HomeMy WebLinkAboutRDA Minutes 2008-05-14 I UTE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO REGULAR MEETING MUNICIPAL SERVICES BUILDING COMMUNITY ROOM WEDNESDAY MAY 14, 2008 CALL TO ORDER: 6:30 p.nl. ROLL CALL: Present: Boardnlelnbers Addiego, Garbarino and Mullin, Vice Chairwolnan Matsunloto and Chainnan Gonzalez. Absent: None. AGENDA REVIEW None. PUBLIC COMMENTS None. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Motion to approve the Ininutes of April 9, 2008. 2. Motion to confiml expense clailns of May 14, 2008 in the aInount of$871,621.51. Itenz Removed from Consent Calendar by Boardmember Addiego. 3. Resolution No. 7-2008 approving a Loan Agreelnent in the amount of$120,000 with South City Motors, Inc. for ilnprovelnents to the Comnlercial Fleet Sales Facility at 315 Airport Blvd. 4. Resolution No. 8-2008 awarding a Construction Managenlent and Inspection Services Contract for the Lindenville Stonn Drainage Construction 1111provelnent Proj ect to Mendoza & Associates of Oakland, Califonlia in an anlount not-1o exceed $232,000. Item removed from Consent Calendar by Boardmember Garbarino. 5. Resolution No. 9-2008 authorizing the Executive Director to enter into an Exclusive Negotiating Rights Agreelnent between the South San Francisco Redeveloplnent Agency, Republic Urban Properties, LLC and Marchetti Pacific Corporation to develop 201 Baden Avenue (old Fire Station 61) and a pOliion of Cypress Avenue in the Downtown Redevelopment Proj ect Area. Iteln removed from Consent Calendar by Vice ChairwOlnan Matsumoto. Motion- Boardnlenlber Addiego/Second- Boardnlenlber Garbarino: to approve Consent Calendar itelus nlullbered I and 4. Unanilllously approved by voice vote. Itenl No.2: Boardluelllber Addiego observed that the warrants ref1ected a paYlllent to Sarkis Signs for sign renloval. He questioned what sign(s) had been rellloved. Assistant Agency Director Van Duyn responded that the signs on the fornler Ron Price building purchased by the Redevelopment Agency had been rellloved. Motion- Boardlllelllber Addiego/Second- Boardluember Garbarino: to confinll the expense clainls of May 14, 2008 in the mllount of $871 ,621.51. Unaninlously approved by voice vote. Itelll No.3: Boardmeluber Garbarino explained he was conlfoliable with the Resolution. He questioned whether it would be possible to get a sales report at least every six (6) months or so. Agency Director Nagel responded that such a sales report would be sought. Motion- Boardmeluber Garbarino/Second- Boardmeluber Addiego: to approve Resolution No. 7-2008. Unaniluously approved by voice vote. Item No 5: Vice Chairwolllan Matsunloto questioned the scope of the project as reflected in the project description. Assistant Agency Director Van Duyn responded the project scope would include a determination of what the 201 Baden site could accomnlodate in terms ofnlixed-use alternatives. Chainuan Gonzalez questioned whether it would be appropriate to include green building terms into the agreenlent. Counsel Mattas advised that the Board could consider inclusion of green building standards in the Disposition and Development Agreement. Motion - Boardmember Matsumoto/Second- Boardmeluber Garbarino: to approve Resolution No. 9-2009. Unanimously approved by voice vote. ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS 6. Resolution No 10-2008 approving the Downtown Improvelllent Progrmu and authorizing funding for implementation of Phase I for $75,000 from the 2007-2008 Redevelopment Agency Operating Budget. COluluunity Development Coordinator Adams explained staff prepared graphic lllaterials pertaining to the proposed downtown improvement strategy. She advised that the work was REGULAR REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING MINUTES MAY 14,2008 PAGE 2 prelinlinarily done by fornler Associate Planner Chad Snlalley and the Consulting Finll of Van Meter Willianls Pollack. She then introduced Mr. Rick Willimus of Van Meter Williams Pollack who provided the Agency with a power point presentation. Mr. Willimlls explained the Consultants' original charge was to assist the Agency with developnlent of a series of downtown inlproveluent concepts. The concepts were organized around short ternl, nlediulu ternl and long tenu enhancenlents and explained as follows: Short tenll enhancelllents: Proposed illlprovenlents included historic nlarkers, tables and chairs, benches, trash cans and newspaper racks. Historic markers luight include Centennial thelues and historic photos. Plaques within business windows designating inlpOliant buildings were also suggested. Tables and chairs consistent with a selected vocabulary were reconl1uended as pmi of a concept in which the Redevelopnlent Agency could work with local businesses to develop and provide an integrative approach to street furniture. The Agency could purchase and resell tables and chairs within the vocabulary to the Downtown Merchants. Replacing worn benches and adding new well designed benches in the downtown area were also suggested. Integration of updated trash cans and custom contelllporary and/or historic designed newspaper racks were recon1ffiended to clean up and organize the downtown streetscape. Medium term enhancements: Proposed improvements included flower planters, hanging flower baskets, light pole banners, screens and gates at parking lot entrances and tree lights. Flower planters and/or hanging flower baskets could be adopted and maintained by businesses or individuals. Light pole bmmers were suggested as a means to bring comluunity pmiicipation to the Downtown District. Screens and gateways at parking lot entrances enhanced with historic nlarkers to hide small parking areas were also recommended. Twinkle lights in the trees lining Grand Avenue were recommended to create a