HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-07-20M~~~~ 1u/y 20, 2006 CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION TAPE 1 CALL TO ORDER /PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 7:30 p.m. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Commissioner Giusti, Commissioner Prouty, Commissioner Sim, Commissioner Teglia, Vice Chairperson Honan and Chairperson Zemke ABSENT: STAFF PRESENT: CHAIR COMMENTS Commissioner Romero and Commissioner Teglia Planning Division: Susy Kalkin, Acting Chief Planner Steve Carlson, Senior Planner Chadrick Smalley, Associate Planner Bertha Aguilar, Admin. Asst. II City Attorney: Peter Spoerl, Assistant City Attorney Engineering Division: Ray Razavi, City Engineer Dennis Chuck, Senior Civil Engineer Police Department: Lieutenant Jim Thane Fire Prevention. Bryan Niswonger, Assistant Fire Marshall Chairperson Zemke noted that Commissioner Romero is absent due to a medical emergency and Commissioner Teglia is also absent due to a death in the family. AGENDA REVIEW No Changes ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None CONSENT CALENDAR None 1. Approval of regular meeting minutes of June 15, 2006. Motion Prouty /Second Honan to approve the Consent Calendar. Approved by unanimous voice vote (5-0-2 absent) PUBLIC HEARING 2. Roger Williams Academy First Baptist Church of SSF/applicant First Baptist Church of SSFlowner 600 Grand Avenue P06-0022: UP06-0007, DR06-0019 ~ VAR06-0001 Use Permit, Design Review and Variance to allow relocation of a playground for a private school, including a 4.5 foot tall fence and outdoor play structure, which encroaches into both the public right-of-way and the minimum required 15 foot front setback on a site located at 600 Grand Avenue in the R-3-L Multi-Family Residential Zone District in accordance with SSFMC Chapters 20.20, 20.73, 20.82 8~ 20.85. Planning Commission Meeting of July 20, 2006 Public Hearing opened. Associate Planner Smalley presented the staff report through a PowerPoint presentation. Lieutenant Thane continued with a PowerPoint presentation outlining the Police Department's role in project review and highlighted the departments concerns with the project. George Corey, Attorney representing the Roger Williams Academy, noted that the issue at hand is about the picket fence near the sidewalk. He pointed out that the picket fence was installed without the benefit of City approval. In response to the Police Departments presentation he notified staff and the Commission that the school has a video security system in place as well as adult supervision from both inside and outside of the building. He pointed out that the Design Review Board liked the fence but asked that it be moved back further. He noted that there have not been any accidents on that corner. Mr. Corey also pointed out that the "easement" was originally intended for the Grand Avenue extension several years ago and was not used for this nor are there any future plans by the City to use this "easement". He added that there is enough security with the fence and once they have concluded the planning process they will revisit the relocation of the bus stop. He stated that the play area would be affected if they lost the five feet where the fence is. He submitted letters to the Commission of individuals that were in favor of the fence staying. Pastor Smith apologized to the Commission for building the fence without benefit of City approval. He pointed out that his intent was to have a fence around the area where children play. He noted that the playground has to be licensed and approved for purposes of the daycare Building Kidz because a private school does not need such licensing. He also noted that as a retired police officer he recognizes the need for safety and installed security cameras on the playground, classrooms, gymnasiums and hallways as well as having each of the staff members with walkie-talkies. Rita Chavez, Principal of Roger Williams Academy, noted that she feels much more secure with the fence in place. She stated that the fence enables them to be able to let a child go to the restroom alone rather than having to take all the students in which was the case prior to installation of the fence. An additional benefit is that individuals are kept off school property. She added that they do not like to take all the children out at the same time and prefer to rotate their recesses. Lily Bandari, Building Kids, pointed out that she leased the building for an infant center. She added that they have been walking their children across the street