HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964 08-11 ElectionWESTBOROUGH HOMEOWNERS IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION 2525 AI~D~.E LANE SOUTH SAN ~ANCISCO, CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE: JU 8-4883 (AREA CODE 415) Mr. Eugene Aiello City Manager City Hall South San F~ancisco~ California Dea~ ~eue: Enclosed you will find ou~ "A~gument in Favo~ of Anuexation to South San ~ancisco" fo~ your use.. will you please print it exactly as it appea~s in re~.l:d to capital letters, etc. Thank you. Best regards, Ray Vetter lein4~- P~esideut 2505 Bantry Lame South Sam F~ancisco Encl. CENTRAL RECORDS FILE NO' ~ ~ ~ ~/~ ARGUMENT IN FAVOR OF ANNEXATION TO SOU TE SAN FRANC I S C 0 A "YES" vote is a vote for: 1. BETTER and ADDITI~AL representation of our interests 2. LO~ taEes 3. BETTER police and fLre protection 4. BETTER and ADDITIONAL park, recreation and library services 5. ~T.7, 0TEER city services not now available to non-residents of South San Francisco As you all know, we have the following ties with South San Francisco: 1. We are now within the South San Francisco Unified School District The now undeveloped area of Westborough is in the City of South San Francisco 3. We are temporarily enjoying the fine police and fire protection of South San Francisco ~FGRE, a '~es" vote will insure CONTINUITY of the Westborough development and BETTER and ADDITIONAL services and representation, as well as lower taxes due to the sound, commercial-industrial tax base of South San Francisco, a growing co~nuuity. The bonded indebtedness of $1,893,000 for additions and improvements to the sewage disposal plant, etc., will NOT affect our taxes as the USERS of the sewers currently pay the amortization of the b~nds and all other costs in connection with them. Since we DO NOT USE the South San Francisco sewers or disposal plant and will not, unless voted upon at a future date, the indebtedness of $1,89B,000 will NOT affect the residents of Westborough. WESTBCROUGE EO~E(EIERS I~PR~NT ASSOC. BY: ~,RT BLOOM and RAY VETTERLEIN 3am~L~ galloC ~Lu T torn of£ ~:}, i~spec~aor) i~LARK CkOgSEL (~) ON BiLLeT r~ITti hURBEK STAMP ONLY; :~EVEk ~ITH PEN OR PENCIL. (ABSE~<ITEE !3~LI.,OTS Fb~Y BE ~',~A!i~D wITH PEN gND INK OR PENCIL.) (Fold ballot to this ~erforated lithe, leaving to~ mar~in exposed) SubmitCin~ fropositio~] o~ A~nnexin~ Ceutain territory to the City of South San Frascisco Augus~ 11 , ~a(4 I;qSTKUCTIDNS TO VOTERS To vote on the proposition stemF a cross (~) i~ t[~c voti~g square after the -~ord YES~ or after the word 'No~. ill M~RKS, EXCEPT THE C~%OSS (r) iRE FORBIDDE~'~. ALL DISTI.~YUISHI~G F~RKS OR E[~ASUNES ARE FORBIDDEN AND ~.KE THE BALi, OF VOID. IF YOU ~,~,ONGLY STAMP, TE~}, OR DEFianCE TEI3 I{ALLOT, return it to the I~'~spector of Election a~d obtain-, anoLhcr. On aosent w)tcr's ballot mark a cross (r) ~oi, th pen or penciL. VOTE *YES'~ OR ',~0'~ ON THE FOLLO~.~IN~ PROPOSITION. £ROPOSITION SUBMITTED TO VOTE OF ELECTOr, S Snail 'The %~ec~.t.!>orouoh In~abi'ted Area'~ be ann~xeJ to the Cit;,' of South Sa~ Fra:~cisco, a~d tLa pr~peuty in such C~rri- tory be, after ~uc~n a,.~-~cx~tion, ~u'[~jacc co taxation equally ,~i. ut'~ Cl~c ~ropcrty ~,~i.~i~.~ tiu:~ City of South °a o ~] Francisco, to Fr'a~ci~:;c(:> oci~sta~di.~g or autnorizeJ ac the date of the first co~]str~cti~ or com~l~tioL] of ~nu~icirai ilnprovenicn~J. WF_~'I'~,OROUGH NO., Polling Place: Inspector: Judge: Judge: Judge: Drye Family Room - 3130 Dublin Drive Mrs. Roberta J. Drye (Rep), 3130 Dublin DriveW'' Mrs. Geraldine Matlock (Dem), 3120 Dublin Drive Mrs. June P. Grainger (Dem), 3090Dublin Drive Mrs. Gretchen E. Toby (Rep), 2570 BantryLane . CONSOL WESTBOROUGH NO. 2 and NO. 3 Polling Place: Inspector: Judge: Judge: Judge: Abold Garage - 2790 Tipperary Avenue '~ Mrs. Doris M. Abold (Dem), 2790 Tipperary Avenue ~ Mrs. carmen B. Calavano (Dem), 2421 Shannon Drive Mrs. Judith B. Levin (Dcm), 2701 Shannon Drive Mrs. Mildred J. Ross (Dem), 2625 Shannon Drive i;:~ Cite terrLtory s?:al ]., a:-[:,:,r s?.ck ant~exation, be sci)j eot ~o n Francisco TP~e territory is .u~:scl-z~)a~a as fot]_o..~,s: WESTBOROUGH INHABITED AREA ANNEXATION All that certain real property situate in the County of San Mateo State of California, being Tracts 796, ?98, 802 and 808 Westborough more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the most easterly corner of Lot 12 in Block 15, as said Lot and Block are shown on the map entitled "TRACT NO. 808, WESTBOROUGHUNIT NO. 2, SAN MATEO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA", filed September 14, 1962 in Book 56 of Maps at Pages 43, 44 and 45, San Marco County Records; thence along the general north- easterly boundary of the subdivision shown on said map, the following ~ourses: N 60o55' W 90.00 feet, N 29005' E 78.22 feet, N 55v28' W 925.61 feet; thence tangent to the preceding course northwesterly along the arc of a curve to the right having a radius of 490.00 feet and a central angle of 13°53', an arc distance of 118.73 feet; thence tangent to the preced- ing curve N 41°35' W 472.82 feet; thence tangent to the pre- ceding course northwesterly along the arc of a curve to the right having a radius of 300.00 feet and a central angle of 67015', an arc distance of 352.12 feet; thence tangent to the prec ding curve N 25040' E_264.53 feet, N 64°20'_ o }9:9 S 25v40' W 5.00 feet, N 64v20' W 559.75 feet, N 76 ~ ~ W 154.82 feet, and from a mngent that bears N 6°15, W, along the arc of a curve to the left having a radius of 530.00 feet and a central angle of 19°40'46'', an arc distance of 182.04 feet to the most northerly corner of Parcel C in Block 23, as said Parcel and Block are shown on said map; thence along the northwesterly line of said Parcel C, Block 23, S 59°12' W 80.09 feet, and tangent to the preceding course southwesterly along the arc of a curve to_the right having a radius of 745.00 feet and a central angle of 0v12'13'', an a~c distance of 2.65 feet to the north- easterly corner of the subdivision shown on the map entitled "TRACT NO. 802, WESTBOROUGHUNIT NO. lC, SAN MATEO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA", recorded May 1, 1962 in Book 56 of Maps at Pages 14 and 15, San Marco County Records; thence along the general northerly line of said subdivision the following courses: from a tangent that bears S 59 24'13" W, along the aec of a_ . curve to th8 right having a radius of 745.00 feet aha a cen~raz angle of 13 24'~7", an arc distance of 174.41 feet6 thence s 17°11' E 14.00 feet, S 73°57' W 30.02 fee~, N 14 55' W 14.00 feet, thence from a tangent that bears S 75~05' W along the arc of a curve radius of 745.00 feet and to the~right having a a central angle of 44v50'31'', an arc distance of 583.07 feet, thence N 60o04'29'' W 115.02 feet to the northeasterly corner of the subdivision shown on the map entitled "TRACT NO. 798, WESTBOROUGH UNIT NO. tB, SAN MATEO COUh'EY, CALIFORNIA", re- corded September 13, 1961 in Book 55 of Maps at Pages 16 and 17, San Marco County Records; thence along the general northerly line of said subdivision the following courses: N 60o04'29'' W 79.13 feet; thence tangent to the preceding course northwesterly along the arc of a curve to th~ left having a radius of 955.00 feet and a central angle of 18v54'21'', an arc distance of 315.12 feet; thence tangent to the preceding curve north- westerly along the arc of a curve to the left having a radius of 1210.00 feet and a central angle of 33°19'10'', an arc distance of 703.66 feet; thence S 67042, W 499.89 feet to the northwesterlycorner of said TRACT NO. 798; thence~along the general southwesterly line of last sai~ Tract S 22v18' E 262.50 feet, S 67°42' W 100.00 feet, and S 22v18' E 250.00 feet to the northwesterly corner of the subdivision shown on the map en- titled "TRACT 796, WESTBOROUGHUNIT NO. IA, SAN MATEO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA", recorded August 3, 1961 in Book 55 of Maps at Pages 2 and 3, San Mateo County Records; thence along the southwesterly line of said TRACT 796, S 22°18' E 300.00 feet, south- to the w SNe67°42' E 2.00 feet, and S 22°18' E 217.50 feet terly corner thereof, last said point being a point on the corporate limits line of the City of San Bruno as established by Ordinance No. 688 (Misc. Ord. No. 53) adopted by the City Council of the City of San Bruno on July 11, 1956 in the annexation of the territory known as "PACIFIC HEIGHTS"; thence along the corporate limits line of San Bruno and the general southerly line~ of said tracts 796, 802 and 808 the following courses: N 67 42' E 696.00 feet, S 56v02'46' E 2608.59 feet, S 55028'22" E 865.78 f~et, S 75051'23" E 62.59 feet, N 89°08J17" E 98.19 feet, and N 89v07'53'~ E 90.73 feet to a southerly corner of said Tract 808; thence leaving the corporate limits line of San Bruno and along the general easterly line of said Tract 808 the following courses: NORTH 103.82 feet, EAST 125.00 feet, North 60.0~ feet, N 6o19'12'' E 90.89 feet, N 33°37'53'' E 88.77 feet~ N 40 20'52" E 115.79 feet, N 26°33'16" E 126.29 feet,.and N 16~03'23'' E 110.17 feet to the Point of Beginning and con raining 123.51 acres of land more or less. This territory is designated and identified as "The West- borough Inhabited Area." For the purpose of the special election two (2) voting precincts have been established in the territory. The polling places for the precincts will be at 3130 Dublin Drive and 2790 Tipperary Avenue, San Mateo County, California. The polling places will be opened at 7 o'clock a.m. and closed at 7 o'clock p.m. on 'the llth day of August , 1964. Upon the ballots to be used in said special election there shall be printed the words: "SHALL 'THE WESTBOROUGH INHABITED AREA' BE ANNEXED TO THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, AND THE PROPERTY IN SUCH TERRITORY BE, AFTER SUCH ANNEXATION, SUB3ECT TO TAXATION EQUALLY WITH THE PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, TO PAY THE ENTIRE BONDED INDEBTEDNESS OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO OUTSTANDING OR AUTHORIZED AT THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF T~ NOTICE OF ELECTION, FOR THE ACQUISITION, CONSTRUCTION OR COM- PLETION OF MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENTS." Opposite these words there shall be printed the words "Yes" and "No," and to the right of each of these last two words there shall be a voting square. If an elector shall stamp a cross (~) in the voting square after the printed word "Yes," the vote of such elector shall be counted in favor of the annexation of said terri- tory to the City of South San Francisco; and if an elector shall stamp a cross (~) in the voting square after the printed word "No," the vote of such elector shall be counted against such annexation. In all particulars not herein recited said election shall be held in conformity, as near as may be, with the laws of the State of California concerning general elections and with said Annexation Act of 1913. Improvement. s Financed by Outstanding Bonde~ Indebtedness The imFrovements for which bonded indebtedness of the City South San Francisco has been incurred, o~/stan<:iin~ ~t the date o.f the first ' ~ ' ~ ' ~uo~ication o~ tn~.s notice, and the amounts thereof, and the maximum rates of interest payable thereon Bond Issue and Purpose Maximum Rate of Interest Paya]~le Amount of In- debtedness Out- standinS on July 8, 196~ General City Purpose: Municipal Improvement Bored of 1~4~ Fo r: Central Fire Station Recreation Bui!din~s Out fali Se~er Municipal Improvement Bond of 1947 For: Fire Station and Substation Police Station Recreation Buildings Sewer Disposal Bond Series 1949 For: Acquisition, Construction and Completion of a Sewage Disposal System $ 32.878.~1 2-3/4.70- 31% 161,787.50 1~4 - i~'~{ <-~-~-~"~ 390 O0 ~ ,~,:,~:_e,~ B $ 563, . 13'~/o - 2~i ' 2!::;;% - Series C $2,532,222°00 Dated: June 15, 196~ Cit~ Clerk City of South San Francisco Improvements ~Lnanced by OuCstand.tna Bonded Indebtedness The improvements for which bonded indebtodnees of[ the City South San F~encisco has been incurred, oucsCm.~din& at the date of the first publication of this notice, and the amounts thereof, and the ~.~x~uv rates of[ interest payable thereon as f[ollows: Bond Issue and ~urpose IMxflnumltate of Interest Payable Amount debtedness July 8, General City Furpose: 1945 For: Central Fire Stat£on Recreation Sutldin~s Out£a~l Sewer Municip&l Improvement Bond of L947 2-'3/4% For: Fire Stat/on and Suhe~ation ~ollce Station Sewer Disposa:L Bond Series L9~9 1~;% - 1½% Series B S 563~390.OO 2~1 - Series C For: AcquLsition, Construction andCont)Letion of a Sew~Se Disposal System 2~G - 6~ Dated~ 1964 NOTICE OF SPECXAL ELECTION PERTAXNXNG TO TIlE ANHEXATXOI~ OF '~STBOP~)UGH IN- HABXTED AREA*' TO THE CXTY OF SOUTH SAN FRAHCISCO NOTICE XS HEREBY GIVEN that, pursuant to Ordinance No. 505 of the City of South San l~ancisco and co the Annexation Act of 1913, a special election has been called, to be held on the llth day  o£ August , 1964, in the territory hereinafter described for the purpose o£ submitting to the qualified electors residing in the territory Cbc question whether or not the territory shall be annexed to the City of South San Francisco, and ~h~th~r or not the p~operty in the Ce~riCory shall, after such annexaticn, be subject to taxation equally with the ~roper~y ~,iChir~ the City o£ South ~an Francisco, to ~(/pay the entire bottled ~r~d~bted~s~ of ~he City of 2o'...lth San Fran- ,~cisco outstanding or authorized at the dare of ~h~ [i~ p~bli~tion o[ Chis not,ce for ~M actuisicio~, construction or co. legion oi The territory is described as follows: This territory is designated and identt[ied as "The West- borough Inhabited Area ." For the purpose off the special election two (2) voting precincts have been established in the territory. The polling places for the precincts wi~l be ac 3130 ~blin Drive and 2790 T~pperary Avenue, San Marco County, California. The polling places will be opened at ~7 o'clock a.m. and closed at 7 o'clock p.m. on the l~th day o[ August , 1964. Upon the ballots to be used in said special election there shall be printed the vords: "SHALL 'THE ~I~STBOP3Yd~ INHABITED AREA' BE ANNEXED TO T~ CI~ OF S~H SAN ~CIS~, A~ ~ P~O~R~ IN SUCH T[~TORY BE, A~E~ SUCH AN~TI~, SUB~ TO T~TION ~A~Y ~ T~ P~~ ~THIN T~ CI~ OF SO~H SAN ~CISCO, TO PAY ~ E~I~ BONED I~E~D~SS OF T~ CI~ OF S~H SAN ~CISCO O~STA~INC OR A~RIZED AT T~ ~T~ OF T~ FI~ ~BLICATION OF T~ N~ICE OF E~ION. ~R T~ ACQ~SITION, CON~T~ION OR ~ION OF ~ICIPAL Opposite these words there shall be printed the words "Yes" and "No," and to the right oE aach off thama la:sc ::wo words there /shall be a voting square. I[ an elector shall stamp a cross (~) in II the voting square after the pclnt~d word "Yes," the vote o~ such [J elector shall be counted in favor o[ the annexation of maid tory to the City nE South San Francisco; and ii an alector shall stamp a cross (/) in the voting square after c. he printed ~ord "No," the vote o£ such elector shall be counted agjinst such annexation. In all part£cu~ars not herein recited said elec:~on shall be held in conformity, as near as may be, with the laws oE the State o[ California concerning general electEons and with said Annexation Act of 1913. Improvements Finaqced by OuCsCandina Bonded Indebtedness The ~n~rovement;s £or wb.~ch bonded indebtedness of the City o£ South Sea ~'ra:~ci~co h,.~ L~,~r: ~'~rr~d. ou~Car~3.~ a~ the ~ce of ~he f-~'~ ,r.,C ~t,!ica~lo~ of chis notice, and the a~n~s ~hereoi, and ~che ~i~ rates of interest ~yable Chereoa as follows: Bond Issue and Purpose Iaterasc Payable debCedneas OuC- July 8, 1964 General City ~rpose:  For: C~o~rai Fire Scacio~ o~ i947 For: Fire ~tatioa and SubscaCio~ Po~iue 3~atiom Sewer Disposal Bond Serius i949 Serie~ B i 563.390.00 Series C Ac~tu~sitioo, ConstL-dction an~Completio~ of a Sm~&~e Disposal System Dabed~ June 1~, 1964 o OJ.t~7 of Sou~h San I~anot8oo ~ OF SOUTH SAN FRANOISCO INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: SUBJECT: FROM: coPr~STO: City Council ~.~ 1 ,u }? Thins memorandum ~ ~ ~,'-'?!'_on ,~ ": my memo ,,..a'~;",...~,a ,~? .... ~,~3. 19(4 enticing:!,_._ "~k>sc~-':,or:~ug['}~ lnba!~i~:?]' ~,rea ~nnex~':Jgn - Elecgi<.>:~ . iiesolutio:a Declarin::, ,4o Majority Protest t ..... uncz~, should .... 's ~::,].ay': (t.~overnment :S~c~:ion 35122) a{'tz~ BassinS the 'Reso!z~tio:.~ resardi, ng .... ~c,.. ~.~.:. t [: [[or :-~,'~ ~ ,~tion st-~at ~_ s~-'~,~er._....,, ,-ha~,.. . f~., .... F~,~-four~. (J4} ,:~.avs. no~_ [ahe~ than i::!~Je (7J) Jays a ~_t. er tzn. e termination of t'e ~ieari. n0 on 3 Notic~ Of ;~'1 !otio[] Puhl. isiq at Least:. ..... TO: SUBJECT: FROM: CITY OF SoIFrH SAN FRANCISCO INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM D~e June 5, £9C4 City Czerk COPIES TO: City 300 ~,:ords. He sets a time dbich will T~.:a! ~, ot -- Form the ~..~_ ~ ~ io;-', . TO: SUBJECT: FROM: CITY OF SOIn'H SAN FRANCISCO INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM Date COPIES 1'0: City Clef_< Nastboroui%h Inha~>ited Ar,aa ,innexation - Elec:ion - Supplemen~tal Memorandum C-~ty Attorney City Council City b'tana[~a u > -~ffidavit of C~ -'~ A~ carti[ied copy oil the boandary descriFtio~ and plat s~.:)~! be attacheJ cc, t~"~is ,~ffidavit and filed with the ~ .... .... ~ -: ~ "~ctic)n Recorae~: c,: 3an N~teo Co.ney. (Governmen~ ,.,od~ ~ Statement [o Ehe 'u ..... ,:.~ua]izatioa J >:- hs attachmeots 'Ci~~ Ati:orney :3. TO: SUBJECT: FROM: C1TY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISco INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM Date Ju~,~e 3~ L'~(.~ City Cier,~ i.fastborou,5i, Ia~,.abited ~rea Annexatio~:~ - Pl lection C i t y F, t t o :u n e :, COPIBSTO: CiE, Cou~cil TLe fo/iowinO oeneraLi 3escrlbes ti~e ~roccdu:ce jot conducti~, el,action in ta..e ~fc. sthorouj,::., Innabite.~ Area .,, nnexati )n matter' frotast; protests ara made, t[~ef s~aLt '-~ in accordance wit2: Secti~)n 33~'~¢~ Resolution Daclarin~ No Najorin7 Protes~ Made' If there is no majorit.? protesg: mad. e, t~e Council .,. Reso~ut~.~ n ado~aed at zn~ ~earino or ~'it..~in thirty day.~ after t~e c[osia~ o~ t~';~ heauin~ oo pro~2esh ~.~.~etner or not a '~ ..... " made 'I~ i~ does not adopt suc~ majority px'otes~' :,as .... =~ aJopte~ on Cae Lnirtzat ~ da/ a Eeso~u~,i.,:)t~ t.,.at a majorit,,' ~;ro- S'~ouid ~' t'':~ Counc~ i Ea:LL to pass a k. es.(:)~_u.io:~ ~ " ,~ a ma j o r i. t ~ ..... e · Kesoluci()n i~av'ia~ -,e,~n t~assea. 2. SP£CI.AL ELECFION - Section 3~L22 of }ovcrnme~,c Code ~uestion: t;ubncit i:o ti.e al:actors re$ic[:Lno in c~e territor. the question ~atOer it s ~alt be a~ne><ea to anJ incorporated B. Time o;- Eiectio.,.~ must oe t~eld ~ot sooner than fifty-four a~t,~r termination of ~.:v~n~y-five days ¢ '~ nearin[: on protest or supplemental ~rotest. NOTICE .OF z~z~T!'gX :~,..~cuzon 3~123, 3J124 a~t 3j12~ oL government A. Fub.Licatign' P.ab.Lzon ~ctice at least once a ,ve. ek for t~e fo~:r prior to tt~e e~ecEioo in a ne,~s~a~:.,:~r ..:anerall~ circul- CEiqT'~AL. F~ECO~DS FILE NO: ..... ;;...L;.;;...,L ..... CITY OF SOtrrH SAN FRANCISco INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM Date TO: SUBJECT: FROM: City Clara coPms To.. City Cou~cil City Ma,aa~er West oroux, n Innao~te~ ~.rea -~nnexation - Election City Attorney C0~1 ' d. ated, Frinted and eu'bLisi~ea outside tae City, bc~.t in the [~r~torv' zs situated ~ '.,~':~ ~o"':: 'ections 3]12a and B. Contents of the 5otice (,~o rnment o u= :, . ~I. DaCe o£ Election ~"2. ora. re dis~i~]c~ly 'tn~ ~ro~ositio,n ?~e SL~Smitted Desc:ci. be si~ecifically the bo]~.~dar:i, es of t[~e territor~? .-~ ~ ,-,, ~ . c~icated u~on ti~e ~_l_ction , ........ ct, shall Instruct the electors as to ti~e manner oil votin~ ~tay set a date ,~hen Fursuant to t:..e 3overnment Code Section 3Jl4f; annexatio~ ~ill become effective Establish and desisnate voting ~reciacus and the ~laces at ~hici~ ~ol;s will be o~e, for tt~e election, whici~ a~ to be ti~ose commonly' ~sed for e£ections 'rime polls ,~].iL %~en and close 9. DaCe for filin~ arguments APPOI;qTMENT OF JUDGES gx~D .... INSPECTORS - Sectz..n'o 35 127 of Govarnmet]t Co,Je The Cou~'~cil shall a~,oint t,vo judges and o~e i. ns~ector for eaci~ votinL~ ~l. ace, as o~f.z~.~rs Pt [he election:. Each officer shall. TO: SUBJECT: FROM: ¸5. CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM Dcde June 3, 19{4 C~/-y C] co~r~ ?o: City Council City Manager ~=stborouRh Inhabite4 grea .,~nexation - Election City ~ttorne¥ (con 'd. ) FORM OF BALLOT To be submitted CONDUCT OF ELECTIO!q - Section 35130 of Gow~r'~ment Code ~1:'her passage of the Resolution declaring that a majority protest has Dot bee~ made - ,~. ~dopt an Ordinance cai'Ling a s~ecial election, and -" d,~sie.nat:,~ precincts and pro- Appoint electioo ot~:icers, _ ~ _ vide Cor compensation 2. Fix time for polls to open Describe the measure (annexation of the territory and assumption of bonded indebtedness~ 4. Order publication of! i:~otice o~erk sets time R>r ~iling arguments, skate not to exceeg 300 ,dords. The time set should take into account the time necks- · ~e~tzon 5013) sary for printing (Elect:ions Code ~' ~-' Clerk publishes Notice of Election (Government Code Sections 35124 and 35126). Publish o~ce a week for the four ~eeks prior to election. (See Paragraph 3. above) Clerk ma:ils sample ballots and arguments (Elections Code 10012) not more than forty days or less tha~} .fifteen days before the day fixed for election. Sample ballots and ar- guments m~2s,a !)e mailed to the registered voters and mailing must be completed at: least ten ,lays before election· CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM June 3, ]964 TO: C4t. y C~ - ' COPmSTO: City Council Cf ~)? F{ana&.,cr SUBJECT: Westborough Inhabited Area %nnexatfon - F, tection FROM: City Attorney at: R~?.st thr~e ~xak's aftc~- thc ~-~'~t-~o~ the Cit~, ~.~:~; .!ntry of] };:ecorJ c,r~ Hi,utes: Co~tJats. lmmediatel/ u~{):s the cempleti.on ef the canva:ss, Ehu legislative h,::)Jy s'ial]_ cause a record [o be ~z}')ECFL~dJ upon its nii~r..:i:cs, cast:, a~)] t e number of votes c~:~a for and agai. t~st annexation. (Section 35133 of <;overnn'.?nt Code) Unfavorable ¢ot~..': If a ;lajorit>, of th<~ w)tes cast i~inst thc'l{iY~;~atiorl, a qe~,~ i.,etition cannot be fitc.a R)r a p{:~ri.o<~ of twalva mo~ths, r'4ection~. 35134 of Government Cote) Majority in favor of annexation: If the majority cf the v;tes cast is :f)r annex~-fClTN, thc legislative may approve the annexation by Or,l~nanc~t. (Section ~.~].3.~ of g. overnme:.~t Code}. TO: SUBJECT: FROM: CITY OF SOUT~I SAN FRANCISCO INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM D~te June 3, t9~4 City Ci~erk ¥{estborou~:~h Inhabited Area ~nnexation - Electioa C:~ty Attorney copmsTo: City Council City Massager CO~ A certified copf of the Ordinance a~[~rovi~u~ the annexation must be filed .~ith the ;~ccretary of graf:e, ~ho upon receii~t files it and transmits a certified co,py to the City Clerk and tiue Board of g,a~e:~vi~sors. ~ B. C~ +-' :* ~ ~ ' ' ~ oer~lilcates and ~.:ffidavits as requirec by 5~ctions 340gO and 54900 of the Gov~.~rnme~:~t Code ~llre then [[iled. J~q; hs nan orney