HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-19-2009 PC Packet CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION MUNICIPAL SERVICES BUILDING 33 ARROYO DRIVE February 19, 2009 7:30 PM WELCOME If this is the first time you have been to a Commission meeting, perhaps you'd like to know a little about our procedure. Under Oral Communications, at the beginning of the meeting, persons wishing to speak on any subject not on the Agenda will have 3 minutes to discuss their item. The Clerk will read the name and type of application to be heard in the order in which it appears on the Agenda. A staff person will then explain the proposal. The first person allowed to speak will be the applicant, followed by persons in favor of the application. Then persons who oppose the project or who wish to ask questions will have their turn. If you wish to speak, please fill out a card (which is available near the entrance door) and give it, as soon as possible, to the Clerk at the front of the room. When it is your turn, she will announce your name for the record. The Commission has adopted a policy that applicants and their representatives have a maximum time limit of 20 minutes to make a presentation on their project. Non-applicants may speak a maximum of 3 minutes on any case. Questions from Commissioners to applicants or non-applicants may be answered by using additional time. When the Commission is not in session, we'll be pleased to answer your questions if you will go to the Planning Division, City Hall, 315 Maple Avenue or telephone (650) 877-8535 or bye-mail at web- [email protected]. Wallace M. Moore Chairperson Roberto Bernardo Commissioner Mary Giusti Commissioner Stacey Oborne Vice Chairperson John Prouty Commissioner Rick Ochsenhirt Commissioner William Zemke Commissioner Susy Kalkin, Chief Planner Secretary to the Planning Commission Steve Carlson Gerry Beaudin Senior Planner Senior Planner Linda Ajello Associate Planner Billy Gross Associate Planner Bertha Aguilar Clerk Please Turn Cellular Phones And Pagers Off. Individuals with disabilities who require auxiliary aids or services to attend and participate in this meeting should contact the ADA Coordinator at (650) 829-3800, five working days before the meeting. In accordance with Califomia Govemment Code Section 54957.5, any writing or document that is a public record, relates to an open session agenda item, and is distributed less than 72 hours prior to a regular meeting will be made available for public inspection at the Planning Division counter in the City Hall Annex. If, however, the document or writing is not distributed until the regular meeting to which it relates, then the document or writing will be made available to the public at the location of the meeting, as listed on this agenda. The address of the City Hall Annex is 315 Maple Avenue, South San Francisco, Califomia 94080. PLANNING COMMISSION AGE.NDA MUNICIPAL SERVICES BUILDING 33 ARROYO DRIVE February 19, 2009 Time 7:30 P.M. CALL TO ORDER / PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL / CHAIR COMMENTS AGENDA REVIEW ORAL COMMUNICATIONS CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Approval of meeting minutes of February 5,2009. PUBLIC HEARINGS 2. Smart Source Co/applicant C. J HOLDINGS LLC/owner 408 N CANAL ST P08-0097: UP08-0015 Use Permit to allow outside overnight storage of three small trucks, situated at 408 North Canal Street in the Planned Industrial Zone (P-1) District, in accordance with SSFMC Chapters 20.32 & 20.81. ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS 3. Appointment of a bicycle plan subcommittee. 4. Study Session Zoning Ordinance Update Citywide P07-0136: ZA07-0007 Zoning Ordinance Update Use Regulation Module #1 - Base District regulation discussion including the land use for each of the base zones ITEMS FROM STAFF ITEMS FROM COMMISSION ITEMS FROM THE PUBLIC Planning Commission Agenda - Cont'd February 19, 2009 Page 3 ADJOURNMENT. Sus alki Secreta to the Planning Commission City of South San Francisco NEXT MEETING: Regular Meeting March 5, 2009, Municipal Services Building, 33 Arroyo Drive, South San Francisco, CA. Staff Reports can now ~e accessed online at: http://www.ssf.netldepts/comms/plannina/aaenda minutes.asp or via http://weblink.ssf.net SK/bla S:\AgelA-c;j~s\Pl~,wl.llA-g C-OV1AV1AlsslolA-\200j\02-1;J-Oj RPC- AgelA-c;j~.c;joc MINUTES February 5, 2009 CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION CALL TO ORDER I PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL I CHAIR COMMENTS ROLL CALL PRESENT: Commissioner Bernardo, Commissioner Moore, Commissioner Oborne , Commissioner Ochsenhirt, Commissioner Prouty, Commissioner Zemke, and Chairperson Giusti. ABSENT: None. STAFF PRESENT: Chief Planner Kalkin, Senior Planner Beaudin, Associate Planner Ajello, Administrative Assistant Aguilar, Senior Civil Engineer Bautista, Sergeant Kallas, and Fire Marshal Da Silva. AGENDA REVIEW ORAL COMMUNICATIONS REORGANIZATION Election of 2009 Planning Commission Chair and Vice Chair Chairperson Giusti expressed her appreciation in working with the Planning Commission as the 2008 Chairperson. She thanked staff and the Commission for their support and also thanked Marc Teglia and Eugene Sim for their input on the Planning Commission. Chairperson Giusti also welcomed Commissioners Bernardo and Ochsenhirt to the Commission. Chairperson Giusti opened nominations for Chairperson. Motion-,..Commissioner Prouty ISecond--Commissioner Zemke nominated Commissioner Moore for Chairperson. Approved by unanimous voice vote. Chairperson Giusti opened nominations for Vice Chairperson. Motion--Commissioner Zemke/Second--Commissioner Bernardo nominated Commissioner Oborne for Vice Chairperson. Approved by unanimous voice vote. Page 1 of3 Chairperson Moore presented Commissioner Giusti with a plaque expressing the Commission's appreciation for the direction given as Chairperson during 2008. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Approval of meeting minutes of January 15, 2009. Chairperson Moore noted that the minutes should reflect get well wishes to Commissioners Prouty and Oborne. Motion--Commissioner Zemke/Second--Chairperson Giusti to approve the Consent Calendar with corrections to the minutes as noted by Chairperson Moore. The motion approved majority voice vote. Vice Chairperson Oborne and Commissioner Prouty abstained. PUBLIC HEARINGS 2. Heiu N. Dang - Applicant FANUCCHI, RONALD D TR - Owner 215 MILLER AVE APN - 012315050 P08-0095: PE08-00, DR08-0047, Signs08-0058 & UP08-0014 Use Permit & Design Review to allow a 2,378 sq. ft. dental office and 2,385 s.f. orthodontic office at 215 Miller Avenue in the Downtown Commercial Zone (D-C) District in accordance with SSFMC Section 20.26, 20.81, 20.85 & 20.86. Public hearing opened. Associate Planner Ajello presented the staff report. Dave Ayres, Architect, presented the project to the Commission. There being no speakers, the public hearing closed. Vice Chairperson Oborne noted concern with the lack of parking for the medical office. Mr. Ayres noted that they redesigned the parking area. Commissioner Ochsenhirt stated that the parking issue can be alleviated by having the employees use the City parking lots, which are currently underutilized and the new parking structure would also provide additional spaces. Motion--Commissioner Prouty ISecond--Commissioner Ochsenhirt to approve P08-0095: DR08-0047, Signs08-0058 & UP08-0014. Approved by unanimous voice vote. 3. Myers Development Co., LLC/applicant Myers Peninsula-Shepherd Heery/owner San Bruno Mnt I Bayshore Blvd P06-0073: PPM09-0001 & SPM09-0001 Amendment modifying Conditions of Approval A.21 and A.22 to the Precise Plan, to allow the day care center to be constructed in conjunction with certificate of occupancy for 95% of the rentable area of the South Tower. Chief Planner Kalkin explained that the application had been withdrawn and no action was necessary. ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS Page 2 of3 ITEMS FROM STAFF 4. Appointment of a Chestnut I EI Camino Real subcommittee Economic Development Coordinator Lappen gave a brief overview of the ChestnutlEl Camino Real Specific Plan and requested that the Commission appoint a subcommittee to give input on the item. Motion--Commissioner Oborne ISecond--Commissioner Bernardo to appoint Commissioners Giusti and Zemke as the Chestnut I El Camino Real subcommittee Approved by unanimous voice vote. 2009 Planners Institute Chief Planner Kalkin announced that the 2009 Planners Institute would take place in March in Anaheim and noted that the conference budget has been reduced and will only allow for two Commissioner's to attend. It was recommended that these positions be offered to the newest members who had not previously attended the conference: Vice Chairperson Obome and Commissioner Bernardo. ITEMS FROM THE PUBLIC Del Schembari, San Bruno Mountain Watch, noted that they would appreciate the Commission's support to encourage groups that are interested in environmental restoration projects. ITEMS FROM COMMISSION Commissioner Prouty welcomed Commissioners Bernardo and Ochsenhirt to the Commission. Vice Chairperson Obome and Commissioner Prouty expressed their appreciation for former Commissioners Teglia and Eugene Sim. ADJOURNMENT Motion--Commissioner Prouty ISecond--Commissioner Zemke. Approved by unanimous voice vote. Page 3 of3 Planning Commission Staff Report DATE: February 19, 2009 TO: Planning Commission SUBJECT: Use Permit allowing outside overnight storage of three small trucks, situated at 408 North Canal Street (APN 014-061-050) in the Planned Industrial Zoning District (P-I), in accordance with SSFMC Chapters 20.32 & 20.81. Owner: C.J. Holdings, LLC Applicant: Smart Source Company Case No.: P08-0097 [UP08-0015] Env. Doc.: Categorical Exemption Section 15061(b)(3) RECOMMENDATION: That the Planning Commission approve P08-0097, subject to making the fmdings of approval and adopting the conditions of approval. BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION: The 2 acre site is developed with two one-story industrial buildings each containing 19,250 square feet of floor area, approved by the Planning Commission in June 1998 (UP98-012 allowing retail sales) and constructed in two phases - 1999 (428 North Canal Street) and 2001 (408 North Canal Street). The applicant, Smart Source Computer and Audio Visuals (situated in Unit #C), is proposing to store three small trucks adjacent to the loading docks near the back of the site, as shown on the attached site plan and as described in the applicant's narrative. The project site's General Plan Land Use Element designation, Mixed Industrial, allows industrial and appurtenant uses including outside truck storage. The proposed project complies with the General Plan goals and policies encouraging reinvestment, expansion and maintenance of industrial sites. The proposed outside overnight storage of vehicles is allowed in the Planned Industrial (P-I) Zone District [SSFMC Section 20.32.070 (a)], subject to an approved Use Permit by the City's Planning Commission. The existing facility has a total of 52 parking spaces meeting the city's minimum parking requirement [SSFMC Section 20.74.070]. In conformance with the city's requirements, the