HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso 4042-1964RESOLUTION NO. 4042 A RESOLUTION AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 3939 ENTITLED "A RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO AC- OUIRE AND CONSTRUCT IMPROVEMENTS" CABOT, CABOT & FORBES INDUSTRIAL PARK, UNIT NO. 1 RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of South San Francisco, California, that 1. The description of the acquisitions and improvements in Section I of the Resolution cited in the title, is amended to read as provided iu Exhibit "A" hereto attached and by reference made a part hereof. 2. The description of the assessment district iu Sec- tion l0 is amended to read as provided iu Exhibit "B" hereto attached and by reference made a part hereof. 3. The boundaries of the area to be reclaimed and of the proposed maintenance district described in Section ll and referred to iu Section 14 are amended to read as provided iu Exhibit "C" hereto attached and by reference made a part hereof. 4. Amend the title to the map referred to iu Section 12 to read "Map and diagram of Assessment District, Cabot, Cabot & Forbes Industrial Park, Unit No. l, South San Francisco, California". I hereby certify that the fore~oin~ resolution was reg- ularly introduced and adopted by the City Council of the City of South San Francisco at a reMular meetin~ held this day of September , 1964, by the followiu~ vote: AYES, COUNCILMEN NOES, " ABSENT, " 8th Patrick E. Ahem, Frank Bertucelli, Emilio Cortesi, Andrew Rocca, and Guido J. Rozzi None None © © ! WHJM: EAW: do 7/e7/64 (a) The reclamation of approximately.12 acres of marsh land in the northeast portion of the assessment district by filling to the minimum grade as established by the City Department of Public Works, with earth to be recovered from property of petitioner in or adjacent to the assessment district, including the planting of slopes resulting from the removal of earth for such reclamation, and the protection of the lands from which said earth is removed from erosion and slides. (b) The widening of Forbes Boulevard to 80 feet from East Grand Avenue and opening and extending of it easterly to the northeasterly boundary of the assessment district. (c) The opening, widening and extending of Allerton Avenue at 60 feet wide from a centerpoint thereof in East Grand Avenue about 280 feet westerly of~he lands of Swift & Co., thence northeasterly and northerly to Forbes Boulevard. (d) The opening, Widening and extending of Cabot Road at 60 feet wide from a centerpoint thereof in the west line of Allerton Avenue about 930 feet northeast of East Grand Avenue' thence northwesterly and westerly about 820 feet. (e) The improving of the roadways in subdivisions .(b), (c) and (d) above by grading, including the removal of all obstructions and constructing therein of cement-treated rock base pavement with plant mix surfacing; Portland cement concrete curbs and gutters, sidewalks where required by the City; s~orm drain pipes, culverts, catch basins, manholes and field inlets and outlets; sanitary sewer mains and manholes and a lift station complete; electrOlier system complete with conduit, cable, pull boxes and luminaires; water mains, hydrant, valves and fittings; fire alarm system complete; street monuments and signs; retaining walls and head walls; and slope planting for drainage and erosion control. (f) The relocation of an existing power line running northwesterly and northeasterly across the northeasterly portion of the district to run along the northwesterly and northeasterly district boundary. (g) The relocation of an existing Joint pole line 'along the northwesterly and northerly line of Forbes Boulevard to run along the