to the parking lot and stated that licensing does not see an issue with the playground in front of the property. She pointed out that the children are much safer without walking across the street which makes the chances of them being hit by a car much higher. She asked that the Commission allow them to keep the fence. Vice Chairperson Honan asked how many children were enrolled and the amount of time that the children spent playing outside. Ms. Bandari noted that the that there is a total of 67 children enrolled and that they take the children out to play for 45 minutes in four groups at various times of the day. She further added that there are specific regulations from the licensing board that require them to have a certain amount of square footage of play area per child in order to receive said license. Patrick Cheng, The Back Doctor, stated that he is not a member of the church and pointed out that he is in favor of the application. He added that the church has suffered monetarily but that Pastor Smith has upgraded the visibility of Grand and Magnolia by repainting the building and other minor modifications. . Public Hearing closed. Commissioner Giusti noted that there is not an exit from the play yard to the building. She added that a stop sign should be added at Grand and Magnolia so that on coming traffic from Grand are forced to reduce their speed prior to turning onto Magnolia. Mr. Smith noted that the personnel has increased per the number of children that are going to the playground across the street. He added that there is a gate in front of the school which is designed to keep the toldlers from running out to the street. Ms. Chavez noted that they have an intercom system to allow them to control who goes in and out of the school properly. 5:\Mi.vi.utPS\~%wAl,%ZCd M%vLUtCS\20D6\0~-20-06 RPC.GIOC page 2 of 6 Planning Commission Meeting of July 20, 2006 Vice Chairperson Honan asked how the playground is utilized. Mr. Smith noted that children of different ages are not mixed. There area specific times that the preschool children can go out and play and the older children use the gym during the day. He pointed out that the older children only use the lawn area when they are being dropped off, picked up and during lunch. Ms. Chavez noted that they work out the times through the walkie talkie system. Vice Chairperson Honan noted that if the picket fence can be moved off of the public right-of-way it would not affect the older children. Mr. Smith replied affirmatively. Ms. Bandari stated that this would affect her use because she would not have the sufficient play area for her preschoolers. Vice Chairperson Honan noted that the playground across the street can still meet the requirements of the younger children. Vice Chairperson Honan, Ms. Chavez and Mr. Smith discussed the procedures that the school follows with regard to having an adult supervise the children. Both Mr. Smith and Ms. Chavez noted that one individual is tasked with watching them before and after school when they are being dropped off or picked up because of the locked gate but that during the day while the children are play, they are required to have one supervisor for every 12 children. Commissioner Sim asked what the size of the area is at the moment and how much square footage will be lost. Ms. Chavez noted that there are approximately 800 square feet of play area right now in front of the school and if they move the fence in, they will lose 200 square feet. Commissioner Sim asked why the applicant was not using the area where the sign was currently installed. Ms. Chavez noted that the sign serves all the uses at the site that assemble there and is not for the school only. Commissioner Sim noted that he would like to see what the applicant is proposing as option °A"and how they can address the Design Review Boards comments as option'~B". He also asked that they show what the entire square footage is of the area, where the soft stapes are, how much will be lost by moving it out of the public right-of-way and how much the State Code requires for the preschool use. He asked staff if there will be issues with insurance on the public right-of-way and if the City would be liable for an injury in that part of the playground. Assistant City Attorney Spoerl felt that the liability would fall upon the encroacher and noted that he would research this further and report back to the Commission. Mr. Corey added that there are still 10 feet for public access beyond the fence. He added that the fence could be removed when the City wants to continue with their