applicant has been allocated 5 ofthe parking spaces (based on 730 SF of office space and 3,370 SF warehouse area). As described in the applicant's narrative, the business has six employees Staff Report To: Planning Commission Subject: P08-0097 - 408 North Canal Street February 19, 2009 Page 2 of 2 and hours of operation of Monday thru Friday from 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM. The three company owned trucks (consisting of two 19 foot long vans and a 22 foot long box truck) will be utilized by the employees during the regular business hours and stored on-site overnight. The overnight storage of vehicles will not result in parking conflicts because the other businesses in the complex share similar hours of operation, and both field observation and city records indicates that parking demand has not exceeded the supply of on-site parking spaces. To ensure that parking conflicts do not occur, conditions of approval have been added that limit the number and size of vehicles allowed to park overnight and requires a one-year review. Views ofthe trucks from North Canal Street will be limited because the trucks will be parked near the back of the property adjacent to Unit #C - 95 feet to 120 feet from the public right-of- way. . ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The proposed development was determined by City staff to be Categorically Exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act [CEQA] pursuant to Section 15061 (b )(3). Pursuant to these provisions the project was judged not to have the potential for causing a significant effect on the environment. Because the project is exempt, in accordance with CEQA, the Planning Commission need take no further action. CONCLUSION/RECOMMENDA TION: The proposed project complies with the General Plan and Zoning Code development requirements. The overnight parking of three small vehicles will not result in parking conflicts. Conditions of approval are recommended to limit the number, size and location of vehicles allowed to park on-site overnight. Therefore, it is recommended that the Planning Commission approve P08-0097. <. --<~. ~~ s;t'd11: Senior Planner Attachments: Draft Findings of Approval Draft Conditions of Approval Applicant's Narrative Photographs Plans DRAFT FINDINGS OF APPROVAL P08-0097 USE PERMIT [UP08-00015] 408 NORTH CANAL STREET (As recommended by City Staff February 19,2009) As required by the Use Permit Procedures [SSFMC Chapter 20.81], the following findings are made in approval of Use Permit 08-0015 allowing outside overnight storage of three small trucks, situated at 408 North Canal Street (APN 014-061-050) in the Planned Industrial Zoning District (P-I), based on public testimony and the materials submitted to the City of South San Francisco Planning Commission which include, but are not limited to: Site and Floor Plans submitted by the applicant in association with P08-0097, dated October 2008; Planning Commission staff report, dated February 19,2009; and Planning Commission meeting of February 19, 2009: 1. The proposed overnight storage ofthree small trucks associated with Unit #C will not be adverse to the public health, safety or general welfare of the community, or detrimental to surrounding properties or improvements. The vehicles will be parked at the rear of the property minimizing its visibility from the street and surrounding commercial and industrial developments. Conditions of approval are required which will ensure that the development complies with local development standards, the approved plans, limits the number and size of trucks and requires a one-year review. 2. The proposed overnight storage of three small trucks complies with the General Plan Land Use Element designation of the site of Mixed Industrial which allows industrial uses including outside vehicle storage associated with the operation of the business. 3. The site is adjacent to other commercial and industrial uses and the proposed outside overnight truck storage complies all applicable standards and requirements ofSSFMC Title 20. * * PROPOSED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL P08-0097 408 NORTH CANAL STREET (As recommended by City Staff on February 19, 2009) A. PLANNING DIVISION 1. The applicant shall comply with the City's Standard Conditions and with all the requirements of all affected City Divisions and Departments as contained in the attached conditions, except as amended by the conditions of approval. 2. The location of the outdoor storage of three trucks, consisting of two 19 foot long vans with gross vehicle weights less than 5,300 pounds and a 22 foot long box truck with a gross vehicle weight ofless than 7,800 pounds, shall be limited to the area adjacent to Unit #C as shown on the Planning Commission approved plans, prepared by the applicant, dated October 2008, submitted in association with P08- 0097 [Use Permit 08-0015]. Any change in the number, length or gross vehicle weight ofthe trucks allowed to park over night, or any other aspect of the project for which a Use Permit is being sought, shall require a modification ofthe Use Permit to be first approved by the Planning Commission. The conditions of approval associated with UP98-012 shall remain in effect. 