vibrant mnbiance. Long term enhancelllents: Proposed inlprovements included pernleable landscaping, new bus shelters, an entrance sign and a Centelmial Plaza. Penueable landscaping was suggested to assist with Stonllwater nlanagement. Mr. Williams advised that grant programs for such iluprovements were available. Traditional or contemporary bus shelters at key locations including Airport Boulevard, Linden Avenue and near City Hall were recoluluended. An entrance sign spmuling Grand Avenue and visible frOlll the freeway was suggested to assist the Downtown's competition with other retail centers in the area. Construction of a Centemlial Plaza at Grand and Maple Avenue to be developed near City Hall and including a seating area and public art were recolunlended to enhance the most active conler in the Downtown District. Mr. Williams closed by noting that the proposal presented sluall scale intervention and larger scale improvements to enhance the overall appearance of the Downtown District, which he opined was already a great place. Comnlunity Development Coordinator Adams explained the project concept centered on making the Downtown District more beautiful for residents and businesses and assisting with the continued building of Downtown business engagement. She explained that Phase 1 would include many of the short tenu and medium phase iluprovements at an estimated cost of $75,000. Accordingly, staff recommended that the Agency approve the concept, make the required finding REGULAR REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING MAY 14,2008 MINUTES PAGE 3 under Califonlia Redevelopment Law and authorize funds frOlll the 2007/2008 budget for inlplenlentation of Phase 1. Boardluenlber Mullin observed the staff report identified hanging flower baskets and planters as short ternl inlprovements but that the illlprovements were presented as llledimu ternl in the presentation. Accordingly, he questioned whether the baskets and planters would be covered by Phase 1 funding. Assistant Agency Director Van Duyn advised that the baskets and planters would not be covered in Phase 1, because lllaintenance conlmitlllents were required. Boardnlember Mullin cOlllnlented on the need for a business association to encourage Downtown Merchant involvenlent. He suggested that such an association could be used as the fiscal vehicle to assist with funding of the suggested improveluents and fuel ongoing conl1uunity involvenlent in the proj ect. Assistant Agency Director Van Duyn advised that at one time, a Downtown Merchants Association existed as an adjunct to the Chamber of Comluerce. However, over time, the Association fizzled. He further stated the expectation that Phase 1 would serve as a stimulus for the Downtown Merchants to organize and take sonle responsibility for iluprovements. Vice ChairwOlllan Matsunloto observed that flowers and planters are challenging to luaintain and would likely require additional staffing. She further commented that plants generally have to be changed out every three (3) months. She also commented that a prerequisite requiring formation of a Downtown Merchants Association should be established prior to undertaking any of the medium and/or long term enhancements. Assistant Agency Director Van Duyn explained that the $75,000 allocated for Phase 1 represented the beginning. He noted that Downtown Merchants would have to ante up if additional phases were to ensue. Vice Chairwoluan Matsumoto recommended that staff visit cities with prosperous Downtowns so as not to reinvent the wheel. She further cOllllllented that she liked the use of black materials in the project concept but questioned whether black colored llletals would be hard to luaintain. Agency Director Nagel advised that while black vinyl clad fencing is not sturdy and is susceptible to peeling, black on furniture of the nature incorporated in the project concept was the correct choice. Vice Chairwoman Matsumoto commented that she appreciated the newspaper rack enhancements and encouraged consideration of impleluenting the same improvements on the El Camino Real. She then questioned when the Downtown Enhancement Program would start if Phase 1 was approved. Assistant Agency Director Van Duyn responded that the progrmll would start as soon as possible. Boardmelllber Addiego questioned whether the light pole banners were short term improvelllents. REGULAR REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING MINUTES MAY 14,2008 PAGE 4 Assistant Agency Director Van Duyn explained the banners were a luid-Ievel iluproveluent. He further comnlented that bmulers were intended to be bought, stored and rotated on a seasonal basis. Boardlllelllber Addiego observed that light pole banner progranls in other cOlllnlunities are often underwritten by the entities that own the respective bamlers. For exmuple, in San Francisco, the SYlllphony nlight underwrite bamlers advertising its progrmllS. He opined that Genentech and other organizations lllight suppOli baIUlers prOluoting cOnl1llll11ity events if there was a place to hang them. He further COllllllented that the long term penlleable landscaping iluprovelllent was a great concept that would result in less water pouring into storm drains. However, he questioned whether it \vas a practical solution in the City's condensed Downtown District. Boardmenlber Garbarino congratulated the staff that worked on the project concept and opined it was an excellent and easy to read piece of work. He conlnlented that the newspaper racks recomnlended for the Downtown District should also be considered in other locations within the City such as the El Canlino Real. He suggested contacting newspaper vendors to assist with funding for display illlproveluents. With respect to planters, he suggested more clustering