HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-06-15MINUTES June Z5, 2006 CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION TAPE 1 CALL TO ORDER /PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 7:37 n.m. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Commissioner Giusti, Commissioner Prouty, Commissioner Romero, Commissioner Sim, Commissioner Teglia, Vice Chairperson Honan and Chairperson Zemke ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Planning Division: Susy Kalkin, Acting Chief Planner Steve Carlson, Senior Planner Bertha Aguilar, Admin. Asst. II City Attorney: Peter Spoerl, Assistant City Attorney Engineering Division: Ray Razavi, City Engineer Police Department: Sergeant Alan Normandy, Planning Liaison CHAIR COMMENTS AGENDA REVIEW No Changes ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None CONSENT CALENDAR None 1. AGS Linens expansion Elisa Sandoval/Owner Elisa Sandoval/Applicant 915 Linden Ave. P04-0103: UP04-0029 Use Permit to allow an existing linen supply service to expand into three adjacent tenant spaces at 915 Linden Avenue in the C-1 Retail Commercial Zoning District in accordance with SSFMC Chapters 20.22 and 20.81. Motion Prouty /Second Honan to approve the Consent Calendar. Approved by unanimous voice vote. PUBLIC HEARING 2. 249 East Grand Georgia Pacific Corporation/Owner James H. Richardson/Applicant 249 East Grand Ave. P05-0019: DR05-0043, EIR05-0001, PM05-0002, PUD05-0001, SIGNS06-0008, TDM05-0001 & UP05-0005 (Continued from June 1, 2006) Draft Environmental Impact Report assessing environmental impacts, Use Permit, Design Review and Preliminary TDM Plan to construct a phased development consisting of four office/R&D buildings totaling approximately 534,500 SF, 5,500 SF of ancillary commercial space, and related landscaping improvements Planning Commission Meeting of June 15, 2006 on a 15.75 acre site; Tentative Parcel Map to resubdivide a 15.75 acre lot into 5 parcels with reciprocal parking and access easements throughout, and a Planned Unit Development to allow creation of lots which do not abut a dedicated public street; Type C Sign Permit for a comprehensive sign program; and, request for a Development Agreement. Public Hearing opened. Acting Chief Planner Kalkin presented the staff report. Rob Kain, Alexandria Real Estate, noted that they have refined their plans to address the Commission's comments from the previous meeting. Nial Malcolmson, Dowler Gruman Architects, presented a brief video simulation of the project and gave a PowerPoint presentation responding to the Commission's comments: Meandering sidewa/k w doub/e row of trees The applicant demonstrated how they were abele to move the meandering sidewalk along the street frontage and provide trees on each side of the sidewalk as requested by the Commission. Improved screening of/oading areas The applicant presented revised plans showing an increased landscape setback adjacent to the loading area. Commissioner Teglia asked if the gates on the equipment enclosures would be manual or electric. Mr. Malcolmson noted that they would be manual gates. Commissioner Teglia noted his concern that the doors would be left open and would prefer if they were set up to close after each use automatically. Commissioner Sim asked if the surface pavement on the ramp to the equipment enclosures could have some special treatment to stealth the area. Mr. Malcolmson noted that this can be included. Public Hearing closed. Commissioner Teglia asked that the final City Council packet include revised drawings. He also suggested that the public art include a fountain or some type of water feature near the drop off area /project entry. Mr. Malcolmson noted that they have two reflecting pools adjacent to the glass stairs by buildings 1 & 3. Commissioner Romero noted no concerns with the project but, questioned the environmental concerns addressed in the EIR. He noted that the City has approved a large number of projects and was concerned that these projects seem to be overwhelming the sewer treatment plant. He questioned whether the sewer treatment plant could handle all this additional demand. Senior Civil Engineer Chuck noted that the Engineering Division is studying the East of 101 area to see what the future flows will be. He noted that the Wet Weather Program is underway to help alleviate the spills in the West of 101 Area. He stated that the East of 101 Area Wet Weather Program has been completed and pointed out that the fine that many individuals heard of recently was not caused by the City. He related to the Commission that a contractor had some problems with a pump station which has since been corrected. Vice Chairperson Honan was