HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960-4-12 ElectionNO. O~' REGI S- TOTAL TERED VOTES VOTERS CAST 163 76 366 160 372 200 CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO MUNICIPAL ~LE~'I'ION HELD TUESUAY, APKIL 12, 1960 PRECINCT CORTESI ROZZI RYAN A (12) 63 28 28 B (1 & 15) 111 94 78 C (11 & 14) 115 133 102 BERTUCELLI DEMERRITT MARTINEZ 24 29 19 58 55 42 117 30 23 Ao RODONDI J[AU~FMANN 64 ~ ~:;~ © 59 141 ~ ~ i 136 138 136 416 220 D (27 & 39) 110 134 105 122 78 39 187 179 328 133 E (40 & 41) 50 86 88 69 52 39 124 123 367 221 F (7 & 9) 165 119 78 101 53 26 168 145 171 77 G (10) 53 50 33 37 20 12 55 54 359 244 H (4 & 17) 159 147 97 107 94 33 214 194 386 262 I (8 & 16) 190 154 79 123 70 22 193 177 398 249 J (6 & 13) 190 154 86 93 59 30 201 177 417 265 K (5 & 28) 175 160 106 110 87 48 212 199 423 :268 L (2 & 3) 166 170 109 124 89 41 221 203 347 235 M (21 & 23) 161 147 107 90 81 30 213 195 389 217 N (29 & 52) 145 140 90 111 56 29 175 160 412 207 0 (20 & 22) 103 112 108 93 105 57 173 170 206 87 P (35) 41 33 48 41 42 42 67 67 442 200 Q (18 & 51) 123 126 85 91 70 47 163 159 388 148 R (59 & 70) 82 77 75 57 87 36 136 129 So.S.F. Municipal Election 4/12/60 Page 2. NO.OF REGIS- TOTAL TERED VOTES VOTERS CAST PRECINCT CORTESI 396 196 S (55 & 57) 118 366 180 T (53 & 56) 100 391 160 U (54 & 58) 82 572 213 V (44, 45 & 71) 92 322 116 W (46 & 72). 45 329 87 X (47 & 48) 33 189 70 Y (49) 26 361 148 Z (33 & 32) 64 412 166 AA (31 & 43) 61 339 110 BB (67 & 50) 53 412 173 CC (66 & 42) 81 396 160 DD (65 & 68) 72 208 85 EE (34) 52 336 133 FF (62 & 63) 52 380 91 GG (64 & 73) 47 405 185 HH (19 & 30) 109 396 196 II (24 & 25) 75 ROZZI RYAN BERTUCELLI-DEMERRITT MARTINEZ 108 98 80 90 92 99 78 92 81 93 75 82 137 156 75 114 53 73 56 54 55 61 40 38 47 45 26 41 77 68 62 77 95 103 71 92 65 65 56 52 113 109 66 76 112 112 49 75 45 52 23 43 65 92 54 79 42 58 35 51 107 82 73 91 100 105 66 121 A.RODONDI 47 178 49 157 52 143 44 193 37 102 27 80 15 62 45 131 46 137 35 101 36 154 42 144 16 73 34 114 32 75 38 157 75 166 167 146 139 187 100 80 60 129 134 100 146 137 70 113 71 161 164 So.S.F.Municipal Election 4/12/60 Page 3. NO.OF REGIS- TOTAL TERED VOTES VOTERS CAST PRECINCT CORTESI 65 79 84 61 372 200 JJ (26 & 69) 419 209 KK (36 & 37) 400 212 LL (38 & 61) 3O6 153 MM (60 & 74) ROZZI 117 122 94 65 RYAN 90 107 86 69 , ERTUCEL',I DE RRITT ,,ART, NEZ RODONDI 83 118 95 175 172 63 120 115 188 190 66 167 80 182 178 55 114 60 128 129 14,057 6,712 3,653 ! 3,856 3,325 2,820 2,946 1,635 5,685 5,435 PREC I NCT B (1 & 1~) CITY CLERK CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO MUNICIPAL ELECTION HELD TUESDAY, APRIL 12, 1960 WRITE-IN VOTES CITY TREASURER CITY COUNCIL George Abold (2) F (7 & 9) John Penna (2) Joe Pasco Bill Pasco Jack Erium i (8 & 16) Tom Kay J (6 & 13) K (5 & 28) Dwight D. Bedoni Dwight D. Bedoni U (21 & 23) Al Galeotti Z (33 & 32) William T. Szehner Walter S. Schumacker AA (31 & 43) CC (66 & 42) Emilio Cortesi Doghrety G6 (64 & 73) JJ (26 & 69) William J. Szehner Walter J. Schumacker Murray Malanca (2) Total - 19 votes 7 votes 7 votes 5 votes CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO iflINI CIPAL ELECTION HELD TUESDAY~ APRIL 12, 1960 PRECINCTS WRITE-IN VOTES B F I J K M Z AA CC GG JJ i & 15 7 & 9 8 & 16 6 & 13 5 & 28 21 & 23 33 & 32 31 & 43 66 & 42 64 & 73 26 & 69 r'~TY ,EAS. 1 1 1 1 1 1 CITY CLERK 4 1 1 CITY COUNCIL 2 1 2 5 1 i i I 2 i I 2 2 2 0 0 (This number shall be torn off by Inspector and handed to the Voter) No. 000 MARK CROSSES (-f-) ON BALLOT ONLY WITH RUBBER STAMP; NEVER WITH PEN OR PENCIL (ABSENTEE BALLOTS MAY BE MARKED WITH PEN AND INK OR PENCIL.) (Fold ballot to this perforated line, leaving top margin exposed) MUNICIPAL SAMPLE BALLOT CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO County of San Mateo,.State of California Tuesday, Aprd 12, 1960 INTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS To vote for a candidate of your selection, stamp a cross {'f-) in the voting square next to the right of the name of that candidate. Where two or more candidates for the same office are to be elected, stamp a cross (-f') after the names of all candidates for that office for whom you deslre to vote, not to exceed, however, the number of candidates who are to be elected. To vote for a person not on the ballot, write his name under the title of the office in the blank space left for that purpose. If you wrongly stamp, tear or deface this ballot, return it to the inspector of election and obtain another. On absent voter ballots mark a cross ('f') with pen or pencil." MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL Vote for Three EMILIO CORTESI Incumbent GUIDO 3. ROZZI Incumben[ LEO J. RYAN Incumbent FRANK J. BERTUCELLI Service Station Operator GRANVILLE M. DeMERRITT Executive Secretary PETER A. MARTINEZ Electrician Foreman CITY CLE.RK ARTHUR A. RODONDI Incumbent Vote for One CITY TREASURER Vote for One EDWARD P. KAUFFMANN Incumbent A B D E F I J K L M 0 P R T U V W X ¥ Z BB Youa~'s ~ - 41 Rmn4olph Aveuue Co~mu C~m~e - 123 Claremoat Avenue Car~on'a R~ R~ - 326 ~o~ A~n~ Ruiz'$ ~nt - 8~1 ~ple A~n~ B~y'a R~ R~ - 1~2 Heml~k A~n~ Mull' a ~nt - ~ L~nGen Avenue Zucco'$ ~r ~ - 218 Li~n A~n~ T~'s ~ - ~1 Mil%er A~n~ ~e Sch~l - ~ce Avenue ~r~'$ ~ - ~3~ ~en A~n~ Oli~r'$ ~ - ~ Circ~ Co~ ~i~on' a ~ - 1~1 Fir Aven~ Stuller's ~ - 1~ ~ncisco Dri~ Petr~i'a ~nt - kO? West ~e Sunshi~ ~na Sch~l - Miler A~n~ C~ey's ~nt - ~61 Weat~ew Dri~ ~r'$ ~ - ~3 ~~ A~nue ~blitt G~ - ~6 Du~l Dri~ ~ise Residence - 131 B~on A~nue Pau~en'e ~ - ~9 Du~ee Dri~ M~kler's ~e - ~1 Gibbs ~y B~i B~i Fi~ S~tion - il~ L~ E1 ~ncho Sch~l - Del Mon~ · ~ey A~nue Page 2 1960 Polling Plaees~ (eont CC DD EE FF II JJ LL Bari Bari School - E1 Ca.po Drive McCall,~'s Garage - 323 Serra Drive Kernan's Garage - 2 Serena ~Court Glynn's Garage - 119 Lc~itas Avenue Genovesi's Basement - 2~0 Cuesta Drive Carlyle's Garage - 708 West Orange Aven~e Lewis's Garage - 237 Manor Drive Robinson Garage - 201 Ma2woo~ Drive (Rear) Lechleitner's Reeidenee - ~20 Wildwood Drive (Rear) Sperlick's Basement - 28~ Avalon Drive Da--onte's Garage - ~J~2 Zamora Drive _~STRIKE OUT SERVICES NoT REQUIRED EXHIBIT "A" ELECTION SERVICES REQUESTED FROM couNTY CLERK: 1. Preparation and supplying of four (4) copies of precinct indexes to the aff~davits of registration of eligible registered voters by consolidated election precincts as estab- lished by the governing body of e;uch city or district in eon- nection with such election. 