HomeMy WebLinkAboutECR RD Area Plan FSEIR 2000 EL CAMINO CORRIDOR REDEVELOPMENT PLAN AMENDMENT SUPPLEMENTAL EIR COMMENTS AND RESPONSES SCH #1999 032051 LEAD AGENCY: CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO June 2, 2000 PECI.:::l\lED .00 JUN -2 P2 :32 OFFICE (;~' ell' y rl c.:. 1. v ~~ l n_ ; I O S ~ N ! r~ .~ ~. ~ ('. ~ -~ ~_.~. . s ).. f-'\ t (\ f' '. i ;. -,' '--.: '. . vENTRAL REC()RDS FILE NO. S~C)3 ------.. DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PLANN~G DIVISION (650) 877-8.53;5 FAX (6S0) 829-6639 RE: ERRATA, EI Camino Corridor Redevelopment Plan Amendment Supplemental EIR (SEIR)J Responses to Comments The attached letter was inadvertently omitted from the Responses to Comments document dated June 2, 2000. As the letter was submitted within the public comment period for the Draft SEIR, a response is required to comply with CEQA.. The following discussion provides a response to the points made in the letter. First, the commenter refers to differences among the traffic analyses in the General Plan EIR, the El Camino Corridor SEIR, and the Costeo EIR. In essence, the Draft SEIR for the Redevelopment Plan Amendment assumed a more conservative development scenario for the project area, in that it included development in the Plan Area, City-wide, and the large redevelopment projects from the City of San Bruno, the General Plan b~ild-out from the City of Brisbane, and development from Pacifica.. The General Plan EIR addressed City-wide development under Plan buildout, and the Costco EIR considered the Costco project plus development area-wide. The City of South San Francisco cannot control the development that occurs in other cities; however, the City has taken this development into account when analyzing the traffic impacts at (and identifying mitigation for) intersections within the City. The analysis provided in the Redevelopment Plan Amendment Draft SEIR is adequate to address the impacts of the Redevelopment Plan Amendment. Second, the commenter refers to the effectiveness of the mitigation for the intersection of Hickey Boulevard and Junipero Serra Boulevard. Mitigation identified in the Draft SEIR (p. 5.1-48) includes (1) restriping the eastbound Hickey Boulevard approach to provide an exclusive left turn lane, an exclusive through land and a shared through/ right turn lane; (2) widening the w~stbound Hickey Boulevard approach to provide an exclusive left turn lane; (3) restriping the existing shared left/ through lane on the westbound approach to provide an exclusive through lane; and (4) changing the east-west signal phasing from split to protected phasing for left turns. These improvements combined would reduce the average delay to 30.8 seconds in the P.M. peak hour.. The effectiveness of these measures was determined using the same methods used to determine the impacts of the proposed project. Third, the commenter refers to potential traffic impacts at the intersection of Hickey Boulevard and Langford Drive. This intersection was considered too minor to be included in the Redevelopment Plan DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PLANNING DIVISION (6 SO) 877 -853 S FAX (6S0) 829-6639 Amendment SEIR because of the relatively low levels of traffic on Longford Drive. Although the commenter may have valid concerns regardmg the intersection, they are not considered significant under CEQA. Fourth, the commenter refers to the impacts of the proposed Redevelopment Plan Amendment on the community, and public knowledge of the proposed project.. The impacts of the Redevelopment Plan Amendment are addressed fully in the original 1993 EIR on the Redevelopment Plan and the Draft SEIR. The Draft SEIR for the EI Camino Corridor Redevelopment Plan Amendment was noticed as available for public review in the San Mateo County Times on April 24, 2000. The 45-day public review period was identified as April 24 through May 8, 2000 in the same notice. A joint City Council/Redevelopment Agency public hearing was held on April 12, 2000 to accept public comment on the Draft SEIR" Notice of the public hearing was published in the San Mateo County Times on April 1, 2000. As documented in the. Responses to Comments report, comments were submitted by several agencies and members <;>f the public. Finally, the commenter's letter appears generally to express concern about the impacts of the approved Costco. Please refer to the Master Response regarding Costco in Chapter 13..0 of the SEIR (Responses to Comments). U~/~.J,./"""L.pI""""""" U..JU04:JODJ:l ~~t-- r'LANNINl1 . PAGE 02 RFCEtVED City of South San Francisco; P.O.8ox711, South San Francisco. Cahfornia 94083. Attentton~ Allison Knapp Wollam May 812000 · '00 HAY --8 P '1 ~C;A RE:". EJ CamIno Corridor Rede"ero~nt SEIR Ivtarch 24,,2000 UFFICE OF' CITY CLERK SO. SAN FRA"'C/SC ~.; . Dear Ms. Wollam~ t wo~id like responses to the tottoviiflg tn regard to Supptemental E1R: HiCKEY 90ULEVARD/JUNIPERO SERRA INTERSECTION" - Table 18(page ~ of 2) lnte~sect!on Level af SSNice PM Peak Hour Hickey BlvdJP.M., Ju""pero Serra Existing: C20.5 Adopted 201 O~ F64.9 Amended 2010: F98.5 f is defined as: Delay in excess of 60.0 'seconds per veh:cfe which in unacceptable. Did I get giyen a wrong ~et of facts? .. please ,explain how the figures. above do not correspond to the figures below from Rajappan & Meyer report reque!'$-ted on August 18, 1999). How did we get to F64.9 in 2010 and then F9B.5. This intersection is 150'away~ H~ckey Blvd/North Langford P. M. Exis1ing: 813,8 201 Ow/Costco C15.5 98.5 seconds in the Amended- sure seems like a siqniffcant i'mpact to be mittQated to me and rnformation thai should havg been di\1ulQed to the DubHe and !lot kept a bia secret ~When the General Plan EIR and Costco EiR were before us where was this information on the El Camino Rodo"elopment? .... I tJnderstand -there "'J35 a report in 1993 and a 1st Amendment and then evervthinQ was pui on hold in the Summer of 1999.. Are not the traffic impacts in this Redevelopment SEIR relevant to the General Plan and Casteo and should not the overall traffic impact have been looked into at the time of the General Plan EIR?VESlNO , fail to see how the mitigation is going to go from F9B:5secs delay to 038.1 sees.delay( 3/14/00 CTG 1='9.29) Taking over 60secs. off the delay by just geti'ing rid of a left hand lane of traffic and making it for throug h traffic Ea~tboundlW est bound is expecti ng fantastic results and ~ . think is 3r1 outrageous stateF'!'lent that needs further study and I request further analysis and explanation of this repon and proof that this is an actual n1itigalion that is f9asible. We have a blind intersection at South Longford and HickeYl much traffic wdl be eoming off 280 and going down Hickey East to Costco ~nd you are fully aware of this and I would n~quest some comments as to how you are go;ng to slow this traffie down .Can some mitigation in this regard be put in this SEfR repurt at this time YES/NO- North Longford 'Nilt have a prob!em getting access to Hickey because of tncreased traffic and the fight turn from Junlpero Serra.. can this be resolved also by mitigation at this time?YESINO. C LL.' > W L~ 1..1. . cr. . ! feel thisr R@devetopment Et Camino Corridor is qoinq to have a hUQe imoact on our. Comrnuni~ .Looking at Page 5.2..15 and seeing that the Existing Plan c:alls fOr 881000 SQ. ft of M Commercial and the Amended is talklna about .443~900sQ_ft and office space of Existinq f;? 13.0005 ,-. ft. that Qoes to Amended of 189,900SQ.ft Where is the public knowfedge of this ~ ro . O. :z cp RE~~CKNOWLEDGED: ~ DA~~~ TIME: :IE: au~ S.nce~e'YI a o Vl /' L (k~~ /I. /J'!/I~S Jack:e H VVilllams 242 Langford Drive I SSF. I Ca. 94080 (650)994-7907 . ~ ~ . ,." I ~:, ,:'.~/:~, '\ .~/>".'~. -:; I - I I ,I I ; I " ~. I _ I II I II I I l-;t ~...II I II II :1_1 I~ EL CAMINO CORRIDOR REDEVELOPMENT PLAN AMENDMENT SUPPLEMENTAL EIR COMMENTS AND RESPONSES SCH #1999 032051 LEAD AGENCY: CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO June 2, 2000 TABLE OF CONTENTS 13.0 Comm.ents and Responses. . . . . . . . 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . · · · . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . · · · .. · · . · · · · · · · · · . . · · · · · .. · · · · · · · · . . . · · · · · · · · · .13. 0-1 A. Governor's Office of Planning and Research.............................. 0..... . ........ 0.. 0........ . · 0 .......... . 13A-l B. California Department of Transportation............. ..................... .......... ~............. .................. 13B-l C.. City /County Association of Governments of San Mateo County ....................................13C-l D. County of San Mateo. .. . . .... . . . .... ... ......... . ... . . .' · · · · · ... · · ............. · ........ · .... · .. . ...... · · . .... · · · . .... . · · · .. .. .13D-l E. Headlee, Helen....... ..... ........... ........ ........ .................................. ..... ..... ......... .............. ............. 13E-l F . Hit ch C DC k J' Mi ch a e 1 De an . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . · .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . · · . · · . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. · · · · .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . .. . . . .. 13 F -1 G. Marcopulos I Cynthia............................................................................................................ 13G-l . H.. Mason, Donald and Sofie . 0 . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . · . . .. . . . .. 13 H -1 I. Sc af an i I F rank. . . . .. . . . . . . 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . .. . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . · · · · · .. . . . . . . . · . . . .. · · · · · . · . . . .. . . · . . . · · · · .. .. . · . ... 13 I .- 1 J · W i I i am 5 J' J a c k i e ...,. · · .. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · .. · .. · · · · · · · · · . .. · · · · · · · · · · · · .. .. .. .. · · · .. · · · · · .. · .. · · .. · · · · · · .. .. · · · · .. · · · · · · · .. · · · · · · · · · ... 13 J - 1 14.0 Revisions to the Draft SEIR................................... H . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. · · · . II . .. . . . . ... · · · .... .. · . .... .. . . . . . ... · · . · . 0 . .14. 0-1 El Camino Corridor Redevelopment Pian Amendment Comments and Responses June 21 2000 13.0 COMMENTS AND RESPONSES A. INlRODUCTION This chapter contains copies of all letters received during the public review period for the Draft SEIR and written responses to those comments. Each comment in each letter is keyed by number CIl the copies of the letters. Responses to each of the numbered comments contained in a particular letter can be formd on the pages immediately following that letter. Text changes resulting from comments on the Draft SEIR, as well as staff-initiated text changes, are presented in Chapter 14.0, Revisions to the Draft SEIR , by chapter and section. This chapter and Chapter 14.0, together with the Draft SEIR, constitute the Final SEIR for review and consideration for certification by the City of South San Francisco as complete and adequate nnder CEQA. B. COMMENTS AND RESPONSES Bl. Master Respons~ This response addresses the following comments: E-l1 E-4, F-2, F-4, F-S, F-7, G-2 through G-7, G-9, G-IO, H-l, 1-1 and }-2. A number of commenters discussed the Costco, in terms of its merits, its impactsl and alternatives to its development.. As noted en p. 3.0-6 of the Draft SEIR, the City Council conditionally approved the Costco project in December, 1999, and approval of the Costco became final 00 March 7, 2000 following a voter referendum. Therefore, Costeo is an approved project, and its construction is not affected by the proposed Redevelopment Plan Amendment. As shown in Table 3.0-11 the Costco would be constructed nnder either the Approved Redevelopment Plan or the Amended Plan.. If the Redevelopment Plan Amendment were not approved by the City, the land use designation for the Costco site would need to be modified to reflect the approved Costco, but construction of the Costeo would still proceed. The Draft SEIR analyzes the impacts of the Costco as a cumulative project, that is, it is a reasonably foreseeable project and thus assumed to be built. The impacts of the Costco are not, however, part of the project-specific impacts of the Redevelopment Plan Amendment. These impacts pertain only to those changes that would occur as the result of approval of the Amended Plan. Impacts of the Costco were addressed in the EIR prepared for that project and certified in November 1999. 13 ~ 0-1 El Camino Corridor Redevelopment Plan Amendment Comments and Responses June 2, 2000 . l . 13.0 Comments and Responses Several commenters referred to differences among the traffic analyses in the General Plan EIR, the E 1 Camino Corridor SEIR, and the Costco EIR. In essence, the Draft SEIR assumed a more conservative development scenario for the project area in that it included development in the Plan Area, City-widel and th~ large redevelopment projects from the City of San Bruno, the General Plan build-out from the City of Brisbane, and development from Pacifica. The General Plan EIR addressed City-wide development under Plan buildout, and the Costco EIR considered the Costco project plus development area-wide. The City of South San Francisco cannot control the development that occurs in other cities; however, the City has taken this development into account when analyzing the traffic impacts at (and identifying mitigation for) intersections within the City. Commenters also noted confusion regarding the trips generated by the Casteo. The estimate of 11,.000 trips refers to net new trips on the local roadway system. These are trips that would actually appear m the roadways as the result of the Castco store and gas station. The figure of 14,900 refers to the gross trip generation from the Costco store and the Costco gas station, when counted separately. lbe trips that would appear en the roadway network would be lower because some trips to the Costco or gas station would be combined. A person driving to the Costeo" getting gas, and then leaving would be counted as two separate gross'trips (one to the Costco and one to the gas station), but as only one net new trip on the roadway network. Therefore, the Draft SEIR correctly accounts for the trips generated by the Costco~ B2. Individual Comments and Responses Comment letters and individual responses are presented on the following pages. 