concerned with traffic issues although she commented there are benefits with more employment and the public art. She noted that with the increase in traffic problems in the East of 101 area the City is not benefiting completely from these projects. She clarified that she does not oppose the project but does recognize that this is a problem that is not easily mitigated. Acting Chief Planner Kalkin noted that each project poses more traffic concerns but that in adopting the 1999 General Plan these impacts were identified and the Planning Commission and City Council adopted a Statement of Overriding Considerations acknowledging these impacts would likely result from future development. She pointed out that the City has imposed aggressive TDM requirements on the project as well as other projects which must be adhered to as an on-going condition of approval. Commissioner Teglia noted that more and more projects have to implement TDM plans and that is one of the issues that may need to be revisited. He suggested looking at the General Plan, pressuring SamTrans to s:v~twutes\~Cwaltzed MCwutes~2~o6~o6-is o6 R.PC M%wutes.doc page 2 of 8 Planning Commission Meeting of June 15, 2006 coordinate public transportation to the East of 101 Area. Commissioner Prouty asked if the TDM requirements run with the project. Acting Chief Planner Kalkin replied that the TDM requirements do run for the life of the project. Commissioner Prouty asked if the developer was paying for their use of the sewer system and noted his concern that the residents would have to pick up the costs. Senior Civil Engineer Chuck noted that there is an impact fee that the developer is responsible for paying. Commissioner Romero asked what department in the City is responsible for the oversight of the TDM Programs. Acting Chief Planner Kalkin noted that the Planning Division has this task and the Commission has seen the first review. She noted that although there have been many TDM plans approved many of the buildings are not yet occupied. She pointed out that there is an annual report once a building has been occupied for two years and then there is a more extensive triennial report. Commissioner Romero asked how the small businesses are meeting the TDM programs or if there is not enough interest from these businesses. Acting Chief Planner Kalkin stated that the Peninsula Congestion Relief Alliance performs extensive outreach surveys in the entire East of 101 area. She suggested providing copies of these reports to the Commission and having them make a formal presentation to the Commission. Commissioner Romero asked if the follow up of the TDM program is the responsibility of the planner who worked on the project. She noted that some Planners are no longer with the City so it is the responsibility of the Planning Division as a whole. Commissioner Romero suggested keeping a list of all the TDM Plans and the requirements for each project, when it would tentatively be reviewed and who is responsible for the reporting. Commissioner Prouty pointed out that there need to be funds to have a dedicated person for TDM programs only. Acting Chief Planner Kalkin noted that the annual reports are surveys that are conducted by the developers and their representatives, but the City will hire a consultant to perform the triennial report, at the developer's expense. Motion Teglia /Second Prouty to adopt Resolution 2654-2006 recommending the City Council certify EIR05- 0001, including findings and a statement of overriding considerations for traffic and air quality impacts. Approved by unanimous voice vote. Motion Teglia /Second Prouty to adopt Resolution 2655-2006 recommending the City Council approve UP05- 0005, DA05-0001, DR05-0043, SIGNS06-0008, PM05-0002, PUD05-0001 and TDM05-0001. Approved by unanimous voice vote. 3. Home Depot/applicant Levitz SL San Francisco/owner 900 Dubuque Ave. P05-0035: PUD05-0003, UP05-0010, TDMO-0003, SIGNS05-0044, EIR05-0003 8- DR05-0020 (Continued from June 7, 2006) Draft Environmental Impact Report assessing environmental impacts, Planned Unit Development allowing a reduced front setback; Use Permit allowing outside storage and display, Design Review allowing construction of a 101,579 square foot Home Depot store, a 24,215 square foot Garden Center, open at- grade parking and a 2 level parking structure and generating in excess of 100 daily vehicle trips; Type C Sign Program comprised of building facade signs and retention of an existing pole sign with a total area exceeding 300 square feet; Transportation Demand Management Plan reducing traffic effects, situated at 900 Dubuque Avenue in the Planned Commercial (P-C-L) Zoning District in accordance with SSFMC Chapters 