HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 32-1910 T~e Board of Trustees.el ~.,..~ ~ South San ~r~neisee ~e er~in as fellows ; Section I. The office ef Tree W~en is h~e~ est~.bli~.. It ~ll '~e the duty ef the Tree W~rden ~ plant', trim, p~ne /'er shaAe er ornamental trees er ~bbe~, a~ te re~ve obj~tienable trees a~ ~bbe~ in aha upon the streets, ~il~s ~.~. ~blic places of the city .f South ~an ~ancise. ,or t. ~ap~vise ~he sa~ ~bjeet to the wi~s ~n~ un, er the control U~tees of ssid Oi~. Provide, however, that the ewn~s prepert~ ~en~!~ en said s~eets, all~s ~r public places m~.y petition er request ~he said B~ ths. t ~ch tree~ er s~ubbe~ ~h~l be efa certain ki~. Ssi~ petition er re~B~est te be merely ~dvisery te sai~ B~d. A~ previd~ i~ther, that nethi~ in this erdinsnee c~tained ..h.-:ll be censtm~ed t~ prevent er prohibit the plantin, ~n ~ upon the ~treets, all~s an~ I~blio places in ~si~ Ci~, ~f ~b~e~~, p~t~'~$ree er trees ef the ki~ er varie~ ~es~nat~ ~ the ?card ef Trustees ss aforesaid, er te prevent er prohibit the c~i~ fer,~f s~ ~Abbe~2,, palr~, tree trees upton the streets er alleys of said Oity. Sectien It ~all ~e u~aw~l f~r a~' p~r~en, f~m ~r ee~rati~n, te cut, trim, p~ne, ren~e, injure er interfere with a~ ,rnsmentsl tree In the streets, all~$ er ~blie places ef the ~i~ ,f ~auth ~an Frznci~e. Section S. ~r. vi~e~, however, that ar~ person, 2irm or · wning pr. petty frentir~ ena s~eet ~r all~ in the Ci~ ~f S~uth San Fran~i~. m~, up.n ~itten mpplieati~ te the B~ .f T~stees ~f the sai~ ~ity, ~e grant~ permissi, n, un~ the ~eetien ~p~visien of the Tree W~en? te cut, trim, ~rune er re. Ye tree .r ~~ up.n~ t~e ~rtlen~f She .~eet ~er all~ which th.Ar sai~ pr.~er~ ~ents. Previde~ ~rther, that ~ Person, firm ~r cerporatien, upon fili~ ~ ~itten application threat, together with an ~reement ~ p~ the c~sts ~nd expense ef cuttle, ~ ecs er ~bbe~ with the Be~d of T~e~s~ ~oy be gr~.nte~ p~missian te have said trees er sh~bb~ cut, tri~e~, p~n~l er re~v~ '~ er un,der th~ ~irectien ~f the Tree ~ar~en ~f said City· ~'~ould ~he B~ard ()f T~stees ef the ~ity ~f Sout~ ~o~n Fr~nci,~c~ deem it a~vi~e t~ grant  or~;aission. Section A~ per~en, f~m or cern. ration wh~ ~all vi. late the pr~visi, ne ef this .r~in~nce shall ~e ~eem~ guil~ ~f mid.caner, a~i upon conviction ther~f shall ~e fln~ in a n~t exce~i~ T~EE' HIJN~ED ($S~0.~0) ~ll~'s, er shall ~e i~rissn~ f~r a term ~t exee~i~ · .... ee ~nths, er ~ ~th fine a~ ~risenment . Section · ~ This ~rdinanee ~all be ~bli~ (,n~e in "~e Enterprise. ~ wetly ~w~ap~ prlnt~d and ~lishe~ in the Gity ~f S~uth San ra~isoe n~ .... ~,~il take ~ffect ~d be In f~ree ~m and a~ the ~ate ef its p~ss~e. INTRODUCED, the ~ *f ~io, reh, A.D.IgI$. PASSED AND ^D~PTED, as an ordinance ef the City .f S.uth San pr~ncisee, at a re~ulsr meeting ef the ~i~ Cit~ thi~ /~e~ *f ~sroh~ i.~. 'I010. ~ the f~ll~wi~ vote : Sl~n~ an~ ~rovea as an oraimnce of the sald City~ this ~ey of M~ch,IgIO ~ ATTEGT : . , , I:'I O~K of th~y ef ,$euth San Franoi¢co.