2. The addressing and ;,reparation of polling place notices for the eligible registered voters of such city or~ district in connection with such election. 3. Where required, the inserting in envelopes for mailing sample ballots or other election matter to the eli- gible registered voters of such city or district in connection with such election. 4. Furnishing card or paper stock necessary for the preparation of polling place notices in connection with such election. 5. The furnishing of polling place equipment and such other election equipment as is necessary for ,or inciden- tal. to said election. PAYF~NT TO BE MADE BY CITY OR DISTRICT: 1.~ Furnishing precinct indexes at $3~00 per thousand names or portion thereof apt)earing thereon, with minimum c~arge to be $3.00. 2. The addressing and ~,reparation of po.lling place notices for the eligible registered voters at $~.~!5 per thousand for each one thousand, with ml_nimum cbsrge to be 3. Where required, the inserting in envelopes for mailing election matter to the eligible registered voters $5.00 per thousand for each one thousand, with mind, mum charge to be $5.00. ~.. Furnishing card stock for polling place notices to eligible registered voters $6.25 per thousand large card stock, and $4.25 per thousand small card stock or paper stock. RESOLUTION OF OOVE G BODY OF (CITY OF ) (TO~PN OF ) ( DISTRICT) REQUESTING COUNTY CLERK OF SAN MATEO COUNTY TO RENDER SPECIFIED ELECTION SERVICES PURSUANT TO SECTION %83 OF THE ELECTIONS CODE RESOLVED, by the Governing Body of the (TOWN OF ) (CITY OF ) ( DISTRICT) as follows: 1. That the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Mateo shall be, and is hereby, requested to permit the County Clerk of said County to render the services hereinafter specified relating to the conduct of the (~eneral) (special) election to be held within said (TOWN) TUESDAY, the~day of 196 (consolidated) (CITY) (DISTEICT) on , for the purpose of submitting the following to the qualified voters of said. (T~) (CITY) (DISTRICT): 2. That the election services requested by said (TOWN) (CITY) (DISTRICT) in connection with the holding and conducting of said election are more particularly set forth in Exhibit "A" attached here%o, and incorporated herein ~e same as %hough fully set forth at length. 3. That this governing body shall, and does hereby, accept the terms and conditions of the performance of said election services, and to %he payments therefor, as set forth in Resolution No. of the Board of Supervisors authorizing the rendering of specified election services %o cities and districts by said County Clerk, adopted on the day of , 196 . Regularly passed and adopted this day of , 196 etc. STRIKE OUT S~RVICES NOT REQUIRED EXHIBIT "A" ELECTION SERVICES REQUESTED FROM COUNTY CLERK: 1. Preparation and supplying of four (g) copies of precinct indexes to the affidavits of registration of eligible registered voters by consolidated election precincts as established by the governing body of such city or district in connection with such election. 2. The addressing and preparation of polling place notices for the eligible registered voters of such city or district in connection with such election. 5. Where required, the inserting in envelopes for mailing sample ballots or other election matter to the eligible registered voters of such city or district in connection with such election. ~. Furnishing card or paper stock necessary for the prepar- ation of polling place notices in connection with such election. 5. The furnishing of polling place equipment and such other election equipment as is necessary for or incidental to said election. PAYF~ENT TO BE MADE BY CITY OR DISTRICT: 1. Furnishing precinct indexes at $3.00 per thousand names or portion thereof appearing thereon, with minimum charge to be $3.00. 2. The addressing and preparation of polling place notices for the eligible registered voters at ~8.75 per thousand for each one thousand, with minimum charge to be $8.75. 3. ~ere required, the inserting in envelopes for mailing election matter to the eligible registered voters $5.00 per thousand for each one thousand, with minimum charge to be $5.00. &. Furnishing card stock for polling place notices to eligible registered voters $6.25 per thousand large car~ stock, and ~g.25 per thousand small card stock or paper stock. NOTICE ELECTION OFFICERS AND POLLING PLACES Notice is hereby given that at the general municipal election to be held in the City of South San Francisco, Cali~ornia, on Tuesday, the 12th day of April, 1960, there shall be thirty-nine (39) voting precincts consisting of consolidations of the regular election precincts in the City of South San Francisco established for the holding of state and county elections; that the polling places for the respective precincts shall be the places herein- after designated; and that the persons hereinafter named have been appointed officers of election for their respective voting precincts. Voting Precinct A, comprising state and county Precinct No. 12 Polling Place - Young's Garage, 41 Randolph Ave. South San Francisco, Calif. Inspector - Hazel Arola Judge - Jennie D. Shultz Clerk - Julia J. Casella Clerk - Germaine Fo Young Voting Precinct B, comprising state and County Preci~ct Nos. 1 and 15. Polling Place - Copan Garage 123 Claremont Ave. South San Francisco, Calif. Inspector - Doris M. Abold Judge - Mary L. Lonati Clerk - Nora Copan Clerk - ~aude