3. The project shall be subject to a one-year review from the effective date of the Planning Commission's approval. At the time of review the Planning Commission may amend, modify or add conditions of approval. (Planning Division: Steve Carlson, Senior Planner 650/877-8353, Fax 650/829-6639) B. POLICE DEPARTMENT 1. Municipal Code Compliance. The applicant shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 15.48 ofthe Municipal Code, "Minimum Building Security Standards" Ordinance revised May 1995. The Police Department reserves the right to make additional security and safety conditions, if necessary, upon receipt of detailed/revised building plans. (Police Department: Sergeant Jon Kallas 650/877-8927) C. FIRE DEPARTMENT 1. If the vehicle is stored or parked adjacent to the building and is under or near any overhang or canopy, that overhang or canopy shall be sprinklered and a separate permit from the fire department is required. (Fire Department: Luis Da Silva, Fire Marshal 650/829-6645) South San Francisco Planning Application Section V; Item #4 Narrative of Use of Space: Smart Source Computer and Audio Visual Rentals is a nationwide rental company focused on corporate and trade show clients. Our branch, located at 408 N. Canal St. Suite C in South San Francisco, services the region of Northern California. Primarily we focus on the Bay Area, from San Francisco East to Oakland, and South to San Jose. Occationally we will travel as far South as Monterey, or North to Sacramento. Our posted business hours are Monday through Friday, 8AM to 5:30PM. We also periodically have work outside these hours and on the weekend We provide full-service delivery, setup and networking services for both computers and audio-visual equipment. Our space is divided into office space, comprising approximately 730sq ft, and our warehouse and technical area, which comprises approximately 3370sq ft. We currently employ a total of 6 full-time employees which include 1 manager and 5 technicians. We have company-owned delivery vehicles to conduct our daily business. These vehicles are in good working condition and good physical condition. These vehicles are unloaded and secured every night. As a provision of our lease, we are given 3 parking spaces dedicated to our suite. There are a total of 52 marked spaces in the development. We are requesting that we be allowed to use these designated spaces to park our vehicles after our hours of operation. One of the owners of this development operates a business in building 428 N. Canal St. He is agreeable to this request. South San Francisco Planning Application Section V Project Description: We are applying for a Use Permit to allow us to park our vehicles in our designated parking spaces overnight. We have no intention of storing any other material outside of our location. The site is a nearly 2 acre site, fully developed with structures, landscaping and parking improvements. There are two buildings on the site which are 19,250 sq ft each. The addresses are 408 N. Canal St and 428 N Canal St. We occupy 408 N. Canal St. Suite #C, which is approximately 4100 sq. ft. Included in our lease, we are assigned 3 parking spaces, out of a total of 52. We are requesting that we be allowed to park our delivery vehicles in these spaces overnight. Our delivery vehicles are current make/model vans. We currently employ 6 full-time employees. Our normal hours of operation are Monday- Friday, 8AM to 5:30PM, however we do periodically have service requirements outside of these hours and on the weekend. . l .J' .' ~.~-: ~,.~ ! :, f, .~~ ,i ,,:"-,;J. -~,;,\~,~' -- ,-;;;,(, rt~l . (~"- i>-' t i , , .[;...: ~~'",;:f, ,'.. '" ':i rt~ 'f,:F ". ,;- ~.':;{~l! ',\A . i;}"lf .~{; ", 'jl".. .j-\,," ~_ ~; ~!~:, # I I I , I, I '~''6 ,;,," -.i :" r r..;! P') ~ ' I . I , , . . .~] (I . . I ~ ..I II JI 1 U , ~II :t - - -. .- 1 '- ___~:'::.::.z$ 5-2--1-::--_~~ - --------- -------------------------------r-- I I I I I I I \ -I /7 \l I [ t" I 0 -( I j I I C" I 111 P' L I !? ---u I lIT \Il D I D 0 I -n I 'U '-.l I ,- p:: ~o ~ co VI I I Z? I '----' ~ I I I I\l -t~ '-' I ~~ H -lc 1) ria v -( [ GI , < <' ,-" ,p.. () j) :\,n_ I I I I I . I I~! , IU I )( I ~ l~ I 'lJ C> \J P' ~~~n~~~8 F;; ~~UJag~~ ~ ;J~~8x8& r- ~~~~~~; ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~: ~ ~ i! ;c._~ g;_gje- ~ ~~-~~~-~-~ ~ t:~~~:::?~~ 0 . I""l~ =i5C::::i! ~ ~~~~~~~ .J:>. ;~~~~~~ ? 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(602) 957-8222 III FAX NO. (602) 955.2215 0 .. ~'tR S~ 1;\ ~ . ~~\ (~ ~) u 0 ~lIFO~~\.~ - Planning Commission Staff Report DATE: February 19, 2009 TO: Planning Commission FROM: Tracy Scramaglia, Associate Civil Engineer SUBJECT: Bicycle Plan - Consideration of Appointment of a Planning Commission Subcommittee RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Planning Commission appoint two Commissioners as a subcommittee to work with the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BP AC) for the development of the City's Bicycle Plan. BACKGROUND / DISCUSSION A Bicycle Plan is part of the Circulation Element of a General Plan - one of the? State mandated elements. Our current General Plan consists of a few policies and a bicycle route map, but does not meet the current standards for bikeway plans. At the time of the adoption of the current General Plan in 1999, it was recognized that a more complete bike plan was needed. As noted in the Transportation Element Policy 4.3-1-1: "Prepare and adopt a Bikeways Master Plan that includes goals and objectives, a list or map of improvements, a signage program, detailed standards, and an implementation program." The City can no longer apply for various State funding sources without an adopted Bicycle Plan that incorporates the eleven (11) required elements for bicycle plans set forth by Caltrans. These elements include: 1. The estimated number of existing bicycle commuters in the plan area and the estimated increase resulting from the implementation of the plan. 2. A map and description of the existing and proposed land use. 3. A map and description ofthe existing and proposed bikeways by class number (I, II, III). 