13.0-2 El Camino Corridor Redevelopment Pian Amendment Comments and Responses June 21 2000 Grav Davis .I GO\.ER~OR 8 STATE OF CALIFORNli\ Governor's Office of Planning and Research State Clearinghouse May 1 0, 2000 RECE'VED MA~ 1 5 2000 PLANN~G Loretta Lynch DIRECTOR Allison Knapp W oUam City of South San Francisco 315 Maple Avenue South San Francisco, CA 94083 Subject: El Camino Corridor Redevelopment Plan Amendment SCH#: 1999032051 Dear Allison Knapp Wollam: The State Clearinghouse submitted the above named Draft EIR to selected state agencies for review. On the enclosed Docmnent Details Report please note that the Clearinghouse has listed the state agencies that reviewed your document. The review period closed on May 8, 2000, and the cormnents from the responding agency (ies) is (are) enclosed. If this comment package is not in order, please notify the State Clearinghouse immediately. Please refer to the project's eight-digit State Clearinghouse number in future correspondence so that we may respond promptly. Please note that Section 211 04( c) of the California Public Resources Code states that: "A responsible or other public agency shall only make substantive comments regarding those activities involved in a project which are within an area of expertise of the agency or which are required to be carried out or approved by the agency. Those conunents shall be supported by specific documentation." These conunents are forwarded for use in preparing your final environmental document. Should you need more information or clarification of the enclosed comments, we reconunend that you contact the commenting agency directly. This letter aclmowledges that you have complied with the State Clearinghouse review requirements for draft environmental documents, pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act. Please contact the State Clearinghouse at (916) 445-0613 if you have any questions regarding the environmental review process. Sincerely, Terry Roberts Senior Planner, State Clearinghouse Enclosures cc: Resources Agency 1400 TENTH STREET P.O. BOX 3044 SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNI&\ 95812-3044 916-445-0613 FAX 916-323-3018 \'("\llW-.OPR..CA..GOV/ClEARINGHOUSE..rIT~ll 13A-l Document Details Report State Clearinghouse Data Base SCH# Project Title Lead Agency 1999032051 EI Camino Corridor Redevelopment Plan Amendment South San Francisco, City of . Type eir Draft EIR Description The existing Redevelopment Plan would be amended to change land uses within the Existing Project Area from primarily high-density I transit-oriented residential (Le., 50 units per acre) to a mix of commercial and high-and medium-density residential uses. ranging from 30 to 50 units per acre. Lead Agency Contact Name Allison Knapp Wollam Agency City of South San Francisco Phone 650...829-6633 email Address 315 Maple Avenue City South San Francisco Fax State CA Zip 94083 Project Location County San Mateo City South San Francisco Region Cross Streets EI Camino Real-Between Hickey Blvd & Chestnut Avenue . Parcel No. Township Range SecUon Base Proximity to: Highways Airports Railways Waterways Schools Land Use Project Issues Air Quality; Archaeologic-Historic; Noise; Traffic/Circulation; Other Issues Reviewing Agencies Resources Agency; Department of ConselVation; Department of Fish and Game, Region 3; Office of Historic Preservation; Department of Parks and Recreation; San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission; Caltranst Division of Aeronautics; California Highway Patrol; Caltrans, District 4; Integrated \lVaste Manageinent Board; Regional \\'ater Quality Control Board, Region 2; Native American Heritage Commission; State Lands Commission; Department of Housing and Community Development Date Received 03/24/2000 Start of Review 03/24/2000 End of Review 05/08/2000 13A.2 Note: Sian ks in data fieldS result from inSUffiCient information prOVided bY lead agency. A. GOVERNOR'S OFFICE OF PLANNING AND RESEARCH A..l. Comment noted~ 13A..3 13.0 Comments and Responses EI Camino Redevelopment Plan Amendment Comments and Responses June 2, 2000 STATE OF CALIFORNIA.. BUSINESS4 TRANSPORTATION AND HOUSING AGENCY GRAY DAVtS. Governor DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION POBOX 23660 OAKLAND, CA 94623-0660 Tel: (510) 286-4444 Fax: (510) 286-5513 TOD (510) 286-4454 May 3, 2000 RECEIVED MAY f 5 2000 PLANNN3 SM-082-20.66 1999032051 SM082187 Ms.. Allison Knapp Wollam City of South San Francisco Planning Dept. 315 Maple Avenue South San Francisco, CA 94083 Dear Ms. Wollam: Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Report (DSEIR) for the EI Camino Corridor Redevelopment Plan Amendment; City of South San Francisco Thank you for including the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) in the environmental review process for the above referenced project. We have examined the DSEIR and have the following comments to submit: 1. Figure S.1-1IB is a duplicate of Figure 5.1-11A. Please include the missing PM peak e hour traffic volumes from Chestnut Avenue north to Mission Road. 2. Figure 5..1-8B and Figure 5..1-10B show that the AM peak hour traffic volume for Hickey Boulevard intersection has decreased considerably from the existing traffic e volumes shown in Figure 5.1-3B. Please explain why the northbound volume on SR 82 under the Existing and Amended Plan in the AM (and possibly PM) peak period in year 2010 is much lower than the volumes under the existing Plan conditions. 3. Similarly, please explain why the northbound volume on Interstate 280 (1-280) under Q the Existing and Amended Plan in the AM peak period in year 2010 is much lower V than the volumes under the existing Plan conditions.. 4. Hickey Boulevard should be labeled in Figures 1, 2-A, 3-A, 4-A, 8--A, 9-A, lO-A and e l1-A of Appendix 5.1. 5. Interstate 380 (1-380) should be shown and labeled on all figures in the document. e 13B-l l ~ Ms. Allison Knapp Wollam May 3, 2000 Page 2 6. Freeway analysis for the AM peak period should be provided. 8 7. Detailed calculations should be provided for all analyses. 8 8. The DSEIR indicates that there is some growth on 1-380 under the Existing Plan (Updated Analysis) and the Amended Plan in year 2010. A traffic operation analysis 8 should be performed on 1-280 from Avalon Court to 1-380, and should include the mainline freeways, connectors, and ramps. 9. The methodology [e.g., Traffix or Highway Capacity Software (HCS)] used to calculate the level of service (LOS) at all intersections shottld be included in the DSEIR. 10~ Figure 5.1-7 should include another intersection proposed at EI Camino Real between Hickey Boulevard and the Hickey Boulevard extension at the entrance to the planned CasteD development. 11. Please be aware that the 4-lane section of SR 82 between Mission Road and Hickey Boulevard is in need of improvement and that Caltrans is currently initiating a Project Study Report (PSR) for this project.. 12. We understand that the City of South San Francisco has proposed a signal at the SR 82/ Arlington Drive intersection~ Please include a discussion of this signalization in the DSEIR. 11. Finally, please be aware that any work or traffic control performed within the State right-ai-way will require a Caltrans encroachment permit. To apply for an encroachment permit, all applicants are required to submit a completed application with environmental documentation and five (5) sets of plans in metric units to: G.J. Battaglini, District Office Chief Caltrans, District 04 Office of Permits P.O. Box 23660 Oakland, Ca 94623-0660 13 B- 2 8 8 (3 8 8 Ms. Allison Knapp Wollam May 3, 2000 Page 3 Should you require further information or have any questions regarding this letter, please call Nandini N. Shridhar, AICP, of my staff at (510) 622-1642~ Sincerely, HARRYY. YAHATA District Director By ce JEAN C. R. FINNEY District Branch Chief IGR/CEQA c: Ms. Katie Schulte (State Clearinghouse) 13B~3 , . 13.0 Comments and Responses B. CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION B-1. In response to this comment, Figure 5.1...11B has been replaced with the correct figure (please see Chapter 14.0 of this report for revisions). B-2.. The future numbers would be lower because of the Hickey Boulevard Extension and new BART station; fewer cars would travel north on El Camino Real in the a.m. peak to get to the BART station in Colma. The New BART station impact is more magnified in the a.m. peak because . retail developments would not be open then. B-3. Crane obtained traffic modeling results from C/CAG, based on the most recent model run. The projections for 2010 show a decrease on 1-280; C/CAG cited the BART extension to SFO and a reduction in commute trips on the freeway. 8-4. Hickey Boulevard is labeled on all of the appropriate figures in Section 5.11 Transportation and . Circulation, of the Draft SEIR. In addition, Hickey Boulevard is shown on the intersection insets in the figures referred to by the commenter in the appendix. B-5.. The local traffic study area does not include 1...380, so it does not need to be shown on the figures. B-6. The SEIR included an analysis of p.m. peak conditions because they were thought to represent the highest conditions of the day. The total traffic from all projects combined within the Redevelopment Plan Area is projected to be substantially higher during the p.m. peak hour than during the a.m. peak hour. B-7 In response to this comment, detailed calculations have been sent to the commenter. B-8.. The Amended Redevelopment Plan is a plan-level project; therefore, the study in the Draft SEIR was conducted at a planning level of detail with respect to the freeway system. Impacts to 1-280 mainline segments were found to be less than significant in the Draft SEIR. B...9. Crane Transportation Group used the Highway Capacity Manual 1994 software (TRB Circular 209). B-10. The intersection mentioned by the commenter was included in the project-specific EIR for Casteo, and was designed to accommodate volumes projected in that EIR. B~ 11 Comment noted. B-12. The intersection mentioned by the commenter is a T -intersection providing access to a residential neighborhood west of EI Camino Real. The intersection was considered too minor to be included in the study. B...13. Comment noted. 13B-4 EI Camino Redevelopment Plan Amendment Comments and Responses June 2, 2000 CCAG Crr\TICoUN1~Y ASSOCIATION OF GO"f:RN1\-lf:NTS OI~~ S~~N l\r1.l\~I~E() COlrN~rY Atherton _ Belmont _ Brisbane . Burlingame . Co/mil - Daly Cify . f..:ast Palo Alto . Fostl~r City .llalf A1ool! Bay - l-fillsborough · l~lenlo ('ark - Alii/brae P(lc~/ica . Portola Valli'Y _ Rcdl1iood CilY . San Bruno #I San Carlos - San fl..lateo - San :"4ateo Coun('" · South San F'Olln.cisIXJ -li/oodsidc May 2, 2000 Allison Knapp Wollam, Contract Planner City of South San Francisco 315 Maple Street South San Francisco, CA 94083 r~ "t: ':0 E ij \,; 'i:. ~) ~ '~.,::.' { ".::. :;.:; : ~ ~'.' .J PL.ANtitNG Dear Ms Wollam: RE: C/CAG Airport Land Use Committee (ALUC) Staff Comments on a Notice of Completion - EI Camino Corridor Redevelopment Plan Amendment Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Report (DSEIR) The C/CAG Airport Land Use Committee (ALUe) commented on a Draft EIR for the original El CNEL aircraft noise contour, as shown on the quarterly noise map for San Francisco International Airport, for the fourth quarter of 1999 (quarter ending December 31, 1999). As mentioned in the DSEIR (page 5.3-14) and the 1993 ALUC comments, the project is and will continue to be exposed to potentially high single-event noise levels from aircraft departing on Runways 28 at San Francisco International Airport4 The DSEIR indicates the following mitigation measure was carried over from the 1993 Redevelopment Plan EIR (page 543-24): "Fl(c) Aircraft Noise 1 O. As a condition of development approval and/or project assistance, all project- facilitated residential projects in the project area should be designed to achieve the necessary exterior-to-interior noise reduction to meet the single-event criterion limits and the City's interior noise standard4 This would require specific studies at the development stage for each individual project to outline the steps necessary to comply with the applicable standards." e v ~nl.., 13C...l 555 COUNTY CENTER, FltTH FLOOR~ REDWOOD CITY J CA 94063 Phone: (650) 599- t 406 (f~R!vI00341 . "'1'6 ) FAX: (650) 361-8227 Letter to Allison Knapp Wollam, City of South San Francisco, Re: C/CAG Airport Land Use Committee (ALUC) Staff Comments on a Notice of Completion - EI Camino Corridor Redevelopment Plan Amendment Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Report (DSEIR) May 2, 2000 Page 2 At, The text on page 5.3-24 of the DSEIR also indicates "no additional mitigation is required" for aircraft noise impacts.. The 1993 ALUC comments noted the mitigation measure language in the 1993 DEIR related to aircraft noise was "somewhat vague", regarding tIle interior noise standard to be achieved. Therefore, the language in the aircraft noise mitigation measure from 1993 should be replaced with the requested language in the 1993 ALUC comment letter, as follows: (3 "As a condition of development approval, all dwelling units constructed in the project shall be designed to achieve an interior noise level of at least 45 dBA, in all habitable rooms, as measured for aircraft noise events." ,.,."., Thank you for the opportunity to review and comment on the DSEIR for the above-referenced document. If you have any questions please call me at 650/363-4417. David F. Carbone,. ALue Staff cc: ALUC Members, w/attachment C/CAG Board Menlbers, w/attachment Attachment ssfdseir.dfc 13C- 2 t r ATTACHMENT City/County Association of Governn1ents of San Mateo County (C1CAGI County Government Center 590 Hamilton Street '2nd Floor Redwood City. California 94063 (4 .1 5) 363-4 1 6 1 March II, 1993 Ms. Maureen Morton, Senior Planner Planning Division City of South San Francisco P.O. Box 711 South San. Franc i seo, CA 94083 Dear Ms. Morton: SUBJECT: C/CAG Airport land Use Committee (ALUC) Comments on the Draft EIR for the Proposed E1 Camino Corridor General Plan Amendment (GP-93-47) and Redevelopment Plan The C/CAG Airport land Use Committee considered the airport noise portions of the above-referenced document at its February 25, 1993 meeting. The Committee's primary concern is the potential aircraft noise impacts on a sub- stantial number of new dwelling units that could be constructed in the project area. The Draft fIR indicates the project area ;s located outside the 1990 and 2006 aircraft noise contours for San Francisco International Airport (SFIA), as shown in the SFIA Master Plan EIR (San Francisco International Airport Master Plan Draft Environmental Impact Report, Volume 1, July 1991). The project area ;s also located outside the 65 dB CNEl aircraft noise contour for" SFIA, as shown in the 1981 Airport Land Use Plan. Although future dwelling 'un;ts in the project area are' not located directly within the 65 dB CNEl noise contour, they may be subject to aircraft noise and/or overflight from aircraft using the Runways 28 Gap Departure procedures. The Draft EIR indicates single-event aircraft noise levels at the project site coul.d be as high as 79 dBA (based on field measurements). This is identified as a significant impact. The Draft EIR includes the following mitigation measure for aircraft noise impacts: -As a condition of development approval and/or project assistance, all project-facilitated residential projects in the project area should be designed to ach;eve the necessary exterior to interior ' noise reduction to meet the single-event criterion lim;ts and the City's Interior No;se Standard.~ 3S 13C-3 l . ~ HSe Maureen Morton March lIt 1993 Page 2 This language ;s somewhat vague regarding the interior noise standard to be achieved. The aircraft noise mitigation measure should be more specific to identify the performance criterion to be evaluated in the Mitigation Moni- toring Program for the projecte The C/CAG ALUC suggests the mitigation measure be revised, as follows: "As a condition of development approval, all dwelling units constructed in the project area shall be designed to achieve an interior noise level of at least 45 dBA, in all habitable rooms, as measured for aircraft noise events..1I The proposed densities in the project area indicate future dwelling units in the project area will be multi-family units. The 45 dBA interior noise level requirement in the suggested revised mitigation measure is the same interior noise level standard required in Title 24 of the California Administrative Code for new multi-family constructione It is also consistent. with the City of South San Francisco's Noise Element policies for noise sensitive land uses~ Thank you for the opportunity to review and comment on the Draft EIR for the above-referenced project. If you have any questions, please call Dave Carbone, LUC Staff Coord; ator, at 415/363-4417. l~ Ri . 'ard B~ Kerwin, C airperson C/CAG Airport Land Use Committee RBK/DFC:cdn - DFCD0475.ACN cc: ALUC'Members C/CAG members {/ . :.:~~ ~ 36 13C-4 l . ~ 13.0 Comments and Responses c. CITY/COUNTY ASSOCIA nON OF' GOVERNMENTS OF SAN MATED COUNTY C-l. In response to City /County of Associated Governments (C/CAG) comments on the previous (1993) EIRI the mitigation measure for potential aircraft noise impacts was revised. The Draft SEIR erroneously did not incorporate the revised language. Therefore, Mitigation Measure 10 on . p. 5.3-24 of the Draft SEIR has been revised as follows: 10. As a condition of development approval and/or project assistance, all project-facilitated residential projects in the project area should be designed to achieve the necessary exterior-to...interior noise reduction to meet the single-event criterion' limits (i.e... 50 dB~ in bedrooms and 55 dBA in other habitable rooms) and the City's interior noise standard (i.e." 45 dBAI CNEL). This would require specific studies at the development stage for each individual project to outline the steps necessary to comply with the applicable standards. As noted in the responses to comments on the 1993 Draft EIR, the language proposed by C/CAG was not included verbatim because it did not address single-event noise impacts. 13C~5 El Camino Redevelopment Plan Amendment Comments and Responses June 2, 2000 County Manager1s Office i l"'-~." ~_,...- . . .~.~..~~~:~ ~.~,...~: .~t.i~~ ]~.~;..?'X.~~:.< ~{} MAY (I R 'in:lr, 1) v L lJ L II ii& (!1) illDP fl..H~1-i};11~~\;] . OF S TEO co BOARD OF SUPERVISORS RICHARD S. GORDON MARY GRIFFIN JERRY HILL ROSE JACOBS GIBSON MICHAEL O. NEVIN JOHN L. MALTBIE COUNTY MANAGER CLERK OFTHE BOARD COUNTY GOVERNMENT CENTER · REDWOOD CITY · CALIFORNIA 94063-1662 (650) 3634123 WEB PAGE ADDRESS:http://www.co.sanmateo.ca.u5 FAX: (650) 363-1.916 May 3, 2000 City of South San Francisco City Hall 400 Grand Avenue P.O. Box 711 South San Francisco, CA 94083 Attention: Marty Van Duyn, Director of Economic & Community Development Robert Beyer, Economic/Redevelopment Project Manager Re: Proposed Second A men dm.ent to the.Red~velopment PlanfoT El Camino Corridor 13D-I DSEIR COMMENTS ~ If there is a potentia] for 483 fewer multiple-family residential units (p.2.0-2), and the actual removal of8 multi-family units removed (p.7.0-9) then: A) How can it be said that there is to be no displacement of any housing and thus no significant housing impacts (p.1 0..0-1 0)7 and B) J10w can Environmental checklist (Appendix 1.0, Initial Study pp. 20-21) be accurate? - The references to the County Government Center property are confusing - it is not clear . whether the amendment will chanl!e planned land uses or not. For instance at page 3..0-8 the description of the impact on the amendment 10 Site 11 and to Site 12 is inconsistent and the discussion at D] on page 3.0-11 suggests that the County Government Center parcels would be affected by the amendment.. Clarification is required. I I ... The Preliminary Report identifies a hazardous waste site in added Area A (Table 11-5) and even identifies remedial testing as a specific project (fable IV -1). How then can the Environmental Checklist (Appendix 1..0, Initial Study p~ 13) say that no hazardous waste sites or concerns exist? .. .. If traffic improved traffic circulation and parking is such an important part of the Area B programs and proj eelS, why is no discussion at all in the ElR with regard to traffic, parking or circulation at Nora Way~ Sandra Court, Brusco Way, and Susie Way (only Willow and Grand is examined with regard to traffic). 13D-2 , L I e I 0.4 13.0 Comments and Responses D. COUNTY OF SAN MATED 0-1. The potential for fewer multi-family residential units is not an actual reduction in the existing number of units but rather is a reduction in the future number of additional units that could be constructed. The Initial Study checklist refers to the displacement of substantial numbers of existing housing. See also the response to Comment F-l of the letter from Michael Hitchcock. The Initial Study does address the loss of between four and eight residential units in the Willow Gardens neighborhood, and notes that under California redevelopment law, the Redevelopment Agency would be required to provide relocation assistance and replacement housing to all displaced residents. The Agency's Five-Year Implementation Plan indicates that such replacement housing is feasible. For these reasons, the project would not have any significant impacts. D-2. The Draft SEIR is consistent with respect to the County Government Center. In Table 3.0-1, Site 11 is noted as the County Government Center 1. The existing land use on the site is the County Government Center. The land use allowed under the approved Redevelopment Plan is residential. The land use allowed under the Amended Redevelopment Plan would be the existing land use, Le., the County Government Center. Although the existing land use would not changel the proposed project would affect this parcel (in comparison to the approved Redevelopment Plan) by changing the uses allowed on the site. D-3. The Initial Study states (p. 13) that the General Plan Existing Conditions and Planning Issues Report lists 114 known sites with leaking underground storage tanks, and that some of these sites are along El Camino Real. Two of the three sites identified in the Preliminary Report are along EI Camino Real. The Initial Study also notes that should suCh sites exist within areas proposed for redevelopment, cleanup would be required according to existing law before such sites could be occupied. These requirements would apply to the sites identified in the Preliminary Report. 0-4.. Under CEQA, the EIR is required to focus on significant impacts. The project would not result in an increase in the traffic generated by or within the Willow Gardens neighborhood, and the current parking/unit ratio of 1.5 spaces per unit would be maintained. In 'addition, circulation within the neighborhood would be improved through the addition of the one-way street along the eastern boundary. For these reasons, the EIR does not focus on traffic and parking impacts at Willow Gardens. 130-.3 El Camino Redevelopment Plan Amendment Comments and Responses 1 une 21 2000 . l 115 Duval Drive South San Francisco, CA 94080 May 6, 2000 City of South San Francisco Redevelopment Agency P.O. Box 711 South San Francisco, CA 94083 '.'f~~t':;~~.;~(:: :f!; rv:E.D MAY u 8 /udU Attn: Allison Knapp Wollam E&CD DEPARTl\lENrr Dear Members of the Redevelopment Agency: I challenge the El Camino Corridor Redevelopment Plan Amendment SCH 1999 032051. DRAFT SUPPLEMENTAL EIR South San Francisco has not taken into consideration the older citizens of the community who have acquired certain ailments. Being a resident of Winston Manor 1, I know I am going to be a prisoner in my own home by the City never lobbying the airport for the funds to upgrade our homes with insulation and double-paned windows, having the barrage of airplane noise forced upon us at all times of the day and night. Now, the City, going against the recommendations of the Planning Commission, who twice turned down the Costeo project, will be introducing 14,000 more cars per day to our area. Not only will this have a significant adverse impact on the roadways, but the air pollution it will generate for those of us with compromised health conditions will be insurmountable. With the installation of stoplights on Hickey and El Camino, the residents of Winston Manor 1 will be forced to enter only on Hilton since they will not be able to turn left from El Camino onto Arlington. Casteo, with its traffic congestion, is an ill-conceived plan. Very truly, HELEN HEADLEE 1 3 E-I . t · e e @ e 13.0 Comments and Responses E. HELEN HEADLEE E-l. The commenter's concern about the impact of aircraft noise levels on her home is noted. However, the commenter's home is not within the Existing or proposed Added Redevelopment Plan Areas. Therefore, the commenter's concern is not related to the content of the Draft SEIR. E-2" Please see the Master Response with respect to Costeo at the beginning of this chapter. As noted therein, the net trip generation from the approved Costco and gas station would be about 11,000 trips, not 14,000 as mentioned by the commenter. The traffic and air quality impacts of the Amended Redevelopment Plan are addressed in the Draft SEIR. As shown in the Draft SEIR, all traffic impacts would be reduced to a less...than-significant level with the mitigation measures identified in the SEIR.. The Amended Plan would contribute to significant regional air quality impacts, and these impacts have already been identified by the City in the General Plan Update EIR. E-3. The City is planning to install a signal at the El Camino Reali Arlington intersection (this improvement is not related to the Amended Redevelopment Plan). Therefore, left turns should not be an issue. E-4" Please see the Master Response with respect to Costco at the beginning of this chapter. 13E~2 El Camino Redevelopment Plan Amendment Comments and Responses June 2, 2000 Michael Dean Hitchcock Urban Geographer 1508 RedYJood Avenue. Red\Yood Cny. CA 94061 Phone/Fax: 650.365.6019 email: [email protected] May 7, 2000 REC~ ~..Ji,: .~t ~t:;"..,~' j~~..";> City of SOUtll San Francisco Redevelopment Agency PO Box 711 South. San Francisco, CA 94083 Attention: Allison Knapp Wollam Re: EI Camino ConIdor Redevelopment PI.n Amendment Draft Suppl.....n..1 EIR The Draft Supplemental EIR for the El Camino Corridor Redevelopment Plan Amendment (DEIR) does not adequately address tile following issues: MAY 0 B 2000 .i:,l~(~]) I)EPllR.Trr:IENT 1. Effects of the loss of 483 residential units The DEIR states 1hat the amended plan would "result in the development of 483 fewer multi-family residential units'" (page 1.0-1) but does not adequately consider the local or regional effects oflltis change. The DEIR apparentl}' assumes that if these 483 units are not built, then 483 households simply disappear froln the envirolUlleJlt.. TIus is clearly not tIle case. The existence ofa'market delnand for these 483 (and more) units indicates a desire on the part of households to live in SOUtll San Francisco. They may desire to be there for proxilluty to jobs, f81nily, established rela1ionsllips~ or many other reasons~ but the desire to be in 1his location is not elinlinated by tile anlendtnent of the redevelOpolent pl811 to elinlinate these units. Reducing the supply of housing does not reduce the demand. Where then do the 483 housellOlds denied the opportunity to live in the redevelopment project area go? Some will crowd Ulto existing housing in the project area or nearby~ moving in with relatives, slutring with friends, or illegally converting single-f811uly units to 0 multi-family use. The overcrowding and illegal conversions that result will have a n~galive Q enviromnental inlpact and conflict with the project objective of ' The elimination and prevention of the spread of blight, non-coluonl1ulg uses and deterioration... .." TIle loss of these 483 units will increase blight and non~onfonning uses, rather than eliminate them. Those who choose to avoid overcrowding in tile immediate area will find housing fartller away and drive to their destinations in South San Francisco, creating negative environmental impacts for the region. Open space will be converted to housing and shopping facilities on the margins of the Bay Area, and additional highways will be constnJcted to move people to work. Opportullities for walking to work or taking public transit will be reduced. None of these cwnulative regiollal inlpacts are addressed in tile DEIR. 2. South San Franclsco'a ability" to provide for Its fair share of regional housing needs Objective 8 of 1l1e El Camino Corridor Redeveloplnel1t Plat1 is: "TIle developnlent of a spectrum ofhousing types affordable to various segments of 1he community in a Dlanner consistent with the Housing Element of tile Ge.tleral Plan... ." This objective is a 13F.I l ~ Comment re: El Camino Conidor Redevelopment Plan DEIR . May 7,2000 restatement of requirements imposed by ttle State housing element law (GovenUl1ent Code, Article 10.6). The change of use froIn residential to retail proposed in the pl811 amendment may limit Ule City's ability to meel1he plan objective and Ule requirements of Slate law. Was tile Costco site OIle of the sites identified for hOUSUlg itl tlte CUrretlt hOUSUlg element? Are the 483 units that will be lost listed in the City's quantified objectives? Will tIle housing elenlent be anlended to reflect the loss of this site and these units for potential housing development? Will the City have to provide for higher density on alternative sites to Dlaintain a certified housing 'element? 