HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso 3885-1964RESOLUTION NO. 3885 CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA A RESOLUTION CONSENTING TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF PROCEEDINGS FOR THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN INHABITED TERRITORY DESIGNATED AS WESTBOROUGH INHABITED AREA WHEREAS, on December 2, 1963, a request for the annexation of the area designated as Westborough Inhabited Area was filed with the City Clerk of the City of South San Francisco and was presented to the City Council of the City of South San Francisco requesting the Council to give its consent to the commencement of annexation proceedings in connection with that certain inhabited territory therein referred to and generally described which is contiguous to the City of South San Francisco, and WHEREAS, said petition was referred to the Planning Commission of the City of South San Francisco for investi- gation, report and recommendation on the second day of December, 1963, and said Planning Commission filed its report and recommendation approving the annexation of said area, and WHEREAS, the Local Agency Formation Commission has duly approved the annexation of said area to the City of South San Francisco, and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the City Council to give its consent to the commencement of such annexation proceedings upon condition that the electors within said territory be informed at the time the petition for annexation is circulated that the question to be submitted to said electors shall be whether the territory shall be annexed and that property in the territory subjected to taxation after annexation equally with the property within the City of South San Francisco to pay the entire bonded indebtedness of the City of South San Francisco outstanding or authorized at the date of the first publication of the notice of election, for the acquisition, construction or completion of municipal improvements. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of South San Francisco: 1. That consent be and hereby is granted for the com- mencement of annexation proceedings in connection with said inhabited territory in accordance with the Annexation Act of 1913, provided the petition for annexation contains a request that the question to be submitted to the electors residing in the territory proposed to be annexed shall be whether the ter- ritory shall be annexed, and the property in the territory sub- jected to taxation after annexation equally with property within the City of South San Francisco to pay the bonded indebtedness of the City of South San Francisco outstanding or authorized at the date of the first publication of the notice of election for the acquisition, construction or completion of municipal improvements. 2. That said unincorporated territory be and hereby is designated as Westborough Inhabited Area, and is des- cribed as follows: ® 005-0201-10 CCC:/vb PROPOSED A:~/:EXATIOFI OF IHFlAPlTEO tAt:OS TO THE CiTY OF SOUTH SAN FRA~!CtSCO All that certain real l~roperty situate in the County of San Hateo State of California. bein~ Trots ~, ~, 602 and 808 Vest~r~gh ~ro particulcrly descried as foll~s: t3EGIN~II:,~G at tho amat easterly corner of Lot 12 in 81~ck 15, as ~ald Lot e~ Dl~k ara ~h~n ~ t~ ~p entitled 'T~CT'NO. ~O~, gES'[G~OUGH U~IT ~O. 2, ~Afl ~TEO C~LTY, ~LIFORHIA'. filed Sol)t~t~r I~, I~Gg in t~ 5G of ~l)S ,~t P~go~ ~3, I~ ami 5nn ~t~ C~nty Records; thence alan9 t~ ~naral northeaster1y t~n,J~ry of the subdlvisi~ ~h~n ~ ~ald ~op~ t~ fell~l~ course~ fl 60°55e H ~.0O feet, h 29°05e E 78.22 feet, N 925.G1 feeti t~nco tenant to the preceding c~rse nortl~storly along t~ arc of a curw to the right hevlng a radlus of feet and ~ centret ~,nglo of 13°53~ an arc distance of 11~.73 thence tenant to ~ho preceding curve ;; q1°35t V t~72.:~2 feet; the~a tenant to tho prgc~ln9 course nort~:erty along thc arc of ~ curve to the right having a raGlus of 3OO.OO feet and central ~nglo of 6~15~, ~n arc distance of 352.12 feetl t~nce tangent to the preceding curve i'l 25o~0~ E 2~.53 feet, :~ ~°2Ot 150,00 feet, S 25°~Oe ~ 5.00 feat, L ~°20~ ~ 559.75 feet, ti 7G°~9~51' ~ 151~.