HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 23-1909~mb~ E~gh% (8) ~f, 8~ ~1~ ~, a~ ~ new s~o%ion ~e~ . An Ore,inane Ll~ensir~ and ~.~ul~t~ the ~m~f~o, Vend~, $i~o~i~ of ~p~ituous, Malt and ~ermented Liquors a~ Wines, a~ ~dm~xture thief, in the City ~f ~euth San ~rancisee~ a~ Adept~ Nevemb~ B~, A.D. The Bo~d of T~stees ef the Ci~ of South San 'de orals, in, as fellows : Section 1. ~ivlsien ~mb~ fe~ (4) ef Section ~mb~ e~ht Ordi~e ~nb~ fe~ (4) ef the Oity ef 2~th San Franclso~, entitled, "An Ordinance L~ensl~ a~ R~lat~ the Traffic, Vendi~ and Disp, si~ ef ~piri~ous, Malt ~ Ferment~ Liquors a~ Wines~[ ~r a~ Ad~xt~e ther~f, in the Oi~ ef South San Francium,, ps~ss~ a~ sd~pt~ the 2nd. d~ of Nevemb~, A.D. IBO$, is here~ ame~ se as te read as fellows : (~bdivision) Forth :- Said applicant shall al~ ~i!e in the pe~l ~m ef One Theusa~ (IO00) Doll, s, payable te the OitM ~f South San ~ancisc~, which be~ ~all be ex~t~ ~ re, risible ~eties who ~all be residents a~ ~e~old~s wit~in ~the Sun~ ef San Mat~, State .f Oalif. r~a, a~ ~ eno ef whom ~all be liable as ~ety on n~re than three ~ch bonds ~evleusly ex~te~ ; er, said appl~ant shall f~e a be~ in the pe~l ~m of One Thousand (IO00) ~ll~s, payable te the Ci~ of South San '~anc~sce,-- which b~ ~all be ex~t~ by se~ responsible ~rety oe~a~, as ~e~, and which ce~s.~ mst be lloens~ ~te de ~siness in the State ~f Oalif~rnia ; and said bend,whether execut~.~ ipereenal suretiee~ or by surety ce~any, ~ll be cenditiened that said applicant shall. ~nd will ¢~nduct the business for which a permit and license is seught, in a ~iet, erd~ly ~nd re~table ~nner, and shall n~t and will nst permit a~ di~turb~.~e ~f the ~blie peace~ erder or deco,m, ~ ~ noir, rieteus or di~r~ly cen~ct ,n the premises ; a~ shall net~ a~ will ~t sell, give aw~ ,r z~ni~ ~ ~itueus, ~lt Sr fermented liquer, er wine~ er a~ 2~ix~re thief, to ~ int~xicat~ per,n, er te a~ mi~r under the ~e ef e~hteen (18) ye~s ; and shall net,~ will net, petit ~.~ intexicat~ persen, er min~r under the age ef e~hteen (18) ye~re, te be, er re~iu in ~r ~ut the teem in whi~ said ~siness is ce~uct~, ~ ~ll net, 2~ w~ll net give,aw~, sell, ~er '~ni~ te ~ persen, ~ ~itueus, malt er f~mented liquer, ~er wine, er ~ admixt~e thereef, between the he~ ef eleven e'cleck P.M. and the heur ef five e'cleck A.M.. of the fellewi~ d~ and sh~!l,~.~ will, ~b~ ~ abide ~ the t~ms ef this erdi~nce, a~ all laws ~nd ~rdin~nces new in ferce, ~ ~ich ~y herea~er ~be e~ct~, r~ulati~ places ef ~siness where spir~eus, ~lt ~er fermented li~er, ,r wine, er a~ adm~xt~e thief is eel~, given aw~ er ~ni~ed. S~tien E. Said Ordinate ~mber f~ (~) ef the City ef Eeuth san Fra~ise~ is h~e~ ~rther ~e~ ~ addi~ a new s~tien th~ete, te be kne~ as ~tien MZ A, ~ te read as fellews ~ 8~ti~n BZ,~. :- The M~.I and Ol~k ef the City ef 8euth 8an Francisce ~all each receive for hi~ respective ~ervicee in is~i~ licensee ~.~ oellecti~ license tax herein previd~ fer, the ~m ef Fifty cents pe~ ~~r each applicant te where m p~t fer a license is granted, said ~m te be pai~ ~ the City ef 8euth gan ~a~isce~ cut ef the general ~ thief . 8ectien Z. This ~rdinanoe ~ll be pub!i~ enos in "The Ent~prie$, a weeXly newspsper, printed and published in the oity of South San Franeisce~ and shall t~ke effect and be in fetes from ami after the date of its passage. Intreduced the f~ day of June, A. D. I909. Passed. and ~depted as an erdin~e ef the City ef Seuth San Franoisee, at a regular meeting of the Beard ef Trustees ef the said !Oity ef Seuth San Franciso,, held ~n the ~/~d~y~J~ A.D.Ig~ by the fellev~ing vets : - Ayes, and in faver ef the passage ef sal~ ord~rmnce : ~ees, and ~g~ins~ the pass~ge of s~m~ erdinanoe . T~stees W~/ ~eeident ef the Be~d ~f ~stees ~ the Oity ef Seuth S~.n ~rancmece~ ATTEST : - , · Glerk ef%e O~/m~Y'~' ~' -