HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso 3928-1964RESOLUTION NO. 3928 CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA A RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO CALL A SPECIAL ELECTION TO ANNEX TO THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO THE TERRITORY DESIGNATED AS WESTBOROUGH INHABITED AREA AND FIXING THE TIME AND PLACE FOR PROTEST BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of South San Francisco that: WHEREAS, on the 17th day of April , 1~6~..., a petition proposing that the following described new terri- tory, to wit: Westborough Inhabited Area, be annexed to the City of South San Francisco, was duly received by the City Council, and, WHEREAS, said petition is signed by not less than one- fourth of the qualified electors residing within said described territory as shown by the county registration of voters, and, WHEREAS, said petition contains said description of the said new territory proposed to be annexed to said City of South San Francisco, and, WHEREAS, said petition asks that said described new territory be annexed to said City of South San Francisco. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED that: 1. It is the intention of the City Council to call a special election to be held in the Westborough Inhabited Area which inhabited territory is contiguous to said City and pro- posed to be annexed thereto, said election to be for the purpose of submitting to the qualified electors residing within said territory the question whether or not said terri- tory shall be annexed to the City of South San Francisco and the property in the territory subjected to taxation after annexation equally with property within the City of South San Francisco to pay the bonded indebtedness for the City of South San Francisco outstanding or authorized at the date of the first publication of the Notice of Election for the acquisition, construction or completion of municipal improvements. Said territory is described as follows, to wit: PROPOSED A::L'EXAT I OL~ OF I t~HA~ I TE0 LAt;D$ TO T~fE CITY OF SOUT[~ SAN FRA;~CtSCO that cert~ln r.~al I,roperty sitt, eta In the County of San ~tateo Strata of g,~llfornt~, being Tracts ~, ~{;, ,.,02 and 80~ ~esti~rough ,'JEGI~I!.;[~ at the mo~t ,.':]~tarly corner of Lot 12 in 0leek Ir.~, as 5.:Jld Lot ~nd ~l~k ere 5h~n on the map at, titled 'T~CT't;O. ~[,~ ~EST~OUGH U~IT ~O. 2~ ~A~] ~TEO COt~,~Y~ ~LIFORt.:IA', filed 'Sopt~r I~ 1962 i, ~ 5G o~ ~p5 at P,~Oo~ ~3~ ~ and S~n ~too C~nty Records; thence ~lon~ t~ ~neral ~rthea~terly b~nd,~ry of tho ~ubdivi:ion sh~n ~ said mop, t~ fail.ling cours~: t4 ~0°55~ ~ ~O,00 feet, ~ 2~°05~ E 7~.22 fc~e'c, ~; ~25.G! fc~e, tf~nc~ t.~mgont to the preceding c~r~o nortl~st,rly f~ot ~,,,~ ~ centr,~l ,,,gl<~ o¢ 13°53~ .m ;~rc dl~tnnca of 11~.73 ~hanc~ t~:mg,~'~t to tho i>recedin~t curw~ I'. q1°35e ~ 1;72.~2 Feet, ti~enc~ t.mgent to th~= i::rgc~Jlng course northwost~rly ~31ong thr~ arc of a curve to the right h~wing a radius of 300.00 feet end central anglo of G~15es ?n ~rc dlst~mce of ~52.12 feet; thcmc~ t~nGent to th(~ procedln9 curv(~ i'~ 2~o~0~ E 2~t.5] fect~ [~ ~o20e 150.00 feet~ S 2~°~01 ~ 5.00 feet, t, ~°A0~ ~ 559.75 feet~ ~ 7G°39'51' ~ 1~1+.~;2 fact, 3nd fr~ o tenant that ~rs ~.~ el~g tho ~rc of ~ curve to the left ~vlng a radius of 530.00 feet end a central anglo of l~°&,0~*', an ~trc distance of 1~,0~ feat th~ ~st nort~rly corer of Parcel C In gl~k 23, as s~:.ld P~ecel ,~nd hl~k ~.~re sh~n on ~,"~ld m~]p~ t~nce ~long the nortl~sterly 1tho o~ ~l~t P~rcel ~, ['.l~k 23~ 5 ~9°12* ~ ~}0,09 feet, and tangent th~ precedlnq course soutl~terly ~long the ere of ;~ cur~ to t~ right having ~ r~:~dlus of 7~5.0~ feet end e cm~tr~.~l ~ngle of 0°12~1~*** an ~rc dlst~mce ~ 2.~5 feet to the noethe~sterly corner of tt~ ~ubdivislon sh~n ~ the ~p entttled 'T~CT hO. ~E3T['OROUGII Ut:IT I;0. lC, S.