HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 22-1909 CENTRAL RECORDS FILE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCIS00, FOR THE ~ISCAL I909- I910 . The Be~d ef T~stee~ ~f the Ci~ ef Seuth San ~anoi~e Seoti~n 1. The ~nthly ~ates ~f oe~ensati~n to be ch~ ~ a~ persen, oo~a~ ~r c~Derati~n ~pDlyi~ wat~ t~ the i~abitants ef ssl~ CitM, ~r te c~snies e~ o~De~stiens therein, f~ the ye~ oe~enoi~ Ju~ 1st, I90~, an~ e~i~ June SOt~.IglO, ~e here~ fla~ as feliews : ~ectlen General menth~ water ~ates f~r wat~ s~v~ t~~ meters ~all be at tae ~ate ef twen~-five cents per t~a~ ~ll.ns ; pr.v~, that the c~sr~e fer s~vi~ wat~ thresh a ~ter shall ~t be less t~an ~ne dell~ per ~n~ fer a~ s~v~e oe~ti~n . S~ti~n S. Wat~ ~ppli~ ~th~wise th~n thresh ~ters shall be ~ni~ at met-~ rates fer the a~unt esti~ted ~ have been ~pplied . S~tien 4. Meter rates ~all be p~able at the e~ ef eaeh ~nt~ . Seotien B. V~-re meters ~e us~, all bills er r~eipts fer ~e p~ment ef sa~ rates er ch~ges ~all have ~itten ther~ ~he meter readies fer ~ie~ said ch~ges ~e ~de. s~ti~n 6. This ~rdina~e ~ali be ~b!i~ e~e in "THE ~T~IS~", a wetly n~aP~ print~ a~ ~bli~ in the Olty ef Seu~ S~n !Franoleoe, and ahall ta~e effect and be in feree mn Jul~ Imf. IgOr. Passed a~ a~ept~, as an er~im~ ef the City ef ~th San ~ra~i~e, at a r~l~ ~etl~ ef the B.~ ef T~stees A. D. I909~ ~ the fellewl~ vets : Ayes, and in faver cf the passage ef said erdinar~e : ~ ~ess, and against the pa~id ordinates . TRUSTEES, ~/~~ . ~. TRUSTEES AB$~2~T, ~ President ef the Beard o~rustees eft the City ef Seuth San FA~anelsoe. ~ ATT E,.~T : ,,*