new northwesterly and northerly street line. (h) The relocation of an existing power line along the easterly side of Allerton Avenue from East Grand Avenue to the lands of Swift & Co. at their existing locationor to run along the spur track rail- rOad easement northwesterly thereof. (i) The relocation of existing fire hydrants along Forbes Boule- vard from East Grand Avenue to Eccles Avenue. (j) The construction of storm drain pipe and box culvert outfall and appurtenances in East Grand Avenue from Allerton Avenue to Kimball Way and then south in Kimball ~Yay for its full length. (k) The right of service in a drill track and appurtenances to be constructed by others in existing drill track rights of way in accordance with the.rules and regulations of the California Public Utilities Commission in 'the following existing rights of way 20 feet in. width, to-wit:'' (1) From the end of the existing drill track on the north side of Forbes Boulevard at about opposite the southeasterly side of Eccles Avenue, thence on a tangent which bears N ~2°59'29'' E 752.015 ft.; EXHIBIT "A" .. © © thence N 50°37'10'' E 45.625 ft.; thence from said tangent on an arc of a curve to the right having a radius of 358~39 ft., a central angle ~of 70°5~'45'' and an arc length of 44~.98 ft.; thence S 58°24'05'' E lO0.OO ft.; thence on the arc of a curve to the left having a radius ,of 584.83 ft.; a central angle of 63°35~55'' and an arc length of 649.16 ft. to a tangent which bears N 58°00'00, E 765.00 ft.; thence on the arc of a curve to the right having a radius of 358.390 ft., a central angle of ?0° and an arc length of 43?.86 ft'.~ thence on a tangent of S 52°00'00'' E 127.88 to the end of right of way. (2) From a point in the existing drill track on the south side of Forbes Boulevard at about opposite the southwesterly corner of Block 15, South San Francisco Industrial Park, Unit No. 3, thence on a tangent whi.ch bears S 85043'54'' E 63.00 feet; thence on an arc of a curve to the right having a radius of 330.00 feet, a central angle of 29~04'47'' and an arc length of 167.49 feet; thence S 56~39'07'' E 361.82 feet; thence on an arc of a curve to the left having a radius of 550.00 feet~ a central angle of 32° ' 3 and an arc length of 316.57 feet; thence S 89~37'50'' E 663. feet thence on an arc of a .curve to the right haVing a radius of ll00.00 feet~ a central angle of 33"00'00'', and an arc length of 6~3.55 feets thence S 56°37'50:' E ~4~.64 feet; thence on an arc of a curve to the left having a radius of 358.39 feet, a central angle of 93°33'R9'', and an arc length of 585.~1 feets thence N ~9"48'~1'' E 160.00 feet to end of right of way. (1) The making of all acquisitions and the doing of all work auxiliary to any of said improvements and necessary or useful in completing same. EXHIBIT "A" ""'A~'l,,L:~t certain real property'situate .In the ClIY~f So~tk San ~ .G;Hmty of Sim KBteo, State.of eel l fornla, being fJm~ es ,fei, leNds: llitNIIIl~ at · point on the northerly ! ina of El~t.. Grind Avenue' of~'~inoin9 being the Iouthelsterly corner of Lot I, Bli~d( I&, lot and block are shasta, on that certain mai) entitled INBt/ST~IAL PNU( UNIT NO. ], SOUTH SAN ~ ISC0, SMI ~ C~TY, CALtFOIIIIIA', fl led for reCOrd in Volume /&9 of Nips-It t~ 25 to 28-~., ~r . Incl.m~.. lye, San Haten County' Records; thence fro~ sald P~nt. of B~lmtt~:' ata~tg' the northerly line of said East Grind Avenue S 8~;1~35":~:W l~l.]rl' f.t to a peter thereon sei¢l point being also a pol.t O~'.r.u.p; tl~e fro~ a tangent that bears II 89'~1']$" [ northeasterly on ~t~a are of a cum ~) the left havtng a radius of ~.$0 feet ~ a oe~tr~l a.