M. Lambert Voting Precinct C, comprising state and county Precinct Nos. 11 and 14. Polling Place - Carlson's Rumpus Room 326 Armour Ave. South San Francisco, Calif. Inspector - Louise C. Bertoldi Judge - Mary Lou Salazar Clerk - Irene M. Carlson Clerk - Laura E. Bono Voting Precinct D, comprising state and county Precinct Nos. 27 and 39. Polling Place - Ruiz's Basement 851 Maple Avenue South San Francisco, Calif. Inspector - Antoinette C. Kozlowski Judge - Violet I. Coffin Clerk - Juanita G. ~uiz Clerk - Victoria S. Weill Voting Precinct E, comprising state and county ~reclncts Nos. 40 and 41. Polling Place - Bray's Rumpus Room 1002 Hemlock Ave. South San Francisco, Calif. Inspector - LaVerne M. Bray Judge - Ruth I. Lee Clerk - Ruth Bretz Clerk - Ellen F. Cullen Voting Precinct F, comprising state and county Precincts Nos. ¥ and 9. Polling Place - Mull's Basement 609 Linden Ave., South San Francisco, Calif. Inspector - Alvira B. Mull Judge - Minnie B. Bryant Clerk - Lucille Emily Mayr Clerk - Rose M. Bartoli Voting Precinct G, comprising state and county ~recl~t No. 10. Polling Place - Zucco's Barber Shop 218 Linden Ave., South San Francisco, Calif. Inspector - Rena V. Cattaneo Judge - E~aa Kelly Clerk - Sandra T. Venturi Clerk - Esther M. McGill Voting Precinct H, comprising state and county ~recincts Nos. 4 and 17 Polling Place - Tognela's Garage 601 Miller Avenue South San Francisco, Calif. Inspector - Lillian M. Dezell Judge - Rose Barsi Clerk - Enes Cerini Clerk - Catherine L. Blandini Voting Precinct I, comprising state and county ~recincts Nos. 8 and 16 Polling Place - Spruce School - Spruce Ave., South San Francisco Calif. Inspector - Dorothy V. Gebhardt Judge - Nellie Marie Smith Clerk - Sophie Kaspar Clerk - Mildred Fanucchi Voting Precinct J, comprising state and county Precincts Nos. 6 and 13. Polling Place - Bernard's Garage 432 Baden Ave., South San Francisco, Calif. Inspector - Marie Ao Imprescia Judge - Delta M. Smith Clerk - Pearl Mo Halseth Clerk - Leona Plumtree Page 2. Voting Precinct K, comprising state and county Precincts Nos. 5 and 28. Polling Place - Lazzari's Rumpus Room 529 Baden Ave., South San Francisco, Calif. Inspector - Rena E. Ringue Judge - Mary L. Lazzari Clerk - Frances RomtOni Clerk - Lillian L. Felsenthal Voting Precinct L, comprising state and county Precincts Nos. 2 and 3. Polling Place - 0liver's Garage 700 Circle Court South San Francisco, Calif. Inspector - Judge - Clerk - Clerk - Emma Oliver Anita G. Vincent Sophie Dancak Antoinette Pennington Voting Precinct M, comprising state and county Precincts 21 and 23. Polling Place - Sciandri's Rumpus Room 735 Miller Ave. South San Francisco, Calif. Inspector - Mary E. Eschelbach Judge - Emily L. Sciandri Clerk - Mary M. Parenti Clerk - Ada ~. Nicolopulos Voting Precinct N, comprising state and county Precl~cc~ nos. 29 and 52. Polling Place - Baldassini's Garage 215 Chestnut Ave. South San Francisco, Calif. Inspector - Lavein Baldassini Judge - Gilda M. Bortoli Clerk - Helen Petroni Clerk - Violet M. Valasco Voting Precinct O, comprising state and county Precincts Nos. 20 and 22 Polling Place - Harrington's Garage 141 Fir Ave., South San Francisco, Calif. Inspector - Fayetta A. Nordstrom Judge - Shirley M. Harrington Clerk - Bertha L. Nelson Clerk - Darlene H. Morgan Voting Precinct P, comprising state and county Preclnct~ No. 35. Polling Place - Stuller's Garage 154 Francisco Drive South San Francisco, Calif. Inspector - Alvin M. Stuller Judge - Mabel M. Hults Clerk - Lola M. Hinkley Clerk - Ruth W. Fink ........... ~ge 3. Voting Precinct O, comprising state and county ~recincts Nos. 18 and Polling Place - Petroni's Basement 407 West Orange Ave. South San Francisco, Calif. Inspector - Judge - Clerk - Clerk - Norma Gug~i.elmetti Anita Z. Pera Levia M. Mangini Anna M. Coruccini Voting Precinct R, comprising state and county Precincts Nos. 59 and 70. Polling Place - Geske Garage 1154 Crestwood Drive South San Francisco, Calif. Inspector - Judge - Clerk - Clerk - Mary M. Hamilton Herberta A. Geske Virginia Mo Petrovitz Leona G. Cantrell Voting Precinct S, comprising state and county ~reclncts Nos. 55 and 57. Polling Place - Sunshine Gardens School 6lllerAvenue . u~5 San Francisco, Calif. Inspector - Judge - Clerk - Clerk - Geraldine E. Howell Esther Jo Sanoff Margaret A. Kennedy Audrey J. Osuna Voting Precinct T, comprising state and county Precincts Nos. 53 and 56. Polling Place - Casey's Basement 261Westview Drive South San Francisco, Calif. Inspector - Judge - Clerk - Clerk - ~ary A. Casey Rita R. Gudaitis Irene F. Rozzi Theresa A. Giuliani Voting Precinct U, comprising state and county Precincts Nos. 54 and 58. Polling Place - Meggers' Garage 1293 Baywood Ave., South San Francisco, Calif. Inspector - Judge - Clerk - Clerk - Martha Mo Meggers Amie C. Tatum Lillian G, Medlin Ida A. Alonso Voting Precinct V, comprising state and county Precincts Nos. 44, 45 and 71. Polling Place - Boblitt Garage 126 Duvall Drive South San Francisco, Calif. Inspector - Judge - Clerk - Clerk - Virginia L. Stephens Beverly A. Boblitt Eleanore F. Morgan Gabrielle A. Hicks Page 4. Voting Precinct W, comprising state and county Precincts Nos. 4~ and 72. Polling place - Heise Residence 131Buxton Avenue So~th San Francisco, Calif. Inspector - Judge - Clerk - Clerk - Virginia L. McAda~ June S. Heise Patricia C. Wothe Gloria S. Parks ¥oting Precinct X, comprising state and county Precincts Nos. 4¥ and 48. Polling Place - Paulsents Garage 249 Dundee Drive South San Francisco, Calif. Inspector - Judge - Clerk - Clerk - Myra E. Paulsen Eleanor A. Sayles Wanda M. Valpreda Margaret H. Cozakos Voting Precinct Y, comprising state and county Precinct No. 49. Polling Place - Moaklerts Garage 901 Gibbs ~ay South San Francisco, Calif. Inspector Judge Clerk Clerk Martha M. Moakler Delora L. Tripathe Eleanor M. DiPietro Katherine E. Frank Voting Precinct Z, comprising state and county Precincts Nos. 33 and 32. Polling