HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso 4320-1965RESOLUTION NO. 4320 CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, STAT] OF CALIFORNIA A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR ADDITIONAL I~DEM- NITY TO SURVIVORS OF POLICEMEN AND FIRE~N BE IT RESOLVED BY the City Council of the (ity of 9outh San Francisco that: ~5{EREAS, the City Council desires to evaluate and con- sider the feasibility of providing a supplemental indemnity for the survivors of policemen and firemen killed under cer- tain circumstances, and pending determination whether such a plan should be adopted, desires to provide in the interim a method pursuant to which the Council may make a discretion- ary determination to order or not order a supplemental indem- nity to certain survivors of policemen and firemen whose death occurs under the circumstances hereinafter recited. NOW, T}~REFORE, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that 1o CIRCUMSTANCES FOR CONSIDERING WHET}EER INDEMNITY RAY BE PAID: A supplemental indemnity as hereinafter set forth may be paid to the surviving spouse or minor children of a police- man or fireman killed under the following circumsnances: A. POLICEMEN: When a policeman on duty is killed by: (1) The willful act of a person he is pursuing to question or take into custody; or the willful act of another person done to prevent or interfere with the policeman's pursuit or taking into custody; or (2) The willful act of a person in custody; or the willful act of another person to interfere with the police- man's custcdy; or o/ ~e wil£ ~'c~ ";; a oerso~, co prevent ~e-) h~ o2 - done : ' ........ooe, ,~ ~',-,.m ~o a poiica.::a~ !nc ...d:n~_~ ~ ar: a.i' .~! revenge e ~,~ ace does so because ha knows -~he --' ~: a law enforcement_ office:.::- and commits t'.'::..icc agalr, st him because ..~ iL, .__ . ~_zc ..... n is performing n2s "" u"hi!,s per.forming his duties at l. ha s-~.-~a of 2i. re or ,3kh!': :~ublic iisa. s~er: o~ · ~,OL, b .... L/iL:. ~ i"~;,. Z: ;~:~B..~:~ -.u ...... f:'.~i ...... .... ~ ~",-~"~" ~ pore aad ~ .... ' ...... i~h ...... ~tai, n .-~,,'-ai: · ~ ~h:::: ::,~ci,ient, a tabulation of ~ = ~ ............ i 'm ;,i':O::!(i tNe Cou:lcit detern~itte Chat ' ic ",-:-, ,'"'~ '~ .......... kil ~"~ ...... ,P!'/:;:';~.~ b~ .... ~ '* a'q ' "' ' !;houid rna Cou~c'~ L.a ;:nak, Le t:')~.,.._..,~.,.,~ '~ '-~ third O~ ':/'C~ r::~CC.;'.:';.:'"Sf aC ".l.~ ~ ~ o~...~.:~"- ..... ...... -.~ take ~,*'~o &:P. uot'x~c ~ha ~.-"'~,~ for a z-easo:~aSle ~:.~o~ o:.i' clma. not S or £1rem.9...._] s ua-se on wn~cn the lctman or firemai coui-? h~va volun ~ -- ani may provide in sa~..u order f./r earx'.k2;:.~oo of ~sha su2pie- ?~za ~o ~.:~-~ mznor chi!~ran if there is no surviving spouse and the' ar:: '._'-i.ar 15 ,~ars of age or should ~cka surviving spousa~ ~:= .... ~o no~ ~_.m~zze~ die prior ~o ~he vozunmarl ratire~.~ans da~e, and sai~ children are under i8 z, ears of ~na chilr!ren ~'" ~ ~ ...... ~l-~.~. a~ ~ ~ ~ the in- .... s~a cz .~ ._rcums~a~c~s. ' ' _ ....... ~nem ing o~ ........... -_ ~o~n ~3~r'~_haay or aha said ....... xr.?ose of ~hia ~;esotu~ion {s ~o 'oro~.{..: , ~'~ac~. ,~' ,~ ~ppleme~]tal in~amnitv Uo certain survi,,-'ors l.i.c{~ma~-: ar~i fireman '~:i,asa ieath occurs under lk:~ clraum :~'zances r~,'~a~! herain~ gna if same is cr~ere~ ~o ,:.znzcn Lc ~- to ~' pazc ~'.: ~ couiiui.ons upon v~kiaa, it:. :"a', _ modified oz cerzina~ed. This ....... .,:~.~,,tion sh~il be ..... iii ~,-~n<ns zro.n th~ ~ii![y of providing a "-,~": Fro,5~ 'it>-., to certain survivors of polic~m~n i hereby certify that the foregoin~ ;asa-i::~:i':" :ali: r:sulariy introduced and ado~-}6?.,l by -the City C3:n.. oi:.'! uhe City of South San Franci.oco e~z a .. ~e~ular :..a~'~zn~,~ haid on _,~= 15th aa,.~ o~ November ..... : L9 6~: 'by the .~zo~zn~ vote: AYES ~ COO'NCr~z~'''~'~ '~ Frank J. Bertucelli, Patrick E. Ahern~ Rmilio Cortesi and Andrew Rocca None Guido $. Rozz~ iTm~c'T~ o