will be paid by the applicant prior to the issuance of a Use and Occupancy Permit. Mitigation Measure 4.8-3. The project applicant shall be responsible for providing a fair share contribution for the following intersection improvements +HeBe improT/ements shall be completed prior to full occupancy. The full fair share payment shall be paid by the applicant prior to issuance of the Use and Occupancy permit by the City. Table 2.0-1, Impact 4.8-4. The level of significance for this impact after mitigation has been added. It is identified as Less than Significant. Table 2.0-1, Mitigation Measure 4.8-5A. The erroneously repeated text in this mitigation measure has been deleted. Mitigation Measure 4.8-5A: The project applicant shall be responsible for providing a fair share contribution for the following improvements. U.S. 101 Northbound Off-Ramp to East Grand Avenue/Executive Drive Intersection Impact Sciences, Inc. 868-01 494 Forbes Blvd. Office/R&D Project Final EIR August 2007 3.0-2 3.0 Revisions to the Draft EIR Provide a second off-ramp lane extending to the freeway mainline. U.S.101 Northbound Off-Ramp to South Airport Boulevard/Wondercolor Lane Intersection Provide a second off-ramp lane connection to the U.S. 101 freeway mainline. U.S. 101 l'Iorthbound Off Ramp to East Crand .L^...Tienue/E)ECcutive DriTie Intersection ProTiide a second off ramp lane connection to the U.S. 101 frec\'{ay mainline. U.S. 101 Northbound On-Ramp from Oyster Point Boulevard/Dubuque Avenue Intersection Provide a second on-ramp lane to the U.S. 101 freeway. Page 4.8-6, Figure 4.8-2. Figure 4.8-2 has been revised to include the southbound on-ramp from Airport Boulevard. Page 4.8-15, Table 4.8-3. Table 4.8-3 has been revised to correct the transposition of Signalized and Unsignalized under the table heading" Average Total Delay per Vehicle (seconds)." Table 4.8-3 Intersection Level of Service Definitions A B C D E F Little or no delay Short traffic delay Average traffic delay Long traffic delay Very long traffic delay Extreme traffic delay :::; 10.0 > 10.0 and:::; 15.0 > 15.0 and:::; 25.0 > 25.0 and:::; 35.0 > 35.0 and:::; 50.0 >50.0 :::; 10.0 > 10.0 and:::; 20.0 > 20.0 and:::; 35.0 > 35.01 and:::; 50.0 > 55.0 and:::; 80.0 >80.0 Source: 2000 Highway Capacity Manual, Transportation Research Board Pages 4.8-20 through 4.8-34. The capacity of single-lane diamond on-ramps has been revised to 2,000 vehicles per hour. The capacity of single-lane button hook or curving on-ramps has been revised to 1,800 vehicles per hour. Several Impact Sciences, Inc. 868-01 3.0-3 494 Forbes Blvd. Office/R&D Project Final EIR August 2007 3.0 Revisions to the Draft EIR revisions throughout Section 4.8 of the Draft EIR have been made to reflect this, as noted below: Page 4.8-20, On-Ramps On-ramp operation has been evaluated using planning-level methodology contained in HCM 2000. Capacity is dependent upon the free-flow speed of on- ramp traffic. For single-lane diamond on-ramps with higher speeds, capacity has been set at ~ 2,000 vehicles per hour. For single-lane button hook or curving on- ramps, capacity has been set at ~ 1,800 vehicles per hour. Page 4.8-22, Table 4.8-6 Table 4.8-6 Existing On-Ramp Capacity and Volumes SB On-Ramp from Dubuque Ave. '" 1 ,800 653 '" 1 ,800 1,118 SB On-Ramp from Produce Ave. 3,000** 958 3,000** 1,880 NB On-Ramp from S. Airport 291 498 Blvd./W ondercolor Lane NB On-Ramp from Grand Ave. 1,800 512 1,800 682 632 2,000 1,235 mainline while the other on-ram Impact Sciences, Inc. 868-01 3.0-4 494 Forbes Blvd. Office/R&D Project Final EIR August 2007 3.0 Revisions to the Draft EIR Revised Figure 4.8-2 Impact Sciences, Inc. 868-01 3.0-5 494 Forbes Blvd. Office/R&D Project Final EIR August 2007 3.0 Revisions to the Draft EIR Page 4.8-34, Table 4.8-10 Table 4.8-10 Future Without Project On-Ramp Capacity and Volumes SB On-Ramp from Dubuque SB On-Ramp from Produce Ave. NB On -Ramp from S. Airport Blvd./Wondercolor Lane NB from Grand Ave. NB On-Ramp from Oyster Point Blvd./Dubuque Ave. "LOOQ 3,000** 816 1,124 296 " 1 ,800 3,000** 1,793 2,739 607 886 2,211 Page 4.8-58, Mitigation Measure 4.8-5A. The erroneously repeated text in this mitigation measure has been deleted. Mitigation Measure 4.8-5A: The project applicant shall be responsible for providing a fair share contribution for the following improvements. U.S. 101 Northbound Off-Ramp to East Grand Avenue/Executive Drive Intersection Provide a second off-ramp lane extending to the freeway mainline. U.S.101 Northbound Off-Ramp to South Airport Boulevard/Wondercolor Lane Intersection Provide a second off-ramp lane connection to the U.S. 101 freeway mainline. U.S. 101 l'Iorthbound Off Ramp to East Crand .L^~Yenue/E)(ecutiT/e Dri\'e Intersection ProTiide a second off ramp lane connection to the U.S. 101 frec\\'ay mainline. U.S. 101 Northbound On-Ramp from Oyster Point Boulevard/Dubuque Avenue Intersection Impact Sciences, Inc. 868-01 3.0-6 494 Forbes Blvd. Office/R&D Project Final EIR August 2007 3.0 Revisions to the Draft EIR Provide a second on-ramp lane to the U.S. 101 freeway. Impact Sciences, Inc. 868-01 3.0-7 494 Forbes Blvd. Office/R&D Project Final EIR August 2007