of vegetation than was depicted in the presentation. Vice Chairwoman Matsumoto cautioned that any bus stop improvements should be coordinated with SmllTrans. Chairman Gonzalez concurred with Boardluember Garbarino regarding contacting newspaper cOlupanies to seek funding for illlproved newspaper racks. He also questioned whether green and/or sustainability features would be incorporated in the plan. Assistant Agency Director Van Duyn advised that the latest best practices would be applied. Motion- Boardmeluber Addiego/Second- Boardmelllber Garbarino: to approve Resolution No. 10-2008. Unaniluously approved by voice vote. 7. Resolution No. 11-2008 approving the final design of the Miller Avenue Parking Structure and authorizing the execution of a contract with Watry Design, Inc. for construction design of the Miller Avenue Parking Structure. Chief Plmmer Susy Kalkin advised the Agency of staff s recOlumendation that it approve the final design of the Miller Avenue Parking Structure and authorize execution of a contract with Watry Design, Inc for construction design. She stated that over the preceding month and based upon direction at the last Redevelopment Agency Meeting, staff and Vice ChairwOluan Matsumoto met with the architect to work out final design details. She introduced Michelle Wendler of Watry Design, Inc. to present the resultant changes to the design proposal. Michelle Wendler of Watry Design, Inc. provided a power point presentation to update the Agency regarding proposed design revisions as follows: Ms. Wendler advised that the updates her firm worked into the design modification included a revised fa<;ade, cornice and vehicle entry feature. She further advised that REGULAR REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING MINUTES MAY 14,2008 PAGE 5 brick was added to finish the South, West and East fa<;ades. A paint color was also added as were planters. Cut outs in the pavenlent that would allow vines to grow on the fa<;ade were proposed to help deter graffiti along Fourth Lane. Before and after renderings were presented. Vice Chairwonlan Matsunloto stated that the idea behind the design lllodifications was to incorporate the Agency's conlments frOlu the last nleeting, particularly with respect to concerns regarding graffiti. Ms. Wendler explained that the plantings and paint as opposed to brick on Fourth Lane would allow for better maintenance. Boardnleluber Mullin questioned the graffiti concern vis-a.-vis brick. Ms. Wendler explained that repainting over graffiti was luuch less expensive and luore efficient that cleaning graffiti on brick. Downtown Merchant Mona Jajeh commented that the parking structure would be a wonderful addition to the Downtown District. She noted that the District had needed a parking stnlcture for over 30 years and that there was a great deluand for the facility. She opined the structure would bring new businesses to the area. Resident Danny Swarzman stated that the Miller Avenue Parking Structure was a bad idea that the Agency should cancel immediately. He opined the Agency and the City had made and continued to make progress with iIuprovenlents such as Centemlial Way. He further stated that the developluent around BART and the plans to move the Caltrain Station were good ideas. He commented that the proposed parking structure would not connect with any existing public transit systelu and thus would serve no real need. He observed that nlany of the parking lots in the Downtown District are half filled. He opined that traffic abatement measures Downtown would lllake the area much more pedestrian friendly. Resident and Downtown Merchant Rita Hernandez opined that the parking structure was an essential iluprovement. She stated the structure would result in more businesses coming to Grand Avenue. She further opined the City needs the structure to grow and move forward. Boardmember Mullin commented on a concern relating to pedestrian access frolu the new structure to Grand Avenue. Chief Plmmer Kalkin responded that the Econonlic and Comnlunity Development Depmiment was working diligently to secure such pedestrian access. However, to date, no viable option for a physical connection through the block had surfaced. Boardmeluber Addiego stated appreciation for Vice Chairwonlan Matsumoto's effolis to improve the design. He also thanked Mrs. Hernandez for her commitment and investment in the Downtown District. Chainuan Gonzalez questioned whether the parking lot would require electric outlets for biodiesel cars in the future. He further COlllmented on the importance of green lighting standards. REGULAR REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING MINUTES MAY 14,2008 PAGE 6 Assistant Agency Director Van Duyn responded that the potential for the installation of charging stations in the lot was being explored. He further explained that the architect had been directed to consider green building elenlents with the intent of maxinlizing environnlental benefits. Motion- Boardmenlber Addiego/Second- Boardnlenlber Garbarino to approve Resolution No. 11-2008. Unaninlously approved by voice vote. Recess: 7:32 p.lU. Meeting Resumed: 10:45 p.m. CLOSED SESSION 8. Pursuant to Governluent Code section 54956.8 real property negotiations related to 296 Airport Boulevard. Owner: State of California Depmiluent of TranspOliation. Agency Negotiator: Marty Van Duyn. Time entered Closed Session: 10:45 p.m. Open Session Resumed: 11 :00 p.m. Report out of Closed Session by Chairman Gonzalez: direction was given and no reportable action was taken. ADJOURNMENT Being no hlliher business, Chainuan Gonzalez adjourned the meeting at 11 :00 p.lU. ~~. Pedro Gonzalez~ City of South San Francisco REGULAR REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING MINUTES MAY 14,2008 PAGE 7