4. A map and description of existing and proposed end of trip bicycle parking facilities, such as schools, shopping centers, public buildings, employment centers. 5. A map and description of existing and proposed bicycle transport and parking facilities for connections with and use of other transportation modes, such as rail and transit terminals, ferry docks, park-and-ride lots. Staff Report Subject: Bike Plan - PC Subcommittee Request Page 2 of2 6. A map and description of existing and proposed facilities for changing and storing clothes and equipment, such as lockers, restrooms and shower facilities. 7. A description of bicycle safety and education programs conducted in the area included within the plan, efforts by law the enforcement agency and the resulting effect on accidents involving bicyclists. 8. A description of the extent of citizen and community involvement in the development of the plan. 9. A description of how the plan has been coordinated and consistent with other local or regional transportation, air quality, or energy conservation plans. 10. A description of projects proposed in the plan and a listing of their priorities for implementation. 11. A description of past expenditures for bicycle facilities and future financial needs for projects that improve safety and convenience for bicycle commuters in the plan area. In September 2008, staff issued a Request For Proposals (RFP) for the South San Francisco Bicycle Plan and ultimately selected Alta Planning + Design for their understanding ofthe project and ability to convey complicated material in a very concise manner. Staff has been working with BP AC (a standing committee appointed by City Council) in the formulation of the Bike Plan RFP. Recently, the Park and Recreation Commission have indicated a desire to participate in the development of the Bicycle Plan as well. In recognition of the Planning Commission's role in making a recommendation to the City Council for the adoption of the Bicycle Plan, staff is requesting that the Commission establish a subcommittee to work with the BP AC. Alternatively, the Planning Commission can rely on the BP AC to develop the draft plan for the Commissions' review. By: &.-' ~fk Tracy Scramaglia Attachment: Scope of Work Project Scope AIta Planning and Design is pleased to present this scope of work for the City of South San Francisco's Bicycle Plan. AIta is a nationally recognized firm specializing in bicycle, pedestrian and trail plans and facility design, including hundJ:eds of bicycle plans across the United States. AIta's qualified staff of project managers, planners, engineers and GIS specialists will produce a comprehensive Bicycle Plan according to the scope below. The scope includes all of the tasks listed in the RFP, including optional tasks that may be necessary in the completion of the Bicycle Plan. AIta will draw upon its Caltrans-approved bicyclist estimate model to make certain that the Bicycle Plan is in compliance with the Caltrans Bicycle Transportation Account, which ensures that the City is eligible for BTA funding. Project Management and Team Structure AIta has developed a team that is well suited to complete the City of South San Francisco Bicycle Plan. Our experience working on similar plans, many of them located in the Bay Area, will assist us in managing and delivering a high-quality product on-time and on-budget. AIta Associate Matt Lasky will manage this project. Mr. Lasky is well qualified, having managed similar plans for the Cities of Milpitas and Menlo Park. Planner Bruce Wolff will serves as Assistant Project Manager, with experience working similar plans for the Cities of San Jose and Orinda. Brett Hondorp, AICP will serve as Principal-in-Charge, and will be involved in advising and reviewing all project deliverables. Mr. Hondorp brings over 12 years of experience producing bicycle plans for jurisdictions large and small and is a certified League of American Bicyclists LCI instructor, and is certified by the Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center as a National Safe Routes to School instructor. AIta has teamed with DKS Associates to assist with traffic and civil engineering tasks. DKS brings experience in preliminary engineering, feasibility studies, construction design and documents, public outreach, alternatives analysis and on-site construction observation for bicycle facilities, including work in South San Francisco. DKS has worked with Alta on numerous bicycle plans, including work in Union City, Simi Valley and San Joaquin County, California. Task 1: Project Management and Coordination At the outset of the project an organization and scoping meeting will be held with City staff to: · Review the scope of services md work plan approach; · Review the project schedule and budget; · Gather or identify available background data, documents and maps from participating sp~nsors; · ~stablish communication channels with other City departments and stakeholders; · Review and list State and Federal required elements; and · Review and list applicable design and planning standards. Changes to the Scope of Work will be made (if necessary) at the conclusion of this effort, and an amended Scope of Work and schedule will be prepared. . AIta staff will hold two project coordination meetings with city staff over the course of the project to discuss key project issues, present and discuss'interim working papers, and keep staff apprised of our team's progress toward the final document. Task 2: Goals and Objectives The City of South San Francisco has bicycle supporting policies in its General Plan Transportation Element and include promoting bicycling as a transportation and recreation mode, working-with-area-employe:rs-ro-incluae---'----'-- , bicycling in their transportation demand management strategies and the conversion of railroad rights of ways into bikeways. Goals and Objectives are a standard element in all of Alta's bicycle plans. The goals and objectives will be included in the Bicycle Master Plan and formed with the help of the BP AC, City staff and through public input. The guiding policies listed in the City's General Plan will be used as a foundation in the formation of the goals and objectives. · Goals. or future visions, will be based on existing documents and include any new initiatives. · Objectives, or measures of effectiveness, are more specific statements under each goal that will define how the goal will be achieved. Task 3: Evaluation of Existing Conditions and Data Collection Task 3.1: Evaluation of Existing Bicycle Facilities and Supporting Facilities The evaluation of existing bicycle facilities and supporting amenities will be conducted on-site by driving, riding, and/ or walking the existing routes/bicycle system. Observations will be noted in field surveys and photographs. As allowed by budget and schedule, AIta will also collect available data from the City and local bicycle clubs/ organizations regarding bicycle use of specific routes. AIta will work with the City and stakeholders to collect data on existing bicycle facilities, such as: a. Facility description Qength, width, condition, etc.) b. Classification (Class I, II, or III) c. Support facilities such as bicycle racks, lockers, showers and storage facilities at major destinations d. Multi-modal connections such as bus/bike and bus/train and BART programs e. Substandard sections, gaps, and bottlenecks based on community input f. Bike route and bike lane signs (general presence) At the conclusion of the existing conditions evaluation, AIta will develop a Map of Existing Bicycle Facilities based on the City of South San Francisco's available base mapping, a written Summary of Existing Conditions and an updated inventory of existing bicycle facilities, based on the City's existing inventory. Task 3.2: Accident ~nalysis For the purpose of evaluating bicycle safety, Alta will gather accident data/histories from California Highway Patrol's Statewide Integrated Traffic Records System (S\VITRS) for the past five years. We will summarize the number, severity, and types of collisions in the City of South San Francisco. The information derived from this analysis will be added to our GIS database and mapped for visual representation. The data and map will be used to identify specific locations that require improvements. The analysis may also lead to motorist and bicycle awareness and educational program recommendations. Task 3.;1: Prepare Base Mapping AIta provides complete in-house mapping work for Bicycle Master Plans. AIta will obtain the City's existing GIS base layers, and build upon those with the information we gather during the. field review and inventory process. We will prepare print and electronic maps of the existing bicycle network for the plan document and use at the BP AC meetings. At the end of the process AIta will provide the City with all the shapefile data so that it can be incorporated into their GIS database. Task 4: Needs Analysis Task 4.1: BT A Compliance Alta will work direcrly with the City to ensure that the plan meets BTA requirements. All of Aha's 90+ bicycle plans in California have been approved by Caltrans, and we are experts at ensuring that each local agency qualifies for this and other funding. We have a standard checklist to identify all BTA-required elements and their location in the plan, to make the review process easier for Calttans staff. As part of the BTA compliance, Aha will prepare a needs analysis to forecast the future number of bicycle commuters that the planned improv.ements will generate. Aha's demand model uses before and after data from different American cities and US Census data, including data on the number of employed adults, college students, school children, and the number of bike-transit users, if it is available. Alta employs this methodology as standard procedure on all bicycle plans and, it has been accepted by Caltrans as a valid methodology to estimate the number of future bicyclists. Task 5: Public Input Task 5.1: BPAC Coordination During the course of the Bicycle Plan development, the Aha Team will attend one BPAC meetings to gather and identify the most critical issues facing bicycling in South San Francisco. The meeting will be held before the submission of Working Paper #2 and will focus on solidifying the bicycle facility recommendations. Task 5.2: Planning Commission and City Council Presentations Alta will present the draft Bicycle Plan at one Planning Commission meeting and one City Council meeting, incorporating any comments received. A PowerPoint slide presentation highlighting the major components of the plan will be included at each meeting. Deli\'crable #1: WORKING PAPER # 1 to include: . . Goals and Objectives . Description and map of existing and proposed land use and settlement patterns . Description and map of existing bike facilities and supporting facilities . Description and map of existing end of trip parking facilities including showers and storage facilities at schools, public buildings, major etnployment centers, park and recreation facilities, and CUttent trans ortation hubs. . Description of past bicycle expenditures by the City . Estimation of existing and future bicycle commuters Task: 6: Develop Recommended Bicycle System and Support Facilities Task 6.1: Develop Recommended Bicycle System Based on the goals and objectives and the analysis in Working Paper 1, Alta will recommend a network of bicycle facilities for South San Francisco, incorporating the existing bikeway network and recommending new routes to address gaps, deficiencies and needs. All recommended bikeway facilities will be described by the classification system developed by Caltrans in Chapter 1000: Planning and Design of Biqc/e Fad/ities. The Caltrans classification system consists of the following categories: · ~ike Paths (Class 1): bicycle or multi-use paths separate from roadways, with at-grade or grade-separated crossmgs · Bike Lanes (Class II): striped bicycle lanes, typically on the right-hand side of roadways · Bike Routes (Class Ill): roadways that provide adequate shoulder or cuxb lane width and signing, but no striping For liability, funding, and other purposes, we propose to use this classification system for this plan. For the network, Alta will prepare a detailed spreadsheet listing the improvements and describing key characteristics of each proposed route, including lengths. For the recommended network, GIS maps will be submitted to the City for review and approval prior to preparing a draft bicycle plan. AIta shall make any necessary revisions on the proposed system for inclusion in the Draft Bicycle Master Plan. Task 6.2: Develop Recommended Support Facilities AIta will develop recommendations for bicycle support facilities. Support facilities for non-motorized systems include signal loop detectors, lighting, sigrling, bicycle racks and lockers, bike racks on buses, shower facilities, and staging areas at trailheads. Support facility types will be described and classified whenever possible. Our recommendations will also include actions such as improved access to local and regional transit, bike racks on buses, bike storage areas in attended parking lots, and recommended designs for bike racks and lockers. Sh;:(nal Detection Standards AIta will propose appropriate standards for selecting and installing bicycle signal detection devices. Devices to consider include both loop detectors and video detection devices. \Ve will define circumstances under which such devices should be required, develop a method for the city to prioritize installation locations, and develop drawings and instructions for installation and pavement markings. Bikewav Sh;maRe ProRram AIta will propose a standard for bikeway directional and destination signs. An attractive signage program can help to direct cyclists to the most appropriate bicycle routes, and add visibility to the network that may encouxage cyclists to try biking to a destination. .,..,.,..;~.~~'!'!;'!'.!! Task 6.3: Recommended Education, Encouragement, and Outreach Program AIta will recommend changes to improve bicycle education, encouragement, enforcement and public outreach efforts. These recommendations will be based both on results of the previous tasks that identified problem areas plus experience gained in communities around the United States. Special focus will be placed on working with area employers in incorporating bicycling as part of their Transportation Demand Management. Task 7: Implementation and Phasing Plan >~~~~~~ '-. -~.:;:;-" .' ,~~ llMoWiPl.... Task ,7.1: Prioritiza tion of Recommended Projects 'JII ----0 AIta will identify a list of priority system routes for implementation, recommended design standards for these routes that are appropriate for the City, and a proposed plan for monitoring and evaluating the performance of the bicycle system. To prioritize system routes, Alta will develop a Prioritization Matrix with up to five criteria. 1bis matrix will be used to attach weights to the criteria agreed upon by the City and determine which routes meet the highest number of criteria. Some suggested criteria may include: . Elimination of an immediate bottleneck or safety hazard; . Connection to major transit stations; . Link to large employment centers; . Access to Bay Trail or other major recreation pathways; . Funding availability and requirements; . Consideration of other programmed transportation improvements; . Advancement of coordinated, systematic growth as opposed to a disconnected, piecemeal approach; . Current perfonnance information and projected impact on the quality of the City's bicycle system. Task 7.2: Project Description Sheets Alta will prepare up to three (3) project description sheets showing: (a) route location, (b) the project segment and connection with other segments, (c) functional purpose of the route, (d) length by classification, (e) cost estimates and project funding identification, and (f) other relevant data to be identified in accordance with the City. Alta's project description sheet fonnat has been recognized by Caltrans and used successfully on over 100 master plans that we have prepared. Task 7 3. Phasing Plan A Phasing Plan will be developed based on the ranking outcome combined with funding availability established in Task 8. The Phasing Plan will identify projects that can be accomplished during the next 5, 10 and 20 years, as well as longer-term projects that will most likely be accomplished outside the 20-year time frame. Task 8: Project Cost Estimates 8: Funding Sources Alta will identify potential funding from Federal, State, and local sources beyond the City for bicycle routes and other facility improvements. Our team is familiar with State and Federal sources of bikeway and pedestrian funding, including