Place - Burg Burl Fire Station E1 Casino Real South San Francisco, Calif. Inspector - Judge - Clerk - Clerk - Dorothy M. Molloy Nor~a S, Grissom Mildred D. Sutherlin Frances Ho Schweining Voting Precinct AA, comprising state and county Precincts Nos. 31 and 43. Polling Place - Royal's Spare Room 206 Camaritas Avenue South San Francisco, Calif. Inspector - Judge - Clerk - Clerk - Patricia E. Royal Jessie M. Rosson Ann L. Cruse Thelma Po Austin Voting Precinct BB, comprising state and county Precincts Nos. 6¥ and 50. Polling Place - E1 Rancho School Del Monte and Romney Avenues South San Francisco, Calif. Inspector - Judge - Clerk - Clerk - Velora F. Simon Rosemary Mulligan Ellen M. ~cVanner Corinne Rosenberg Page 5. Yeting Precinct CC, comprising state and county Precincts ~o~o ~ and 42. Polling Place -Buri Buri School E1Campo Drive South San Francisco, Califo Inspector - Judge - Clerk - Clerk - Ester D. Makowski Ann B. Rosenberger EvelYn M. Hansten Grace MacLean Voting Precinct DD, comprising state and county Precincts Nos. 65 and 68. Polling Place - McCallum!s Garage 323 Serra Drive South San Francisco, Calif. Inspec~r - Judge - Clerk - Clerk - Margo Hendrickson Alberta J. Dominge Gertrude P. McCallum Dolly J. M, Cecchini Voting Precinct EE, comprising state and county Precinct No. 34. Polling Place - Kernan's Garage 2 Serena Court South San Francisco, Calif. Inspector - Judge - Clerk - Clerk - Nadien V. Kernan Kathryn I. Liberti Carolyn A. Ireland Ethel Lo Phipps Voting Precinct FF, comprising state and county Precincts Nos. 62 and 63. Pollhg Place - Glynn's Garage 119 Lomitas Avenue South San Francisco, Calif. Inspector - Judge - Clerk - Clerk - Yea W. Glynn Eleanor M. Drysdale Margaret A. Chamberlin Ruth B, Burke Voting Precinct GG, comprising state and county ~reclncts Nos. 64 and 73. Polling Place - Genovesi's Basement 240 Cuesta Drive South San Francisco, Calif. Inspector - Judge - Clerk - Clerk - Virginia Balopulos Italia Mo Genovesi Elizabeth L. Decker Joyce J, Leltner Voting Precinct HH, comprising state and county Precincts Nos. 19 and 30. Polling Place - Carlyle's Garage 708 West Orange Ave., South San Francisco, Calif. Inspector - Judge - Clerk - Clerk - Ethel M. Hernan Bessie E. Carlyle Jeanne A. Evanson Charlotte J. Mills Page 6. Voting Precinct II, comprising state and county Precincts Nos. 24 and 25. Polling Place - Lewts's Garage 237 ~anor Drive South San Francisco, Calif. Inspector - Judge - Clerk - Clerk - Birdie L. Thomas Geraldine Clarke Virginia B. Grimmett Lorraine po Davis Voting Precinct JJ, comprising state and county Precincts Nos. ~6 and 69. Polling Place - Robinson 6arage 201Maywood Way South San Francisco, C~lif. Inspector - Judge - Clerk - Clerk - Alice L. Corrie ~athilda L. Conway · anda ~. Stafford Ruth C. Robinson Voting Precinct KK, comprising state and county Precincts Nos. 3~ and 37. Polling Place - Lechleitner's Residence 420 ~ildwood Drive (Rear) South San Francisco, Calif. Inspector Judge Clerk Clerk Marjorie A, Snith Kathleen A0 Wo Lechleitner Ellen I. Pieri Marion H. Leitner Voting Precinct LL, comprising state and county Precincts Nos. 38 and 61. Polling Place - Sperlick's Basement 284 Avalon Drive South San Francisco, Calif. Inspector Judge Clerk Clerk Helen V. Barker Rena Mo Rasnuck Edith ~o Sperlick Frances V. Rosen~iller Voting Precin~, comprising state and county Precincts Nos. 60 and 74° Polling Place - Damonte's Garage 442 Zamora Drive South San Francisco, Califo Inspector - Judge - Clerk - Clerk - Lenore Varnt Dorothy Ao Frazier Carolyn C. Damonte Ann E. Angeli The polls will be opened at 7 o'clock a.m. of the day of election and shall be kept open until 8 o'clock p.m. of said day, when the polls shall be closed. /~A~R~,~~' erk City of South San Francisco Page 7. NOMINATION PAPER (Sections 46.5, 9759, 9761, Elections Code, General Law Citiesd We, the undersigned voters of the .O..}.g..TZ.. of _.S.9u.t..h_....~_a._.r).....~.a..~_C_.~..s...C_.9_ ................................... hereby nominate.....: ........... L..5..D...~J..~.D......~. ........ .K..A.IJ.F.F. SANN... ....................................... for the o1~ce ,,~ City Treasurer vj .................................................................................................................................................................................................... j .... city. NAME DATE RESIDENCE Certificate of Circulator I,. ................. ~...C~...~...~.'.....~..O....~...~._..~ ...................................................................................... circ~tlated the foregoing petition and saw all the signat~res appended thereto .~.d ,b~ow that they are the signah~res of the persons whose names they purport to be; my resideiztial voti~9 address is ............................................. ........ ..6.0.~...~.~.W~L.$...o..~.~......S.~..~.~.q!.~..c..o.,..~.~.~.O...a..~. ......................................................................................................... I certify ~tnder pe~,alty of perj~try that the foreg&tg is trite a~td correct. SOUTH SAN FI~NOISCO ........................... E:vec~tted by me at ................................................................................................. Ca!i/ornia~ this 3~. day o/ ................. ~~[ .............................................. , n..~ ........ Form No. ?55A--NOMINATION PAPER, GEh'Zlla. L LAW C~?~gs (1960,~ w~c~,, NO. 5-3 '2. v FRINTED BY A. CARLISLE & CO., S.F. I ~22 ! Affidavit of Nominee I, .................. E.....~...~...P...........~.....~...~.... ....................................................................................... am the above na~ned nominee for the office of ..................... .9..I...T...[..~R...~.