HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 117-1922 0BDINANCE NO. !/ ~ AN ORDINANCE ESTABV, ISHING RESIDENCE, BUSINESS AND INDU$~RIAZ DISTRICTS OR ZONE$ IN THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO. The BOard of T~rastees of the City of So-th San Francisco do dain as follows: Section 1. All the territory of the City of $oath San Francisco lying, north cf Railroad AYen~e, prolonged to the westerly boandary line of said city, and. westerly from the following line: co~mencing at the lnte~section of the center line of Railroad Aven~e with .~he center li~e of L~den Arenas; thence at r~ght ~g~es nor~er~y a~ong the center of L~en ~venue tc the center l~ne of Co~ero~al ~ae; thence at r~ght ~g~es easterly a~ong the center Line cf Co~erc~a~ A~enae ~ro~aced east- er~y to the center ~ine of C~ress A~enae; thence northerly a~cng the center ~ne cf C~ress ~venae to the center ~ine of ~ Arenas; thence easterly a~ong the center ~ine of ~den Arenas to the easterly ~ne S~ Bric ~oad; thence northerly a~ong the easterly ~ne of 3an Roa~ to the north boldly ~ne of sa~ C~ty of 3oath 3~ ~o~soc, copt the portion of sai~ territory which is describe~ in seotio~ 2 of this or,in,ce, is hereby ~etermine~ ~d ~eol~ed to be a residence ~is- trict. Section 2. There is hereby exo~te~ ~o~ the 1~ ~esoribe~ in sec- tion 1 of this ordinance the l~d described as follows: Be~nning at a point for~e~ by the intersection of the center line cf Pine Arenas with the center line cf C~ress Arenas, as shown apon that certain ~p entitled "Soath S~,~cisco, S~ ~teo Co., Cal. Plat No. 1", which ~p was filed in the office cf the Coanty Recorder of the Cowry of San.~teo, California, ~eh 1, 1892, ~d reeor~ed in ~ Bo~k No. 2 at page 52; thence soatherly along sai~ center line of C~ress Ave- nme So the intersection thereof with the center line of the~ alley in block n~bered 158, as shown apon said ~p; thence westerly ~long the center line of said alley prodmeed westerly across Linden Avenme ~d along the -1- center line of the alley in block 126 to the line produced northerly, separating lots g and 3 in said block 126, as shown upon said map; thence at right angles southerly along the westerly boundary line of lot number- ea B in sai~ block 126 to the center line of Miller Avenue; thence west- erly along the center line of Miller Avenue to the easterly boundary line of lot 29, in block 116, produced northerly; thence southerly along a line formed by the westerly,boundary lines of lot 29 an~ lot 12, in said block 116, to the center line of Gran~ Avenue; thence easterly along the center line of Grand Avenue to the intersection thereof with the line se- parating lot $? from lot 35, in block 117, produced northerly; thence at right angles southerly along said line separating said lots 37 and 38 to the center line of the alley in sai~ block 117; thence at right angles easterly along the center line of. saiR alley in block ll? to the center line of Maple Avenue; thence southerly along the center line of Maple Ave- n~e to the center line of Baden Aven~e; thence easterly along the center line of Baden Avenue to the intersection thereof with the line separating' lot 24 from lot g5 in block 123 produced northerly; thence at right angles southerly along said line separating lots 24 and 25 and along the line parating lot 3 from lot 2, in said block 123, produce~ across Commercial Avenue, and south-erly along the line separating lot PA from lot 25 in block 12~, az~ along the line separating lot 3 from lot 2, in block 122, prodUce~ southerly, to the center line of Railroad Avenue; thence at right angles easterly along~the center line of Railroa~ Avenue to the cen- ter line of Linden Aven~e; thence at right angles northerly along the cen- ter line of Linden Avenue to the center line of Commercial Avenue; thence at right a~ugles easterly along the center line of 0ommercial Avenue pro- ~uced easterly to the center line of'0ypress Aven~e; thence northerly a- long the center line of Cypress Aven~e to the center line of Baden Avenue; thence easterly along the center line of Baden Avenue to the easterly line of San Bruno Roa~; thence northerly along the easterly line of San Bruno Road to the center line of Pine Avenue; thence westerly along the center line of ~ine Avenue to the center line of Cypress