HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso 4657-1967RESOLUTION NO. 4657 CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING DEDICATION OF EASEMENTS - CABOT, CABOT & FORBES INDUSTRIAL PARK UNIT NO. Z. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of South San Francisco that the easements granted by Cabot, Cabot $ Forbes set forth on Exhibit A attached hereto for Industrial Park Unit No. 1 are hereby accepted. I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was regularly introduced 'and adopted by the City Council of the City of South San Francisco at a on the 17th day of A~ril lowing, vote: AYES,'couNciLMEN NOES, ABSENT., " regular , 1967 meeting held , by the fol- Patrick E. Ahem, Frank J. Bertucelli, Emilio Cortesi, Andrew Rocca, and Guido J. Rozzi. None · None · Jill i:~li ! I EXHIBIT "A" #212-0624- 15 7-23-65 OOW- I v PROPOSED EASEMENTS Eas~ncnts lying ov~r all chat certain real Dro)_rty s;t:;c'te in the City of South San Frmnc[sco, Cohnty of ~z:n M~,'.c~, ~:~. o~' California, t,/[n3 w[C~ ]n Lo~s I and &, ~ock 2 6c sr,,u :.::,cs and Block crc ~hov;n on ~hat certain map ,,n::~[ .:i ., ~,-~ ~ & FORCES INDUSTRIAL PAfd~ Li[,¢~T NO I SOUTH CALIFOR?~b%'~, Filet; for r~cord ~n Yoi,.;, .... through 49, S~n Mateo CaLmLy - '~ . partJcuJa,'Jy d~sci-[bed Gs fei EASEMENT NO. An anchor caserncnt lying 1.50 feet on each sldr~ of ~'he described cente,'iine: BEGINNING at the rnost southerly corner of ~aid Lot 8; thence from said Point of Beginning ~;~ong ~'.~c southeasterly line of 'Lot.-8 N 33'22'iS:~ E 25.00 fcc~ so a go~.~t thereon, last sa~d point bc[n9 ~f,o intersection ~'f Jest sa~d line w~th the general northerly iin~ of Ch~c certain. 20 fcoc Public Utility Easement lying w;chin sa~d k&'C c, as s~.~;wn on ~c~d map; thcnc~ ~cv~n~ said ~!.46 f~et; thunca cc,~,:[nu~',~ can3ent ~.:: th~ pr.~ced [r,g course ~or, g th~ arc of a cu?z~ co ,he 1cfc r~c.v~n- .~ ra~[us cf ],~'~.0~ feet ~nd a central ~ngJe o/ L;.°50'23", cr crc distance of 99.76 fact to the TRUE POINT OF nc .... ,~ ,,~ ....... · last said poin~ being tho sc;.;~,:.:csccrJy extreraity of sa;d ccnterJino; thence fr~n said TRUE .POI~'' ........... ~" ' ~ said easement being contig.~us c~ i~s northeasterly ~xtremity with a Jine which b:~rs" .~2' )~ W and aC :cs sou~h',,vgs~eriy extremity wi~h the sa~2 ~r, eral northerly line. EASEMENT :.:J~. 2 An a. nchor ease;;~cnt lying 1.:SO F~o[- cn eacr, side of the following described centariine: BEGINNIHG at the southwesterly c;~tremity of tho ccnterline described in Ea'semen~ No. I above; the~ice from said Point of 2cginning alan9 said genera! northerly tine from a tangent which bears N 61°25'13'' W northwesceriy a;ong the arc of a cu'rve to the }eft having a radius of 1,18t.06 fa'et and ~ centre; ~n, i~ ~f ~°L~6'41' , an arc distance of 201.56 for~Z so the ..... ?C..,]' cr _?. .~::G of the centerline to be hereir; ,::escribe~; thence fro.., said'V, ] ,~..~.~7 OF ~GINHt;';G N 21~06';~0:' E 10.00 feet, saic ~;as~mcn~ ,.~,z~' .~ntiouous a~ its northeasterly ~xEremity- wi~n ~ 'JJno whit,': .,...~r... 4.69"'53'20" W and at its southwcs'carly extremity .with the s~c general northerly line. 7-2~-65 Page -2- EASEM£~'FF NO. 3 An easement for Public Utility purposes described as f?l~ows: BF. GiN.NING at ~ point on the g~n.:roI n~rthcrly l Jn~ of said 20 fgo~ Public Utility Easement, sc~d Pc~n'~ oF ~Jnning b~inF~ ~ p~i~ ~n California Propez'~<~s .... c. to ~,]v~s;,~.'. C'~rehouse 30. recorded in Voiu:;]e L;-92L~. c,f O~F[c~j ~,;c~ s of Sc. ;,'~c~o C~u;~ty a~ Page '~" ' ' southeaster]y co.-ncr of iast s~'~c~ ~c:~_.:: .~.'~ur:c,~ f."..:~'~ ~.:~d S 89037'50'' g 90.68 feo~; thence S 73~;~:.-2';E 157.~0 f~ point on the general nort}!c~iy ;::;t. mf s:;d 20 foe; Public Easement; thence along last sc~ :~Inc 'Fro;:: a tangeat N 73~13'42'' W northwesterly along ~ho crc of a curve having a radius of ~,~.06 feat and a c~,'.~al angle an arc distance of 246.35 feet ~o thc Point of ~SgMENT NC. An anchor e~sement )yin9 l.~O feet on each side o~ tho fo~Iowin9 'described c~ntorline: DEGJNNING at tho anglo point in the general northerly above-described E~sement No. 3, staid Point of Beg[nalr, j S 89~37'50'' E 90.66 f~et from ti;e most wcsterty corner of Easement 3; chance from said Point of B~ginnin9 N ~°2~:' , ' - N- ~ balnfj con~fguous at ~ts north~terly Jo.aa feet said :asemanc extremity wJ~h a ~ina which bears N ~]°3' ' ~:~O~' W and a~ its south- westerly extrem~y wi~h tae'generat no;'d;~riy tine of the ~bove- describod Easamam~ No. 3. EA$~ZMEN't' NO. 5 described conLer~ipe: ~EGINN~G at a point on the southerly line of a Public Uti~i:y Eas~man~ in 1o.37 Fae~ from said Lot: 1, said Point of Beginning being $ 89°37!50'~ ;: the northeasterly extremity of thaf~ certain anchor easement }ying in said Lot t; thence from s~id Point of Beginning $ 16°51'10'~ W i.5.00 feet, Easement No. 5 b,}ing contiguous at ils northeas~c~!y oxtremtty with a line which be~r-~ $ $9°37'50" £ and at its southwesterly ~x'~r~;~ity wi:h line which b~ars N 73°08'50'' W. APPROVED: W. B. WRIGHT - L. So 2~°17