20.24, 20.81 & 20.85 Motion Giusti /Second Prouty to continue the item to July 6, 2006. Approved by unanimous voice vote. s:~M6wutes\~~wAl%zed M%wutes\2oo~\o~-is-o~ xpc MC~,utes.doc Page s of 8 Planning Commission Meeting of June 15, 2006 4. Lowe's Home Improvement Center Project 101 Associates/Owner Lowe's HIW, Inc./Applicant 600-790 Dubuque Avenue (APN: 015-021-090, 015-021-030 8: SBE 135-41-14 Parcel 1) P05-0097: DR05-0051, EIR05-0002, PM05-0005, PUD05-0002, TDM05-0002 & UP05-0021 Draft Environmental Impact Report assessing development-related impacts and including a Statement of Overriding Considerations; Planned Unit Development Permit allowing a reduced rear yard setback, Use Permit allowing aone-story 124,000 square foot home improvement center, a open 24,698 square foot garden center, the retention of an existing 15,178 square foot retail store, outside storage, outdoor display area, a use generating in excess of 100 average daily vehicle trips and off-site employee parking on an abutting PG&E parcel; Design Review of a one-story 124,000 square foot home improvement center with a 24,698 square foot garden center, the retention of an existing 15,178 square foot retail store with open at-grade parking and landscaping; Parcel Map merging several parcels into a single parcel; Transportation Demand Management Plan reducing daily vehicle trips. Public Hearing opened. Senior Planner Carlson presented the Staff Report. Anthony Farman, Lowe's Site Development Manager, gave a PowerPoint presentation. He pointed out that proposed Lowe's is the smallest prototype Lowe's has. He added that the West Marine building is to remain and will be architecturally upgraded to match the proposed Lowe's. He showed the landscape plan, site plan, roof plan and site perspectives from US 101 and Dubuque Avenue. Public Hearing closed. Commissioner Teglia asked that staff review the Planned Unit Development requirements, the rear setback and how parking will be affected. Senior Planner Carlson replied that the rear setback requirement is 15 feet and only 10 feet is provided with the existing proposal. He pointed out that 40 to 45 parking spaces would be lost if they were required to meet the setback requirement. Commissioner Teglia pointed out that the minimum 10% landscaping is being proposed, most of which is in the rear. He suggested putting the green space on Dubuque and moving the parking spaces towards the railroad tracks. Senior Planner Carlson noted that it is possible for parking to go into this area of the site. He added that Lowe's intends to use this area as a drainage swale and it could be relocated towards Dubuque. Commissioner Teglia also suggested that the loading docks be oriented to the rear and pointed out that these might go in the staging area in the rear. The Architect noted that the staging area is enclosed and used for the generator and storage of materials. He added that the staging area is also used as a lumber delivery area. Commissioner Prouty noted that he recalled that at the earlier study session the City Council and the Planning Commission spoke of reorienting the building to have the front face Dubuque. He noted that this would move the loading area away from the public view. The Lowe's architect noted that they have looked at the various scenarios, including rotating the building to face Dubuque Avenue, and found that the parking field in front of the building is insufficient. Commissioner Prouty noted that at grade parking is not the best land use for the site and suggested that the applicant look into a parking structure which would allow the store to face Dubuque. Commissioner Romero noted that the plans were small and could not decipher what the full proposal was. He added that there were not many details on the plans. He added that there needs to be more architectural detailing on the building. He also expressed his concern with the minimal amount of landscaping being provided. He felt that the landscaping is inadequate for the project and that the trees in the parking lot will not be cared for when the project is completed. The Lowe's Architect Commissioner Romero noted that the large green spot at the back of the building could be used for parking rather than for landscaping and include the landscaping along Dubuque. The Lowe's architect noted that the green area has PG&E towers running above it and explored parking in that area and it was concluded that parking could not s:Vrt%wutes\~~wctlized M%wutes~2oo~O\o6-2s-o6 izpc n~ttwutes.doc page ~F a f 8 Planning Commission Meeting of June 15, 2006 be safely installed under the high voltage structures. He further noted that the bio-Swale area complies with the State Water