'What will be the enviromnental effects of changes necessary to ntaintain adequate sites for housing? None of these questions are adequately addressed in the DEIR. 3. Cumulative effects of the ITIEi\a&Ures to mitigate traffIC effects It is a standard practice in environmental revie\v to identify traffic impacts and then to propose increases in highway capacit)' as a means to mitigate tlle traffic iOlpacts. TIlere is seldom, ho\vever, any analysis of the cumulative effects oftltese mitigation measures. TIris DElR is no exception; it assumes that building more roads will solve traffic problellls, without examining the role of road building in creating traffic problems. Increasing highway capacity will increase traffic by its effect on the decision to drive. If there is more room on the highways, more people will choose to drive. The so-called ~'mitigationn measures will have their own traffic impacts that will then need to be further mitigated. i\ttempting to sol\l'e traffic problems b)' increasing road capacity spirals on to more traffic~ more roads, more 1raffic, etc. .This process is not addressed in the OEIR; it is simpl)' assumed that building more roads will solve traffic problems, despite the past experience to the contrary. 4. Regional Impacts on public transit use The DEIR states: "According to appendix G of the CEQA Guidelines.~. a project could have a significant effect on the enviromnent when it would: ... Conflict witll adopted policies, plans or programs supporting alternative transportation.9' (pages S .1-30 to 5 .1-31) flowever, the DEIR does not consider the project ill relatiollship to regional planning for alternative transportation. Nowhere in the planning literature relating to transit--oriented developmetlt could you fmd support for a big box retailer such as Costco as an appropriate land use adjacent to a BART station. Indeed, this is close.to tile worst possible land use on this site. The decision of tile City Council to reject a transit village COtlCept for this site and choose Costco represents a complete disregard for regional planning for alternative transportation. The OEIR does 110thing to relnedy tillS lack of consideration for regional transportation planning either in platts for tlle regional BART network or the San Mateo County Congestion Managetnel1t Plall. Th~ region-wide negative impacts 011 public transit should be carefully considered in the DEIR. 5. Inadequate analysis of the effects on freeway operatlona The DEIR states: uThe 1993 EIR did 110t find any signific811t impacts with respect to freeway operations.". (page S .1-33) The am~nd~ plalt, however, includes a large-scale retail operation' by a Inajor cllain with regional MId tlational advertising. Large stores such as Costco must of necessity draw from a large tnarket area, with an attendant increase in freeway traffic. These effects are significantly greater than tIle effects of the alternative Michael Dean Hitchcock Page 2of3 13F-2 t ~ e e 8 ConuneDt re: El C81nino Corridor Redevelopment Plan DEIR lvlay 7, 2000 project considered in tile 1993 EIR and would require a rouell Olore extensive analysis of freeway impacts. G. Analysis of trip generation for residential and non~ldential development The DEIR states: "'For new residential and office development, all1rips would be newly added to the local road\vay network.'" (page 5.1-39) The assumption that a111rips associated with residential development would be newly added is clearly in error. As outlined in Part 1 above, whether or not residential units are built as a part of this project does not effect the desire of households to live in the project area. Some proportion of the residential trips are attributable to persons who currently live in overcrowded conditions wi1hin the project area and would simply moving from an existing unit to a new one. These would not be new trips, but are in fact already existing trips. Another portion of the . trips will be taken by people who currently live farther away and would, as a result of residential developnlent in the project area, move closer to their jobs. Some may move close enoug11 to walk to work, otlter may be moving close to a BART station in order to take public transit to \vork. For this segment of the population the construction of housing in tile project area Inay actually result in a reduction in trips on the local road network rather than an increase. 7. Inadequate consideration of alternatives Given that there was a competing plan for the Costco site-the transit village plan-the OEIR should in all considerations evaluate the redevelopment plan amendment in comparison to this altemative~ The comparison ShO\11d include both local and regional inlpacts, and the cumulative impacts and growtll-inducing impacts of the plan. South San Francisco is passulg up an opportunity to take a bold leap into the future in order to cling to a failed pad~ moving the region further on the spiral of more roads and more traffic. An adequate consideration of the envirolunental impacts oftbe proposed project in comparison 10 th~ alternative would clearly reveal1l1al this proposed amendment is an environmental disaster, not only for the City of South San Francisco~ but for our region and our planet. Sincerely, ~1ichael Dean Hitcllcock ~hchael Dean Hitchcock Page 3 of3 13F..3 0) @. F. MICHAEL DEAN HITCHCOCK F-l. The land uses analyzed as part of the Amended Redevelopment Plan. are consistent with the General Plan, approved by the City in 1999. The General Plan notes (p. 2-23) that projects with (then) current development approvals include about 1,150 housing units. The application of average assumed densities under the approved General Plan would allow for the construction of an additional 1,630 housing units. Buildout will result in the addition of 2,780 h~using units to the City's current inventory of an estimated 19,400 housing units, for a total of 22,180 units. The City is currently working with ABAG to determine its fair-share housing allocation.. Once the number of housing units allocated to the City is finalized, the City has one year to update the General Plan Housing Element, in accordance with State law.. The City is in the process of amending the General Plan and anticipates completion and certi~cation of the amendments in the year 2001.. The amended (1999) General Plan provides policies that encourage new housing development by establishing higher density standards in other areas throughout the City, including the Downtown Residential area near the Caltrain station; establishing Transit-Oriented Development areas near the South San Francisco and San Bruno BART Stations; and establishing a Loft Overlay District in the older industrial area in order to create additional live-work space while still providing for densities for up to 50 dwelling units per acre in the EI Camino Corridor area~ The commenter is correct in noting that the provision of fewer housing units .within the Amended Redevelopment Plan area could result in the shifting of (future) population to other locations.. An analysis of the impacts of future population growth within the City has already been conducted, as part of the Environmental hnpact Report for the updated General Plan. This EIR was prepared on the basis of those General Plan land use assumptions and is, therefore, consistent with the General Plan Update EIR. It would be speculative to determine to what extent people who might have lived in the Redevelopment Plan area would move to locations outside the City, where those lo~ations would be, and the corresponding impacts. F-2. See the response to Comment F-l, above. The City is currently updating its General Plan Housing Element, in accordance with State law; the Housing Element will be amended to be consistent with the recently approved General-Plan. The comment regarding the ability of the proposed project to meet its objectives addresses the merits of the project and not the content or adequacy of the EIR under CEQA. See also the Master Response regarding use of the Costeo site at the beginning of this chapter. F-3. The mitigation measures identified in the Draft SEIR (see Section 5.1, Transportation and Circulation) includel for the most part, signalization, signal phasing, and the restriping of roadways within their existing curb-to-curb widths. Widenings are identified in selected locations to provide additional turn lanes for the approaches to intersections. An extension of 13F4 EI Camino Redevelopment Plan Amendment Comments and Responses June 2, 2000 13.0 Comments and Responses Oak Avenue is identifi~d as an alternative mitigation measure for impacts to the intersection of EI Camino Real/Westborough Avenue/ Chestnut Avenue; the potential impacts of the extension are identified generally, as the exact alignment is not known at this time. The type of major roadway construction implied by the commenter is not included in the EIR. All of these measures have been identified to alleviate congestion based on projected traffic volumes, including traffic to be generated by the proposed uses within the Amended Redevelopment Plan area as well as other planned uses within the City. Some people may choose to drive instead of taking transit if there is less congestion; again, however, this impact is already reflected in the trip generation rates used in the traffic analysis. These trip generation rates do also account for the proximity of some uses to the Hickey BART station. F-4. The comment generally refers to the merits of constructing the approved CostCD next to the Hickey BART station, and not to the content or adequacy of the EIR. See also the Master Response regarding use of the Costeo site at the beginning of this chapter. F-S. The freeway impacts of the Amended Redevelopment Plan are addressed in the Draft SEIR; see pp. 5.1-45 to -46 and 5.1-59 to -60. The Draft SEIR notes that overall, projected 2010 levels of service for 1-280 and 1-380 with Amended Plan volumes are better than those projected in the 1993 EIR, and that projected operating conditions under the Amended Plan would be within the eMP level of service standards for both freeways. See also the Master Response regarding use of the Costco site at the beginning of this chapter. F-6. The commenter has not presented any evidence regarding the desires of people to live within the Amended Redevelopment Plan area, or how such desires might be affected by the construction of housing. Regardless, the Draft SEIR includes an analysis of existing trips on the local transportation network, based on a series of counts taken in 1998 and 1999" It would be speculative to determine how many of the new housing units would be occupied by people already living within the traffic study area. It would also be speculative to determine how many people would be moving into the study area to be closer to their jobs and of those, how many already travel within the study area. Therefore, the Draft SEIR conservatively assumes that all trips would be new trips. F-7. Please see the Master Response regarding use of the CosteD site at the beginning of this chapter. 13F~5 EI Camino Redevelopment Plan Amendment Comments and Responses June 2, 2000 . t :RECE."...... : "}f:~J-> HAND DELIVERED Cynthia Marcopu/os 106 Sutton Avenue South San Francisco, CA 94080 May 5, 2000 MAY 0 8 /UdU ;'~" ...t;~t~:D DEPA1~.. ;:. '~ ..~.1i~i~'r~f City of South San Francisco Redevelopment Agency P.O. Box 722 South San Francisco, CA 94083 Attn: Allison Knapp Wollam Menlbers of the Redevelopment Agency: I hereby challenge the EI Camino Corridor Redevelopment Plan Amendment, SCH#1999 032051. DRAFT SUPPLEMENTAL E I R Under 3.0 Project Description, B.. Project Objectives, Item 1, it states, "The elimination and prevention of the spread of blight, non-conforming uses and deterioration and the conservation, rehabilitation and redevelopment of the Project Area in accord with the General Plan, future specific plans, the Plan and local codes and ordinances, as they now exist or may hereafter be amended." I hereby challenge this for the following: 1) This project did not calculate the traffic generated through the corridor due to Kaiser Hospital and the BART station. 8 2) The construction of the Costeo big box store will accelerate the spread of "blighttl and a "non-conforming" land use as directly across from the Costco site is the up scaled housing development, the Promenade, as well as the adjoining residential neighborhoods. By allowing recent development of housing in this area, the land use was changed from retail to residential. 8 3) The "blight" will be the environmental degradation from the 14,000 cars traversing the corridor daily, the release of the gasoline additive MTBE into the water and the air caused by Costco's unattended 16-pump gas station and the spillage by customers overfilling their gas e 13G..l . .. y. ~ Redevelopment Agency May 5, 2000 Page 2 tanks; the numerous abandoned oversized shopping carts littering the neighborhoods; the wee-hour rumblings of 40-foot tractor trailers delivering product to restock Costco when it is closed to the public; the numerous trips by tanker trucks hauling thousands of gallons of highly flammable and toxic fuel through OUf neighborhoods, near Kaiser Hospital and EI Camino High School, traversing the roadways, jockeying for position during our early morning commuter traffic. By the shortsightedness of the City Council in supporting Costco in the recent referendum, it has negated the Project Objectives, Item 2, "The achievement of an environment reflecting higher level of concern for architectural, landscape, urban design and land use principles appropriate for attainment of the objectives of this Plan and the General Plan, as they may now exist or may hereafter be amended..1I (3 How can this land use "meet the NEEDS of . . . the City and ITS CITIZENS" (Project Objectives, item 3)? 