HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 42-1911 RECORDS CENTRAL N O- An OR~)INA3~CE TO PROVIDE .WORT ~ INSP~,TION OF N/LK A~ DAIRIES AND BAIRT. AND TO RF~.,~rLATE THE~ ~ALE OF ~I~< ~N THE, ~ITV O~ .qOUTH ,qAN FRAN~,IM~,O~ (~{IU):..'~, ~ A]~ TO ~OH!BIT Ah~ ~[I~H T~ DIS~EITION 0~ ~{OL~014E~ I~ 0R ADULT~T~ · The Board of Thm~stees of the ~I~ O~ SOUTH SAN ~}7~!S~O, do ox{lain follows:- Secti~ %~ The Board of Mealth of the Cit~ of So~%t~ 8~ Mzanctsct is hereby authozized~ empowered an~ directed to ~egulate ~d control the traffic in milk in said ~ity, to pro- vide fo~ %he. Inspection of milk tn said ~ity of South S~ F~anotso% ~d fo= the in- spection of dairies ~d daizy cows producing milk fox sale or cons~ption within said Oity~ Section S. It ~all be ~mlaw~l for ans, pezson ox pezsons~ fizm o~ oo~pozation, by themselvee or by theiz agents~ sewvants or m~plo],es tn the ~i*y oX %uth 8~'Francico~ O~Z ~ ~m :k~ to zender~ or manufactuz% sell, offer for salt exch~% delivez~ df.~tribute or have in his Ox its possession, with intent to sell, expose ~ale or exohang% or dtst~ibute foz h%~ conm~ption~ any impu~e, adu!te=ated~ healthy or ~mwholesome milk. ~ection $. The 4efenition of the tezms, a(h~lterate4, impure, ~%ea!thy and unwholesome as used in this Ordinance shall be const~d as follows, ~'~ ~ ~.~ _. lsd- ~4ilk containing less than twelve (lS) per cent~ of milk solids. ~n~- ~.,Itlk containing more th~ eighty-eight (8~) per cent~=~ of water of fluids. Srd~ 7.{~.lk containin6 less than three and thzee tenths (5.$) pe~ =ent~ of fats f~om Jm~a~y 1st to April SOth, and three and ~our tenths (S.4) pez cent%~ of fw~ ~.Iay ).st to Decenbe~ Slst of each yeaz. 4t~- ~.[!!k ~l~awn from cows within fifteen ~al~s before ~d f~We days aftez par- tuzttion. 5th- E!lk dzawn fz~m: cows fed on ~y ~ea!thy ez ~%mwholesone food. 6t~ ~ilk drawn from cows kept in ~ %~ealthy or uns~itazy condition~ or from ~ws affected with any fo~ of disease, o~ fx~ cows which a~e supplied with waZe~,~ is impure or 7th~ .qilk from which anl, paxt of the c=e~ has been ~oved. 8t__h- ~,~!lk which has been diluted with water cz with any other fluid cz to which has been ~(lded or into which has been introduced any foreign substance whate~er. 9th- ~.,~tlk df. awn from cows or by milkers that are themselves in a condition of filth or ~mcleanliness. 10t___h- Any milk which is shown by analysis to co~tain' an~.~ ~ubstance of character whatsoever not natural or normal constituents of milk, or to have been de- prived eithez wholly or in part of any constituents naturally or normally contained. Ln milk. Section ,4. It shall be unlawf~l for any person or per. sons, firm or corporation t~ have or carry on any wagon or vehicle upon which or from which milk or cream is being or is brought, ~old exchanged, delivered or distributed or offered or exposed for sale or distribution as food for'any h~uan being, any swill garbage, refu~e or ~:~n~.~ decaying fomenting, putrefying, foul, ~nwholesone, noxio~s or filthy ~attez~ or any cans receptacles containing ~ ~material or m~bst~ce with which c~e~ or milk might be diluted, adulterated or rendered impure~ ~whole~e or u~ealthl~. ~ection 5~ In order to cax~y ~ the purposes and provisions of th~ Ozde=~ the said Do~rd of ~{e~lth and ~ll its officezs~ agents~ and empl~es ahall have the right at ~,i ~11 ti~.~es to ente~ upon o~ into the premises of ~y p=o~cez cz vendo~ cz distzibu~ e= of milk. ~eotion ~. It ~hall be the duty of the said Board of Health to cause the ~i~ies other e~t~b!isrz~ents fz~ which milk brought into the City of ~outh 9~ ~cisco is obtained to be inspected from ti~e to time to ~ati~fy m~ch Board that the provisions ~d requirement~ of this 0rde~ are con~t~tl~ complied with ~d the Board of Health is hereby e:~powe~ed to ~ploy the necessary help and to inm~z the necessary expense to ~aid inspection when in their opinion the '.'~e is deemed necessary. ~ection 7~ The Board of Hea!~ ~d all its offioers~ asents ~d employes shall have the ~ight at ~ tir~e to t~e s~ple~ of ~!!k from any pe~on, per~on~ or concern ~elling exposing for ~le or exoh~ging o~ delivering or dimtz~lu~ting ~ilk in the City of Gouth ~an ~z~o~.~oo~ not exoeed!ng~ however~ one Quart thexeof~ m~oh ~ple to be t~en and ~ealed in full view ~d ir~ the p~e~ence of the person fzo~ whSm said s~ple i~ t~en, arid shal~ then and there furnish to the pez~on from wh~ such m~lk is ~en, one half of auoh ~ple heretically sealed and ~hall delive~ to the ~aid Board of Health i~,~ediately the sample so taken hermetically sealed..~Ach sample ahall have written there- on, at the titus of the delivery thereof to the said Bo~rd of Health, the dea!ez's name the ~te of the ~btai~ent of the s~ple, ~d the ~e of the person by wh~ it was t~en~ and a ~enor~d~ thereof shall be ~de by the person obtaining such s~ple i~book kept for theft purpose inthe office of the Board of Health~ ~howing the n~e of the owne~ cz dxivez f~om wh~% ~d the date when the s~ple was t~en. Mection 8. ~y milk brought into the City of South S~ Francisco from witho~t~ shall be s~bject to the ~e inspection ~d regulations as milk prods:ced in said City of Ean Franci~c0.. Section $. No r~ilk ~hall be t~en f~om any cow, goat or othe~ milk-producing animal mule,s s~ch animal ~hall be in a cle~ and healthy condition~ nor ~hall ~y ~uch milk be t~en from any ~uch ~dmal. except by ~ emplm~e or Sther pe~on who i~ himself in a oleanly~ whole~o~ne and healthy condition. ~ection ]~0. In hou~e~ where contagious disease is known to exist, no bottles, cane cz other utensils in which milk is de!ive~ed ~hall be collected ~til the houeeehave been f~igated~ ~z~d ~aid bottles, can~ and othe~ uten~il~ sterilized. Section 11. No cow shall be milked ~mless the ~tdes, bellies, haunches~ udder% teats tail of the cow shall be ole~. Section 1~. B'efore hs, n~ling or milking the cows, mi!kexs shall thoroughly wash and their han,~s ~nd other wise be thoroughly ole~. Sec~i~ 1S. No sick cow ox cows showir~g signs of t~ezculosis, contagi~S abortion, ~ites, m~:~ry-a~ces~, diease of the u~der or teat~ or aotino~¥co~ts (l~pjaw) shall be al!o~ved in the her~ from which ~ilk is drawn, and the milk of cows within thirty days of o~lving or five d~s after calving ~hal! not be mixed with that of the her~ or r~arket- ed. Section 14. All utensils and ve~eels~used in the h~dling of milk shall be thoroughly washed ~n~ kept in a clean ~nd wholesome condition. Section 1~'. Every dai~ shall be supplied with pure water, the ~ouzce whereof shall not be contaminated by ~y barn yar~, pri~?, sewer or o~he~ possible source of oont~inat~ Cows ahal! not be ~!lo~ed to dri~ from stagn~t pools ~d ghall have full acess at ~ll times to ~ gUl~PlY of pure water. Section 16. Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this Ordinance shall be deemed suilty of a misdemeanor, and ~pon conviction thereof, ~ha!l be punish- ed by ~ fine of not less than twent~-five (~Mg) dollars, ~d not mo~e than five hun- ~Ired(~JO0) dollars, or by i~priso~ent in the ~ount~ jail g~ no~ less th~ ten (10) days and not more th~'~ one hl~dzed (100) days. geotion 17. ~his Ordi~ce shall ~~X~~,~~. '~E~ a weekly new~p~, printed and ~blished In the Oity ef South ~ancisce, ~nd ~all take effec~ and ~ in force ~om and aft~ the date ef its p~ss~ge . INTI~0DUCED, %he/6%ho day o? March, 1911o PASSED AND ADOPTED, as an Ordinance eft the Oi~ ef San Frsneisoe, at a r~l~~ meeti~ ef the Be~d ef T~stees of the Clt~ ef South San ~ranci~o, h~ld on t~e ~ of l~oh, A.D.1911e ~ the fellewi~ v~te : A~S, and in favor .f the Passage .f said Ordl~noe : ~OES, and against the pas~ge of said Ordnance : S~n~ ~ apprev~ as an Ord~s. nce.~f~he Oity of 9~uth San Yraneisce, this · f M~ch, 1~ ~ ~RESID~T OF THE 0F TEE OITT O~ EO~N S~ FR~CISCO.