~: ~TEO COU~ITY, CAt. IFORt,~IA'', recorded ~y I, 19~2 in l:;~k 5G of 14eps at Pa~s I~ and 15, 5r~n ~eteO County R~or~:st thence ~1o~9 tho ~eal ~rt~rly I1~ ef said lubdlvislon the fail,lng courses: f~ a tangent that ~ers S 5~21~e1~ ,~1~9 the ~rc of n curve to the right having a r,~dlus of 7h5,00 feat and ,.~ contr.~l anglo of 1~°21~h7', an ore distance of t7~.l~l feet, thence S I~tle E lb.00 feet, S 7~o57* ~ 30.02 feet, t, Ihos~ I~.00 ~e,,~t, tt~nc~ fr~ n t~n~nt that ~;~r~ ~[ 75°~5e ~ ,~l~ng ti~e z~rc of ~ curve to the right having a r~tdluR Of 7t~.5.00 f.(~t And H GO~l~'2~'' ~ 115.02 feet to tim northeasterly cor~r u~ subdiv151~ s~n ~ the ~p entttled "T~CT NO. 79[~, UtlIT NO. I~, SA~: ~T[O C~I~TY, ~LIFORF~IA', ~corded Sept~r 1961 in ~ 55 of Hap5 at Pa~s IG and 17, San ~tee County ~cordl; ~hence along the general northerly line of said subdivision the folle~lng courses: N GOOOq'~4J'' V 7cJ.13 feet; thence tangent to the preceding course florthwetterly along the irc of a curve to the lift having a radius of 955.00 feet end I central angle of 18e~'21'', an arc distance If 315.12 feets thence tangent to the preceding curve northa4sterly along the arc of a curve to the left having a radius of 1210.OO feet and a central angle of 33°1~)'10'', on arc distance of 703.66 feet3 thence S 67°/4~t ¥ /~0.89 feet to the nortlwmsterly corner of said TRACT HO. 7cj~ thence along the general southwesterly line of lilt sald Tract S 22o18' E 262.50 feet, $ 67°q21 ¥ 100.00 feet, and $ 22o18' E 250.00 feet to the northwesterly corner of the subdlvlslcm she~m on the nap entitled "TRACT 7~6, WESTBOROUGH UHIT riO. IA, SAIl HATE0 COUNTY, CALIFORNIA", recorded August 3, 1~61 In Book 55 of Maps at Pages 2 and 3, Snn Mateo Couflty Rec~_rdl; thence along the l~Jthvesterly I Ina of said TRACT 7cj6, S ZZul8' E 300.00 feet, fl f;Tult~' E 2.00 t'eet, and S Z2°18' E :~17.5Q feet to the south- westerly earner thereof, lest said point being · point on the corporate limits II,e of the City of Sen Brullo as litablllhed by Ordinance Ho. 6G§ (Hist. Ord. Ne. 53) adopted by the City Council of the City of San Bruno on July I1, 1~56 In the annexation of the territory known al "PACIFIC HEl$1rrs-i thence alefll the corporate limits line of Sen Bruno end the general southerly lines of said tracts 7cJ&~ 8Q2 and 808 the following courses: N &7°~2' E 6cJ6.00 feet, S ~6°O2'~6" ! 2608.59 feet, s 55028122'' E 865.78.~feet, S 75o51~Z3'' E 62.5~ feet, N 89°O8'17 98.19 feet, end N 8~'O7'5~'' E ~O.7~ feet tQ a sevtherly corner of said Tract 8Q81 thence leaving the Corl)erete limits line OF San Bruno and along the general easterly Ilea of said T~ict 808 the follmlng coursetl NORTH 103.8~ feet, EAST 12S..eQ feet. North 60.09 feet, N 6°lStl2'' I ~0.8~) feet, N J]°~7i53" E 88.77 femt.N ~0 20 S2 Ii 115.7~ fo,ti N 1G033 I& I 1:1:6.~ feet, end N 16e03~23't I 110.17 feet to the hint of Bel, lmdnI l.d contalnlelll 1~3.~lacres of land more or less. 2. Said territory is hereby designated and identified as Westborough Inhabited Area and shall be designated and referred to upon the election ballot as Westborough Inhabited Area. 3. June Notice is hereby given that on the 8th day of , 1964, at the hour of 8 o'clock p.m., in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, South San Francisco, Calif- ornia, any owner of property within the territory so proposed to be annexed and having objections to the proposed annexation may appear before said CounCil and show cause why such terri- tory shall not be annexed and concerning written protest against the annexation filed pursuant to Government Code Sec- tion 35120. 4. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution and cause same to be published in the Enterorise-Journal and Advance Star once a week for two weeks prior to the hearing. City of South San Francisco at a held on the 4bh day of Ma~ following vote: AYES, COUNCILMEN I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was regularly introduced and adopted by the City Council of the regular meeting , 1964 , by the Patrick E. Ahern, Frank Bertucelli. Emilio Cortesi, Andrew Rocca. and Guido J. Rozzi NOES, " None ABSENT, " None ATTEST: City Clerk e