1) Through Federal and local taxation, taxpayers are spending billions of dollars on BART hoping to alleviate the grid lock of the horrendous commuter traffic the Bay Area is experiencing.. With BART eventually running to San Jose, the construction of light retail, hotels, conference centers, restaurants, housing and day care would take more people off the roadways and eliminate the traffic congestion by having a transit-oriented community at the EI Camino Corridor. Thus, for example, working people would use BART to travel to and from their jobs in San Francisco or through San Mateo County, or business people arriving at SFO would use the BART system in this area, obtain accommodations at the hotels on site, dine at the on-site restaurants, travel to San Francisco or the rest of the Peninsula by BART to conduct their business. Instead, while the rest of the Bay Area is turning toward transit communities, South San Francisco will be causing further adverse traffic impacts, and an unhealthy living and working 8 environment. With the explosion of the Bay Area with the influx of people and the increase of vehicular traffic, South San Francisco missed the opportunity for a well thought out, planned transit community, instead of a rush for revenue. In rebuttal to Items 4, 5, 6 and 7 of Project Objectives, as WalMart killed Main Street America, CasteD will devour all the small businesses on the EI Camino and surrounding areas. It 13G~2 Ol 0 ~ Redevelopment Agency May 5, 2000 Page 3 will not create nor develop new jobs, but relocate their current employees from the South Airport Boulevard and San Bruno stores. The "preservation of the area's existing employment baseu will be nonexistent. Planning Commissioner Marc T eglia stated that South San Francisco is the landlord on the South Airport Boulevard Costco store and there is five years remaining on the lease, thus causing a loss to our city of one million dollars in annual income with its move to the EI Camino Corridor. With reference to Project Objectives, Item 8, the "development of __.housing" with a well thought out plan, the transit village would have provided the "affordable" housing which is in great demand throughout the Bay Area. Item 9 of the Project Objectives, the "elimination or amelioration of existing substandard vehicle circulation and parking systems; inadequate infrastructure; insufficient off-street parking; and other similar public deficiencies adversely affecting the Project Area," at the May 13, 2000 Community Outreach meeting held at El Camino High School, Chief Raffelli and Councilman Mullin both stated that the overflow parking from BART would impact Sunshine Gardens and the Promenade, thus compelling the city to issue residential parking permits for residents in the area and the patrolling of the areas so that the parking code is enforced4 What was purposely eliminated from this study is the traffic generated by Kaiser Hospital and the BART station which will inhibit the flow of vehicular traffic causing the LOS C and D intersections to be downgraded to LOS E and F ratings. The thousands of tractor trailers delivering gasoline and goods to Costco and the additional 14,000 cars on the same roads will slowly degrade the roadways. By burying BART, Item 10, Project Objectives, South San Francisco believes it will Uensure that the Project Area meets its full development potential upon the removal of existing blighting conditions. It It will enhance the area by putting BART underground, but the true blight is the big box Costco and its noise, air and water pollution and the congestion that will come with it. Under the Amended Redevelopment Plan, page 3.0-2, the first two goals and objectives are negligible. The City had ample opportunity to turn the Ohlone Shell mound and burial ground on San Bruno Mountain into an educational and cultural center; the city had the opportunity to turn the last two-thirds of San Bruno Mountain into open space or incorporate it 13G- 3 . . t ~ G-6 e (3 Redevelopment Agency May 5, 2000 Page 4 into the State Park system; the city could have converted the Colma Creek back into its original state of a living creek, instead of a concrete culvert; the city could have constructed a performing arts building attracting people from allover the Bay Area near the BART station with its on-site restaurants and hotels and light retaiL After reviewing the El Camino Corridor Redevelopment Plan Amendment as well as the EIRs for the Costco project and the Terrabay project, it is puzzling how any of you still are employed in your present positions. Very truly, ",. ~.I" ...../..oJ -. . CYNTHIA MARCOPUL S 13G-4 l . · 13.0 Comments and Responses G. CYNTHIA MARCOPULOS G-l. Existing trips to and from the Kaiser Hospital are already reflected in the existing traffic counts used in the Draft SEIR. As shown on p. 3.0-8 of the Draft SEIR, there would be no changes to the existing land uses on the Kaiser site. Therefore, Kaiser was not included in the generation of additional trips shown in the Traffic and Circulation section of the EIR. The BART station itself is a separate project sponsored by BART, and thus is not part of the Redevelopment Agency project. Expected trips to and from the BART station (taken directly from the environmental analysis conducted by BART) were included in the future traffic assumptions used in the SEIR traffic analysis. G-2. Please see the Master Response with respect to Costco at the beginning of this chapter. G-3. These comments appear to refer to the project-specific impacts of the approved Costeo. Please see the Master Response with respect to CosteD at the beginning of this chapter. G-4. This comment pertains to the merits of the Costco project and the merits of the Amended Redevelopment Plan, and not to the content or adequacy of the Draft SEIR under CEQA. Please also see the Master Response with respect to Costco at the beginning of this chapter. G-5. This comment appears to pertain to the merits of the Costeo project, and not to the content -or adequacy of the Draft SEIR under CEQA.. The traffic. impacts of the Amended Redevelopment Plan are addressed in Section 5.1 of the Draft SEIR. Please also see the Master Response in with respect to Costco at the beginning of this chapter. G-6. This comment appears to pertain to the merits of the Costeo project, and not to the content or adequacy of the Draft SEIR under CEQA. Please also see the Master Response with respect to Costen at the beginning of this chapter. G-7. This .comment pertains to the merits of the Costeo project and the merits of the Amended Redevelopment Plan, and not to the content or adequacy of the Draft SEIR under CEQA. Please also see the Master Response with respect to Costco at the beginning of this chapter. G-B. This comment pertains to the parking , impacts of the Hickey BART station on existing uses within the City, and to those impacts relative to the merits of the proposed project. The comment does not relate to the content or adequacy of the Draft SEIR under CEQA. G-9. See the response to Comment G-l, above. As noted in the Master Response for Costco, the correct trip generation number is 11,000 net new trips, not the 14,000 referred to by the commenter. G-IO. Please see the Master Response with respect to Costco at the beginning of this chapter. 13G-5 El Camino Redevelopment Plan Amendment Comments and Responses 1 une 2, 2000 13.0 Comments and Responses G-l1. This comment pertains to the merits of the project objectives, and not to the content or adequacy of the Draft SEIR under CEQA. 13G~6 EI Camino Redevelopment Plan Amendment Comments and Responses 1 une 21 2000 ~ ~C11l ""~n ":e-"" ,4~ ~"ti, ~.i ~~~ I ~ J~~".rJ" MAY 0 B 2000 DONALD E. & SOPHIE. MASON 10 ARLINGTON DRIVE SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, CA. 94080 E& (~~ .t"\ r~ Il-". "-".-.\... .. -...Ji iiJ~.P/t ~,,: . ~1\ .fE 1a r:-"ey .~ "-....,. ~ .1.i'. .!. ~..:~ l' I' City of South San Francisco and Members of the City Council May 5, 2000 Re: El Camino Corridor Redevelopment Plan Amendment Draft Supplemental EIR Dated March 24, 2000 W e w r i t e t his 1. e t t e r toe h a 11 e n get h e a b 0 v ere p 0 r t . 1. Transportation and Circulation: On page 5.1-51 it states that the daily trip generation ~ for Costco is 14,994. Yet, the information presented to ~' the voters before they voted was first 8,000 daily trips and then amended to 11,000. In the Draft EIR report dated April, 1999 it states that the current average daily .t raf fie (ADT) at he Co s tee site is 24,500 vehicles. Originally the Costco was to add 8,000 vehicles or an increase of 32.65%. The total was increased ~ to 11,000 or 44.90% increas~. This is the total the voters were aware of when ,they voted. Now the increase is 14,. 994 vehicles or an increase of 61.20%. Nowhere in the Trip Generation under 5.1-51 does it show Kaiser Hospital or BART. 2. AIR QUALITY: Since the traffic in the report increased by 16.30% over what the voters were aware of when they voted the air quality ~ would also be adversly affected more than they were made. aware of. 3. Noise: The same applies to noise levels. The voters of South San Francisco were mislead before they voted.~ If this report dated March 24, 2000 had been available to the ~ voters prior to their voting on March 7,2000 it very well could have changed the outcome of the vote on Measure B. 13H.l -2- City of South San Prancisco and Members of the City Council This is our challenge to this report. L aSOD ~~ . ,,1 ~ )"C~-X-/ Sophie Mason 13H-2 H. DONALD AND SOPHIE MASON H-l. Please see the Master Response with respect to Costeo at the beginning of this chapter. H-2" Existing trips to and from the Kaiser Hospital are already reflected in the existing traffic counts used in the Draft SEIR. As shown on p. 3.0-8 of the Draft SEIR, there would be no changes to the existing land uses on the Kaiser site. Therefore, Kaiser was not included in the generation of additional trips shown in the Traffic and Circulation section of the EIR. The BART station itself is a separate project sponsored by BART, and thus is not part of the Redevelopment Agency project. Expected trips to and from the BART station (taken directly from the BART environmental analysis) were included in the future traffic assumptions used in the SEIR traffic analysis. H-3. As noted in the Master Response with respect to Casteo, the correct trip generation number is 11,000 net new trips, not the 14,994 referred to by the commenter. The air quality and noise analyses in the Draft SEIR are based on the correct trip generation numbers. H-4. This comment pertains to the timing of the Draft SEIR relative to the referendum on the CosteD, and not to the content or adequacy of the SEIR under CEQA. 13H~3 EI Camino Redevelopment Plan Amendment Comments and Responses June 2, 2000 - t Frank Scafani 540 Acacia Avenue San Bruno, CA 94066 May 5, 2000 City of South San Francisco Redevelopment Agency P.O. Box 711 South San Francisco, CA 94083 E.~ ~~ 'r?f{~:."r:~{) REC ~..... ~ V ..........:.....d.Y .....1)'1 . J:. - .... .~ jr..~ MA'f 0 8 '[DUU Atto: Allison Knapp Wallam ~. ~'1J I "'''''1t ~. .,..., .~.r j , }S&CD DEPA.l~t_l"~~~" ' Dear Members of the Redevelopment Agency: I challenge the EI Camino Corridor Redevelopment Plan Amendment SCH# 1999 032051. DRAFT SUPPLEMENTAL ErR As a taxpayer, I am appalled that my tax dollars go for transit systems to take cars off our highways and streets, yet South San Francisco, with a golden opportunity to make a statement of how a city could incorporate high tech transit with a well-thought out development, takes the low Q road on this issue by planning a Costco store in close proximity to a BART station when BART 0 itselfhas stated, on Page 5~1-39 of the EI Camino Corridor Redevelopment Plan Amendment, (ii) Reduced Trip Generation by Uses in Close Proximity to BART Stations, "Studies by BART have shown that residential, office and retail developments constructed in close proximity to an existing BART station...are likely to have lower than average trip generation~n Also, in its General Plan on its environmental issues, how environmentally sound is it to concrete the Calma Creek when you could have redeveloped the creek into native plants, removed the concrete, made it a free- flowing waterway and introduced native habitat back into this area? Most cities, such as Foster City and San Mateo, use their waterways to enhance the quality of life of its residents. I'm amazed that South San Francisco would merely concrete it, 8 line the banks with non-native plants and call it a linear park. It could have wetlands in its Orange Park and it could have had beautiful trails running through the heart of its city out to the Bay. A few palm trees lining the concrete trough is not anyone's idea of being environmentally friendly. V ery truly yours, ( cc: City Council 131-1 t · 13.0 Comments and Responses I. FRANK SCAF ANI I-I" Please see the Master Response with respect to Costco at the beginning of this chapter. 1-2. The proposed Redevelopment Plan Amendments would not involve placing concrete within Calma Creek. lherefore, this issue is not relevant to the Draft SEIR. 13I~2 El Camino Redevelopment Plan Amendment Comments and Responses June 21 2000 l ,.. COMMENTS TO THE DRAFT SEIR FOR THE EL CAMINO CORRIDOR SECOND AMENDMENT gleaned and paraphrased from testimony at the regular South San Francisco Planning Commission meeting of May 4, 2000 by Jackie Williams 242 Langford Drive South San Francisco CA 94080 1. The DSEIR indicates 14,994 cars a day at the Longford-Hickey intersection. Why is this number different from prior environmental documents that analyzed intersections in the area, such as the Co stco EIR? 2. Everytlring was put on hold in February of 1999. The information in this document [the DSEIR?] was available, but we couldn't get hold of it. 3. I didn't fmd out about the DSEIR until the [City Council] meeting of April 12, 2000, and was not prepared to connnent on it. 4. This document [the DSEIR] came out on March 24 [2000] and then on April 12 [2000] we were told that's it. We had a lot of people here to talk but we didn't know this was gomg on. 5. We've had closed meetings as far the Redevelopment--so the first time the public gets to know about it, within 12 days you had oral comments and it's all over. 6. On page 5.2-14, it shows that with Casteo going in, under the amendment plan it's going to be 757 homes, but before it was going to be 1240 homes. Office space was 13,000 and Wlder the amended plan, you are going to have 189,000 square feet. Under corrnnercial retail, existing was going to be 88,000 square feet, but in the new amended plan it is going to be 443,800 square feet. 7 . After all this talk, we are not getting affordable housing. 