new funding sources in the SAFETEA-LU legislation. \Ve are also aware that most funding sources prefer to "leverage" other funds rather than provide the bulk of funding themselves. We will explore funding options from public and private sources. Deliverable #2 \'\'orking Paper #2 to include: . Revisions suggested by the City and BPAC to Working Paper #1 . Description and map of proposed bike facilities and supporting facilities, including bicycle parking. Facility locations will include all existing and future modes of transit servicing the City. . Description apd map of proposed end of trip parking facilities including showers and storage facilities at schools, public buildings, major employment centers, Plltk and recreation facilities, and current transportation hubs . Description of projects proposed in the plan and a listing of their priorities for implementation, including the Implementation Matrix described in Task 9 . Three (3) project sheets as described above in Task 8.2 Task 9: Produce Bicycle Master Plan Task 9.1: Preliminary Draft Bicycle Master Plan AIta will prepare a complete, stand-alone City of South San Francisco Bicycle Master Plan document that contains all requited BTA elements. The Bicycle Master Plan will be written in a cleat, easy-to-read manner, with recommendations illustrated by graphics, maps and photos. A Table of Contents will clearly reference chapters and sub-sections and will include a List of Figures and List of Tables so that readers can easily reference items such as the Recommended Bicycle Network Map. The Preliminary Draft Bicycle Master Plan will include the following: · Goals and Objectives (Task 1) · Evaluation of Existing Conditions and Data Collection (Task 2) · Needs Analysis, including BTA compliant bicyclist estimation (Task 3) · Public Input (Task 4) · Proposed Bicycle System and Facilities (Task 6) · Implementation and Phasing Plan (Task 7) · Project Cost Estimates and Funding Sources (Task 8) AIta will provide an electronic copy of the Preliminary Draft Bicycle Master Plan document; in Word and PDF formats. Task 9.2: Draft Final Report AIta will incorporate revisions to the Preliminary Draft Final Report as suggested by the BPAC and City staff. We will provide electronic copies with the edits to the Preliminary Draft Final Report displayed in Word "track changes" in addition to a PDF version. Task 9.3: Final Report Based on the City and public comments received, Alta will revise the Draft Final Report. AIta will present findings and recommendations to City for the final Bicycle Master Plan, including the sections defined for the Draft Bicycle Plan. Following approval of the Plan by City staff, AIta will provide a presentation to the City for the City Council and Planning Commission for approval and adoption of the Plan. The adopted Master Plan Update will serve as the final report of the Project. Aim will provide the City with a PDF and Word version of the Final Bicycle Plan~ CIO o o N 0::: W 00 :z W ~C Z..!! O~ WU:ii ~.~~ >ml- W Oz a:: .~ S! -' ~ ~ <(l!o U)u-+ OliCl Q.cn!i O.cz a::'Sz Q.~:5 ...D. WO< W i:' I-' LLuCi! 0001ll'l CONCO 00 100,... 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Planning Commission Staff Report DATE: February 19,2009 TO: Planning Commission SUBJECT: Study Session: Zoning Ordinance Update - Residential Development Standards (Module #2) - Discussion of proposed changes to residential development standards Project: Consultant: Case Nos.: Address: Zoning Ordinance Update Dyett & Bhatia P07-0136: ZA07-0007 City-wide RECOMMENDATION: That the Planning Commission conduct a Study Session to discuss the residential development standards and provide feedback to staff and the consultant. BACKGROUNDIDISCUSSION: Background Residential development standards and the resulting design were critical issues identified by the City Council and Planning Commission during the early stages of the Zoning Ordinance Update. In April of last year, staff and a team from Dyett & Bhatia conducted a noticed public meetingfbus tour of residential neighborhoods in the City with members of Council and the Planning Commission. A report on the input received during the tour is attached to the staff report as background (Attachment #1 - Neighborhood Tour Report). The Commission reviewed Module #1 (Use Regulations) at the end of 2008. We will continue to review and comment on the remaining Modules: Module #2 - Residential Development Standards Modules #2A&B - Non-Residential Development Standards & Parking Standards Module #3 - Supplemental Standards Module #4 - Administration ' Discussion Module #2 proposes a set of residential development and design standards for the Zoning Ordinance Update. The proposed standards are formulated based on existing regulations, STAFF REPORT TO: Planning Commission SUBJECT: Study Session: Zoning Ordinance Update - Residential Development Standards DATE: February 19, 2009 Page 2 General Plan policies, comments received during the Neighborhood Tour (report attached), and comments from Stakeholders and Staff. The 'Introduction' to Module #2 (attached) summarizes the key changes being proposed at this time. Key changes include: Limits on Gross Floor Area to Site Area (FAR) Window Trim Architectural Articulation Open Space/Landscaping Conclusion As is the case with all Modules, this is the Commission's first opportunity to comment, and not the last. Staff will take comments from the Commission and public throughout the process, leading up to Council adoption of the Zoning Ordinance. \ Attachments: 1. Neighborhood Tour Report, May 2008 2. Module #2: Residential Development Regulations (Draft)