HomeMy WebLinkAboutRDA Reso 03-2008 RESOLUTION NO. 03-2008 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF A LOAN AGREEMENT WITH PENINSULA HABITAT FOR HUMANITY AND ADOPTING FINDINGS IN CONNECTION WHEREAS, the Redevelopn1ent Agency of the City of South San Francisco ("Agency") is a redevelopl11ent agency existing pursuant to the Con1n1unity Redevelopn1ent Law, California Health and Safety Code Section 33000, et seq. (the "CRL"), and pursuant to the authority granted thereunder, has the responsibility to cany out the Redevelopl11ent Plan ("Redevelopn1ent Plan") for the Downtown/Central Redevelopl11ent Project Area ("Project Area "); and WHEREAS, in 2005, the Agency authorized by resolution No. 15-2005 (i) execution of a Disposition and Developn1ent Agreel11ent with Peninsula Habitat for Hun1anity, a California nonprofit public benefit corporation ("Developer"), pursuant to which Agency agreed to transfer that celiain real property located near the Project Area at 440 Con1n1ercial Avenue in South San Francisco (the "Property") to Developer for the developn1ent on the Property of four (4) single fal11ily hOl11es affordable to very 10w-incol11e households (the "Project"); and (ii) provision of a loan to Developer in the principal an10unt of $33,780 (the "Loan") to defray the costs of constructing the Proj ect; and WHEREAS, the Agency and Developer have since negotiated a Loan Agreement ("Loan Agreen1ent") and a PrOl11issory Note ("Note") substantially in the fon11s on file with the Agency Secretary; and WHEREAS, the Loan Agreen1ent and the Note provide, al110ng other things, that (i) disbursen1ent of the proceeds of the Loan to Developer is conditioned upon the sale of the 4 single fan1ily hOl11es con1prising the Project to very 10w-incol11e households and the recordation of a Resale Restriction Agreen1ent and Option to Purchase ("Agency Resale Restriction Agreen1ent") against each such hon1e which (a) requires that each hon1e rel11ain affordable to very low-incon1e households for a period of 55 years; and (b) grants the Agency an option to purchase each such hOl11e upon the occurrence of certain events; and (ii) that the Loan will be forgiven upon satisfaction of the foregoing conditions; and WHEREAS, the Loan will be funded with n10nies fron1 the Agency's Low and Moderate InCOl11e Housing Fund ("Housing Fund") to facilitate developl11ent and construction of affordable housing which will benefit the Project Area; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 33334.2 of the CRL, the Agency n1ay use Housing Fund n10nies outside of the Project Area provided that the Agency Board and the City Council find that the use will be of benefit to the Project Area; and 1047008.1 WHEREAS, the City Council has adopted a resolution finding that use of Housing Fund 1110nies to acquire the Property will be of benefit to the Project Area because the Project will provide affordable housing; and WHEREAS, the Developer will provide the purchasers of each hOl11e cOl11prising the Project with a first n10rtgage loan; and WHEREAS, Developer has requested the Agency to subordinate the Agency Resale Restriction Agreel11ent; and WHEREAS, Section 33334.14 of the CRL pen11its subordination of the Agency Resale Restriction Agreel11ent provided that the Agency 111akes a finding that an econon1ically feasible alternative n1ethod of assisting the Project on substantially con1parable tern1S and conditions without subordination is not reasonably available. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopn1ent Agency of the City of South San Francisco that it hereby: 1. Finds that provision of the Loan to Developer frol11 the Housing Fund for the Proj ect pursuant to the ten11S of the Loan Agreel11ent will benefit the Project Area because the Project will provide affordable housing to very low-incon1e households. 2. Finds that an econOl11ically feasible alten1ative n1ethod of assisting the Project on substantially cOl11parable ten11S and conditions without subordination is not reasonably available. 3. Approves the Loan Agreel11ent, the Pron1issory Note, and the Agency Resale Restriction Agreen1ent substantially in the fon11s on file with the Agency Secretary. 4. Authorizes the Executive Director of the Agency (or his designee) to execute the Loan Agreement and the Agency Resale Restriction Agreen1ent substantially in the fon11s on file with the Agency Secretary; to n1ake revisions to the Loan Agreel11ent and Agency Resale Restriction Agreen1ent, subject to the approval of counsel, which do not n1aterially or substantially increase the Agency's obligations thereunder; to sign all docun1ents, to n1ake all approvals and take all actions necessary or appropriate to carry out and in1plernent the intent of this Resolution. * * * * * 1047008.1 I hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was regularly introduced and adopted by the Redevelopl11ent Agency of the City of South San Francisco at a regular 111eeting held on the 13th day of February, 2008 by the following vote: AYES: Boardn1en1berts Mark N. Addiego, Richard A. Garbarino and IZevin Mullin, Vice Chair Karyl Matsun10to and Chair Pedro Gonzalez NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: None 1047008.1