plans. Commissioner Sim wanted to be clear that the City will not be liable for allowing this encroachment and felt that he does not want to set a precedant. He suggested that the applicant return to the Commission with revised plans. Commissioner Prouty noted that he is comfortable with keeping the picket fence but not granting the 5 foot encroachment. Mr. Corey noted that the applicant will not hold the City liable for any injury in that section if this is granted. Commissioner Prouty was also concerned with setting a precedent with the variance. Commissioner Prouty asked that a barrier be added in front of the picket fence to protect the children if a car should run into it. Commissioner Sim suggested that staff work with the applicant to recapture the soft scape and add some plants on the street side of the fence once it is moved of the public right-of way. He also noted that their sign should have a sign permit and it should be creative. Chairperson Zemke complemented the church for keeping up the building over the past few years. He was also concerned with granting a variance for the right-of-way and the sufficienq of a picket fence for providing security from cars. There was a consensus of the Commission to remove the requirement for the variance for the play equipment by determining the equipment is not a structure. Motion Sim /Second Prouty to continue the item to August 17, 2006. Approved by unanimous voice vote. 3. Lowe's Home Improvement Center Project 101 Associates/Owner Lowe's HIW, Inc./Applicant 600-790 Dubuque Avenue (APN: 015-021-090, 015-021-030 ~ SBE 135-41-14 Parcel 1) 5:\M%wutCS\~i,wctl%zed M%vtiutC5~2006\0~-20-D6 RPC.dOC PGt9C 3 D'~ 6 Planning Commission Meeting of July 20, 2006 P05-0097: DR05-0051, EIR05-0002, PM05-0005, PUD05-0002, TDM05-0002 8~ UP05-0021 Draft Environmental Impact Report assessing the environmental impacts associated with a new 124,051 square foot Lowe's store with a 24,698 square foot Garden Center, the retention of an existing 15,178 square foot retail building, and open at-grade parking including a Statement of Overriding Considerations; Planned Unit Development Permit allowing a slight reduction of a small portion of the minimum rear yard setback; Use Permit allowing outdoor sales, outdoor storage and display area, a use generating in excess of 100 average daily vehicle trips, up to 24 hour operation, off-site employee parking on an abutting PG&E parcel, and the determination of a parking rate; Design Review of a one-story 124,051 square foot home improvement center with a 24,698 square foot garden center, the retention of an existing 15,178 square foot retail store with open at-grade parking and landscaping; Parcel Map merging five parcels into a single parcel; Transportation Demand Management Plan reducing daily vehicle trips for a site located at 600-790 Dubuque Avenue in the P-C-L (Planned Commercial Zoning District) in accordance with SSFMC Chapters 19.48, 20.24, 20.74, 20.81, 20.84, 20.86 8~ 20.120 Recess called at 8:23 p.m. Recalled to order at 9:02 p.m. Public Hearing opened. Senior Planner Carlson gave a brief presentation. Anthony Farmand, AI Shaghagi, David Gates, Charles Landa gave a PowerPoint presentation and noted that they made the following changes: • Facade has been changed loading and unloading will take place in the rear of the building Loading dock reoriented to face the railroad tracks Additional landscaping was added on the northwest corner of the parking lot. • Created some meandering sidewalks Parking was added to where the PG&E tower is located and reduced the size of the swale. The setback at the main entry to Lowe's has been increased by 5 feet and created a concrete scored entry at the driveways. First aisle in the driveway was eliminated to make an "L" shaped parking to allow more room for cars entering the parking lot. • Added 36 more trees to the parking lot. • Some of the plants used are Evergreens, Magnolias, conifers, low hedge which goes the full length of the properly. Delivery doors were reoriented towards the railroad tracks. They eliminated the big box look by using amulti-glass element with a back lit sign; simulated the window features of an office building and made the garden center look like part of an office building. • The West Marine building design was also changed to match the Lowe's warehouse. After the presentation they showed a movie that showed the proposal as viewed heading north and south on highway 101 during the day and also at night. Public Hearing closed. Vice Chairperson Honan noted that Commission's comments were