Resources Control Board in regard to storm drain systems. He noted that the storm water would be collected and filtered in that area. Commissioner Romero noted that other PG&E towers have parking around them and asked if the Swale was included in the 10% landscaping requirement. Senior Planner Carlson noted that it is included and that the bio-Swale can be reconfigured to include parking. Commissioner Romero pointed out that the garden center can be enhanced by creating visual corridors from US 101 and Dubuque. He suggested a wrought iron fence rather than enclosing the garden center. Vice Chairperson Honan noted that big box retail stores in the East of 101 will cause a lot of impacts and felt that the City needs more than a nice tilt up. She noted that the applicant is only providing the minimum amounts of landscaping and parking. She pointed out that the Commission has worked hard to improve the East of 101 area and felt that Lowe's needs to improve the design. The Lowe's architect noted that because of site constraints they could only provide the minimum landscaping and parking. He added that they explored having a parking structure but it is not feasible for the customers to take large appliances up to a second or third level. He pointed out that they have studied rotating the building, a parking structure and different locations and this is the most feasible site plan for the site. Commissioner Prouty stated that the building could be reoriented and added that freight elevators could be added to the parking structures for large carts. He pointed out that the left pocket lane is a concern to him. He suggested that the first island should be closed off so that customers don't go into that area but go further into the lot to mitigate backups. The Lowe's architect noted that one of the mitigation measures identified in the EIR is that Dubuque be widened three to four feet and pull the curb back. He also pointed out that they added an additional left hand turn to reduce the back up of cars. Senior Planner Carlson asked if Commissioner Prouty was looking at extending the island so that it blocks off the intersection. Commissioner Prouty confirmed this. Commissioner Sim asked to see the cumulative visual effect of both Home Depot and Lowe's. He pointed out that both projects have loading docks and frontages that are blank walls. He suggested that the applicant could screen the back alley to make it visibly appealing. He also noted that their needs to be a new design for Lowe's and they need to work out of the box and suggested new skinning techniques for the fagade. He pointed out that the parapet should not look fake but be pleasing to the eye. Commissioner Sim also pointed out that the West Marine Building does not have any character and suggested that there be more landscaping included in that area of the site. He asked that the loading dock needs more stealthing and should possibly be moved. Chuck Landell, Architect, noted that they are working on improving the landscaping screening of the loading dock which is almost 200 feet back from the street. Commissioner Sim noted that the Commission is not convinced that the loading dock will be completely screened and asked for 3-dimensional views of how it will be screened. Commissioner Prouty asked if the side of the building is normally oriented to the street. Mr. Landell noted that the building orientation is often site driven. Commissioner Prouty noted that this site is a front door for the City and noted that the loading dock needs to be screened from the public view. Commissioner Teglia noted that screening will not hide the building. He also suggested that the loading docks could be orientated to the rear with two pockets. He added that the Commission is looking for high quality development. Commissioner Romero noted that when the San Bruno Lowe's was going through its review process there was no consideration to how the project was going to affect South San Francisco. He added that the back of the San Bruno Lowe's is visible and does not want to have other businesses look at the back of the Lowe's in San Bruno. He stated that this project is in view of those driving on US 101, resulting in free advertising for Lowe's, and noted that this is an opportunity for Lowe's to showcase their building. Commissioner Sim noted that Home Depot is incorporating an interesting lighting fixture element all around it. He stated that this application can also address the night theme and make it an interesting gateway to the City. He also noted that the parking lot needs to have more landscaping and pointed out that the look needs to have a layering effect to give the frontality on US 101. Chairperson Zemke agreed with the commissioners in reorienting the building and having it face Dubuque and add s:\M%wutes\~%wctl%zedM%wutes~2oo6\o6-is-o~RPCM~wutes.doc Pagesof 8 Planning Commission Meeting of June 15, 2006 more landscaping. Senior Planner Carlson asked if the Commission wanted the applicant to follow a certain theme similar to what they had done with Home Depot. Commissioner Sim noted that the Commission wants to move away from the warehouse look and make it look professional. Commissioner Teglia noted that the Commission will be interested in the screening of the garden center, the side of the building, roof line, and nice aesthetics. Commissioner Prouty noted that a fake facade could be created if this is the only location that is feasible for the project. Barra Marshall, Real Estate Department, spoke with regards to the orientation of the building and found that they did not have flexibility with the building. He noted that they can try to fit their prototypes so that they front the main roads but do not have the flexibility to change the prototypes to make them fit a curved site like this one. He pointed out that the parking filed would be too small with the building facing Dubuque. He felt that it is crucial to Lowe's that their customers have at grade parking and the ability to park in front of the store entrance. Commissioner Prouty noted his understanding for being able to park in front of the store but mentioned that a freight elevator would give the flexibility of taking the purchased material to the second level of the parking structure. He also suggested relocating the garden center. Mr. Marshall noted that there is some flexibility with the Garden Center but not with the lumber canopy. He felt that it would be better that the lumber canopy be located away from Dubuque because of the amount of activity. He noted that if the lumber canopy is on Dubuque there would be individuals queuing in that area. He added that they have made every effort to offset. the back of the building to minimize visual effects. Commissioner Teglia suggested moving the receiving area towards Dubuque , with a deeper well in the back, put the truck loading in the back which will provide an area in the side of the building to put the lumber staging area. Mr. Marshall noted that there are different types of trucks and deliveries. He noted that the lumber canopy is at grade and the forklifts pickup the lumber from the side of the truck. He stated that the docks are below grade and go into the store. He added that these are two different functions of the building going to different areas of the building. Commissioner Teglia noted that a sidewall pocket could be installed and a truck could go into Dubuque and then back into a pocket. The Commission discussed when the item could be continued to and when the Lowe's team could return with response to all the comments. At the applicant's request the Commission decided to continue the item off calendar. Motion Teglia /Second Honan to continue the item off calendar. Approved by unanimous voice vote. ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS Recess called at 9:38 p.m. 5. FedEx Distribution Center Bacon, John W. ~ Lynn J./Owner Michael Nilmeyer/Applicant 220 Shaw Rd. P05-0064: UP05-0014 recalled to order at 9:45 p.m. One year review of Use Permit and Design Review allowing the conversion of a two-story 65,694 square foot industrial building into commercial postal facility with exterior building improvements, landscaping upgrades and open at-grade parking accommodating up to 66 parking spaces, loading spaces and 9 truck trailer parking spaces, generating in excess of 100 average daily vehicle trips and 24 hour operation. Senior Planner Carlson presented the staff report. Mike Nilmeyer, representing the owner, noted that there is a new manager that may not have been informed of the Condition of Approval requiring business licenses for all independent contractors. He noted that the owner has s:~rnCv~.utes~~LwAlCzed r~Cwutes~zoo6~o6-25-06 rzpc MLwutPS.doc page 6 of 8 Planning Commission Meeting of June 15, 2006 been in contact with the new manager and has written them a letter. He added that he has been in contact with the national real estate department in an effort to make them aware of the Conditions and the requirement for on- going compliance. Chairperson Zemke asked how long Fed Ex has been in operation at the site. Senior Planner Carlson and Mr. Nilmeyer noted that it has been approximately one year. Commissioner Prouty asked what type of hammer could be used to make the independent contractors submit applications to the City. Senior Planner Carlson noted that Code Enforcement could go out. Commissioner Prouty noted that there are trucks parked on the street and this is clearly a violation of their conditions of approval which required these trucks not be parked on the street if they were to be for independent contactors. Senior Planner Carlson stated that the Commission, rather than adding a Condition of Approval, opted to review the project and then decide the next step if there were issues with trucks parking all over the City. Mr. Nilmeyer and Senior Planner Carlson noted that there have not been any complaints from the neighborhood on this application. Commissioner Teglia noted that it is not necessarily the job of the owner to force the independent contractors to get a business license. He suggested that the City should send them a letter informing them of the enforcement action such as revocation hearings and Code Enforcement. Assistant City Attorney Spoerl noted that there may be more leverage in this because the independent contractors are ultimately responsible for paying the Code Enforcement fines. Senior Planner Carlson noted that if they don't comply they could inform them of rescinding the Use Permit Commissioner Romero noted that a 3 month review is better than a 6 six month review and questioned if anyone has reviewed the application to see if it is in compliance. Commissioner Teglia added that the independent contractors had to be given the option to park their vehicles in the Fed Ex facility or take them home. He pointed out that the Commission did add a condition specifically requesting that all commercial vehicles be parked on site and kept off the street. Commissioner Giusti questioned if the semi trailers are waiting to be loaded or unloaded. Vice Chairperson Honan noted that if the company is not complying with the Conditions of Approval, then staff should send them a letter asking them to comply or they subject themselves to a revocation of the Use Permit. Commissioner Teglia noted that they could schedule a revocation hearing and Fed Ex could explain why they have not complied with the Conditions of Approval. Commissioner Romero suggested putting Fed Ex on notice and if they still do not comply they will be scheduled for a revocation hearing. Mr. Nilmeyer noted that he will write a letter to Fed Ex's project engineer informing them of the meeting discussion and clarified that his client is John Bacon and not Fed Ex. He added that the meeting and the Commission's comments on other projects helped him to realize that the Design Review Board needs to be tough on the applications that come forth to them. ITEMS FROM STAFF Assistant City Attorney Spoerl noted that he related the Commission's concerns to the City Council with regard to the Boards and Commission's attendance policy and that the Council approved the policy without any changes. He added that the attendance policy was made effective from the beginning of the year. Chairperson Zemke noted that he addressed the City Council and reiterated the Commission's concern and urged that they consider an exception for the Planning Commission due to the role of the Commission being very different than other Boards and Commissions. He asked that in the future the minutes clearly state the reason why a Commissioner was absent. He felt this was important for a Commissioner who has to go before the Council to justify their absence. s:~Nt%wutes\~~walLzed M%wutes~2oo6\o6-is-o6 iz.FC MCwutes.doc page ~ o f g Planning Commission Meeting of June 15, 2006 Commissioner Prouty felt that missing three meetings in one year may be a lot for other Boards and Commissions but the Planning Commission has about 26 meetings a year and three may not warrant termination. Commissioner Teglia felt that the policy is much more restrictive to the Planning Commission although the Council has expressed that they want to be equal to all Commissions. Vice Chairperson Honan was concerned that a Commissioner's name would be published on an agenda and that all the public would see this. Assistant City Attorney Spoerl noted that the item will be an action item and the possible termination would be held in a public forum due to their being appointed officials. The Commission concluded that the Council was clear in the requirements and basis for termination of any Board or Commissioner. ITEMS FROM COMMISSION None ITEMS FROM THE PUBLIC None AD.7OURNMENT 10:10 P.M. Motion Honan /Second Giusti to adjourn the meeting. Approved by unanimous voice vote. .~ ~~, ; c~! Su~Kalkin/ ` Acting Sec etary to the Planning Commission City of South San Francisco William Zemke, Chairp, son Planning Commission;' City of South San Francisco SK/bla 5:\M%wutes\~CwaLCzed r~ntwutes\2oo6\o6-2s-o6 izpc r~~wutes.doc page 8 of g