Avenue an~ point of be- ginning. --~-- ~he l~nd in this section ~escribe~ is hereby.determined and de- clared to be the basiness ~istrict in said City of So~th San Francisco. Section 3. Ail portions of sai~ City of South S~n Francisco ly- ing s~t~ of Railroa~ Aven~e, Drolonge~ to the westerly bo~y line of sai~ city, and east of the following line: oo~encing at the inter- section of the center line of R~ilroad AVenae with the center line of Linden Aven~e; thence ~ ri~t ~gles northerly ~lcng the center line of Linden Aven~e to the cen~er line of 0o~ercial Avenae; ~hence right ~gles easterly ~long the center line of Cc~ercial Aven~e pro- ~ce~ easterly to the center line off O~ress Avenae; thence northerly ~long ~he center line of 0~ress Avenue to the center line of B~en Aven~e; ~ence easterly along t~e center line of Ba&en Aven~e to the easterly line of S~ Br~o Ro~; thence northerly along the easterly line of S~ Bruno Ro~d to the north bo~ry line of sai~ City of So~th S~ Fr~cisco ~e hereby ~etermined ~n~ declare~ to be industrial dis- tricts of sai~ City of ~o~th San ~cisco. Section 4. It is hereby ~eclare~ to be ~lawf~ for ~y person, firm or corporation to erect, establish, conduct er ~intain in the residence ~istrict of sai~City of South plant, t~nnery,glue factory, so~p f~ctory, rolling mill, fo~ry, re- ~ction works, fire works f~ctory, stone crashing ~l~nt, wood yar~,l~- bet y~r~, w~ehoase, sheet metal works, J~k y~, brick yar~, c~nery, glass factory, c~rriage factory, aatomobile factory, cooperage, flo~ mill, rice mill, iron works, wire mill, pipe. works, blacksmith shop,~- chine shop, planing mill, ice plant, oil ~ gasoline service station, battery station, p~blic le~n~y, w~sh ho~se, ca, et beating establish- ment, pickle works, vineg~ works, still, bakery, mac~oni factory, or ~y factory or works where power of ~ny kin~ is ~se~ in the operation of t.he same, ~ert~ing establis~ent, f~neral Parlor, ~yeing or cleaning establ.is~ent, butcher shop, ~ket, ~ocery, ~elicatessen store, fruit store, shoe store, shoe repair shop, clothing store,. ~rug store,, can- '~y store, ice cream parlor, or other store where merchandise of any kind is sold or ba~tered, bicycle shoD, restaurant, hotel, pool room, b~rber shOp, plumbing shed or public garage. Section 5, It is hereby declared to be ~nlawful for any person, Tirm or corporation te erect, establish, maintain or conduct in the business district described in section 2 of this ordinance any asphalt plant, tannery, glue factory, soap factory, rolling mill, foundry, re- duction works, fire works factory, stone crashing plant, wood yard, lum- ber yard, warehouse, sheet metal works, Junk yard, brick yard, oa.nnery, glass factory, carriage factory, automobile factory, cooperage, flour mill, rice mill, iron works, wire mill, pipe works, blacksmith shop, ma- chine shop, planing mill, oil and gasoline service station, battery sta- tion~pablic laundry, wash hesse, carpet beating establishment, pickle works, vinegar works, still, bakery, macaroni factory, or any factory or works where power of any kind is used in the operation of the same, or engage in any manufacturing other than manufacturing clearly inciden- tal to a retail basiness permitted by this ordinance to be con~ucted in said business district. · Section 6. The provisions of this ordinance shall not apply to any factory, works or business herein classified, which, at the time of the passage of this ordinance, shall have been lawfully established within the limits of sai~ City of South San Frunciseo. Section ?. Every person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemesmor a~d apon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not exceeding Three Hun- dred (300) Dollars or by in~risonment for a period of not more than Ninety (90) days, or by both such fine aha imprisonment, and each such person, firm or corporation shall be guilty of a separate offense for every day duming .any portion of which any violation of this ordinance is -4- SeO.tio~ B. '~hi. or~ima~Ce shall be p~bliahe~ onoe in "The Eater- ~rise· & weekly newspaper pablishe~ ~n~ eiro~ate~ in s~ City o~ ~'Oath S~ Fr~isoo, ~ s~ll t~e effect ~ be in force from ~ after the e~iratlon of Thirty (~0) ~ys ~ter. the ~ate of its passage. following vote: ~oes, Trastees, Absent, , A~prcved: