HomeMy WebLinkAboutRDA Minutes 2008-06-25 MINUTE SPECIAL MEETING REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO MIJNICIPAL SEI~VICES BIJILJDING COMMUNITY ROOM 33 ARROYO DRIVE WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25, 2008 CALLED TO ORDER: 9:08 p.n1. ROLL CALL Present: Boardn1elnbers Addiego, Garbarino and Mullin, Vice Chairwolnan Matsun10to and Chairn1an Gonzalez. Absent: None. 1. Public COlnlnents - comments are lilnited to items on the Special Meeting Agenda. None. 2. Resolution No. 12-2008 authorizing the Executive Director to execute an Agreen1ent with Ideal Drying for rehabilitation of Agency-owned residential units in an an10unt not to exceed $43,560. Ite111 No.3 was heard before Item jVo. 2. Manager of Housing and Redeveloplnent Fragoso presented staff s recolnn1endation that the agency approve an agreelnent allowing expedited repairs of four (4) agency owned residential units that had experienced water intrusion. She advised that due to health and safety concerns the Agency had temporarily relocated affected tennants until bathrooln and kitchen repairs could be cOlnpleted. Due to tilne constraints, an infonnal bid process was undertaken for the proposed first phase of rehabilitation. She advised that on a 4/5 vote, the Agency could approve such a contract under cirCUlnstances such as these, in which cOlnpetitive bidding was not practicable. She fUliher advised that the Agency had received two (2) bids for the project. The best bid Caine from Ideal Drying, which proposed a silnilar dollar amount to the competing bid, but included the added benefit of 16 hour shifts. Longer shifts would be helpful in expediting the work necessary to correct the water damage. Manager Fragoso further notified the Agency that staff would COlne back at a later meeting and propose approval of the second phase of the project, relating to the build-back phase. Vice Chairwoman Matsumoto questioned why the units were not initially rehabbed. She further questioned whether earlier indications suggested such repairs might be necessary and questioned who manages the building. Manager Fragoso advised that at the time the Agency acquired the property, the building was occupied by existing tenants. Given that no immediate problems confronted the units, it would have been ilnprudent to relocate the tenants to facilitate rehabilitation. She further advised that staff supervises the building and North Peninsula Neighborhood Services assists with managelnent of the units. Boardmember Addiego queried the age of the property. He further questioned whether 16 hour shifts would impact adjacent neighbors. Manager Fragoso advised the structure was built in the 1920s or 1930s, and a new roof was installed nearly 10 years ago. She fUliher responded that the length of the shifts would not i111pact neighbors since the Inajority of work to be completed pertained to the interior of the structure. She added that longer shifts made the proj ect Inore cost effective. Boardlnelnber Garbarino commented that a second phase was probably required because the full extent of damage could not be ascertained until cOlnpletion of Phase 1. Manager Fragoso so confirmed. Boardn1elnber Mullin questioned whether the Agency could require that work in the evening be confined to interior improvements. Manager Fragoso advised that exterior work was not anticipated at the present time. Chairman Gonzalez questioned who would inspect the work. Manager Fragoso advised there would be a couple levels of inspection, including a water intnlsion review and the regular building pennit process. Motion- Boardn1elnber Addiego/Second- Boardmember Garbarino: to approve Resolution No. 12-2008. Unanilnously approved by voice vote. SPECIAL REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING MINUTES JUNE 25, 2008 PAGE 2 3. Public Hearing: Fiscal Year 2008/2009 Budget: a) Consideration of 2008/2009 Redevelopment Agency Budget; b) Consideration of 2008/2009 Capital In1provement Program Budget. Item No.3 was heard prior to Item No.2. Please see Minutes of the June 25,2008 Parks & Recreation Department Page 3 7/2/2008Regular Meeting of the City Council pertaining to City Council Agenda Items 11 (a) and 11 (c). Public Hearing Closed: 9:50 p.ln. Motion-Vice Chairwolnan Matsumoto/Second- Boardmelnber Garbarino: to approve Resolution Nos. 13-2008 and 14-2008. Unanilnously approved by voice vote. 4. Closed Session: Conference with Legal Counsel: Anticipated Litigation (Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9( c).) Initiation of Litigation: One Case. Time entered Closed Session: 10:07 p.m. Open Session resluned: 11 :00 p.n1. Report out of Closed Session by Chairman Gonzalez: Direction was given. 5. Adjoun1ffient. Being no fUliher business, Chainnan Gonzalez adjourned the meeting at 11 :00 p.ln. Approved Pedro Gonzalez, ChaIrman City of South San FraI1Cisco SPECIAL REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING MINUTES JUNE 25,2008 PAGE 3