~2 feet, and fr~ o tangent that ~ars ~ 6°15 oleg th,~ arc of a curve to the luft herin9 a r~dlus of 530.00 feet and a centr:~l ongl,~ of l~°z',Oe~6', an arc distance of 182.0~a feat tho ~st nort~rly corer of Parcel C In Bilk 23, as s,~,ld Parcel ,qnd [ii~k are sh~n on b,~ld map~ tlmnce along the nortl~sterly of ~nld Parcel g, L:l~k 23, 5 59012. ~ ~0.09 f~t, and tangent to the pra~dlng course soutl~sterly along t~ arc of a cur~ to right having a radius of 7~5.OO feet en~ a centrat ~ngle of 0°~2' 13'*, an nrc distance of 2.&5 feet to the ~rtheasterty corner of tl~ ~ubdlvlsl~ sh~n ~ the ~p entitled 'T~CT ~:O. VE~T~;ORO~GII U~?IT ~;O. IC, SA~: ~TEO COUNTY, CAi IFORNIR", recorded K~y I~ 1~,2 in i~k 5G of ttaps at Pages I~ and 15, 5~n Hateo County R~ord~; thence alo, g ttm ~ral ~rt~rty I1~ of said tho foll~lflg courses: t*r~ a tange~t that ~,rs 5 f;~2~1~ ~l~g ~e ,~rc of a curve to th~ rlght having a r~dlus of 71t5.00 feat and a centr~l ongl~ of 13°2~1~', an arc distance of 1Th.h1 feet, thence ~ I~111 E Ih.aa feet, S 73o57~ V 30.02 feet, ~'; Ih°55' I~.00 ~eot~ t~nco fr~ ~ ta~nt that ~ars 5 75°05~ V along the arc of ~ curve to tim right having a radius Of 7~5.O0 feet and a ¢entr-~l angle of ~°5Oe31"e m~ arc distance of 5S3.O7 feet~ thence N 60°Oq~2~'' V 115.02 feet to t~ ~rthoasterly corer of the subdlvlslon sh~n ~ the ~p entitled 'T~CT NO. ' r, 79~,, VE~T[~OR~tl UHIT ~;O, )U~ SAH ~TEO C~hTY~ ~LIFORhlA', ~corded Sept~t~r ~96~ In ~ 55 of Haps ~t Pa~s tG and 17, San ~teo Co~mty thence along the general nerth~rly 1Ira of said subdivision tim relieving courses: N GOoOae~cj' bi 79.1] feet; Sherle tangent t& tlm preceding course nortl~mstorly along the arc of a curve to the left hiving a radius of 955.00 feet lad a central angle of 18°~1'', en arc distance ef 315.12 feetl thence tangent to the preceding curve nortimesterly ileal the nrc efa curve to the left hiving ,~ radius of IZ10,OO feet end a central eng.le of 33°19~10'', mn nrc distance of 703.GG feetl thlnce S 67°/,2e bi ~9cJ.eg feet to the nortlxasterly carnet of said TKAC? NO. 798; timr~a ,long the gen~rel southwesterly line of lilt said Tract S 2ZOl8' E 262.50 feet, S 67°~~ bi 100.1)O feet, and $ 2Z°18' ! 250.00 feet to the nortlxMsterly corner of tim subdivision shave o~ the m~p entitled 'rTRAC? 70~, YESTBOI~OUGN UNIT NO. IA. SAN HATEO C0tJNTY. ~,ALIFORHIA", recorded August 3, 1~361 In I~ook 55 of Maps at Pages 2 and 3. San Noteo County ae~ords; thence along the ~eutlxasterly 1Ina of said TRACT 79~, S 22°18' E ~00.OO feet, fl 67~42' E 2.00 feet, and S 22o18' ! 217.50 feet to the south- ~sterly career thereof, lest said point being · point on the c~rp~rltl limits 1Ina of the City of San Bruno as established by Ordlmmce Ho. $~18 (Hlsc, Ord. No. 53) adopted by the City (~mmcll of the City of San Brunt off July II, 1956 In the annexatlen of the terrlt®ry knewn el "PACIFIC ItEIGHTS'I thence clang the cerporate limits line ®f San Bruno :end the general southerly liras of said tracts 796, 8QZ and 808 the roll.lng courses: N 67°1~2' I 696.00 feet, S 56°O2'~6' I 2608,~9 feet, S 55°28'22'' E 865.7~ feet, S 75°51'Z3'' I 62.59 feet, fl 89°08'17' l 98.19 feete and g ~3~°07'53'' I ~0.7~ feet to a seuthirty corner of said Tract 8081 thence leaving the corporate limits 11ne of Sen BrLmo and along the Immoral easterly line of said Tact 808 the follmlng courset; NORTH 10).8~ feet, lJ~$T 125,00 four, Korth 60.~O1~ feet, N 6oIStl2' E g0.8) felt, N 33037'5~'' E 813,77 # 16~3'Z3" E 110.17 felt to the Point of ~glnnlng and containing 12).~lacres ef lend more or less, APPROVED [ ~ (:. C:. Cabrlflhe ~' 3. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this resolution. I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was regularly introduced and adopted by the City Council of the City of South San Francisco at a regular meeting held this 2nd day of March , 19 64 , by the following vote: AYES, COUNCILMEN Patrick E. Ahern, Emilio Cortesi, Andrew Rocca, and Frank Bertucelli NOES, " None ABSENT, " G.J. Rozzi ATTEST: