HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 17-1909 0 B D I N A N C ~, ~,~/, CENTRAL RECORDS -- eo 0 co -- / ,o:..O..' i A~ OrVille Prov~ ~egulat~o~ to P~eve~t the ~pre~ ~f Disuse within the ll~ts of the Oi~ o~ ~th San ~ ~'~i~ the Pe~lty for Violas%ion Th~'~f. The Bo~ of T~steem of the Ci~' of South San ~ ordain as follows : Section I. The term, . cont~ious disuse" shall include ev~ disease Of an infectious, contsgious, or pestilential ~'e, p~ti~l~kv ohol~a, yellow fever, s~ll ~x~ v~ricella, ~l~n~ diphth~la, membra~us croup, so.let fe~, tTphus ~fev~, measles, ~ eve;~~ other dises.~ ~ublic~ iee!nr~ ~ the B~d of Heal~ to be ~R~ous to the ~bl~ Health. S~tion ~ ~;a~ be unl2~l for a~ person or 'o~sons to lease, !et~ or h~e to s.~ person or persons, within the lJr, lt~, ~f' the City of Mouth 2an Fra~iseo, a~ ro.m~ or ;;y~tro~nt in ~ b~iidi~, Ev~~ phoenician ~.t report in v~'iti~ to the Bes~d of Health, within twont~fo~- ~ '~ nft~ he h~.~ been o~lled atte~ a~b D~r~on affectS, with a~r infectious, oont~e pest~.~k,r~ti,~.i di~:~, tl'~e n~.z~; ~nd ~lece cf z. cside~e of p~son, a~n $~ stat~ tk~ dise~e. In th~ event of the d~th of 8.~r perso~, afflicted with a~, ~eh disease, th~ within twen~'-fou~ bm[rs ¢', ~-' ~'~ *,he nan~~..-~'~',,. ,~!~ce. of residence ef the d~eased, and the speclfi~ name and type of 3ectiou Ever~ person aEffliot~l with pulnonar~ tuberculosis and every person in at'tendoa~o~ ~or~ a~ per~n se affliet~, a~ eve~ y~',~on i~:~ eh~ge of e.~ private o~ ~blio ho~it~i ,~ ~mm~ sh~l~ observe ~.~ e~erce all ~it~ ~les a~ ~ t~ to ~,revent the ~ead r~nlations adopted ~ the Bo~d ~ ~ ~' ~ pu~~r tuberm:lo ~i~. It shall be u~awf~i f~ a~ ~l~roen to ir~terf~e with, mr obs~ the ~ffioers ~r inspeo~rs of the B~srd ~f Health the ex~inatiou of ~ ~Aildi~ er pre,see, wh~ein ~ person repert~ to be afflicted with a~ infectious, oont~ieus er pestilentdal ~tion disease. The B~d of Health is here~ autherlz~ ar~ to po~t in a eens~i~., place, upon a~ ~ildi~ or pre~ses, ~where~ ~ person is affliot~ with a~ ir~ee~eua, cent~ieua or It ~h~].l be unlawful, for ~.~ ~e~on to Inter'f,~'e w'!th the this Oi~,, and ~t in qu~r~,ntiue, or within the ~antine limits, ~t~r. of t~ p~r~o~ afflict~ t~rewith. ii~eesee ~,I~d the cond~ " '~= '.~ ~ .~eot'~ o~ 8. The master .~r ar~ ohieh officer of any vessel which shall ~ive in thi~ port, ar~ ev~ pl~yslolsn who praotls~ on ~eh vessel, sI~!l i~m~ed!etely upon ~rival, r~ort in ~'iti~ to the Be~d of Health, ~ f~ct~ cone~u~ a~ per~n ~o ~ have be~. afflicted with a~ infectious, oont~lot~ or "- disease, duri~ the v~e ~ thio port, a~ als$1 the facts oo~e~i~ a~ perso~ c.r thi~ e~rri~ on ~oh veS~l d~i~ voyage ';,hioh, in his ~pinion ~ enda~ the public health this City. ~ection ~enever the Bo~d~f Health ~all have reason to eu~t the presence of an i~tieus, ee~ious, or pestilential ~s~ose within: a~ ~lldi~ or premises, and the p~iolo~n in ~tte~nce or the he~d of the f~l~v .e~fl ..... to r~esent~ve cf ~D~e Beard of Health to examine the ~ff~ot~ with ~ch disease, thc Bc~rd of Health ~cted of bei~ '~ ' ~all qu~rantlne t~e prem~e~, ~ ?'