131-1 . t. ~. 05/04/00 VERBATIM EXCERPT Page 10f2 Jackie Williams: I thank you for allowing me to speak. I spent the whole day calling City Hall trying to get the answer to my question. I would like to inquire when the public can have oral input on EI Camino Redevelopment Plan Amendment Draft Supplemental EIR, date March 24th. I know - - for written comments this is Monday, May 8th. But on the meeting of April the 12th, when it came up we had no idea that this EI Camino Canidar EIR was before us, so we had no comments, but now we've got the report. We've read it, and today I was told that there would be no further chance for the public to discuss this EIR orally. They could, like you say, write it down and my question is, in this document there is a lot of things that I've never seen before. There's things about Casteo that say there is 14,994 cars a day, gonna come into the area. There's things like there's a problem at the intersection - they looked at 32 intersections, and four of these intersections are not up to par. And one of those intersections is Juniper Serra and Hickey; and its an F in 2010. Now what's strange to me is, I don't know how I did before you or how much I did before Council, but I was really angry when I asked on Costeo about what was happening with Longford and Hickey. And I demanded a traffic study be done on Longford and Hickey. And this was done and it came back that it was a B intersection and that there was no impact. And I can remember going and getting Sergeant Massoni and saying keep the intersection clear. It says in this e report its a B but my only recourse was to keep the intersection clear with a Police man. And I said, if I ever find out that it goes from a B and I need more help, I'll come back to this podium. And blow me down if I don't get this Redevelopment report and it says its an F, but it will be mitigated. Out of 32 intersections there's four intersections that are not up to par now that we've got CasteD and BART~ Now none of this came out before and also the 14,994 cars a day didn't conie out before while we were discussing CasteD. And now your saying we've got to put it in writing. Well I think that we need - -like a lot of us have spent a lot of time looking at this document. I don't know if any of you have, but we've spend a lot of time looking at this document and I find out that everything was put on hold in February. So that we could get to the - - February of 19 - - Wait a minute what year are we in - - 1999 I guess, it was put on hold while we went through the General Plan. And a lot of the information in this document was available, but we couldn't get hold of it. New studies were done. And what my question is, is how come all this information is available now. It comes out March 24th. I don't know anything about it on March 24th. I find out about it on April 12th, when I am here at a meeting, and then Oral Communications is over. And yet in here is a lot of stuff that we would Q have loved to have earlier. And I think it's absolutely a crime, and then I come here and I can~t talk. V So I really thank you for letting me talk because it's really important that the public knows what's in .. this document and that we have a chance to comment on it. And that is what I am asking tonight but its Oral Communications and I don't know if I'll get anywhere. But I am asking anyway that we be allowed to comment on this and have the same people that were here - - - this document came out March the 24 tb and then April 12th we were told that's it-you know we had a lot of people here to talk to us but we didn't know this was going on. I've gone to School Board meetings and tried to get documentation from Mr. Gudino and I've been told it's attorney client privilege, you can't have that document. I have come here and there's been closed meetings as far as the Redevelopment. And so the first time the public gets to know about - " 131-2 1 ~ 05/04/00 VERBATIM EXCERPT ^ Page 20f2 you know within 12 days you had oral comments and its allover and we on to the next thing. And I don"t think that's fair. You know a lot of work has been put into this document and I think we should have a chance to talk about it and that's why I'm here tonight. J-4 It was mainly about Costco and the intersection, and. . . Dh there was something else interesting too. On page 5.2-15, it shows that with Casteo going in and the - you know the way it is now, it was going to be an existing residential of 1,240 homes and now under the amendment plan its going to be 757 homes. Office space was 13,000 and now under the amended plan, you are going to have 189,900 square feet of office space. And under commercial retail, existing was going to be 88,000, with this new amended plan you are going to 443,800 units - uh square feet of retail commercial space. See the thing that we are not getting, and there is all this talk about affordable housing, but the thing that we are not getting is were going to 1240 units to 757. So talk is cheap. If we want housing then lets get housing. Don't lets just talk about it and talk about it. Because what we are doing is gi ving up housing for office and retail space, which is the bottom line because more money comes into the Q City. And I've got no problem with that but were talking about affordable housing like were really V trying to do something about it. And if we really -like I've gone to the meetings and everything. If were really going to do it, lets go get affordable housing for the people that need it. 131-3 l · "13.0 Comments and Responses J. JACKIE WILLIAMS J-l. The Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Report (SEIR) for the El Camino Corridor Redevelopment Plan Amendment was noticed as available for public review in the San Mateo County Times on April 24, 2000. The 45-day public review period was identified as April 24 through May 8, 2000 in the same notice. A joint City Council/Redevelopment Agency public hearing was held on April 12, 2000 to accept public conunent on the Draft SEIR. Notice of the public hearing was published in the San Mateo County Times on April 1, 2000. J-2. Please see the Master Response with respect to Costco at the beginning of this chapter. J-3. Please see the Master Response with respect to Costco at the beginning of this chapter. J-4. The survey area for purposes of the Redevelopment Plan Amendment was adopted in January 1999. The project area and objectives were defined at a level of detail that was sufficient to analyze as a project for the purposes of the environmental analysis. Therefore, data collection began for the analysis. Typically, this part of the work takes four to six months. This is also the time period in which the City was amending its General Plan. During the General Plan process, there was considerable discussion of the proposed land uses in the EI Camino Corridor. The El Camino Corridor Plan amendment was held in abeyance until the General Plan issues, including the referendum on Casteol were resolved. After these issues were resolved, the Draft SEIR on the Amended Redevelopment Plan was completed and made available for public review. J-5. In response to the comment regarding the reduction in the number of projected housing unitsl please see the responses to Comments D-l and F-l. The remainder of this comment pertains to the merits of the proposed project, and not to the content or adequacy of the Draft SEIR under CEQA. 13J-4 EI Camino Redevelopment Plan Amendment Comments and Responses June 2, 2000 14.0 REVISIONS TO THE DRAFT SEIR A. INTRODUCTION The following corrections and clarifications have been. made to the SEIR text. These changes include revisions resulting from a' specific response to comments, and staff-initiated text changes to update information presented in the Draft SEIR. The text revisions are organized by chapter, section and page nwnber, as they appear in the Draft SEIR.. Ot:lcted Jrext in this section indicates text that has been deleted from the SEIR. Text that has been added to the SEIR is presented as double underlined.. For corrections initiated by a comment on the Draft SEIR, references in parentheses refer to the comment letter and comment number.. B. TEXT REVISIONS Chapter 2.0: Executive Summary The revised Table 2.0-1, Summary of Significant Project Impacts is presented at the end of this section (Staff- Ini tia ted). Chapter 5.0: Existing Conditions, Project Impacts and Mitigation Measures Section 5.1: Transportation and Circulation The revised Figure 5.1-11B, Amended Plan Year 2010 P.M. Peak Hour Volumes is presented at the end of this section (Comment B-1). Section 5.3: Noise Page 5..3-24, Mitigation Measure 10 (Comment C-l): 10. As a condition of development approval and/or project assistance, all project-facilitated residential projects in the project area should be designed to achieve the necessary exterior-to- interior noise reduction to meet the single-event criterion limits (i .eo, 50 dBA inbedrooms and 55 dBA in other habitable rooms) and the City's interior noise standard (i.e., 45 dBA, CNEL). This would require specific studies at the development stage for each individual project to outline the steps necessary to comply with the applicable standards. 14.0-1 EI Camino Corridor Redevelopment Plan Amendment Comments and Responses June 2, 2000 14.0 Revisions to the Draft SEIR Section 5.5: Cultural Resources In response to information developed by City staff, Section 5.5, Cultural Resources has been revised, and is presented at the end of this section (Staff-Initiated). 14.0-2 El Camino Corridor Redevelopment Plan Amendment Camments and Responses June 2, 2000 . l e= ~ tI) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ tI) ~ Q ~~ .5 QJ ~ Q ~ ~ E-- U ~ ~ o =: ~ ~ Z -< U t--I ~ ~ Z " 1--4 tr.J ~ o 6~ N< ~~ ;~ ~; ":::" "::::.: :.:.::":":::" :::. . .: ::.. >.: ....:::: !ui'::::,~)::,:. .<): ':;>J:: :u ~u ::': '::;:.;~;i' .)c:: ~::.. :-.;:nI.::: .u.. .:..... .,..., ::. ...:: :~. ~.:. ::..: ilij:~: ~ t~S:: .~:;iii ::.t)f= ~u~. ,:::,:'T~ ,--... 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I 373 540 11 2 t iii 1471 ~ -L100 I 31 ,. L... .- 145 "'BART AcCBS! ""~08d#1-" g t r+ .~ 178 ~ 1819 w -c I:r r:: o .J + ~ BART AccesO ~oad~-j ..., t 24 592 .c Hickev Exlensio,!- - - - - ..-...-~~...-.-- ---- . c .9 ~ 6 Evergreen Dr ~ O~-o <IDrmser En1. Not to Scale so U RCE: C rane Transportation Group ':; FIGURES _ __ - __ __ B 2/00-367 -01 Amended Plan Year 201 0 RM. Peak Hour Volumes EL CAMINO CORRIDOR REDEVELOPMENT PLAN AMENDMENT SEtR 5.5 CULTURAL RESOURCES A. SUMMARY This section focuses on impacts to potential archaeological resources on the California Water Service Company and Chestnut Creek sites (other impacts to cultural resources within the Project Area h a ve been addressed by the 1993 ElR). An updated literature 5earch~ tHttl-field survey, augerin~ and soil corin~s of the sites were conducted in March and AEril 2000. The literature search confirmed that no known prehistoric archaeological sites have been recorded within the California Water Service Company and Chestnut Creek sites. The field survey identified midden deposit::; within a man made earthen feature on the California Water Service Company :;itc; it wa~ CDI1.cludcd that the midden deposit was imported from another location. Due to :;tanding water on the site:;1 the archacologiGt~ were unable to verify the prc:;encc or absence of prehistoric materials on other portion:; of the sites. Th e oth er work conducted bll H olma nand & Associa tes found midden on th e Ca lifornia Water Seroice Compa11lf and Chestnut Creek sites. There is potential for this to be a si~ficant archaeological resource tha t could be a (feeted blf th e project. The implementation of a mechanical auger program andJ if nccc~;;ary, hand excavation aIM resource recovery and documentation would reduce impact:; related to development on the California Water Service Company and Chestnut Creele ;;itc:; to a lc~s than significant ICr;1el. Miti~ation measures identified in this ElR include the use of a data recoverl/ pro~ra m. Howeverl th e use of a da ta recoveTl/ prOKTa m would be ecolWmica 111/ infea sible at th is time; th erefore, impa cts Tela led to th e middendeposi t would be considered una vaida bIll si9Jlificant. B. INTRODUCTION The Initial Study, published en March 9, 1999, determined that the Amended Redevelopment Plan would have no new or increased significant impacts related to cultural resources. This determination was based en the conclusion that the only recorded archaeological site within the Project Area (CA-SMA-299) had been destroyed, and that impacts related to unknown archaeological resources would be mitigated by conducting field investigations prior to construction, monitoring during grading or trenching, and proper documentation of resource finds. lhe only potential historic resources within the Project Area were the structures m the McLellan Nursery site, which has since been approved for the developmen.t of 179 single-family homes (under construction) and 34 townhouses (recently occupied). The Initial Study was prepared using the latest guidance from CEQA ~egarding impacts to cultural resources~ 14.0-15 El Camino Corridor Redevelopment Plan Amendment Responses to Comments June 2, 2000 5.5 Cultural Resources Subsequent to publication of the Initial Study, the City received information that archaeological resources could be present on the California Water Service Company and Chestnut Creek sites. This EIR section presents an evaluation of potential impacts to cultural resources en those sites. The descriptiDn discussion is based en an updated literature search and field investigation conducted by Holman & Associates in March and April 2000.1~ Historical background information is based <n the cultural resources discussion in the 1993 EIR~ C. EXISTING CONDITIONS Ct. Geographic Setting 1he Project Area is within one mile of the San Francisco Bay shore in an area which has ~ hea viI y urbanized with a variety of residentiat commerciat and institutional land uses. Prior to the first development of the area in the 1890s, the corridor site was located near the edge of an extensive tidal marshland habitat.3 The earliest maps of the area were made in the 18505 and are curated at the U.S. Geological Survey in Menlo Park, California. Ihese maps delineate a complex system of sloughs tha t bordered the Bay shore. The edge of this marshland was marked by grasslands and mixed hardwood forest~ C2. History C2 (a) Native American Period The native peoples who occupied the Project Area vicinity (i.e", the San