~g. .............................................................................................................. ,. I wilt accept the nomination and will also accept the office in the event of my election; I desire my name to appear on the ballot as follows: ......................................................................... .......................................................................................................... (Print name above.) and I desire the following7 designation to appear o~, the ballot under my name:"l INCUMBENT (Print desired designation above.) I certify ~mder penalty of perjury that the fore~oin~7 is true and correct. E.vecuted by ,ne at ............ .......................... , California, this....3....~.....'.. ........... day of FEBRUARY ,19 60 ~--- ~-, NOTE:--O)The use of this request is optional with the candidate. Section 3819 of the Elections Code provides as follows: ******Immediately under the name of each candidate and not separated therefrom by any line may appear, at the option of the candidate, one of the following designations: (a) Words designating the city, county, district, federal or State office which the candidate then holds. (b) If the candidate be a candidate for the same office which he then holds, and only in that event, the word "incumbent." (c) Words designating the profession, vocation or occupation of the candidate which shall not exceed three in number. The profession, vocation or occupation so designated shall be the same as appears in the affidavit of registration of the candidate. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, if upon checking the nomination pa~er the officer in charge of the election finds the wording to be different than that upon the registration affidavit, he shall notify the candidate by registered marl, return receipt requested. The candidate shall within three days from the date of mailing appear before the officer and rereglster to conform with the request for the designation that appears on his nomination paper. If the candidate does not appear within three days the officer shall leave the designation under his name blank (no designation). No candidate shall assume a designation which would mislead the voters.**** NOMINATION PAPER (Sections 46.5, 9759, 9761, Elections Code, General Law Cities.) for the office of ....... i...~...~.~ .......... '~~~ .................................................................................. of said city. ) ~E DATE RESIDENCE Certificate of Circulator I~...~..:Z~".-:..~...... ~.....~lr_~e. e4~ c-c circulated the foregoing petition and saw all the si~nat~,~res appended thereto a.~,~d k~.ow that they are the xi~atures of the persons whos~mes they purport to be; **~y rcxid%tial voti~g addrex%ix ............................................. .... : ....... : ......... ~ ...... :~ ....... :.~ ................................................................................ : .......... : ..................... : .................. I certify ~der penalty O{ perjury t~at the fore~oi~ is tr~c a~d correct. E,vecuted by me at~..~'~..:~Zm:.d~.~.~.~:~'(L, Califor~,zia, this._.~,Z~..day ....... , ............................... NO, Form No. ?55A--NOMINATION PAPER, G~Nx~.,a, Law Cl?lgS (I 960) PRINTED 13Y A. CARI-I$[..E & CO,, $. F. 19221 Affidavit of Nominee 1, ....~.d..~...~ ....... : ........... ~ ...... '~3~..:..g...c..~.,.c...':;...c.:..c..~. ...................................................... am the above named o o o .......... .................................................................... ,. nominee I will accept the nomination anClwill also accept the oJfice i~, the event of my election; I desire my name to appear on the-ballot as follows: ---q,~,.,, ~,~',~A .~'~. ..~..:.~ 4: ~' c ~,'6.~. ....................................................................................... ....~x~,~.~:.. ............................................ ~'i;~:i;;'~ ~;;;"~i;~/~;:'i ............... · (1) and I desire the following desi.onation to appear on the ballot ~cler I/l~y $zame: .... : .-~. .~: .......... ~{ ....... : ................................................................................... (Print d/~ired designation above.) I certify mzder pe'~mlty~/o perjury t]jat tl~egoing is true and correct. Exe. e~tted b ma- ' ~ ~..~.'.. ~ , California, this .---*',~ day ~, Y -- ............... :--- :: .......... , .............. , ........ 7 ................................ .............................. , ,.._ ':~,..d...~;..::.::.....!:.: ~....~,.:~ ....... !.:.::~a.T..:.~,' ................... ~ .................... NOTE:--¢~)The use of this request is optional with the candidate. Section 3819 of the Elections Code provides as follows: ******Immediately under the name of each candidate and not separated therefrom by any line may appear, at the option of the candidate, one of the follOwing designations: (a) Words designating the city, county, district, federal or State office which the candidate then holds. (b) If the candidate be a candidate for the same office which he then holds, and only in that event, the word "incumbent." (c) Words designating the profession, vocation or occupation of the candidate which shall not exceed three in number. The profession, vocation or occupation so designated shall be the same as appears in the affidavit of registration of the candidate. Notwithstanding any other provision of law~ if upon checking the nomination pa,.er the officer in charge of the election finds the wording to be different than that upon the registration affidavit, he shall notify the candidate by registered marl, return receipt requested. The candidate shall within three days from the date of mailing appear before the officer and reregister to conform with the request for the designation that appears on his nomination paper. If the candidate does not appear within three days the officer shall leave the designation under his name blank (no designation). Bio candidate shall assume a designation which would mislead thc voters.**** NOMINATION PAPER (Sections 46.5, 9759, 9761, Elections Code, General Law Cities.) Leo J Ryan hereby nominate ................................................ : ........................................................................................................................................................................... for the office ~.t City Councilman . .. o] ................................................................................................................................................................................................... oI sa,a city. NAME DATE RESIDENCE 1 9 10 cC/C/ Certificate of Circulator ~' Betty J. Itammon ,~ · 1,. ..................................................................................................................................................... cz~ c,lated the foregoing petition and saw all the signatures appe~ded thereto and know that the:y a~'e the signatures of the persons whose names they purport to be; my reside~tial voti~g address is ............................................. .................... ~.~ ....... ~.~....~.~. ....... ~?. ............................ ~.~.k..~....~.~.~.~.,.....~.~g.., .......................... I certify under penalty of perj,ry that the fore~oi,~ is tr,.e a,d correct. Executed by me at ........ ~....~....~.[~.~S~??.~ .................... , Califor, ia, this ....... ~.~ ......... day of ............. ~~ .............. .~ ........................... , ~ ~....~ ..... Form No. 7SSA--NOMINATION PAPER. G~m~,t, Law C~?~s (196o> PRINTED BY A. CARLISLE & CO., S. F. 1922! Affidavit of Nominee I, Leo J. Ryan am the above named nominee for the o~ce Cit:y Counc:[lman I will accept the nomination and will also accept the o.~ce in the eve~tt of my election; I desire my name to appear on the ballot as follows: l. eo J. Ryan (Print name above.) and f desire the following designation to appear on the ballot under my name.'"l Incumbent (Print desired designation above.) I certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed by me at .............. S.o...u...tl.h.....$.g..n......F_.r.a..-.n-.c...i._.s..c..0. .............. , California, this.......2...n...d... .......... day of ............ .............................................. , ...... ................ ...... .................... NOTE:--ta)The use of this request is optional with the candidate. Section 3819 of the Elections Code provides as follows: of the ******Immediately under the name of each candidate and not separated therefrom by any line may appear, at the option of the candidate, one following designations: (al Words designating the city, county, district, federal or State office which the candidate then holds. (b) If the candidate be a candidate for the same office which he then holds, and only in that event, the word "incumbent." c Words designating the profession, vocation or occupation of the candidate which shall not exceed three in number. The profession, vocation or occu(}~ion so designated shall be the same as appears in the affidavit o£ registration of the candidate. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, if upon chec~n the nomination pa er the officer in charge of the election finds the wording to be different than that upon the registration affidavit, he shall notify the ---ai~'aatge b-' registered malP1 return receipt requested The candidate shall within three days from the date of mailing appear. .be. for,e the ,office.r, and~.reregis,_t_e,r, ~u ur " '-,~ -~ ~ ~-- -~-- -:~qi~nntlnn that' annears on his nomination pal)er If the candidate does not appear within tnree days tne omcer sna, leave the designation under his name blank (no designation). No candxdate shall assume a demgnatton whtch would m~slead the voters. NOMINATION PAPER ($~tions 46.5, 9759, 9761, Elections Code, General Law Cities.) Vt/e, the undersigned voters of the ......... .C...i....t..X ............... of ........ S...o.~.t_.h......S..!a_n....F...r._..a._n..c..i_...s...c....o. ..................................... i G. J Rozzi hereby nora nate ............................. :. ............................................................................................................................................................................................. for the o~ce _z Councilman ~ .- ol ................................................................................................................................................................................................... of sam city. NAME, DATE RESIDENCE -~ ~ 0~- ~ ~-",,( ~ 033 ~~_. -' , ~/ - " ' . c~ ": ' ' . ' ' ' Certificate of Circulator I, ............................. : ......... _~........D._.........~.c..~e....o..d... ...................................................................... , circulated the foregoing petition and saw all the signatures appended thereto aud k~ow that they are the signatures of the persons whose names they purport to be; my residcutial votin9 address is ......... _5...3..6.. ......................... ....................... ~.s..e...n.~s....~..u..~..h..~.s.~.n.~....r.a-n....~..~s.~..~...~...~c..~.~.~.f.~.~...r.~n..~.~ ........................................................................... I certify m~der penalty of perjury that thc foregoing is true aud correct. Executed by me at ........ S...9...u....t....h.....S....a.n_....F._..r...a..n...c...i....s...c....o. .................... , CaIif on~ia, this ....... 2_.n...d_ ........ day of ................. .F..e...b.....~.....a...r..7.. ......................................... , Z9.6...0.._ ........ ..:..~::: ...... ±-:~.~:..-:.~:.:..,...<..~ ............ 2, ....... '.i ........ ..L.'..'....'X..'.~.:¢'_.. r ~.~: NO. ,5-3 'z. z.__- Form No. 7$5A--NOMINATION PAPER, G~RR&L LAW Clr[~,$ (~ 06OI PRINTIED BY A. CARLISLE & CO., $. F. ~ 9221 Affidavit of Nominee ir, .................................... ..G..........J...........R...o...Z..Z..~ ....................................................................................... am the above named nominee for the office of ............ .C...o..u....n...c..~.[_..~.....n.. .............................................................................................................................. ; I will accept the nomination and will also accept the office in the event of my election; I desire my name to appear on the ballot as follows: ................................................... . .~.....~.d....o.......j...,_g.o....z...z....$..~ ................................................................................................... (Print name above.) and I desire the following designation to appear on the ballot under my name:m £ncumbent: (Print desired designation above.) I certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is trite and correct. Executed by me at ......... S...o...U..~.h......S...a...n......F....r....a...n....C...l:._s._.C...O.. ................... , California, this....2....n...d_. ............ day of ..................... .F..~b......~.....a..r..y.. ..................................... ,19.....6....o.. ..... NOTE:--O)The use of this request is optional with the candidate. Section 3819 of the Elections Code provides as follows: ~****'Immediately under the name of each candidate and not separated therefrom by any line may appear, at the option of the candidate, one of the following designations: (a) Words designating the city, county, district, federal or State office which the candidate then holds. (b) If the candidate be a candidate for the same office which he then holds, and only in that event, the word "incumbent." (c) Words designating the profession, vocation or occupation of the candidate which shall not exceed three in number. The profession, vocation or occupation so designated shall be the same as appears in the affidavit of registration of the cand date. Notwithstanding any other provision of law if upon checking the nomination pap. er the officer in charge of the election finds the wording to be different than that upon the registration affidavit, he shall notify the candidate by registered mall, return receipt requested. The candidate shall within three days from the date of mailing appear before the officer and reregister to conform with the request for the designation that appears on his nomination paper. If the candidate does not appear within three days the officer shall leave the designation under his name blank (no designation). No candidate shall assume a designation which wo d lslead the voters. NOMINATION PAPER (S~ctlons 46.5, 9759, 9761, Elections Codo, General Law Cities.) We, the undersigrted voters of the ....... .q~?....Y.. .................. of ......... ~.O..~.~....B_..~.N...._F.i..~..._~?.~s.?...O.. .................................... hereby nominate ............... ~%.L....%.O._..~O..~%E..~.~ ............................................................................................................................................................ for the office of ................... g.I~f....OOIl~! .I~fl~. .......................................................................................................................... of said city. NAME DAmEP'~'6~ RESIDENCE __,_..<:. . ~ ,':, .~ . ...,',: -/? .. ~., . . , ':' .7~ _ ' .,i . ' - ' . ' >, _.,:/_,~.-' - . .. - f'~. , :,. Certificate of Circulator E,XiILI0 CORTE. SI I. .............. ~ ........................................ '. ................................................................................................. , circ,.lated the foregoi~$g petition and saw all the signat~tres appeMed thereto a~td tenoze that they are the signatures of the persons whose names they purport to be; my residential votDz~ address is ............................................. ~~.~~.~2~.~.L~E~~~.~?~ .............................................................. I certify uuder penalty of perjury that thc foregoi~g is tmte a~zd correct. Executed by me at....~O.~.~.~_.~_?~.~9.~.~.9.9 ......................... , California, this ...... .~_~.~ .......... day o/ ......... E~.m~.e~. ................................................. , ~ 9...~ ...... Form No, 755A--NOMINATION PAPER, G~NX~,L LAW CI?I~S (~ ~60) PRINTED Affidavit of Nominee I, ........... ...~....!...k.!..O.......C...O...H..T...E...~.I... ...................................................................................................... am the above narmed nominee for the office of .......................... .C...I..?..Y.......C..O..L.':.N...C._I.....~.,.A..N... .............................................................................................. ; [ will accept the nomination a~,d will also accept the office i~, the event of my election; I desire my name to appear on the ballot as follows: ....................................................................................... ...E!~. ..I...L....r...O.._~.O...g~.~.I.. .................................................................................................... (Print name above.) and I desire the followi~g designation to appear on the ballot under my name:(" INCUMBENT (Print dea~red designation abeve.) I certify mzder pe~,alty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Exec~tted by me at.......S.9....u...3.g....~.~.n......?r.~r..'..9...[.s...e...°... ....................... , California, this.....!..?..~ ............ day o 4 NOTE:--O)The use of this request is optional with the candidate. Section 3819 of the Elections Code provides as follows: ******Immediately under the name of each candidate and not separated therefrom by any line may appear, at the option of the candidate, one of the following designations: (a) Words designating the city, county, district, federal or State office which the candidate then holds. (b) If the candidate be a candidate for the same office which he then holds, and only in that event, the word "incumbent." (c) Words designating the profession, vocation or occupation of the candidate which shall not exceed three in number. The profession, vocation or occupation so designated shall be the same as appears in the affidavit of registration of the candidate. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, if upon checking the nomination paper the officer in charge of the election finds the wording to be different than that upon the registration affidavit he shall notify the candidate by registered mail, return receipt requested. The candidate shall within three days from the date of mailing appear before the officer and reregister to conform with the request for the designation that appears on his nomination paper If the candidate does not al)pear within three days the officer shall ...... ' ' ' ' ers leave the des,gnat,on under h~s name blank (no demgnahon). No candidate shall assmne a destgnatton whtch would m~slead the rot . NOMINATION PAPER (Sections 46.5, 9759, 9761~ Elections Code, General Law Cities.) We, the undersigned voters of the ........ .C.$.gy._ ................... of.....8o..ugh..Sa, n_.F.~.a~u~i~..~o_ ................................................... hereby nominate .......... 3?..~_h..u...v.....3..,....g.o...d..9...n...d..~. ................................................................................................................................................................ for the office of ............. .~.~..~......C...L...~ ....................................................................................................................................................... of said city. NAME DATE RESIDENCE Certificate of Circulator I, ................................... ~A.r~.h..u..r...A...,....~.o...d..o...n.d..$ ................................................................. circ.~dated the foregoing petition and saw all the signatures appended thereto a~d k~tow that they are the signat.ttres of the persons whose names they purport to be; my resideJttial voti~zg address is ............................................. ....... ............................................................................................................... f certify under pe~zalty of perjury that the foregoi~zg is trtw arid correct. Executed by me at.....S...9.u...~.h._....S.....~......~.'.?_.~.e...$.s...e.9. ................................... , CaIif omzia, this ........... 29..$.h....day of ................ g..~.u...~....~. ................................................... 19..._~... ......... Form No. ?5$A--NOI~INATION PAPER, Gx~:x&n L~w Crrms {~ o6o) vmt4TEi3 BY A. 2AI~LISLE & £O., $, F. 192Zl Affidavit of Nominee I, ...................................... ~..t, hur...&,.....g..o...d...o....n...d..'.x.. ......................................................................... , am the above named nominee for the oi~ce o/ ........................... G..I..T...g......G..L....~.....t(.. ..................................................................................................................... ; I will accept the nomination and will also accept the o~ce in the event of my election; I desire my name to appear on the ballot as follows: ........................................................................ ...-~....T..ICdg....A..._.g,.O...ILO.~.I. ................................................................................................................. (Print name above.) and I desire the followilzg designation to appear on the ballot under my name: ~'' ............................................................................ ~..n...e...u..~b..~,.n..~ ........................................................................................................................... (Print desired designation above.) I certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is trite and correct. Executed by mc at..,~..o..u..$..h.....8.~rx..~.r.~O.~..~.9. ..................................... , California, this ...... 29.t,h ......... day of ................. 4...~....u..~ ........................................... : ...... ,19..6...0.. ......... o ~ NOTE:--O)The use of this request is optional with the candidate. Section 3819 of the Elections Code provides as follows: +*+++*Immediately under the name of each candidate and not separated therefrom by any line may appear, at the option of the candidate, one of the following designations: (a) Words designating the city, county, district, federal or State office which the candidate then holds. (b) If the candidate be a candidate for the same office which he then holds, and only in that event, the word "incumbent." (c) Words designating the profession, vocation or occupation of the candidate which shall not exceed three in number. The profession, vocation or occupation so designated shall be the same as appears in the affidavit of registration of the candidate. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, if upon checking the nomination pap. er the officer in charge of the election finds the wording to be different than that upon the registration affidavit, he shall notify the candidate by registered marl, return receipt requested. The candidate shall within three days from the date of mailing appear before the officer and reregister to conform with the request for the designation that appears on his nomination paper. If the candidate does not appear within three days the officer shall leave the designation under his name blank (no designation). No candidate shall assume a designation which would mtslead the voters.~*~* NOTICE OF ELECTION Notice is hereby given that a General Municipal Election will be held in the City of South San Francisco, on Tuesday the 12th day of April 1960, for the following offices: llt Council~mn for a full term Councilman for a full term (1) Couucilman for a full term City Clerk for a full term City Treasurer for a full term The polls will be open between the hours of 7:00 A.M. and 8:00 P.M. Dated: February 2, 1960 ARTHUR A. RODONDI, City Clerk