HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 111-1921 AN 01tDINANCI AMENDING $1CTXON X9 OF 0RDINANCI NO. X2 OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO ENTITLED CAN 0R]~INANCE FROHXBITXNG RU~NING AT LARGE. OF AIIIIE~LS ~Hlll THE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF SOUTH FRANCISCO AND ~0VIDING ~R ~ ~~DXN~ ~D 3~ OF ~ ~D R~NG ~T~, ~GE IN B~D cITY~m' ~SED ~D ~ED ~ T~ B0~D 0F ~~B 0F T~ CI~ 0F B0~H ~ ~NCIBCO 0N T~ 4TH D~Y ~ ~~Y~ ~90De ~D ~~N~ 0RDIN~CE N0. 95 0F T~ CITY 0F B0~H ~ ~C~C0 E~XT~D ~ 0RDIN~ ~IN~ SECTION N0. 19 ~ 0~IN~ N0. ~2 0F T~ CITY 0F 30~H ~ F~CIBC0 ~TIT~D *~ 0~DIN~ ~OHI'BXT~G ~ IN SAID CITY,' P~SED ~ ~P~D ~ T~ ~ 0F TR~S OF CITY 0F ~U~ S~ ~CISC0 0~ T~ 4TH DAY 0F J~Y~ ~09.e B~ Fr~oiseo ~t~tle~ "~ 9r~l~nee p~b~tX~ the r~~ ~t im sai~ City,~ ~se~ ~ a~o~t~ by the Bo~ of ~astees of t~ City ef Se~th S~ ~oisoe en the 4th ~ay of J~y, l~09, is hereby 3eetioa 1~; The Dc~ ~ster s~ be entitle~ to e~ge ~ re- ceive fees ~ ~ensati~a fcr ~s se~eea ia i~o~~ ~-~s ~, the fe~ing rates: For ea~ ~ every horse, ~e, ~e, Jack, ~e~e~, hog, pig, bull, e~, ex, steer, heifer, or ass, reeeive~ or t~en into t~ pc~, Six Dell~s ($6.00~ each ~ ~c Dell~s ($~.00~ each. eent en the ~t re~ing ~ter. ~enzes ~d O~S ~e p~; ea~ ~ eve~ s~ep, g~t cr l~b t~en or receive~ into ~he Three D~ll~s ($~.00~ ea~, ~ for ~eeping, ~tering ~ fee~i~ eaeh a~tional if ~vertiseA~ ~ If sol~, the s~e eo~ssicn ~ allowe~ for horses am~ sach other ~i~ls ~s above ~ro~e~; Fo~ impounding any ,og, the sam of T~m Dollars {$2.00); For feeding hews, the sum of Thirty {30) cents per to be psi, by the owner; For killing ,egs as herein provide~, One Dollar {$1.00) each; For removing from the public streets any ,ea~ horse or ~raft ~p~m~l, or an~ ,es, sow, bull, ox, heifer, or calf. the sum of Six Dollars ($G.O0) eaoh, to be psi, by the owner of the animal; For removing from the public streets any ~eaH Hog, oat, goat or sheep. Fifty (50) cents sash, to be paiH by the owner. Section 2. Ordinance No. 95 entitleH UAn orHinanee amen, ing Se~tion 19 of or, inauoe Ho. 12 of the City of So,th San Francisco entitle~ tAn ordinance prohibiting the running at large of animals within the limits of ~uth San Franeiso~ an, providing for the impoo~n&- ing an, sale of animals foun~ r~aning at large in saiH City,, passeH an~ a, opte, by the Boar~ of Trustees of the City o£ $oe.~h San FTaneisoo on the 4th day of January, 1909u, ~asso, an, a, opte, byre a ia Boar~ of ess on the 2OtB ~ay of August, 1917, is hereby Section 3. This or, inanoe shall be publisheH once in UThe Enter- priseu, a weekly newspaper )rants,. publishe, an, sire,late, in the City of So,th San Francisco, an, shall talcs effect and be in force from anH after tho expiration of Thirty (30) ,aye after the ~ate of its passage. Intro,uoe~ this /~ ~ of ~ ._ ., 19Z1. ~aaseH an, a,opteH as an or,i City of South San Fran- cisco at a regular meeting of the Boar, of Trustees of the City of So,th San Franeisoo, this ~ ,ay of ~~ ,' 1.Z1. by the followln vote2% ·