Francisco Peninsula) at the time of European contact are known as Costanoan, a term derived from the Spanish word I'Costanosll meaning coast people. (Native Americans currently living in the Bay Area prefer the term l'Ohlone" meaning "abalone people"). lbese people subsisted by hunting, fishing, and the gathering of mussels, other shellfish, and native plants.4 The immediate ancestors of the local Costanoan people are 1 Holman and Associates Archaeological Consultants, Archival Search and Field Inspection of the Chestnut Creek Site, South San Francisco, San Mateo County, California, March 16, 2000. Holman and Associates Archaeological Consultantst Initial Subsurface Archaeological Reconnaissance of Two Redevelopment Parcels on Chestnut Avenue in the City of South San Francisco, California, Apri117, 2000. California Archaeologist Consultants, Inc", An Archaeological Survey of the Proposed Corporation Yard for the City of South San Francisco, November 1991. Ibid~ 2 3 -4 14.0~16 El Camino Corridor Redevelopment Plan Amendment Responses to Comments June 2, 2000 5.5 Cultural Resources believed to have moved to the San Francisco region around A..D. 500 from the San Joaquin-Sacramento River Delta area.S The Project Area contained one recorded cultural resource site, a Native American archaeological village (CA-SMA-299); according to the 1993 EIR, the site has been destroyed. C2 (b) Spanish Period The first Europeans to reach the San Francisco area were Spanish explorers. The first expedition in 1769, led by Gaspar de Portola, traveled down the peninsula as far south as present-day Menlo Park. The second expedition was led by Fernando Rivera and Fray Francisco Palau in 1774.. This expedition followed an inland route.up the peninsula as far as the Golden Gate in search of a suitable mission site. A third expedition was led by Juan Bautista de Anza in 1776. This expedition resulted in the establishment of Mission San Francisco de Asis (Mission Dolores). A few months later, Mission Santa Clara de Asis was founded to the south. EI Camino Real (the trail established by de ~za in 1776) became a heavily traveled route between the two missions and their outposts.6 C2(c) Mexican Period During the Mexican rule of California (1822 through 1848), large tracts of land were issued to private individuals, usually cattle ranchers and hide and tallow traders. The Project Area vicinity was .part of Jose Antonio Sanchez's 14,639-acre Rancho Buri Buri, one of the largest grants en the peninsula. The rancho owned 10,000 cattle and 1,000 horses as well as several sheep herds. The rancho contained two adobe houses, a grist mill, and boat landing on a slough from which hides and tallow produced at Buri Buri were shipped.. 7 C2 (d) Early American Period California became part of the United States in 1848 as a result of the treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo. The Gwin Act of 1851 established a commission to settle disputes over the validity of Mexican land grants. The Sanchez Family ownership of Buri Burl was upheld in 1852. In the following years through the 18705, several wealthy Americans including Charles Lux, Ansel L.. Easton, and Darious O. Mills purchased thousands of acres of the Buri Buri Rancho. By the 18505 El Camino Real had grown into a 5 Unnamed Archival Review of Cultural Resources on the San Francisco Peninsula. 6 Ibid. 7 Ibid. 14.0-17 EI Camino Corridor Redevelopment Plan Amendment Responses to Comments June 2, 2000 5.5 Cultural Resources highway traveled by wagons and stage coaches.S 1he 11"12 Mile Housell, as stage coach station constructed in 1860, is located adjacent to the Project Area. This station was the origin of. the community of Baden, a multi-ethnic community with an economy based on fishing, agriculture, livestock, and meat packing. In 1908, the community was incorporated and renamed South San Francisco. C3! Undiscovered Cultural and Historical Resources The Project Area is within a substantial area of potential cultural and historical resources. The ecotone which existed between marshland and upland habitats described above was attractive to prehistoric people who subsisted m shellfish, marine mammals, waterfowl, fish grass seeds, acorns, deer, elk, antelope and other local resources. The location of Calma Creek through the Project Area increases the likelihood of past use of the area by prehistoric peoples. The peninsula vicinity also has a rich history from the Spanish, Mexican.. and early American periods. Although the Project Area is heavily urbanized, it is possible that additional undiscovered resources could still exist within the area tha t could be uncovered during construction-related grading. C4. Archaeological Resources on the California Water Service Company and Chestnut Creek Sites Since publication of the Initial Study, the City received information t hat prehistoric archaeological resources might be present within the California Water Service Company site. During March and April 2000, Holman & Associates Archaeological Consultants conducted an archaeological records search, initial surface reconnaissance, preliminary subsurface testing by hand au~ering, and subsurface archaeological reconnaissance via soils corin~ at the two sites. A records and base map search at the Northwest Information Center showed that the sites had not been previously surveyed for archaeological resourcesl but that archaeological resources had been found in several neighborin~ areas and a potentially significant prehistoric archaeolo~ical site was recorded en the banks of Calma Creek upstream of the sites. The surface reconnaissance found evidence of midden deposits (a refuse heap of a primitive habitation) within a man-made earthen feature en the California Water Service Company site, but nothing CI1. the current surface of the rest of that site, or m 8 Ibid. 14.0-18 El Camino Corridor Redevelopment Plan Amendment Responses to Comments Tune 2, 2000 . 1 5.5 Cultural Resources the Chestnut Creek site. Shallow augering- conducted by Holman & Associates also produced I'I) evidence of cultural resources. Based m information provided by the geotechnical consultants for the project planned m the Chestnut Creek site, Hohnan & Associates conducted soils coring a t 16 locations, ranging from 12 feet to 28 feet below the current ground surface. Holman also analyzed materials from four soils cores conducted by the geotechnical consultants. -Midden was found in six of the seven corings <I\ the Chestnut Creek si te. The midden was five to nine-plus feet below the surface, and ranged from eight inches to six feet thick. Midden was found in four of the thirteen corings (Il the California Water Service Company site. All of the corings with midden were in the southwest part of the site. The top of the midden ran~ed from 15 to 24 feet below the surface and was eight inches to seven and one-half feet thick. Hohnan & Associates concluded. that the midden deposits found m the two sites are part of a continuous shell monnd It should be noted that a six-lane roadway (Chestnut Avenue) and the creek channel cross the midden and separate the two sites. Based en the midden found in the corings, Holman & Associates concluded that the prehistoric shell midden deposit is large, deep, and thick, seems to display intact strata and a definable shape, and contains materials typical of a habitation site of IonS?; duration. The deposit is deeply buried and appears to be under natural allu vial fill as well as historic artificial f i 11. The 1 a yers of natural fill <D.11d indicate the midden is of considerable antiquity, and Holman concludes that the deposit could be one of the oldest sites en the Peninsula (and thus a highly significant archaeological resource). Holman notes that, althou~h the site could be the eastern end of previously recorded Site SMA-299, there is no evidence at this point that the midden is connected to that site. In addition, pre-and early twentieth century historic materials were found en the California Water Service Company site; it is yet undetermined whether any intact or potentially significant historic deposits are present. These historic remains could contain information related to the founders and early inhabitants of the City of South San Francisco. 14~O-19 EI Camino Corridor Redevelopment Plan Amendment Responses to Comments June 2,2000 5.5 Cultural Resources D. POLICY AND REGULATORY FRAMEWORK D1. South San Francisco General Plan The following policies in the Historic and Cultural Resources section of the Open Space and Conservation chapter of the South San Francisco General Plan would apply to the proposed Redevelopment Plan amenament. Guiding Policies . 7..5-G-l: Conserve historic, cultural.. and archaeological resources for the aesthetic, educational, economic, and scientific contribution they make to South San Francisco's identity and quality of life. Implementing Policies . 7,,5-1-4: Ensure the protection of known archaeological resources in the city by requiring a records review for any development proposed [in] areas of known resources. . 7.5-1-5: In accordance with State Law, require the preparation of a resource mitigation plan and monitoring program by a qualified archaeologist in the event that archaeological resoW'Ces are uncovered. 02. National Historic Preservation Act The U..5" Department of Housing and Urban Development will partially fund or at minimum oversee construction of the senior housin~ project. Therefore, this project must comply with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act, which requires that any archaeological resources within the potential impacts zone of an undertaking with Federal involvement be evaluated for eligibility to the National Register of Historic Places. In order to satisfy the Section 106 requirements and receive federal funding for the senior housinp; project, the City is currently undertaking a data recovery pro~am for the midden deposit fonnd m the Chestnut Creek site. 14~O-20 El Camino Corridor Redevelopment Plan Amendment Responses to Comments June 21 2000 565 Cultural Resources E. PROJECT IMPACTS Et. Significance Threshold Criteria To determine whether. cultural resources could be significantly impacted for CEQA purposes, the significance of the resource itself must first be determined. El(a) Historical Resources Pursuant to Section 15064..5 of the CEQA Guidelines, an historical resource (including both built environment and prehistoric archaeological resources) is presumed significant if it is listed m the California Register of Historical Resources (CRHR) or has been determined to be eligible for listing by the State Historical Resources Commission. An historical resource may also be considered significant i f the lead agency determines, based en substantial evidence, that the resource meets the criteria for inclusion in the CRHR.. The criteria are as follows: 1. Is associated with events that have made a significant . contribution to the broad patterns of California's history and cultural heritage; 2. Is associated with lives of persons important in our past; 3. Embodies the distinctive characteristics of a type, period, region, or method of construction, or represents the work of an important creative individual, or possesses high artistic values; or 4. Has yielded, or may be likely to yield, information important in prehistory or history. Section 15064.5 of the CEQA Guidelines also assigns special importance to human remains and specifies procedures to be used when Native American remains are discovered. These procedures are spelled out nnder PRe 5097. El(b) Archaeological Resources Pursuant to Section 15064.5 of the CEQA Guidelines, archaeological resources, not otherwise determined to be historical resources, may be significant if they are unique. Pursuant to PRe Section 21083..2, a unique archaeological resource is defined as an archaeological artifact, object, or site about which it can be clearly demonstrated that without merely adding to the current body of knowledge, there is a high probability tha t it meets one of the following criteria: 14~O-21 EI Camino Corridor Redevelopment Plnn Amendment Responses to Comments June 2,2000 5.5 Cultural Resources 1. Contains information needed to answer important scientific questions and there is a demonstrable public interest in that information; 2. Has a special and particular quality, such as being the oldest of its type or the best available example of its type; 3. Is directly associated with a scientifically recognized important prehistoric or historic event or person~ A nonunique archaeological resource means an archaeological artifact, object, or site that does not meet the above criteria. Nonunique archaeological resources receive no further consideration under CEQA. El(c) Human Remains According to Section 15064.5 of the CEQA Guidelines, all human remains are significant E2. Impact Criteria and Methodology E2(a) Impact Criteria Section 15065 of the CEQA Guidelines mandates a finding of significance if a project would eliminate important examples of major periods of California history or pre-history. In addition, pursuant to Section 15064.5 of the CEQA Guidelines, a project could have a significant effect en the environment if it umay cause a substantial adverse change in the significance of an historical resource. II A "substantial adverse change" means Uphysical demolition, destruction, relocation, or alteration of the resomce or its immediate surroundings such that the significance of an historical resource is impaired.1I Material impairment means altering Ifin an adverse marmer those characteristics of an historical resource that convey its historical significance and its eligibility for inclusion in the California Register of Historical Resources,," According to Appendix G of the CEQA Guidelines (Environmental Checklist Form), a project could ha ve a significant effect on the environment if it would cause a substantial adverse change in the significance of an archaeological resource or disturb any human remains. Impacts to these cultural resources not determined to be significant according to the significance criteria described above are not considered significant for the purposes of CEQA. 14.0-22 EI Camino Corridor Redevelopment Plan Amendment Responses to Comments June 2, 2000 5.5 Cultural Resources E2(b) Impact Methodology Project activities that would disturb soils and underlying formations have a potential to disrupt or destroy historically significant or W1ique archaeological resources and human remains. Significant impacts are most likely to occur