~vent egress and i~ress, ~o~ and to the s~e until ~ch exs~natien is per~tt~ er unt~ ~aid Board practis~ d~slnfection a~ detention to its satisfaction. M~tion IO. Whenever any person res~dirg in a hotel, boardi~house~ io~i~-housc, or t,~e~e~house, is a~flicted with a~ i~eet~ ~co~t~ious, or pe~tilentisi disease, the owner~ lem~ee~eeper ~uager of such place ~st i~ediatel$ give notice thief to the Board of Health. I~tely "~ o ........... ~D~.u ~he receipt of ~ch notice the Po~rd. cf Health ~st cause an expiation of the p~son afflicted, a~ If in !t~ Ju~zment, it be nece~, it shall cause such hot,i, bo~dl~ho~se, lo~L~-house, ~mr tenemen~-~ouse, ~ p~rt th~eef, to be mn~ediate~ clean=~t a~ disinfec~ in a~ ~-~'"~-~'~ r~r~. :'u~ ..: ~o~rd. of Health ~,' .~.~.~ ~'~ ~e, il~ thereof to be ,~itewa~, or a~ "" ...... ~ i~nig~ted, or, if necessary, to be destroyed. ~ection 1i. Every undertaker em~loyed to m~m~ge the interment a~ person who has di~ of a~~ i~eet!ou~, oontegiou~ or pestilential disease. . ~..~ give ~iate notice thereof to the to retsin, or e~mse, or assist in the deter%rich or%er?ct, ute of ~ dead bod. y of a~hp~scn unless the e~ue be in a coffin or c~ske~, properly se~:l~i~ o:~ to sllow e~ ~oh ~ i.o be placed or cesket~ unless ~ch body lms been thoro~hly disinf~ted ~a~ped in ~. sheet, est~et~ with a 1 - ~00 solution of bi-chloride of raerour~, and u~less tho coffin or ca,si i~:~ of metslllo ~betsnee dyt~, ~s't be int~r~ ~r ~n'e~ted wit. bin twentT-fo~r ho~s ~a~ the t~e of death ; provided, however, that the Board of .... ~.:~ ~. ~ permit, goo4 cause aPpesrl~ th~efor, m~re than thirt}~ix hour~ ~om the time of death. Section possession or ek~?'ge off the remains of a~ person who shell hav~ such remains within the ~remi~es where the death of such person occurred, oI ~tc .~,..~ e, o~e o~u~e to be re~v~ the ~V of ~oh Section It shall be unlaw~l for a~ p~n , without a ~itten a' ~-~,"'~" ~ffliot~ with an Infection, s, Of ~es~el_ to a~ otaer veseel~ or to the ~here, ~r t~ a~ ~bllc vehicle. Seo~ion i6. It sh8ll be unl~w~l for a~ person havir~ charge ~r control of s~, per~n ~/ffl!ot,~ wltl~ an ~infectlou~. cont~lous or the ~', .... ~ ...... ~'o~ of~ dead body of  :~[~o~ ~;h~ ~;:~: ~,d of a~r ~,oh d, lsea~, to cause or con~te to the ~pre~ of ~:r~' ~o2 d[~case ~' ar~ n~i~ont '~., ~Oh e~mOk ~erson, or ~eh de~d ~d)~ or ~ the needless expo~re himself in the ·" Section IV. It ~all be u~sw~.tl ~o~ a~~ principal or ~perint~ent ~f a~ ~blic ~r pz~ivs~t~ ~ehool, or a~; ~ian ~r custodian of a~' minor ohild affiiot~ with ~hall" ..... ~', ~+. ~:v'~Tt.el': ""~'"~'~':o~ %1i~0~ . ~eO~o~  "~' ~ vno ah~i! v~clate a,~:y of the provlslor~ of ~:~ ~a/~'~(7~'~.~ ~., ~- ~ . this $rdlnanee shall be guilt~ of a mimdemeaner, and upon conviction thereof shall be punlshe~ by a f/ne not to Tkree hundmed ($00) Doll~Ts, Or b~ imprisonment net te exoee~ Three (5) months, er b~ b~th such fine and im~mi~onm~nt. Section This Ordln~nce sholl be published once in "The Nnt~rpriee, , a weeXl~ newspaper, ~iuted and published in the OitM of South San Fra~ucisoo, e~ she. il taXe effect and be in force ~z~e~ t~e day of its p~esagse ~yes, ~r~t in favor of the NOe~, e~d against ti~e p~.~ge T~tee~, __- _ Absent, ~esident' f the Bo~d }f~s~es o~thd Ci~ of So~th Sa~noi~co. c ~m~ of ,..~e ~iCy' ~u~ Ban