HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 45-1911 01~INANC~ NO .~-~- C~NTRAL NO:. - ~ O~INANCE I~POSING A LICENSE T~ 0U DOGS 0'~ 0R HA~0RED ~ITHIN T~ LI~ITS OF T:~ CITY 0~~ SOUTH ' 0 ~ PROVIDING A P~ALTY ~'OR T~ ~I_LATION F t'~NC IoCO, TEE EEO, . The BOA~D 0F T~RUST~VS of the CITY OF ..... .... ou~_..n S~ ~?ANCISC0 do orSain as follows: Section I. It shall ~e unlawful for amy person or persons to kee~, own or harbor within the limits of the. City of Sotuh San ~.~rancisco," any male or female doa:, over six(6) months old, without first payin~ for, and takingout a proper licanse, as hereinafter provided. Sectiom2. mot keepin~_~ every male do~ over si~(6) mont~s' old, the license tax shall be TW~{~2.0o~) DOL.bARf~ ~sr ar~num, payable ir~. ~advancc, the first day of J~.tnu~:~ry of each y~ar; after the first day of July of each year, tl-~ license shall be (:~ (~]I.O~'~) ]~OLLAR tu th~~ first day uf January next succedin,'f: for keepin[~ eve~-~y female do~: over six(6) months old t}~e license tax shall be ~'0UR(?)4.00)'I~OL .~ A,~?.~-~, payable in adv.~nce the first day of January each year: after the fiFst d~.~'~, o~' Julo, each year the license tax shall b~ T'vO('~'°,,~.00) I)OLLAk2 to the first day of January, next succedin~. Settlor; Any person or persons who sh~ll viol.~te ~y o the ~rov~sions of'this o~dinance, shall be deamed guilty of ~ misdeme.~mor an:? upon conviction therefor, shall bepunished b~, a lima of not exc~adin~ 0~ HU)~)~D(:;~IO0 ~v'~) DO~LA~q, or by imprisonment for a period not ceedin~E one (I) month. Section 4. The City Clerk an5 City ~farshal shall each. be entitle~ tu r~ceive twenty-five (2f~) cents out cf every sum col~_ecte'~ as license tc~ under' this om~ina~ce. Section 5. This ordinance ~hall be publisher] once in THE ~},F~'~'owIc~-~,' a we~kl'.~ ne-,vsp.:tper, printc, d and pu~l~shed in tee C~t~. of f'outh Pranciaco, an shall take effect and be i.n force from and after the date of its passage. ~~d 0~~ Intro~ucect the ...... ay . 191[. Passed and a~opted a~s an o~dinance of the City of South 2a~ ~,~in~ of the Board of ~rustees~ oF the Cit~ ~ra~cisco ~t ~ regular me ..... ~ of South San Francisco, this -.- ~y o 9I'-, bi/ tee follo,~,ing vote~ A~,]S.~m INk'AVON 0F T~{E PAS~AGV~ OF SAID Signed and allUOrovel as~n ordinance of the City of South San Francisco, this~~y o~gIf[. -- ~ President of~e Board.. o~ ~st, ees ~ m /~ .~ne~" City ~South 5an" ~rancisco.