~le ef ' ':' ' ~0'.27'0~' ~ arc length of 2~.90 f~t; thence tangent to the procedtmj, r~i. N 29'2/~'35' E /~56.28 feet; thence tangent to t~ preceding course.eft, tl~ of a curve to the r~ght having a radius of 655.55 feet/and a central of 56'~1'15'.', an arc length of 6~8.59 feet; thence tanQant te the c.~.r~. N 86 05'~0" E 383.91, .feet; thence N 8&*$O' 12" E aG.&2 feet; thelme .'.: .: N 86 05'~O' E 75.'95 feet to · point of cusp; thence from I .tangent tlmt' bears. $ 86'05'50" V northt~starly on the arc of a curve to the right &. rlKtius of 30.00 feet and a central an le of ~'2k'tIO'' an arc I ti · 50./18 feet to a pelnt on the northwesterly line of Lot IO, Block 16 'lot and block ere shmm on tke Ibove-mentioned map; thence aloat! the earth- westerly, northerly and northeasterly lines of said Lot I0 the fei laving ceursas: N /~2'59'29" E 63/~.76 feet; N 68'56'22" E 56./~ feet; tkenc~ from 8 tangent that hears N 62'h8'22" E =asterly on the arc of a curve ta the right having a radius of 308.39 feet and a central angle of 58ei~7'33'' an arc length of 378.OI feet; thence tangent to the pre~.edlng curve S ' 100.00 feet, thence continuing.along said northerly line of Lot I0 and northeasterly prolongation thereof tangent to the preceding course on tim arc of a curve to the left having a radius of 57~.8:3 feet t~d a central ingle of 63'35'55' an Irc length of 638.06 feet; thence tangent to the preceding curve II 58~00~00'' E 765.00 feet; thence tangent to the preceding course on the arc of a curve to the right having a radius of ~92.25 feet and a central angle of 7200OS00', an arc length of ~92.91 feet; thence tangent to the pre- ceding curve S 50'00~00'' E 13l.hO feet; thence S 5OeOO~OO' ¥ 90.72 f~eet; · thance'S ~0°00'00'' E 237.8~ feet; thence tangent to the preodd]in~ course on the arc of a curve to the left h~ving I radius of ~50.00 f~et ~ I central angle qf 36°i7~1'', an arc length of 285.06 feet; thence $ ~'12'2'7' !~ 856,72 feet; thence tangent to the preceding course on the arc of I curve to the left having a radius of 317.72 feet and a central angle of 2~034~O2'', an arc length of 136.23 feet; thence S 21038~25' b/ l&2.11 feet; thence S 60'11'19" ~ 20.00. feet; thence S 29'id3~/~1'~/ 159.9~ feet; thence tangent to the preceding course //212-O604-15 kev. *g- .I 3' 64 Page -2- on the Irc o¥ a curve to the right having a radius of 368.39 feet and a central angle of 28°O8"O7", an irc length of 180.90 feet; thence S 32e03e 12e~ E 121.79 feet; thence S 33e2OeOO" W 267.1/~ feet; thence WEST 113.55 feet; thence S 33"20~OO" W 365.00 feet to the northerly line of the IInds described in the deed from South San Francisco Union Stockyards Company to Swift & Company, recorded July 17, 1936 in Book 699 of Official Records of San Matto County at Page 248; thence along the nertherly and northwesterly lines of list said lands WEST II .97 feet and S 33e20"OOe~ W IOk-.07 feet to the most easterly corner of the 2./479 acre parcel described Is Parcel One in the deed from Utah Construction & Mining Company to Swift & Company, recorded September 13, 1960 in Volume 3858.of Official RecOrds- of San Nateo County et Page 188; thence along the southeasterly line of said* 2'/479 acre parcel 5 33°20e00e~ ~/ 181.23 feet; and SOUTH 86.83 feet to the mast southerly corner thereof; thence along the southwesterly line of' said 2.479 acre parcel N 56°~6~15'' W 390.92 feet to a polnt thereon; thence leaving laid PIrcel S I°b7~30'' W 2/49.16 feet to the northerly right of way I Ina ef East Grand Avenue (former]y Swift Avenue) Is described in the deed of right of way from South San Francisco Land and Improvement Company to the City of South San Francisco, recorded Hay 13, 1919 In Bock 273 of 0aids It Page /4J47~ Sin Meteo County Records; thence along the nertherly and nerth- easterly right