responded to and congratulated the project team for being so responsive. She asked the applicant if there would be seasonal items sold in the front of the fot. Mr. Farmand added that they do have seasonal sales that will be for duration of 4-5 days but not a year long sale and if the Ciry requires a permit to be pulled for this, they will comply with the request. Vice Chairperson Honan also asked how they intended to manage the large appliance returns and where they would be stored waiting for pickup. Mr. Farmand noted that these would be stored in the back of the building but have added screens to their fences to mitigate the visual impacts. Vice Chairperson Honan was also concerned that there would be outside storage at the site. Mr. Farmand reassured her that there will not be any outside storage and that the palettes will be in a secured area. Vice Chairperson Honan noted that she would like to see that Lowe's s:\M%wutes\F%wal~zed Mi,~.utes\2oo6\0~-20-0~ tz.PC.doc page 4 of 6 Planning Commission Meeting of July 20, 2006 agrees to not have any vendors in front of their store. Mr. Farmand noted that they will not allow this if the City does not want these vendors in front of the store and added that this will be the most expensive Lowe's they have ever done. Commissioner Honan asked when the trees would be fully grown. Mr. Gates noted that there are Magnolias on the site and they are slow growing trees. He pointed out that they could work with staff to get a faster growing tree but the Magnolia will have a strong effect between 7-10 years. Commissioner Prouty asked what the size of the trees were going to be when installed. Mr. Gates noted that some will be 24 gallon and others 36 gallon trees. Commissioner Prouty stated that the applicant should install 36 gallon trees on the site. Commissioner Giusti asked that the parking lot not be used for temporary storage of lumber as is done in the San Bruno Lowe's. Mr. Farmand noted that the canopy area has 10 large parking spaces for contractors that pickup their lumber. He added that Lowe's does not permit lumber to be stored in the parking lots but the store managers operate differently. Commissioner Sim echoed the sentiments of the other Commissioners with how responsive the project team was to their concerns and comments. Commissioner Prouty asked what kind of lighting would be used on the parking lot. Mr. Farmand noted that they will use the standard Lowe's lighting and the poles will be 30 feet tall. Commissioner Prouty asked that the materials board should be made part of the record to make sure it is the same materials and color scheme as approved by the Planning Commission and City Council. Senior Planner Carlson pointed out that the sign program is going to return to the Planning Commission for final review and approval. He also added that the Parcel Map is not part of the material before the Commission but could include it as a Condition of Approval and have it reviewed by staff. Assistant City Attorney Spoerl added that there is a Condition of Approval incorporated with regards to outside storage. Senior Planner Carlson added that the conditions were incorporated as a result of the comments given on the Home Depot project. Motion Sim /Second Prouty adopting resolution 2657-2006 recommending certification of the Environmental Impact Report to the City Council. Roll call vote: Ayes: Commissioner Giusti, Commissioner Prouty, Commissioner Sim, Vice Chairperson Honan and Chairperson Zemke Noes: None Abstain: None Absent: Commissioner Teglia and Commissioner Romero Approved by roll call vote. Motion Honan /Second Giusti adopting resolution 2657-2006 recommending that the City Council approve P05- 0097: DR05-0051, EIR05-0002, PM05-0005, PUD05-0002, TDM05-0002 & UP05-0021 with additional conditions as noted in the Commission's discussion. Roll call vote: Ayes: Commissioner Giusti, Commissioner Prouty, Commissioner Sim, Vice Chairperson Honan and Chairperson Zemke Noes: None Abstain: None Absent: Commissioner Teglia and Commissioner Romero 5:\M%wutes\~i.wctl%zed M%v~utes\2006\D~-20-06 RFC.doc gage sof 6 Planning Commission Meeting of July 20, 2006 Approved by roll call vote. ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS ITEMS FROM STAFF ITEMS FROM COMMISSION ITEMS FROM THE PUBLIC AD.7OURNMENT t,/~,, / Susy I<alkin Acting Se retary to the Planning Commission City of South San Francisco SK/bla None None None 10:00 P.M. ~'L''~~~ William Zemke, Chairp n Planning Commission ,~ City of South San Fra Cisco 5:\M%wute5\~Fbvi.pLi.ZCd Miwute5~2006~0~-20-06 RPC.dOC page 6 of ~