when construction-related excavation would damage or destroy an archaeological deposit, because it may damage or destroy the data potential of the resource tha t conveys its historic or scientific significance or nniqueness. The presence of archaeological resources within a project area prior to development generally is determined through archaeological reconnaissance--that is inspection of exposed ground surfaces-- sometimes augmented by limited subsurface testing.. Many archaeological sites have no surface manifestations.. An area where no sites have been discovered may be assessed as archaeologically sensitive en the basis of proximity to known archaeological deposits, history of site use, or known aboriginal or historic settlement patterns. Pursuant to Section 15064.5 of the CEQA Guidelines, archaeological monitoring during construction and other "discovery provisions" may be identified as a measure to avoid impacts to deposits that might be lUlcovered during construction. Assessment of the significance of the known or potential archaeological site or deposit may require additional archival research or archaeological excavation to ascertain the origin of the deposit, classes of data present, vertical and horizontal extent of the deposit, and site integrity. E3. Summary of Impacts in the Previous ElK The previous FEIR identified the following impacts of the original project (the approved Redevelopment Plan). Prehistoric resources within the existing Native American archaeological village site in the project area could be subject to disturbance during project-facilitated construction. (1993 Final EIR, page IV.K- 3) The Final EIR found that no significant impact would occur if the following mitigation measure is implemented: a field inspection and evaluation of the iden~ified cultural resource is conducted by a qualified archaeologist prior to development of the site. Previously undiscovered cultural or historical resources could be disturbed during construction activity. (1993 Final EIR, page IV.K-4) The Final EIR fOWld that no significant impact would 0CClU' if the City requires the implementation of the following mitigation measure: field inspections are conducted prior to construction, grading or trenching activities are monitored and resource finds are properly documented. 14~O-23 El Camino Corridor Redevelopment Plan Amendment Responses to Comments Tune 2, 2000 5.5 Cultural Resources The project would change the use and character of the Rod McLellan Nursery site, an important element in the local history. (1993 Final EIR, page IV"K...4) The project would change the Rod McLellan Nursery from a wholesale and retail nursery complex to a residential neighborhood. While the site is not designated architecturally or historically significant, the project would result in the loss of this important element in the local history. E4. Impacts of the Amended Plan As noted earlier, one prehistoric archaeological site, CA-SMA-299, was recorded inside the Project Area. CA-SM-299 was evaluated as part of the BART Extension EIS/EIR, and it was determined tha t the integrity of the site had been II completely destroyed" and that the resource was absent where i t had previously been identified. The Initial Study for this SEIR concluded that the Redevelopment Plan Amendment would have no impacts on this identified archaeological site a tits recorded 1 oca ti on Since publication of t hc Initial Study, the City received informaijon that prchistof'ic archaeological rC30ttrCC3 might be prc3cnt within other portions of the Project Areal \vithin the California W u ter Service Company and Chestnut Creek Gites. An updated archival 3Carch and field inspection were performed in March 2000, specifically focusing CIl. thC3C portions of the Project Area. A review of previous report:; at the Northwc3t Information Center concluded that a two kilometer long midden deposit hud once been identified along Colmn Creek in the area; however, auger testing conducted in 1994 a3 part of the CA SMA 299 site record found no evidence of this rcsou:nx along the crcclc. It \\~QS confirmed that CA SMA 29-9 is located outside the California \^l atcr Sct'Vice Company and Chestnut Creek sites. The updated field 3UrvCY found evidence of midden depOGits \vithin n man made earthen fcature m the California '^later Service Compony Gite. This midden appcar3 to have been imported from another location O~ part of the con~truction of the earthen feature. The ~itc report for CA SMA 299 note:; tho. t areas along the creek were hi~toricQlly mined for top3oil, \\Thich resulted in spreading around the remain:; of shell middens to area:; out:Jidc the actual prehistoric 3itcs. Due to 3tanding water, I Ialmnn & A300cintcs \va:) unable to verify the prc~cncc or nb3cncc of archaeological ma.tcrio..l~ m other portion:; of the California Water Service Company and Chestnut Creek ::;itcs. ~ such, 3ignificant archaeological rC3Qurccs could be prc3cnt on thorJC sites, and development in thCJC portions of the Project Area would have the potcntinl to disturb thCY'.JC rc30urccs. Thb ,vould be 0. 3ignificant impact. 14~O~24 EI Camino Corridor Redevelopment Plan Amendment Responses to Comments June 2, 2000 r 5.5 Cultural Resources As discussed previously, Holman and Associates determined that the California Water Service Company and Chestnut Creek sites contain IJdefinite and very possibly significant subsurface prehistoric archaeoloj?;ical deposits. II The footprint of the fire station proposed for the California Water Service Company site is not known because it has not been designed or sited" If the fire station is constructed in the part of the site where midden was found, excavation, structural design and installation of utilities could affect the midden. This impact would be si~nificant. Disturbance of historic materials found CIl the California Water Service Company site could also be significant, if the materials are fonnd to be historically si~nificant. The geotechnical consultants for the Chestnut Creek Senior Housin9; Project have recommended t hat overexcavation of the site be reduced to 30 inches below the stripped subsz;rade, which would result in excavation three feet below existinlZ; ~rade. Excavation would be about two feet above the shallowest - midden. Excavation would be made with track equipment rather than rubber tired equipment to red.uce the potential for deep rutting. The geotechnical consultants would examine the bottom of the excavation to determine whether the subg-rade soil can be compacted as originally recommended. Either (1) an attempt will be made to compact it to at least 900/0 relative compaction, without scarification, or (2) a layer of geo~id would be placed at the bottom of the excavation, and enRineered fill . would be placed over the geogrid. However, Holman & Associates have reviewed these recommendations and believe that the midden could still be affected; therefore, the impact is considered si~nificant. F. MITIGATION MEASURES Fl. Measures Carried Forward from Redevelopment Plan EIR The California Water Service Company and Chestnut Creek sites were not identified as potential archaeological resource sites in the 1993 EIR, and no specific mitigation for those sites was identified. F2. Measures Identified in this SEIR 1. A progrwn of mechanical Gubsurfncc tc::;ting :;hall be conducted by u qualified archocologi3t to determine the extent of archaeological deposits on the California Water Department ond Chestnut Creek sites. The site of the midden deposit found m the California Water Service Company and 14.0-25 El Camino Corridor Redevelopment Plan Amendment Responses to Comments June 2, 2000 5.5 Cultural Resources Chestnut Creek sites shall be recorded with the California Historical Resources Information System and a new trinomial desi~ation obtained. 2. Additional fieldwork shall be conducted to determine the exact location of the midden deposit. If possible, the area studied should extend outside the two sites. This field work shall include geomorphological expertise to help define the boundaries of artificial and natural fills and characterize the materials over and under the midden deposit. 3. A Research Design shall be developed to guide evaluation of the potential si~ificance of the midden deposit. . This evaluation sha II be done within a context considering the archaeological record and extant data base in the immediate vicinity, the area (San Francisco Peninsula), the region (the Bay Area and Central Coast of California), and the wider setting (prehistoric California as defined archaeologically and historically). . Current research concerns, questions and techniques should be incorporated into the Research Design and a practical plan developed to obtain sufficient data to place the resource within the contexts noted above in support of a statement evaluatin~ the resource scientifically. . Representatives of local Native American W"Oups with docwnented ancestral ties to the area should be contacted for involvement in evaluatin~ the site. Specifically, a recognized Ohlone representative or group sha 11 be brought into the process early and become the primary channel for dissemination of information and ~athering of input from the wider Ohlone community. . The potentially significant historic deposits shall be addressed. Thorough archival research shall be conducted to provide a report of the historic uses of the site. If a potential for significant historic deposits is demonstrated, a plan for excavation and evaluation of historic deposits shall be included in the Research Design and addressed in a mitigation plan. 4. The best available construction plans for the proposed senior housing proiect and fire station shall be scrutinized to assess potential impacts to the site in order to calibrate the evaluation effort to the potential for adverse impacts, and to minimize the adverse impacts caused by archaeological 14.0-26 . El Camino Corridor Redevelopment Plan Amendment Responses to Comments June 2,2000 5.5 Cultural Resources testing and excavation itself, i.e., destructive evaluative techniques should be focused en primary impact zones and areas of lesser or m impacts should be minimally impacted by evaluation. 5. If the midden deposit is fonnd to be potentially siRnificant, a mitigation plan shall be prepared to minimize impacts and to guide mitigation efforts. If the projects cannot be modified to avoid the deposits, a data recovery program shall be undertaken, to include hand excayation of the deposit, laboratory analysis of recovered material, and documentation in a technical report. 6. Cost and adverse impacts to the site shall be minimized by coordinatin~ archaeological excavations, if any, with construction excavations dictated by eng-ineering requirements. 4.If 3ignificant archeological resources Elrc idcn~ificd, a data recovery program for nrchucologicnl impacts shall be underta.ken us follows: -I land excavation of the deposit. · Field data collection \\Tould" be followed by laboratory unalY3i3 of recovered material. .1bc results of the data collection ond imalysis would be documented in n technical report. G. CUMULATIVE IMPACTS Impacts upon cultural resources tend to be site-specific and are assessed on a site-by-site basis. Where such resources exist, buildout of the Project Area, together with other development in the City and region,. would result in an incremental adverse impact to cultural resources. In this case, the cumulative impact would be to prehistoric and historic archaeological resources. These impacts were addressed in the 1993 EIR and in the Initial Study for the Amended Redevelopment Plan. The onlv prehistoric archaeological site, CA-SMA-299J recorded within the Project Area has already been destroyed and was previously evaluated as part of the BART Extension EIS/EIR. No other archaeolo~ical sites would be affected by the Amended Plan. It should also be noted that the 25.73-acre preservation parcel on the eastern slope of San Bruno Mountain within the City of South San Francisco was created and will be dedicated as open space in perpetuity to preserve CA-SMa-40. Given that the extent of the impacts to archaeological resources have been fully identified, no significant cumulative impacts are anticipated. Provided that mitigation a::; defined by CEQA and the City of South San Francisco is implemented in conjunction ,\Tith cumulative development in the ureG, no significant cumulative impacts arc anticipated. 14.0-27 EI Camino Corridor Redevelopment PIan Amendment Responses to Comments June 2, 2000 . t 5~5 Cultural Resources H. CUMULATIVE MITIGATION MEASURES No additional mitigation is identified for cumulative impacts. I. SIGNIFICANCE AFTER MITIGATION In the absence of a detailed ::;ub:;urfucc invc3tigation, the type and extent of prchi3toric archaeological rC30UlCC3 on the Ca.lifornia \^' ater Service Company and Chestnut Creek 3itcG arc not knO\\TI ut thi3 fl.me:.The si~ificance of the prehistoric and historic remains in the midden deposit m the California Water Service Company and Chestnut Creek sites is not known. The plannin~ of construction to avoid a significant archaeological site is a typical mitigation measure accepted under CEQA. However, avoidance of the midden deposit en the California Water Service Company site is speculative, given that the specific location and development footprint of the fire station is undetermined at this time and that the extent of the midden deposit is unknown. The requirements for the fire station, identified by the City as needed to provide adequate fire services, could therefore make avoidance of the midden deposit infeasible. Furthermore, the City has indicated that implementation of a data recovery program would be costly and economically infeasible, with typical costs ranging from approximately $100,000 to $400,000. (As mentioned above, data recovery efforts are already required per Section 106 and currently underway for the Chestnut Creek site. These efforts will be leveraged throuS!;h a partnership between federal and redevelopment agency ftmding..) Given that avoidance of the midden is speculative at this time and that the use of a data recovery program would be economically infeasible, impacts related to the midden deposit would be considered unavoidably significant.GWeft that future development tmdcr the Amended Redevelopment PILlD could nffcet significant prehistoric resources on thc3C sites, impacts would be considered unavoidably significant. 14.0~2B El Camino Corridor Redevelopment Plan Amendment Responses to Comments June 21 2000 or 0