of way lines of said East Grarid Avenue, WEST 195.53 feet and N 56e37tS0" ~/ 1660.93 feet to I point thereon ~hlch Is the Intersection of said northerly right of way line with a line which is parallel to and distant IO.40 feat southeasterly It right angles from the northwesterly line of the 1/4 acre tract of lind described in the dead from South San Francisco Land and Improvement Cempany to the .Horan Company, recorded I~rch 2/4, 1917 in Book 265 of Deadsat Page 29, Sin Ratio County Records; thence leaving East Grand Avenue end along said parallel line N 33°2/4'33'' E 235.02 feet to the most southerly cerner of Lot 7, as said lot is shown on the map entitled 'MILLAND TRACT, CITY gF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, SAN MATEO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA", which map was recorded June /4, 1958 in Book /48 of Maps at Page 50, Sin Mateo Count. y Records; thence along the general southeasterly line of said Mi I lend TraCt N 3302/4'33'' E 329.62 feet to the northeasterly corner of Lot $ Is said lot is shown on the last mentioned map; thence along the northeasterly I ina of sald Lot 5 end its northwesterly prolongation N 56'38~13'' W q23.86 feet; thence N 85°/43'5/4~ V 109.1/4 feet; thence S 84°12'12'' ~/ 56.35 feet to a point on the southeasterly 1 ina of the above mentioned Lot !, Iiock 16, South San Francisco Industrial Perk Unlt No. 3; thence from a tangent which bears S 80°II~OI~ W southwesterly on the irc of a curve to the left having a r~dlus of 5/45.55 feet and a central Ingle of 50°/+6125t', an arc length of /4~3./45 feet; thence continuing along said southeasterly line of Lot l, Block 16 and tangent to the preceding curve S 29°2h~35'' W /~08.78 feet to the Point of Beginning. EXHIBIT IESCRIPT1011 PIOPO~FJt NAIIITE!I~I~I[ DISTRICT /212-060~.- 15 7-28-6~ JOl,l: iv AII-L t~lt certain reel property situate in the City of South Sen Francisco, County of Sin I~teo, State-of California, lying partly within the sub- dlvfllon shmm on that certain amp entitled "SOUTN SAN FRANCISCO IIIB~STRIAL PARK UNIT NO. J, SOUTH SAN FIUM~IS~O, SAN IMTEO COUNTY, -C~LIFQIUIIA", ft led for record in Volume q9 of Kips at Pages ZS to 28 Inclusive, San ~lateo County Records, and .lying partly within lands of Cabot, Cabot & Forbes Cai ifornia Properties Inc., said real property being more particularly described as follm4: I~GIIN~NG at a point on the northerly line of Lot 5, Block 16, as said Lot mKJ Block are shown on the above mentioned map, said Point of Beginning being in irc dlstm~.e of 68.11 feet from the northimsterly corner of said Lot 5; thence from said Point of Beginning from a tangent which I)&lrs S 78'55~03'' E along said northerly line of Lot 5 and the northeasterly prolongation thereof along the arc of a curve to the left having a radius of 5~.83 feet and a central angle of ~3'0~'57" an arc distance of ~7.27 feet; thence tangent to the preceding curve N 58'OO'00" E 765.00 feet; thence tangent to the preceding course along the l~rc of · curve to the right having a radius of 372.25 feet and a central Ingle of 7200Oe00" an arc distance of z&67.78 feet; thence tangent te 1:tm preceding curve S 50°O0'OO'' E 127.88 feet; thence S ~O°00'O0'' I/ 66. 3.qO feet; thence tangent to the preceding course along the arc of a · 'curve to the right having a radius of 670.00 feet end · centrli ingle of 21050'00' an arc distance of 278.70 feet; thence tangent to the preceding curve along the arc of a curve to the right having a radius of :~520.00 'feet and a central angle of I/~001'26'' an arc distance of 861.57 feet; . thence N 2'08'3¥' I,I 321.69 feet to the Point of Beginning end containing 637,30~ sq~re feet of land, more or less. · . I/RIGHT/. S. 2917